HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-02-22, Page 1$3 00 :A"'Year In :Advance T-. >1.00 Extra Tb U.S.A. ` LUCKNOW, ONT. ...1 ARID ,FEB. 22nd, 1961 FOURTEEN PAGES HYDRO SYSTEM: HAS GOOD PROF T The Lucknow Hydro Electric System had; .* good year' and as of December 3,1st, 1960,.. shciwed a profit; 'of $4,515.78. The System has currently cash in the' bank of slightly over. $8,()00' and. • has securities of : $9;00O.0Q ' Power purchased from amounted to $28,462.74. Total' ex- penses, including" -$2244.00. for= plant depreciation amounted to $38,348,11... . Revenue •'fro#. sale •of power was as follows: Domestic ..$16,898.53 Commercial r..:.10,111.80 Power Comrnet cial . .. 12,767.13: Street lighting: • •, 2,803,11 'Interest on security and Su,ndry 283.32 • Total revenue .,,:.,,$42,863.89' ` Total expenses38,348.:11; Net; Profxt. ,..$.' 4,515,78 Total KWH .•,pu=rchased: H,E"P.C. ,by. the' . local system ' amounted to .3,164,800; • •Total; K,W':H sold -amounted:to . 2.,863,- 13.0, which : means ' 'a ' line •. 'arid transformer loss' of 301,670 KWH. A certain amount..of line loss is• ...inevitable and in : comparison •,',with other. systems; this does ,not Appear "„excessive' locally.., It sufficient however, to warrant a thorough; survey . of the local. :system to.'determine .Was changes. and .improvements can„ be made' tocorrect :this to ` s. ss ,of.. power.j L. RW IN HEADS EW C •... H' AP ER ;T' A meeting held a t:Amber- ng was s mai ariate Icy. Orange,, Hall 1 ,toa g , Kincardine District. R.S.C. and Kinloss District:R.S.C.under the lR e new charter of West Bruce Cty.: 'Royal 'Scarlet.' Chapter 'Clarence. MacLennan, County .Master,• was •. chairman for the •election,: and : installation ' of ,the. .,following' officers._• W. ' Commander, . Alvin • Irwin: : D. Cor anan'der, :,Irvin Keyes; Chaplain, A,'ithur Smeltzer; :Scribe, .IReuben Wilson; Treasur '•er;'John McCorinich; Lect;. Lorne Reid, ' J. ; 'Kettchabaw, Marshall, Lorne Emmerton; • Conductors, H. Guest,' R. Lyons, Sr.• Herald, belt Courtney; Sentinel David Johnston. ATTEND BAPTISM' Present sent on'.theoccasion of the baptism il p sm of Robert Grant• 'Gil- christ; chri' st, infar}t son of Mr,. and Mrs. :Robert Gilchrist; in Lucknow Pr•s egbyterian Church on Sunday were Mr..and Mrs', Gordon Camp bell, Mr. and .Mrs. Anco Gu key ma; ' Betty and Joyce of Kincar- Cline, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon .Mac- Donald Kinlough 'ant Mr.. Fred Gilchrist. , ist. Mrs: `Gilchril't, was • un-' able to be -present • ' ”"THE ROCKET" WILLING AND GENEROUS* WITH HIS AUTOGRAPH ROCKETS TO POPULARITY ` it was his Skill in scoring goals that won.. Maurice ';Richard the title of : " T'he Rocket", But on his: 'visit to,JLucknowlast Wednesday he 'rocketed to . popularity. with. ;young and old,•alike, by his mod- esty and his interest in "the'kids.''. 'Here,. the Sentinel cameraman caught him between games the ' Community .Room '. 'of the Arena, surrounded = note you •- • mostly *bygirls at 4114particul- ar: time; who were eager'. for his autograph:' And they ' found "The. Rocket" gracious' 'and willing to oblige • Sentinels Photo lens Progress Contributed Tli :f' 1 L • - kn - ' w.asr Tlie V 1 ag�"`o'f-•` , uc aye -••- founded in 11158,. and the, Ang1'i cans of this . early ` Community, worshipped ;at ', 'the ' moather" church,'• St. P au.ls Dungannon. .In , 1874, :-the year after the, •inco- pe>rati•,on• of the' Village,. the Rec- tor::of Dungannon, The Reverend E. 'M. Blarid..was'requested. . to conduct: services at L'ucknow.. The first sei•viu was' attended' by 3:8 people,. and was held in :rooms over, the .store' that is noW oc- cupied byB•utton's Butcher Shop •Iii 1878 the ,present site was donated•`by one of the: members, Mrs, West. and in' the 'same year; the„ building of the chureh••corn- plc:ted the •firsCincuuribent being the Rev: James Carrie. • As the -Years passed a growing •ncod for accomodation for the Snday,.,School, and ;other paro- chial events ,was evident, and :from -tithe 'to' time many. plans' were discussed, chiefly,the exC:a,- or uildingaSt. Peter's' parish j vation• and 'renovation Of.' the -basexent area..Actual' work' was ard eive R�t,.sIn :come. On Lucknow: Wisi •.About, a thousand enthusiastic residents of the community —.a good rnany of them very vocal children: and', teenagers ---;' .gave Maurie "The Rock01" Richard a rousing' reception on the occa- Sion of- his appearance in the .Lucknow Arena .last .Wednesday evening. Modest and unassuming, iii spite of "'the fact he• is one of the all-time greats in hockey;, Rich= •,ard made, a" big ,hit locally, He :remained on the ice throughout three =nit br hockey games. of 20- minutes each and '(graciously re'flock: of autographs' for warm- of children who be- seiged him. Pictures of Richard which ' had• been 'printed; s't The Sentinel 'Office, 'were distributed at 'the arena that evening. • • .mpnies.. and called Reeve Gee, :guest, 11,1r, said •it ;was a "1141 lihnoor do so, and th,at• 1, one and efily. M•auriev Richard."' !.-ed onto the ice arid. re;eived quite f.hd•alfit. was the; Centennial hi - Club, Pl'esent'ed. ,a servittg -v to. lOhn for hig part (C tibitied on Page 12)' Y CAR STOLEN, EARLY TUESDAY MORNING Jack MacDonald of .the -Es- so serviee. he Es-so'.service:• station,'. arose on'' Tuesday morning to 'discover that his car had. been stolen through .the night' from be- side his . hotpe Jack'first'iioticed a strange' It was., a 1952 Chea. Then he discovered•, that his 1956 Dodge was missing Police were notified & upon train.. •'the .Chev, found c g v, .o t. it; had been stolen . from `the ',ow ner's"garage' in Kincardine. • hampered by lac • k' of 'finances, as well; as` -the perpetual` clatniineas of the basement .& made the: use �f this ,area.unsuitable. the �ear.of.'19- InD during. 3' ., . 5 , du , g. the'. incu'm'bency • of the' ` Reverend.; A. S. Mitchell the . first definite step's Were takers by the found=• .in'i of a `=Parish' •=Tall. `Building Fund," the'•,firstgenerous dopa tion:.frcm ]I•.,'James.: Mitchell, ,now of London; Ont., in memory of his'•father, .Mr. 11/loorhouse Mit-, . hell who for over 25 years' was SEEK. LOTS. FOR TREE PLANTI NG • . The -regular monthly meeting of the Lucknow and District 'Hor- ticultural Society was • . held in the Council' Chambers,. of the Carnegie hall on Friday even- ing. The, president, Kenneth., Cant- eron' ;opened. the meeting (with • welcoming, remarks., • Correspondence read included. a notice from • the Canadian Rose Society announcing , this year's show to be'. held in Leaside,. June 23rd and 24th" A letter from ,Mc Lean . publishing, company: invit- ed member's to subscribe to the `Canadian Home:, and Gardens at .a;special reduced rate of $1.65 per' year, ' A letter . of•, acknowledgement from .Mr, 'P,' W., Hoag was •read, in • `. which he stated:. he 'was very grateful.• for the diploma given, hirn; by the Society., The treasur- er's 'report. showed .a balance:.in the," bank_ of .$378,11 with cash, on . hand of • $12.84, There. are •73' senior and 41 junior members paid up to date.: , • The ; program .'committee, Mrs. Struthers • and • Mr's. Reavie, had. :Mr. .Cameron . call on Barbara Cameron for aviolin selection. She was 'accompanied by • Mrs: Ross Cumming • .The fust. fi1'm: • was'• ,them pre- sented, "The Miracle ' of the Bulbs Thisis' a' film . of time lapsephotography" depicting:from the time .abulb is planted until thebeautiful.,blo m breaks Ont. in all its glory. Special music ac- 'companied, the ;pictures: and .one part was' called 'ba'llet in . •bio•s . soros.: Miss Cameron then played .;another ' violin 'selection. The next `film was 'The ',pro - mdse. of Sprmg" . and. featured, America`s famous ; 'gardener Fred x. F� Rcckwel;' showing a . young-'' couple: how to plant their new; home, and then : the results of his suggestions were shown .as the 2. 'film took the viewers on to the . next spring: Following • the ,films, Mr. •'Came- ron asked for volunteers to ap-' proacfr-the . i.4 uperty-owners-eon cerned 'with the treeplanting on 'r=ain ;street. 'It wasleft to Mr. Stewart Robertson,' Mr: Cameron ,and , Mr .•Bri tow. . (Continued o gage 14I' car 'parked On the roadway unday.; School Superintendent 'and a loyal church .worker. Over :the last decade." the fund has grc•wn by donations from mem hers` some of t� hcr:[ri now reside, ' ,e elsewhere friends of from . s ... o the Church, as well. as local merch thesegifts were placed..' n the S '-i d of the Diocese trust' and with the interest has r --ached ,the :sun= of 'nearly, $1,200,00. 1 On ivover•t�er ...he 28th, • i:;3G (Contin. on',. rage 3)' • LIONS .ICE• CARNIVAL 'EP FOR FRIDAY NIGHT The Lucknow and ` District Lion: • Cluib popular • annual ice rn'ival: wi11 be held iris the lo- cal arena on Friday of this week, • rpbruar.y. : 24th.; commencing . 'at ' 7:4.5 sharp.• '.f'l=e'e are cb,sturne event cash prizes for_• ni'e-schoo1 and kinder- at.teri- ublic school arid. hi .11, school students and adults: A de tailed list. -appeared in last Week's i ;sue of. The. Sentinel :`` There will a'so be speed arid novelty ,,crintests, as well as•the Q een of the :Carnival award., There will be a:• treat for all 'Pre -School and ptfblic , school Children. not wrnrirng' a costume Prize, .. • • Pre-school children ate free of charge and all in a 1e iti'niate cos, tuna° w,iil be. admitted free: • Theedrnrssion is - 35e for 'adults: 25c for. High School students and 10c. for public school children', This' is, always an enjoyable even: rig, and on.e which the°`spon-. Sorg never hope to much` more Man break even " in sponsoring the event. • • p g _ • • • NAME WEST ' B RU'C E. L L. ' OFFICERS The West Bruce Ccunty Orange Lodge Officers :for: 1961 as instal= .led. iby Carl Smith; . F:02%ff.•: at Ontario West are:. P, M,''.Clarence; Ma^L:en'nan .D...11/1,„: Charles Epi- Merton;Cha' air 'Rev. J C; Hut=' ton;. Sec., Reuben •Wilson: Sec., James . McNai'n; ,Treas., Bert 'Alton; .,Marshall, Donald • Court= ney; Lecturers. Lorne :Reid, ' A. S:meltzer; Auditors. Robert Lyons,. A. Ii -vein. It was decided at this meeting to hold the Tiwe'lth of .July cele bration • •in West- Bruce in 1962:' Lihthing' awanos doss Frank Thoin�son. R.R. 1. H"oiy rood, George Fee an, Goderich and i•c,wn Smy.t , Ii.P.. 2. Au - hu •n; all directors of the West' wr Wats arrc;:,h li utual Fire ghee • Conipany• were re-elected. the'r ,positions by acelai^'+a ion. at the a'n'al meet:iri ' of the, Co, held in the .Pa;1sh =Zell t ungan-• non, on Friday a fterioon. The nomin'.tions, were Prank 'Thomp-' son by Harvey' Houston. and Har.-: ry Watson; ' George Fea ;asp by Robert 'Sow, et;l:;y and Harry. Mit-, chell; Brown Smyth by Williatn• 1"ranSt.o:n and .Ted, Redmond' '` Frank Thompson•,' president of the company, acted .as chairman, and urged the attendance to el - ter into the disci' fi"ian as it: was g :.retorted w ",heir meeting, He, :,rirplup. at the''end. of •lt)60 of. 20,352 as cemp'a fed With S4.900 at the end of last year. With fe- �iyrr elec `rival storm -i ' dui '.rig• the si`IYin,ei lightning losses \Vere / down from ••$5,7(50 to W 13 fj30: nh-ect. , roser. incrxeaseci. X1.1;000 while reinstt•anoe fosse„'•. \;`ere' 1'e s by 816,000. The president ex- plained that earn(, re nog aero "face lilting;, had. .been clone at , the office iia Dungannon• with work on the front giving an' im- proved appearance, An illuminat- ed sign is being considered for the front• of the office building, Frank urged fire precaution and • that pcnlicwy,holde,rs". ensile:(=t their livestock after each electrical storm. HHrr referred to one corn., (Continued oil para. 1131 x