HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-02-08, Page 22PAPE TEN 6�. D E LAVA REQUIRE A for• ••HURON AND .BRUCE EVERY 'kIYNG :.'` FOR THE FARM.' DAIRY." 0. LTD. DEALER; • THE Li (..NOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,, 'ONTARIO Milkers Separators Pressure Systems Ventilators; Badger Barn Equipment Farm Sanitation; Needs Apply to. �. P I TTS x 300 Meaford, Ont. ANNUAL. MEETING uron County Beed Producers AGRICULTURAL, BOARD, ROOM, CLINTON WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY ' 22nd, :at 2:00 p:m. Guest Speaker •' J. D. Baird Production and Marketing Division, Canada :Department; of Agriculture Robert McGregor, Pres ,' ; J..0 : Hemingway;. Sec,. SON SENIOR ,BOYS UBLIC SPEAKING (Sr.: HELENS, NEWS) Congratulations to 'Terry' Wil- : sbn il:`sonen winning' the Senior Boy class ',in' Public . Speaking . at the. Lucknow District. High ,School. Terry will represent the Lucknow: Senior Boys at:1 Post . Elgin :on Wednesday, evening. Mr. and Mrs Lorne • -,Webb of Goderich were, recent visitors With Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Webb • Miss 'Donna' Woods .of Kitchen- er' and' 1Vir '. Ray 'Hawley of ' Osha wa were week -end. visitors 'at the • home of • Mr: an Mrs. Lora • 1 r •woods: Miss • Mary Murray spent; : the [past few weeks, with Mrs T: Day- 1 nan..:�of •Brucefield.. NIr: `and' 'Mrs. Allan Miller, f:T)ougl.as 'and Lori visited on "Siun- dav with Mr.,,and Mrs. Wes Why tock at • Tees'water. • A • Shoot. party , was. ' held . on j Wednesday evening at S.S. • Nd.- 3 with 11 tables.' Prize winners- were, inners were, 'gents Cairns. Aitchison :and. Frank McQuillln; and ladies •1 -Ken Taylor and .'1VIrs Allan. I Cranston. On Friday evening'the �• V;I sponsore,(l a Shoot party. I with .'10, tables, 'high lady was Barbar..a Purdon and 'ligh, gent Lorne wAs_ Ross— rringgtott- o—nsolation 4 INDUSTRIAL SCORES` The High School •and Dungan, - ,non were winners last week j ' the Lucknow Industrial Hocked' League.. On Tuesday : night .. the High: School. team shutout Silverwgods: 1-Q and on , Wednesday night D.ui gannon nosed out, Belfast, 6: to ,:5. , • INTER -SCHOOL BASKET .. BALL SERIES, ENDS •Lucknow District High ' School` students completed' their` iiater school basketball schedule .last week. The final contests were with Hafllover with the Senior.' girls dropping': a, 36 to 16 'de- cision , and the Juniors on the short end of a 3Q to 8 count. The previous .week the Senior girls won a.. thrilling game with Walkerton 15: to 14, but the Jun'. ior• girls 'were .no. match for .the 'County Town lassies who 'piled up a 70-1 count. • The. Juniors -this year ' were chiefly inexperienced beginners' and will give a better account, of themselves, ' next term. ' • • PEE-WEES CIASH WITH BELGRAVE IN LOSS, TIE Lucknow Pee -Wee hockey:team is' presently engaged in a exhiibi tion. '.Series with Belgrave. In Belgrave..last Friday night Luck-. now :lost, �a•:close One 5-4. Donald [Saunders _ scored two 'goals for Lucknow, Doug Alton one With - the scorer of. the fourth':goal re,? maining' a, mystery. n In • Luckn.ow arena. on M'ond'ay:. ' night;, prior to: the: Intermediate game, , the, two;teams : tied 2-2. .oddy McDonagh '. and :Doug • Campbell' score.d for Lucknow.. INTERMEDIATE'S '• RACK 7P TWO, WINS • AT HOME , Lucknow Intermediates,' -at close•,..' to . full ,:strength 'for a.'• change,.. chalked up -•a pair of: victories on home 1 ice over the week -end.. On '% Friday ,night .they, 'edged Winthrop in ,a• .4-3 .,tingler., that .was•.•nip -a:nd-tuck all' the. way; 1-1 at the end -of' the first ,per • . iod and 2=2 at the .end :Of the; second `� Lucknow goal getters and those. assisting on the plays were,: lst, .•Graham 7i(Hunter; . McDon- agh) , Lrid, , Gardner ('Smart);,; 3rd, 'flu nter . (Graham,• McDonagh) ; Gadder (Graham,"EmiberIn). Jack 'Henderson of .Lucknow .& ;Harold .. Kendrick .;of '`Seaforth. handled' the game with Lucknow drawing. 4.. ' penalties and . Winth- rop getting 8 with 6 af;them'.com- in�g, in the final' frame. • Lineups were::- Lucknow = McMillan, Graham, • Smartt, Emberlin; Greer,. 'Gard-:: per, 'McDonagh, .MeQulli.n, `ter 'and Collyer. Winthrop 'Li. Flynn; liOtt, _W.. Dolunage, B. Kerr, .D. 1VIcClure, "T: Love, K. McClure, 1#.. . McClure, G. Love, A. Strong, W. McilV ichaeh Take :Columl an. 11=4, In •a rugged .contest on, soft ice,on. Monday, Lucknow Slapped an .11, to 4 defeat an in the final game of the r �regular y' • Fat wtpnspAy, FEB, 1,5th, 1901 al ell? T,,Ogaro45,. to: Price befOte your 1.1.1151 141 - 3 Collect 1 , Cattle' bought weighed off truck OR on h dressed . weight' ;basis at Hunnisetts Ltd., Toronto; 2306 St. Clair .Ave.,West, lust West of Canada Packers. 'ONLY. EXPENSES TRUCKING TO TORONTO. Don't l*Sitate , to .call, Under 'no obligation! schedule. • ' Lucknow gdt one in 1st, '4 in the 2nd and rammed in 6 More in the 3rd. Here's the'lpcal scor- ing' summary: 1st, • Kelterborn (Smart,• Gardner*); 2nd, Smart 3rd, Graham (Wilson); Ernber- Virilsori (Graham) Hunter (Smart, Ashton), MCDonagla (Hunter.). Lucknow had 14 men dressed for this.,onei McMillan, Ashton, Collyer, . Smart, Hunter, Baker,-"Emberlin,, Graham,. Gardner. • 1.1 CHOW 0.• PULLS • TILE BOARD In A ',Variety Cif Colours' You Are Invited To Come In And Look These Materiais Over. • 'prizes went to Don uarileron & I, The World. bay:of PraYer be held at the' home of Rev.. and of the cOmtruinity Are invited: The .second meeting of the ,St,, Helen Happy .Handicrafters Was held at the hcrne of Nancy and, The roll call, one point to con- sider when buying your material waS ahSWered by Seven girls. As :the project is ‘.‘Ctittori • May te Smart" the „group waS showh how,t,d'alter a pattern. There Was a discussion 'on good posture and it 'was demonstrated ;by some Of the girls., they were also shown how to pin a pattern on Material, The next meeting Will 'be held at the home of 'Ratbara Putdoii, • • • • 'Challenging :Futiike and PersOnal Satisfaction!. . Exparichno- School enrolments in', Ontario for the ' - future, indicate:a growing demand: for:elementary and secOndarY, ,school teachers: The oppOrtunity ' to. become a teacher.. iS open tO every High . SChdol , The teaching profesSiOn 'provides great .prSonal: satisfaction rarely found. in. other areaS of emplOy- ...in Contribution to Onr cotninunity and national Teaching means hard work, but it also tneans many benefits ,,stich as opportunities. for ,adVancement, adequate pension security of. tenlire, sick leave protection,, and tinie for travel recreation and Professional improvement.. recent years. The following ,are the salary scales currently being paid in Categoyy 2 $4;800 00. Category 4, $5,300.00 $7,600.00 Elementary School' Teachers require one year's professional tr,aining. past .grade 13 and two past grade .12 for the basic certificate. Secondary School Teacher's reguire a University 'degree and One year of professional training past grade '13. DECIDE. NOW . . to%continue your education and qualify for *a. career as an" Elementary 'or Secondary School Teacher. HIGH . SCHOOL . BOARD