HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-02-08, Page 23yyEDNE'SPAX,:. FEB, 15th, 1961.
` M IN A L
'womeh'S. Institute Delegation,
Attended . West `Vawanosh.
Council Meeting Regarding
.Street. Lights; In :St, llellens
The reular February. y meeting
of West Wawanosh-
Council was' held, •;.on : Febriiar.y:
6th, 1961. All r4en'4bers present,
A delegation frons• St, 'Helens
Women's Institute appeared be-
fore Council concerning the mat-
ter. of installing street lights in
St. Helens, . ,. • • .
Mr N.., E. Neilans, . 'District
Municipal Engineer, was present
at this meeting in • connection
with. ,this year's road program & j
also in : regard td the financing;
of the new road maintainer which '
pass ibY-l',aw • No, 4, 1961,, This: is•
a :supplementary by-law in. the'
amount of $17,000 pertaining to
road expenditures and the intent
purpose .of' this by-law is ..to
assist 'in the financing; of the
i1,.'w road. maintainer whichis
on .order.
The C1Mrk was instr,u:eted, to•
call for tenders for the 'spraying.
of cattle: for waiible `fly. Spray
material:• and an inspector will
ai.so be .r'Equired: Tenders and
.a44p1rcations. ' are to be. in the
Clerk's k's, `hands by . 6< p,m,,,. Manch
4th, 1961.
Council' lanii
p ed to set the al-
.loWance&at $3500: for Council
members arid officials' attending
'the forthcoming' conventions. '
The Clerk was 'instructed on a
Motion by Counts, McPhee and
Smyth .to prepare- a by-law to
'increase ;the Road Superinten-
dent's salary ffom $.75 per hour
to $1,00.' per hour, retroactive to
Township ' Council ordered. on
,January ' 1st,, . 1961. Motion. car.-
It was moved, by, Couns: Dur -
January 25th,, 'last,: • •,
• On .a motion by 'C.ouns. Durni-n
and Smyth, the Reeve and Clerk
were authorized' to: apply ; for'
thestatutory subsidy. on 1960•
road "expenditures. The amount
expended 'within the township in...
1960 on roads, culverts, winter
control, 'etc,. was $23,840.48,., •
No. 3, 1061, ,Providing
for 1961 expenditures' on town;
'shiproads •in. the a cunt• • of
$24,000 was finally passed on a.•
motion'..by Courts. McPhee. and
Jeffesor.' . • ,
On a motion by .Couns. Smyth,
and. Durnin,' Council agreed to
nin that West Wawanosh Twp.
•Council call appl•cations :for 'a
Hracier operator at the rate of
•$,00 per hour. Applications to
be . in ha,rds . of Road Superin-
. teanclant by 6 p.m., Tuesday, Feb
ruary '48th, 1961.. Couns .McPhee
j:iecpntl;;d.' this motion. Motion
• carried. • •,
On »a .motion by Couns.. Smyth
and .Jefferson, Council „decided
to order a set of the .1960 Revis-
ed Statutes of Ontario.
Mr.. Alex ' Chesney, Huron.
news' INSURANCE Agency
HOWARD AGNEW Residence; 1'38
•:s.. s.�V1.I �,i ..- �Ilr ✓ --,�.w�-:-� ^M�,11�I ��•N./V•N•� I ,
County e p
w edf-:ins .ector',,..called on *IU1i.U1n■Pn■iN :I■UI I�I' i■s fi■ I U> I•IIIIIIUsiII;'
Council and. :discussed, the 1961 .L- • - .
spraying program., pertaining' to 'i •
buckthorn, etc.
• Council »granted,a*)nrQval to: the
poliee village of • Manchester• to:
instal three'. more street lights
and also tom' change the ;street
light .bulbs from 100 .to, 150. watt.
'Thefollowing: accounts, were
;passed Oil payment: Mt. Brydges
Rest' Home, indigent patients,,ac-
coun•t, $92;75; Pitiecrest • Manor
Ltd:, indigent• patients (2) acc't.,
185.50; The Municipal World Ltd,,
2 subs: for 1 year, 6 00 J, F, For
an, Registration 'of Vital Statis
ties, 1960, • 1:25; Huron Co.' Crop•
Assoc,; grant..for 1961, 25,00'Wm,
A. Humphrey, wood , account for.
welfare, 15.00; Lucknow Coal.`Co.,;
coal account • for welfare, 6.10;
Lloyd Humphrey, delivering coal;,
• (welfare)', 2;00; Ontario Hydro,
Wingharn, Twwnp. Hall lighting,
,Road Accounts - Lcirne Ivers,
salary; $192.50; Archie Aitchison,
.brushing, 3;00; . Thomas Leddy,
erecting• snow fence, 3,00; Alvin
Kerr, erecting , snow fence, 3.00;
Bert Moss, 'erecting snow fence,
3.00;. Imperial _•Oil: Limited," fuel
and- tax, 135,10; Grant ,Chish'olin,
motor oil, 20.28; K K. Dawson,
salt, 2.00 Norman' McDonald,
r• .
plowing snow with truck, 1,170:00;
Sato Salt Ltd.,. salt, 59.50;' Saw-
yer Massey, wing cable, 11.12;
Daily Commercial, '• news Ltd.,
grader adv't.,• .16.50; County , of'
Huron, calciui-n ; chloride 250,.00.
Council adjourned ''to meet on
March 14th,' next.
' J. F. FORAN, Clerk.
!'The, •Dungannon , Women's; . In-
stitute . ,held • the' •annual, : card
party "on Friday night • in the
Parish Hall: • with »a good ,at'ten
dance Ladies high, yrs. '•Mel
Stewart; ladies low, Mrs. Will
Petrie;..,G•en.ts high, Herb Finni-
gan.; Gents low, Ken. 'McNee;;
Most lone'hands; Arthu, Elliott;
Most zeros on score card; • Mrs
Gordon. Congram;' nearest • birth
'Spori.cred Br The Lucknow. District Lions Club
'At •:745:(Mock
Fancy, 'Boy :or •Girl . $1.00 . 75
Comic' Boy or Girl .. $1:00. .75
Best. Couple ..• $1.00 .75
Grades 1 and 2:
Fancy ,Boy. or Girl' .. $1.00 75 50;
Comic Boy Or Girl $1.00 •.75 .50.
'Best Couple . $,l :00 . .75
Grades. 3 and ; 4;
Fancy • Boy or, Girl
Cornic Boy or. 'Girl
Best' Couple
Grades' '5 and 8,i,
Fancy Boy' or Girl
Cornic 'Boy cix Girl''
Best» Couple
,,Gritdes» 7 ..and 8:
Fancy toy. 'or Girl''
Cornios. Boy or 'Girl'
Best Couple '
•- r
l-anc.Y [3'oy. or .Girl , S 1.>0
Fancy Lady or Gent 1 5 0 $1:00:' .75
Conic. Lady' or Gent ;$1.50 $1.00 t 75
Best Couple ....$1.50 $,1:00
Q •3.00::
Queen of Carnival $
Lions Costume. Race,
Girls' race , Gr".ades i & 2'. + :75x.5 0`
.7 5 •:5 0 B.oy '•'rac:e;, Grade's : 1 .,Sc '2 .: 75 .5 0'
7.5' .50•
Girls race;'. Grades 3: & 4:::. 75 ":5
75 , `13oys' race, Grades 3..& 4 .50
Girls' race, Grades 5 '& 'b' :..75 .50
Bos race, Grades 5: & 6 :75
75 5,0 y'
-•5. Girls' race, Grades 7 & $ ':
` 13oyy'' race, Grades 7.4 8.
,;. G` i; ls' race, . 14 ' to 16 yrs,
7 3 . 0 •. 1 oy ', race, 14 to. 16 yrs,
i' Gents' race; •over • 16 yrs
Comic Buy or Girl, ... $1.5 0 $1.00'
Best Couple : . $1.5 0` ' . $1.00
Consolation prizes for all pre s
13o s', l2 yrs. ',and. over
Girls',, 12 yrs. and over :•
w. ■
■: ■
■ a
■ III ,
a Ili,
ill III
■ All in top condition for winter. driving ■.
BuyNow BefoSpring Prices Advance' a,
■, , re S P B,
■ • a
• 1960 Chevrolet ■
Ce rolet Biscayne Sedan ■
■• 1959 Chev Biscayne sedan, automatic fully equipped■.
■ 2-1959 Chev Belairs, ,autornatio, fully equipped' a•
■ 1959. Chev coach, . V-8 motor, ; automatic
• is
■ ' 1958 Chevrolet„, Deluxe • Sedan . ■■
s 1957 • Chev • Belair,, automatic,' fully equipped a
11 1957 Pontiac Deluxe'Sedan, automatic . ■
• • 1957. , Pontiac Sedan, 22 000 miles., ■
, .1956 Chev 4 -door Hardtop, •automatic •
■ ;
1956' Chev. Deluxe. Sedan ; ■
■ 1956 Ford Sedan, »automatic o,
■ 1956 Ford Coach 1 a
• 1955 Chevrolet Delux e,' sedan. ' ■
• 1955 Buick 2 -door 'Hardtop,
1955 Chev.Sedan ■'
■ 1955 Meteor Sedan, automatic 3 ■
■ :1954 Buick Sedan ■
• 1954 Chev 'Sedan , i•
■ 1958 ,Chev. r/s--ton pick-trp with. fleetside_bady.,_.,_ ■
• 1954 Chev r/�-tom Pick-up s. �■ '.
■ 1953 Chev.". %-ton pick-up ■ ,
• ..1950 Dodge, 2 -fon stake
■ Brussels M°tors
IA▪ ' Cities Service Dealer. , - Phone` 17.3, Brussels
ma'■mYum■■■■■■■ma■mor-mc_ ommu■■r■moim■■r/■■r■m■■■%
day, . Beverley ,McNay.;, nearest for newlyweds, Mr: ..and, Mrs. . •
wedding anniversary,. Mr..: and Melvin•Bogie of Shephardton•who
Mrs. Fred, Young:... There were 28 were Married
tabl'es for . progressive :'euchre:.;
:Refreshments were •served. at' •the
end Of the programme. •
.Mrs. `.Robert ,Reid and,sister•,
11/Irs. • John McWhinney • 'Of; 'Port
Elgin ., on Sunday . visited »their
sister-in-law, Mrs M: Shackleton.
They acc,bmpariied 'Mr.:and » Mrs.
Melvin Reid, who vis;te&friends,
•_..._a_t Carlow:
BORN February 13th at Wing::
hanr General •Hospital. .to Mr. • &
Mrs. Harold . Maize; •4th con. of
Ashfield Township, a son..
Mrs, Wilfred Whitman of Dub-.
lin is nursing: at: the home of herr
parents; 1VIr. and Mrs». » Fred
Baee ler_,• Mrs. Baechler has: -not
been in , very good:. health thin•
Winter, taking" spells with her
Mr., and. Mrs:',Lloyd Pearce,
London '.-were .visitors with: her
,:larents Mr : and Mrs. . Frank
Pentland', .
The` World 'Day of Pr:y r wi:il
be observed .in`.the:"C'nited:;Church.
on • Friday afternoon; February
1,7th at 2:30 . p.m. Al'1 are *07.
comp: Mrs. Cee:il, Blake will 'give
the address and•guest soloist .will
'ie Miss Bertha Blue ' of Ripley.
Miss. Betty Elliott is a patient,.
at Wing»ham • General • Hospital
tieing • admited the • first 'of'. this
week. •
�1i, r.; Roy Keane, Stratford, is
•2.5 ` »spen'�ling the week -end :with his
.25 !'parents, •• ¥r. and Mrs: .lames
Keane, 'L•ueknow, ca9led', on , his
grandmother, Mrs. »Margaret
Moran on his way back to Strat-
::25' lord,•
2,5,. M•rs.' Irina Anderson, Pau'ine•
and Billy of •Goderich »on Sunday
• taisitecd' Mi', , and Mrs. Alvin Sher-:
•,wood and Robert.• "
Oi Tuesclay o. last • week, 4n. C:
Arider'son: had •'a very succes`sfiil'
;25 • auction sale of livestock at his'
farm. -While,
:50'tie and Mrs, Ander=
ion' are. not givini up faririrng
• altogether, they did,. reduce ;their
;tock;. that. Carman •aig'ht' 'have
a rest and' a trip to the west this,
urniner • fer a title change,'
Mi. Williain • Irvin went to
`,Vingham .Hospital on Friday .of
ast week', We hope he will •have
a speedy recovery and,the • able
to' soo; return' horne. '•
A wedding ,reception and dance:
was ilei at the burr; 'antiozi A .-
rettitt rat Hall on Saturday' night
-7,5 .50 .25 •
.75' .50
..75 .50
: .•75 .50'
:. ,drool and', public school, children in
• . High School 25c Pub. !ib School 1 Oc • "
Everyo ion Costume Free Charge
Everyone In Pk�c-School,: Free: Of
hand ea''ly and wear : your Lions bats.
All,'�crs that :skate, please be on
G oirdon'MacNay, Wayne • Brooks,:
Percy. McClenaghan..
This .school- •term is tightening'
its. grip en the students .as exams:
•n•ea:r and ': other. activities .be --
come the, utmost. Between li.ome-
Work; ` basketb,a11,•;' hockey . • sand
dances, / everyone'finds, it diffi
cult to find time' to study, for•the•
all'important mid -:term • exams»,
Ori Wednesday; "Mr. Lou Short
'.of, the C`F.P.L.. TV Station •• in..
-London €aVe a . somewwhat .hilari
aus but. most effective speech• on..
the:' "importan�e` of education:
The Ninth Grade conducted,
,the' usual Wednesday assembly
which was perfected' by. an 'accor=
dian ,solo by'..Eileeii •Bert and. a
',con;ecly, skit by ;John: Andrew'
and .Terry Wilson. •
• In sports, our • hockey' tea
ayed a Nair-rais•er.of a garne by
edging :out, Silverwoo'ds 1=.0, Both
Hanover • Jr. and- Sr. ", boys ' and
girls, defeated. 'Cur• • own basket.
ball, teams on. Thi rsda•y.
The yearly public ,speaking"
contest was , held. Friday :after,:
noon. • The . Junior vinners were
:.Anderson • and June Ackert,
The :Senibr Winne ,4 . were Terry
Wilson, and Id-anrie' Crosier,,
. These four will now ge •t�
Port El:«in, . .
The week of cla's'ses Was tbp
ped .Friday 'night' by a St.. "Va1en1
tine's' dance which was well at-
tended, •Music .'o was by •Envier-
orche.tra, and everybody
ad a most •enjdy able''time.
Hackett, a � . manager:- ., f 'the
BLth or ;Commerce at Port E:1L
•win, reported last Week that he
had meet, eel More than' $'t,0O0.
I the 8000 p'l'edged to the Port
arena tun i c rri4ii: the.