HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-02-22, Page 6wafroE -six; tr 4,1 1 . . P 1+TJOfi*QW, SENTINEL, LUCKNQW, ONTARIO ' .. rry,, ,Rodney,;': Fundy, ;Shield, Suricoe . and' Clint1a d.: PRICE PER . BUSHEL ada No. 1; $1.50, ' CanadaCert. ,"ed 'Canada Registered No. lr, BARLEY York, Herta,Brant; and; Parkland; PRICE PER BUSHEL Canada . No. 1, $1.90, Canada Certified No. 1, $2.15 CANADA REGISTERED No. 1, $2.25. SELKIRK WHE'A'. ' PRICE PER BUSHEL ,. Canada No. 1,, $2.60, Canada 'Certified No., ' 1; $2.60 Canada, Registered ; No. 1, $2.75 X D MI E GRAIN Canada No. - 1,Mixture, $4.75l :bag. d t per 100 b. 4 choices (1') Garry, Herta, Selkirk' Mix (2.) : Garry, York, . Selkirk Mix (3) Rodney, Herta, •,Selkirk. Mix, (4) Rodney, York, Selkirk Mix, Mixedat ratio of 6 pks. oats, 2 pks.: barley, 1 pk. wheat 0. 1, '$1.60 MIXED GRAIN Canada. No. 1 Mixture, $4.25 per 100 lb. bag 2 choices ' (1) Garry, Herta Mix (2) Rodney, Herta Mix Mixed at ratio of ' 6 pecks oats, 2 . pecks' barley. ALL GRAIN': IS TREATED ;•: . DISCOUNT OF 5c •:PER,, BUSHEL • ON ORDERS .OF OVER. :10 BAGS nderson Elax,: Pr�dtic.ts Lin ited :. Phone 21-W, Lucknow''• • 1' y x VILLAGE 'LADIES JOIN FOR WORLD ' PRAYER; SER'VICE'. f MARK BIRTHDAY, Letters To The Editor 'WEDDING' EVENTS Rip}ey., lE!ebruaxy• 18,, 2661 Mr,. 'Editor:; (KINLOIJGH NEWS), The A,Y.P.A. met at ' the church on Tuesday evening for a Valentine Box Social. The pre- sident, Alex Hewitt was in the chair. The hymn "Come .let us to. the, Lord our .god" was sung followed by prayer, The scrip- ture was read by Mrs, L. A. Bennett auctioned the boxes,. The. ed the roll call, with .a•'Valentine verse:,'also •a .Valentine draw. A round • of progressive ;games were ' enjoyed after which Rev. Bennett autioned the boxes.... The prize for the,' nicest- Valentine box went. `to Sheila Haldenby Mary Jane Stark was .'2nd, :Prizes were also awarded for .the games,' A skating party. was 'planned for Saturday • night. , • The World Day of ;'Prayer was observed on Friday afternoon.; The service for this dis!tr'ict 'was: held in the . Anglican Church, with •Mrs. Bert Nicholson key: woman. Miss Edna Boyle was at the piano. Mrs. Toro . Hodgins & Mrs.. Roy Schneller took the res- ponsive reading:' tile theme was. "Forward ' through the . Ages", also .the first hymn. The other hymns were "Cr God our Help" in Ages 'Past," "Breathe • on me. Breath of:, .God and "The Day, thou' gayest Lord :is • Ended." Prayers were given by Mrs. Wal- ter Breckles Mrs. Midford Wall Mrs. -Torn MacTh nald, ' Mrs. Wm. E. •Halderi•by, Mrs. Frank.M.aulden:` 'The ,address: on the :theme ' was ,. given by' Miss• May ' Boyle: Mrs, • Harold Haldenby favoured with , ,a • solo. "How' great Thou •: Art." Mrs: George .H'atderiby received`: the`'•,ofifering. ;At the close Of the: • meeting a short business : pei•'iod• was held. Mrs. Walter • Breekies will be. the key ,woman • fo'r • the. next years. meeting;. Mrs., •Eldon•Eckenswiller .spent; ain, afternoon . during • thee week `%I with- Mrs. J W. Colwell. Family .dinners; were held :•at' ;the • home of Mr. Harold ' Percy and 'Miss Wirnifred :.Percy in l honour of Mrs. Wm •Percy's 88th birthday and at-the,home,of •Mr: i•and''Mrs Jack Hodgins 'in hon-' Dear. Friend The last letter i,rom this: source; sees to have been pretty• well { mI. read,. so; possibly you will. find space for 'another. , If' • there is something Wrong, with ou : jog Producers: Marl et- ing Board, and their: method of selling, this dispute is. between the Processors 'and ' drovers, on one side, and ..the Producers on the other: If the ,Processors have., a• real beef, why not • take it to • a Court of Jus tice, Without. condemning, our Leg- islative "Marketing 'board, why have' . they 'amended regulations, 'which .:in. effect will force some• method of auction selling, or'some hidden Method of sale. on us; with Out an open hearing between Pro- cessors , and Producers at • which hearing, `'a ruling was brought out a ainst our ' Marketing Board . or g vice. versa: • It. is ' a. Cardinal rule of British Justice, that 'a person is innocent until proven' guilty; Could it be our, Legislative Marketing • Boardm have become one of the• parties of the dispute, rather than ' the judge of the''d:ispute. • We: would like to know, .why they have taken' so .much interest in our bookkeeping and methods of sale,. while so far as.' we know they have taken, little ,or no interest' in the processors :books or, methods of buying. The' least we. can `ex WXDNFIS AY R; .FEB. 2211.4, 1361' Mrs. Strapp•gave a very fine talk'our of Mr. and ;.Nlrs: JamesHod- on World ;Missions and Mrs. i gins" 56th: wedding anniversary. p , Steer, accompanied ; tby Philip r I Congratulations to M'r. and1Vtiss , Malcolve ,a.:lovely The World Day of Prayer. ser-,MMalcolm ga„Mrs •Oswald Audi of, London on; vice was.• held in the'SS. room. 'Solo, God Answers Prayer • I the birth• of twins; .' (a boy and of', the Presbyterian Cbui�ch '.on . Prayers • ' were , given iby 'Mr's- !girl') , Mrs,: .R I was the' ,fanner Friday afternoon,, wibh ; .a large Wrigh't-Mrs;� R--H.:.MacL- eod1Vliss-Tpolena Orr. ; attendance of members' from the Dean MacLeod, Mrs. Wib Hodg ,Mr: and Mrs.` Malcolm Lane United; Anglican,.: South. Kinloss kinson,Mrs. Fred MacQuillan &. •visited'• duringt:he week with. Mr. Mrs.. Cooper.. The :Offering' has p and' - Luckriow• • ,• Presbyterian: � • .. and • Mrs, Canv bell:';�'Brown. '-at been sent ;to The Women's: Inter.=Mark•dale.: . Church • Council of Canada, to - be' • used in 'World Wide. Missions. iCan; So• • uth. Churches, .The `meeting . was con- ducted' , by Mrs. Morgan with Miss' Margaret ,Malcolm as orgar.'iist=-and: followed the sere vice : prepared by the Central Day of Prayer Committee of .the U.S.A., the .theme being . "For ward Through the Ages in Up,' • broken. Line." The leaders . were M"rs. Robert MacKenzie . and Mrs. .Noble .Johnston, Lucknow •Pres= byterian; Mrs.J. W. Joynt and '.Mrs. ' • Leonard , 'Ritchie'i ' I7n ted Church; Miss Dorothy Cooke. & Mrs. Ernest Gaunt,: Anglican. and Mrs; W.: F. 'MacDonald 'and Mrs. .Harold .Austin of. South • Kinloss' KINTAIL . ' KOTTON `KLIPP.ERS The fourth trieetir g • of the •Kin tail Xottori'. •Klippers was. held at the Hemlock City School. at -7:30 p.m.: Twelve rriernbers --at- tended.• The meeting opened' with 'the 4-H• pledge and the roll call. 'Mrs. H. MacKenzie: looked over the books. Mrs: G.' Moncrief and Mrs. H. 'MacKenzie helped with the' • dresses on which . the girls did• darts the staystitch.° and Some basting: mews'... -Business 39' RANCE A;eni.1 GENEtA.. INSURANCE 'HOWARD AGNEW Residence • 138 00,04.4LrN .., rnaN'4'.4.. • . r.P4Ni^M NNOMNI cy There was no ' school: ,here' on ',Monday owing t'o ' the. 'illness of' the teacher, Mrs..Katherine COI dins' who had a' severe• fall on the ice. • ' k � Mrs. Gertrude Walsh visited` • an . evening with 'Mr. and Mrs. Ben Scott. Visitors .during the Week. .with. Mr.. and. Mrs.' Gerald ;Rh'ody. 'and family` were `M'r. and 'Mrs. Ralph R.hody of 'Port. Elgin, Mr .4 Mrs: Howard•Thompson,• Mr. and Mrs.. Harvie Thonvpson and fan'i•ily of Purple Grove • . • Mr.:and,.Mrs. Gerald •Rhody. ,& family,spent ' Friday evening with Mr: and Mrs' Cliff Johnston. The Anglican Congregation will, welcome. •the . Boy Scouts :and, Cub's, their :,parents and friends:. to the, service at .3 o'clock p.m. on Sunday next, February 26th: MAONUMENT F'or soundcounsel and a fair price on a,rr onument correctly 'designed from quality.: material, '' rely on SKELTON MEMORIALS. RAL$• Pat O'Hagan, reap:. r,stablished Over Shit- Years W ,. tttlkerten.' Phone. 63$-ttit •Ontario . { n • it KINLOSS NEWS Miss Phyllis ' Steer underwent ail operation in St. Joseph's Hos- pital;: London on Monday., Sandy' MacKenzie.. of Western University` is ho.me�-'for a week of 'study; , • ' Miss Helen Campbell of i(ltch- ener spent the'week-end at• the home of her parents, • Mr. and • Mrs. Harold .Campbell: ; William Dickie is absent ,from fiehool with the chicken pox. Congratulation . to Allan • Mac:. Dougall en passing his Grade VIII music exarninatton. • „Noticed in the Olivet News of an unusual bird. This would proms bably be the pileated Woodpec'- ker. One of. these • rare birds which .are so targe,atid beautiful has .'been' a regular visitor fOr sevetal, winters here. IS TOPS'. .f, ells trees up. to•3' feet 10 04 arnetet•. Cuts. 18" trees in '18 seconds. Only 18t. pounds: 1 famqus Homelite quality.' •.1,44.e FREE DEMON$TRATIN' O yes= bat and:chos, RONALD STANLE Kinloss Ontario: • Phone Bervie 2441 pectand want is fair -.play, I was pleased to note in• 'last weeks paper that Ross' Whicher, M.P. made it' his business to find out .the truth regarding Charles McInnis salary,, and found •out. his` salary • was' . appr..oximately . the same ' as our 'Road _Superintend= era received.' Thanks Ross,, find ut omore, and'you will be- , sur prised to know;, .that. a few 'men. of .a wilt.,' work for the' good cause regardless of: ,salary.. Thank, YO Thank •John° McMurchy.. riga S?hoc interested ' .in a; •.. Clallengng , Fnture ' and Ferso al Satisfaction! Expanding ..sclinol enrolments : in. Ontario'. for ' the future:, indicate a gro‘Ving: demand . for, elenien:ta'ry: and secondary•sc'.lin 1. 'teachers; , The 'opportuni,ty •to 'become a teacher • i:s, open' to-exrerV. High School Student.. Make your decision. now ► ' The teaching profession provides .rea•t eronal :satisfaction rarely found in: other. areas of entloy ment. ' It presents a 'challenge to; those. interested •in contribution ,to our conituunity and ,national way of life. Teachi.ni~. means liard work,hnt•'it ralfin means maiiv• benefits' ' such:' as.. 'opportunities; for• ativanceme:nt. adequate .pension• security' • of. tenure,' sick leave protection;;. and time for :travei, recreation and: professional-. improvement; Teachers'' ,,salarie:5. have intnrroved .n aterially recent years. The following :are the salary scales currently. being 'paid: in', L>JCKNOW: • Category :1. $$44,18 4; ,600.'00 - �Cat gory 3' — $5,8100.00 . .Category, 4 Elementary Scliool Teachers require one years. P rofessional training•' past ' grade 13 and. ,two past ,grade 12 • for Abe basin, certificate. • Secondary School Teachers ,rewire a. University degree and one year•'of professional 'training past grade 13, �. $7,600.00 $7,800.00 $8,500.00• $8,500,00 ' DECIDE NOW to continue your education and k •qualify' for, a career as an' Elementary or Secondary School Teacher. i. LUCKNOW DIST ICT HIGH' SCHOOL, BO