HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-02-08, Page 21WEDNESpAY,; ' FEB. 15tb, 1961 THE LUGKNOW SENTINFro , LUCKNOW, ONTARIO: PAGE AND kAR.PER MPA'NY Chartered ; Accountants . • West. Street. . •.c ODERICH, ONTARIO Telephone J, A 4-7562; ROY BENTLEY PU'$LIC ACCOUNTANT.• GODERICH, ONTARIO Box' 478 Phone JAckson 4-9521 A. R. DU VA L D.C., Sp.C. • Chiropractor. Physic.) and Electro Therapist Wingharn Phone 300 toff ice •located'' in: •former CkNX ,building on the Main Street). INSURANCE FIRE, WIND,, CASUALTY. AUTOOMOBILi. • AND LIFE To Protect Your Jack, Insure With Jack Today. .1. A. McDONAGH Lucknow; ,Ontario' Phone ' 306. R., S.` HE'THERING'I" UN, Q.C. Barrister, Etc. .'' .. Winghain .and .Lucknuw ; .7 IN LUCKN.O.W1' Each Monday and : Wednesday Located in the . Municipal 'Office 'Phone Wingham Office 48 ttesidence. 81 ---STA-TE FAItM= 1slUTUA AUTOMOBILE. INSURANC:E'• Investigate Before Investing REUBEN WILSON'. R.R. 3, Goderich, Phone 804-8 Dungannon JOH NSTONE S FUNERAL HOME 'Phone 76:: Day,.,or Night/' USE OF FUNERAL BOME , ,%.t No-tExtrar"'Cost, Aloderate Pulices Established 1894 MP,gRI•AL01L, PROD CTS for prompt service, and quality products, • : contact. .GRANT , CHISHOLM ' . Phone collect Dungannon 16 -r- oe 10 tucknoW' Always ' Look .Tb liiperiat • Por The 'Best"' GERAL D NBROOKS DOCTOR, . OF CHLROPKACTIC , Phone.• 5;45 • KINCARDINE,• ONTARIO Office hours;; Daily. Monday .to Saturday Wednesday, a.m.. Evenings Tuesday, Thursday, 'Saturday • M�` .cLENNAN and MacKENZIE, FUNERAL, SERVICE • . ,Services • conducted accord- ing to ' your .wishes at: your Home, • your Church, or : at • our Memorial' Chapel at• no. additional charge. Phone 181, Lucknow, Day or ;Night • WI NGHANI: • ' MEMORIAL STOP .We. • • Have. Been. Memorial • • Craftsmen -,for .Thirty—Seven •Years, Always Using' THE BEST GRANITES' Along With Expert:Designing• and • Workranship.. •• Prices Most Reasonable Cemetery Lettering .a' Specialty • R. A. SPOTT N-. •Phone 25f, Wingham, .Ontario C; • ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist :`` Office,' 'on Patrick Sit., just • off the' Main St. in 1'VINGIIAM Professional Eye Examination Optical Services Por appointment, :Please Phone 770, Wingham fit., W. ANDREW Barrister; .and. Solicitor•, L STOw1' L, ': ONTAIilu- IN LUCKNOV „Every • '?IVedinesdaY and 'Saturday`, Afternoon Office in the' Joynt Block_ Telephone: Office' i.i5 Residence 31-3 F[It;KNOW DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE ' INC. hhorie. • Lucknow '71 TES , COLLYER /registered• ,Master Electrician ELECTRICA1, CONTRACTOR,. Specializing in Electrical , 11"it ing and Repairs A�,ENT • ('(1It SPARTON T% •and Ali E 1 .etrical Appliances •.' Phone: 46-r-25, Lucknow • -Nriu�N.f•rMi.rl ., ROBERT E IR.ViN GENERAL •GARAGE. ,Beater •In' ' ' 0 •'OL1VIdtt !ARM MACHINER't tomplete FIRESTON ,LINE . Phohe Dungannon :53 • WANT' BYIA* RES.CINDED (Continued from. Page 1) • ing became of it. • Last spring when the lake- front situation became 'dire; , it, was deeided to dr,aw . something u ,• Situation's. . kept cropping UPp • all last summer that the council had no. answer, for. 'Chester• stated that lawyers were consulted and that the bylaw came "directly out of the statute )books." After receiving the petition from' the. property owners, the ' council made an appointment with the planning and development de- partment, but due to the transfer of this department the person making the appointment' had Made it with the wrong man. This unfortunate instance was "no " one's fault," he said.' Cori- sequently, the council's trip to. 'the city. did not have the desired, effect that they wished.. The, men that they 'met ,with were not the mienthat. they felt they should have •talked to' aboul., the matter. In Toronto they were • informed that a, represer.tative 'of • ' the; planning board would attend a public - meeting with the pro- perty holders, : but since . then have .beeninformed that repre- sentatives do not ' attend public meetings of this type. By, this• time, Mr. Emrnerton "said, the bylawshad been printed and mailed ,and they decided to ap- point a.: local ,planning board and await developments in the' .Mat- ter. "If you abso:utely want• this repealed, you 'should have .a full majority, of this meeting:,. so as we', Will have something to go on,. "k' .was'' the comment :Of the' Reeve. "1: can see both sides; to K. J.. MacKENZIE, O.I . • Optometrist NOW ,IN RIP.I.EY EVERY ; WEDNESDAY. :Office Hours 10.00' a.m.'.'to. 9.00' p.m. Phone' Roy .MacKenzie. Ripley 96-r-24 . ' for appointment. •OPTOM'ET • — . RIST F. T. Armstrong Consulting. Optometrist The Square• (Phone ,TAekson 4=76(il)• - .,ey., e 'FURNACE OIL, STOVE KEROSENE, GASOLINE See or ca11. WM. A. "BUD"' HAMILTON' Phone ,220-W :LUcknow '.District. Agent fog ,Cities'•Service this, but I .can •,assure •you •that, the 'council have 'the best intern. est of the township in. mind,'' Mr, Emmerton: •said. Feels By -Law' ''.1 . Mistake: Archie Courtney.` felt that no council in . office• carried . out their ' duties without., making,. some Mistakes,, and he expressed his feeling' that Huron. Township Council; had, made 'a mistake in adapting the 'new. ;by-law. "When'. a rnan' can't do what ,he wants 'with his own property it has gone too, far.;" was Mr. Courtney's comment. He felt that :when someone rs .told what todo with his property and' there, is inter: iference with private business, it is overstepping the mark. "We presented a petition and you *did' nothing with .it,'.' he said.. It is: the understanding of The .Sentinel writer that.. no .hots in the specified area may be sold without being re- gistered and subdivided according .to theplanning boarc.. Any land Sold ' under ten ae'res, must be =subdivided ,whish would mean that it must be surveyed with proper. road ,allowances, etc, It is :the general agreement ' among members holding 'land 'that .sorne control of ' building and selling should • be. laid down, . but they feel that subdivision is not the answer. Ina subdiviied area', .& under the new Huron plan, 5% of the land, or the value of ` th'e land, must be • paid• to the town ship,. Many of the • property holders :feel' that their land is' "second and ' third 'row lot"' ma- terial and .that. the., expense of survey and 'planning '.would take most • of ` their profit.. The ; lots. Might' .'not • be. sold for 25 . years or maybe`never , a'fter the •.cost of, survey.. After .survey,' each lot would: be assessed ,separately and taxes: ''paid on. them., : S,tands ' To Lose A: Lot Dan ' Kennedy' referred' .to ' his. visit: to council meeting when he asked council?questions •.about the. 'matter and ``no awo,' answers were• :.the same: Did. ' ..council know; what .this -was all about? was his comment. .Mr'. Kennedy is,' definitely 'in' favour: of a . by- law governing .buildings ;and road .distances as are most of the., property awriers, ',but' he ' is •not in .favour 'of the present s�_i�bdiv inion ,bylaw. ‘`i stand to dose a lot • •i'f:, this ` goes through The:. surveyor Wants,. $1.,100 to'' get started. If .'this:,+meeting does not do • something I . am prepared. to go farther." Chester. Campbell; felt that. this �aylavu-�-covered :a-=-oity-area.--but. could•'not' be applied.. to.. a .rural town hip... . James :Courtney eo:uld , not. un:- 'derstand . w.hy ,the' .petition ha.d no affect with:over 40 signatures.:He felt : tha.t drastic. steps ' should be taken . to correct this. ".Myself, along `with others will:. be the los er.: of thousands..of dollars," ;Mr.. Courtney said: • • Lloyd '.Hutton' .of Kincardine felt ' that they were 'too' ready to give over the reigns of , leader- ship and .jurisdiction to men in, the city, who, sitting in their ,,:of= .fico didn't know/and didn't care about • rural '.natters. ,We • should` organize locally, -because: we' .know the local situation was the 'comment of Mr. '>dutton,: Takes Away Privileges ` Charles Laidlaw, who `;Zelt� he had as. much at stake as anyone said .the . township had ' made' a mistake by adopting the . bylaw too hastily, "Her felt that a con trolling bylaw• was needed,, but ;'that, this one was: too: drastic. "It • , is takeingpawayrivileges_ ;ahic'h,be lneedlongess antnr, w Sfi to ' uS', �: • Chester :Campbell,: suggested'' building! permits listings regula- tions: might ,serve as a. 'suitable m Bans! of, control. " It, was stated :by. Reeve Emmer- ton that. the initiation ' of the proposed bylaw lead carne from the Health ;Unit, ; although it,'has. been realized• that ;'some meas ure'„of control would have 'ta be taken:;' It' was felt by some that the, 5 %p :that the 'township would re- ceive is • not applicable . in :.this area. •It is •rrimarily ` designed for an urban, area to provide for,' parks, .schools,. churches,' ' etc: When asked, can this bylaw be rescinded, Ree. v,e Emmerton said • it could with, tre approval of the •minister. Hamilton 'McKinnon - said that 40 townships ' had adopted this ,' y.pe, of bylaw 'Within the past year.. The meeting ended with the following, two ,motions: °. .1; to ask, council to rescind the present ,bylaw,' by James Court= ney and Dan Kennedy. 2 • that 'a vote of confidence by tendered ' council in having the bylaw rescinded, 'by James Court/ ney . and Bill 'Collins. Both. ,.motions carried , unarni- mously Members of the planning. board that c'ounciI had appointed. in connection wi h the bylaw, were Reeve Chester °.Emmerton, Coun cillor ;Austin. Martin: Chester Campbell, ''Eldon Lcv 'r;- ' and Russell .Col:lins• Ilriited Church Explorers The. Explorers met in the United"' Ch.urch. house at 4 p.m.., on. February, ,13th. •The vice -pre• sident,. 'Jane' Joynt called the Ex,. plorers. to an expeditiorn• in the, usual manner. During t"he •busi- ness period, they discussed visit to the 'local dairy:: The Eas=. ter 'thank -offering, will be March 27th. `'Mrs. G. Whitby told the missionary; Story. "The Peddler's., Call," telling ;of some `a the Bible .Society's .work' in Iran.' We closed: the meeting with the mot - :to, "Be doers. of the > word and not hearers' only." . ;• GREETINGS FROM , ENGLAND The above caption was the op- ening ' salutation. of 'a letter frown Mrs.. Agnes Chadwicl 'and her son, John of 143 Rirgley, R'oad,- Radclife, . Lancashire., and , form- • erTy of Kinloss ' ' Township., . The Sentinel,. she 'says,. is ;like a letter' from ho.rne, every: week: and ."r. get more•'out, of it than anY other 'paper." Mrs. Chadwick says that they are quite well; •.There is , plenty of work . ''where they are, ' a1- though the : mot'or industry :is on. short time. They have had only' a few flakes•: of snow this twin (/ ter but plenty of rain. erel • T th, " 1.961' IIVIPQRTED'SHIPYVIINMAY 29. If You, Want 'The R OR -A( E• HBI GENUINE A EAVY 'PI ace Your Order Immediate' For - JUNE . fat DELIVERY 2Oceach Luelmow Branch Phone 78 • "THERE'S A NEW LIFE. FEED FOR . EVERY' NEED"