HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-02-08, Page 24P► G! MANX THE:' LUCKNOF SENTINEL, I ;UCKNOW,, ONTARIO InM.TESDAY, ,V1013., 10:th, 1:961 esf:t gt. OVERALLS WORK, SHUNTS. WORN PANTS • , , FON THE.WONKING, MAN ' Premium 'grads overalls -- cons- , Hough's Sanforized Gold, . Label ,44oth, and limit workmanship . Extra_ full cUt for more Comfortable with, kepi), . mond .'beir tacks at , all points of etrain for longer wear. Your best overall buy — Haugh's "Big 88"I AGENT FOR, KINcARMNE CLEANERS. free Pick•Up and Delivery Monday and ThursdaY Ladies and Men's, *ear Lucknow THA'Il Mrs. Wm. ,F. MacD.Onald of tov.rn Was recently' appointed secretary •of the Bruce Co-op Medical Services and hospitali- zation plan for Lucknow and THAT winners' at the . Belfast ' 'card party on. Thursday night Were 'Mrs. R. Phillips, Mrs. .Donald Hackett, Wilbur:Brown' and Don Paquette. ,The latter -most lone hands. ' THAT cheques. totalling $52,989 have been ,paid to Port Elgin claims • arising'' from the. fire 'Which CoMPletel-y--„destroyed• their arena $50 000 Was on the 'building and ' the balance on THAT the cut of Maurice Rich- ard used in last sweek's issue was loaned us by the Mount Forest Confederate. • THAT the annual meeting of' the West WaWanoSh • Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be ',held this - Friday, afternoon. Frank Thompson of Kinloss is 'Currently' serving as president. THAT, at the Bruce County 441 Honiemaking Clubs achieve - Merit day provincial a -Wards for. having completed 12 projects were Made to 'Sandra 'Percy Of Kinlough, Betty Jean Hpdgins ,of Westford and MarY Hodgins of Beryie. THAT -,the annu.al meeting of the Wingham General Hospital Board was .held recently. W. B:, the Townships „Cif KinlOss and West .WawariOsh. THAT Barbara., 'Cameron As. the which 'her dad recently pur- $EE BY THE ,THAir list week we repOrted that it had. been 23 below• on Fehtuary 2nd; ,and -coldest in 13 years, since January 31st 1.923." Obviously ' ,should THA-. 11 an all men's chOir, nuM- bering upwards, -of 2,5 and un- der the direction ot choir lead-: the Sunday morning serVice at Lucknow United Chureh. showed pictures of the Cana- dian Rockies, West Coast.. scenes ',and , other travel pictures • to School last week. She was welcomed' bY NancY Cor- rin and thanked 'by HUghie Johnston. THAT an advertiseinent in this issue. lists the various cositime . events' sand. other' competitions .' Lions' iee carnival on Friday of next- week. I§t KINL, OSS BOY SCOUT Boy SCont Week across the the ' founder. of . the. Scouting ove- !tient, Lord: Baden-Poweil.• In' Kinloss ,the. first annual father and son, banquet:Will bd held on Friday,: February 24th:as part .of ,our ' recognition of ,BoY .Scout Week: On the f011owing Sunday,. be held •at the Anglican. Church families .and lriendS are invited. YOUR BARGAIN FOODLAND KLEENEX TI$SUE SALE., HIGIFILAND PRIDE. COFFEE, 6 Pkgs• TOMATO JUICE. $ALE. $aite..8c. SWEEt MIXE0 PICKLES. 'Save 10c, Talt3r-frio. Large .48 .6z. Bargain. 'Jar. Headquarters For Everything GoodtiiT401e,sE,at and Drink. Fish,. Fruits and Citrus Juices, Gingerale, Croce ies.. Values EffeCtive February 16, We Sell,For Less *Phone 119, Lucknow' ;THAT:. getting , away frOm the t'grind7 for .the first time tn 'several' niOnthS, .the Pnblisher, Mrs. „Thornpson, PattiCia, and; • joanne spent ,the week -end: in . Toronto. ArriVed there Friday. „evening •arici prom,ptiy picked up a nail on UniVersity Ave. While sttuggling to;,rePlace the flat, had a well-dressed passer-. by: Offer his help, and actually :tot* over. the Changing of the Wheel, We Were a ,bit: dubious, hardly .exPecting this sOrt of teeeption the teeming met- , ropolis. *But it' waS :a gennirte apt of kindness, and the: helper appeared as pleased as a Bby Scout 'doing his good deed, for .16wn supporters whenever we town!' Lived in style- at The Lord Simcoe Hotel, which you see 'advertised regularly in The : 'Sentinel. Saw ,Ben Hur and the attended St..., Andrew's Presr night and on Sunday morning, hotel. On --the same page in Scouts!' the guest book of St. Andrews We had visitors thiS Week The ' , Gowanlock and Walkerton Scout - .master, John,Preston paid a sur. prise visit to , our first 'Scout Troop meeting. We :Put thern to work howeVer investing, Scotiter Wally and 'Scouter Frank as As- sistant., Scontinasters. " .Even thoUgh the Father and Son banquet . is only two weeks away, the 18 -boy troop started right into learning trail signs & hope to pass thiS test next Week. .All Scouts should have their knot- ting ropes for this 'week. .. and looking chipper' .agdin. Frank . DOUglas Eadie and Frank last year froni : Sarnia where he had beep invested as a ScOtit for Full attendance is' getting to be a good habit in this Kinloss :Pack. Each Six is trying' to win the Monthly competition, and :. regular attendance piles. ' up points.: Also Church Or Sunday School attendance : each week earnS high, points and We hope each ,•'Cub earns, , these' every Standing proudly in' frOnt of their iteW Akela, Morley Wall, tan' CO.§ were invested into the wOrld Wide brotherhood of Scouts; Donald Moffat; .MurraY Moffat . and George, Moffat bf ,Langside •School took their ,Pro- mise along with Arthur B:reck,,: les tlf Kirilongh, Good Hunting! OF ilk' NEW MocIJARY MORE ADVANTAGES with McCLARY HEATING! Guaranteed! Compact! Clean! Quickly Installed! Efficient! Enjoy greater heating ef-. fiency combined with compact, attractive de - unit. n itioner ..pURNACE TENDING HA HED .Enqii,iries Invited -- Islo Obligation Phone, 50 Lueknow SUPPORT THE LIONS CARNIVAL fivere the names of Mr: and Mrs. Charles , Webster, whb attend-) ed church there recently. ,THAT Ripley -Huron Fall Fair Board has -decided to' continUe to hOld • their fait' on the last Saturday in Septernber, eVen though thiS year they will be in, competition with TeesWater which 1:tas adopted that :date, :THAT Mr. and Mrs. LloYd-Ash: a. tWo-Weeks' holidaY in the THAT Jack Reavie has been aP- pointed- assessor of.' the' tOwn of Winghath,, succeeding the . late A. C. Agnew of Lucknow, • ,who was killed in a Motor ,ac. - THAT %Mrs: ,Ilob Hamilton of the '.$70. jackpot at .the Legion Thursday With '58 numbers 'being. called. ext week, the Legion is putting up . ,a $50 jackpot with no lithit tO ,the numbers being' called, It Frier*: What wete your fath., BereaVed: ,He didn't haVe.arlY,, Mothor Was with him to.the end,. A large ielection of plastic coate,d, washable, Regular and Ready Pasted waPpapers. PRICED AS LOW AS 9c per single roll'. Patterns and Semi plEtins for every roonV in your home. Halls Bathrooms and, Children's rooms, ALE STARTS FRIDAY FEBRUARY ,17th Shop..taily the iplettion is' at its. hest:, •