HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-02-08, Page 20f. PACE EIG1iT OTTAWA LETTER. WC/PT ONTARIO, �LUCKNOW' SEN'1'INEiL•, , . ,, C .:... W� :ONTARIO, . _, WEDNESDAY; no. 15th, Ottawa; • February 10th,, 1961 Dea, Eilitpr and Folks;,' • • Just a; few ,comments; :on the situat'on.. as it appears ;here: at , your Hpuse .of 'Commons; in Ot- tawa. • The most interesting legisiatio., that; was brought ; do',wn this week 'was a resolution ,by the Minster of Veterans Affairs • This. resolution .reads; "That it.is expedient to 'bring in a. Measure. to amend the Pen- sion, Act to provide for increases to ' disabled veterans an4 theirpaymentependents; '.to , permit ' payment of supplementary • perisions in certain cases;, to permit': a,pteals. frosty •decisions of 17 -,the former board of pension' commissioners;` and to protide for .certain ' furth- er ch.at ges in connection with the , `:administration of tlie; ,act..." ,m I May state' that, the eprevious Minister of Veterans Affairs had n tended' ayear to ago 4 bribnut,g owinthis g, retosolSi in ver. al reasons, one of ,which: was the. thorough study that had to , go into such an. important; measure, it was, not possible to introduce this 'bill 'at- that time. The . standing Committee on Veterans Affairsis one of" the most. non-partisan committees, in the ,House of Commons. It is. comprised of veterans of either' the First of Second World Wars, so .you ' May rest assured that every 'consideration is given by the committee towards bringing in legislation that is in• '• their minds fit and 'proper; ' There'• is what is, known as a Pension 'Act and there is' also what is known as the War Vete:, rens 'Allowance Act. The Pension Act governs, pensions to veterans who have been disabled in any way, shape , or form in connec = tion with their • work in the ser- vice. The War Veterans Allow- • ance Act is a measure to provide for veterans who,. for some reas- .on ,or other, ' are not financially able, to get along properly:. We have. been assured . by the Mini- ster that the revision of the Warr Veterans Allowance' Act :Will be coming up in the very .;near fu- ture. I am sure that .an increase in the. War :Veterans Allowance Act is nearly .overdue. Looking •. towards the • interna- tional situation, I may say that t, is ,;very interesing .to know• that' Mr. Diefenbaker, our Prime Minister, has been invited to: visit' Mr. Kennedy, the President of the United, States. Mr. MacMillan; the Prime- Minister of ,Britain, I understand, 'is also going' to pay a visit to the States and also it is expected he will "visit Canada. ''There will' 'be a meeting of the Commonwealth prime'. mini- ste'rs' in ,Britain very : shortly... It is; hoped that ,there wi1:l be. much good come out ofthese different meetings that I. have 'mentioned., We hope that ways 'and means can be arrived ; at to relieve the tense. situation • that prevails in many different ..parts' of'. the world ' to; -day. • Before : I close ",'I • wish to say that after the very cold weather We . have had . this winter, :it is very pleasing to see .the • spring _Pike weather that we. have been. enjoying for'Tthe—iast`wweek• - Yours Sincerely, Andy' Robinson, Federal 'Member for Bruce: THE HUMP. ON THE CAMEL'S BACK. may: look strange, but it serves a'prac-. tical purpose. On the desert, the camel; 'Must go without: food and water for long periods of time. But he is, able to, 'store nourishment in his, hurnp•sufficiient to tide himself over the lean days that might lie ahead. 'There are apt to be lean days for every. one. Life insurance can: help tide you over marry, offbea-e- font-provides_cash at times of8reatest. need. A Sun Life insurance program, for example, can safeguard your widow's independence,' your children's education,your home and your retirement years. Let me tell` "f J.Kinahan JUL 2, Lucknoty, : Phone ; Wingham' 717-w-4. SU•N; LIFE ASSURANCE 'COMPANY O -.F 2CANAD:A. • • A card party: was ' held in• the school on Friday evening. There were :ten tables 'With Mrs. Emile' MacLennan and Sandy 'MacLen- nan the: ,prize winners, Florence MacLennan won the prize ' for having • a birthday _closest to Valentines' Day. • Visitors with Mr.',•and Mrs. Donald ' MacKenzie 0 ere Mrs. George Carter arid: Mr and Mrs. LOC!:ALS:H SAFETY TALK AT OLIVET' SCHOOL (OLLVET NEWS) Constable Lou. Boyce of'. the' Kincardine Provincial` Police ited• , Clover Valley School on • Tuesday and spoke to the pupils. on '`Safety. The parents' as well; as the children . appreciate, this; friendly personal • interest of the police officers, , • A' feathered visitor. from • the north •has been . • seen here. It is about the size of a crow and, `looks, and sounds:.:• like: a, wood- pecker . or -Nuthatch. Mr. Herb' ,Huston watched it chip; a hole • about';a foot, long and three in ches ..wide in the 'corner of his barn' one morning• last , week. Others also have, seen it. 0 itr.: and Mrs. Ross Black visit ed on Thursday With Mrs: Black's sister, Mrs. ` H: , Street in Kincar- dine. Misses Charlee n • Lohnes and. Diane" McDonald visited. on 'Sun- : day. • with Mr. and Mrs, .Gerald. Colling. Mr.. and: Mrs. DonaldMacTav ish entertained at. dinner on Sa- turday .:in Honour of : Mrs. Alex MacTavish' -on the • occasion of her 'birthday: • Misses Marilyn Finlayson and• Susan McDonald 4of • Stratford .spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs.' •• Orville ' Finlayson. A number from `here attended thelast rites of the late Gordon Alexander' of near " Bervie on Wednesday .afternoon. in, Kincar- dine. The 'sympathy of the:.commu= iiity is extended to the ,family. of' Mr. ,Samuel AVery who died at. Walkerton on' Sur day. ;Mr :Avery was a former •occupant of ,the, farm where , Mr. and Mrs.: Gary Blackwell noiy reside: ': Miss Mary. Roulston sang a solo. accompanied by Mrs.:•Ross Black. at the •organ ' in:, the . ;`United "Church on Sunday ' .afternoon.' Reverend D. Dunlop. began ,aa series df studys from St.. Marks Gospel, Jack Kellar of Clinton. • Sympathyy of the community. goes to :Mr.' ;T�orne Luther vv�hose Mother th " d away. n Ch th rn' OATS. and ° Shield, Simcoe ' and Clintland. Garry,; Rodney,. Fundy, BUSHEL I � PRICE. PER. , ... S •... 50` Canada Certified No. 1, $1.60 Cana ,a No., 1, $1. ; 1.7.5. , e.ed No. '1 $1.75. ... Caned a est r. • • ,BARLEY • York Herta,Brant and • Parkland' PRICE . PER. BUSHEL Canada No. 1,; $1.90, ' Canada. • Certified No.'' 1 , $2.15 CANADA REGISTERED. N'o. 1, $2.25 'ISELKI!RK WHEAT PRICE PER BUSHEL k Canada No.; 1, ;$2.60, Canada. Certified. No. 1, $2.60 Canada Registered ' No• 1, $2.75 MIXED GRAIN: Canada No. 1, . Mixture, $4.75 per 100.lb. bag.'' 4' choices (1) Garry, Herta, Selkirk Mix (2. )' Garry, York, Selkirk Mix (3) ' Rodney,,. Herta, Selkirk Mix 4 Rodney; York' Selkirk Mix , ,Mixed at ratio of 6 pks: oats, 2 pks. barley, 1' pk. wheat MIXED GRAIN Canada No.; 1 Mixture, $4.25 per 100 Ib. bag' 2 choices (1) Garry,. Herta Mix (2) Rodney, Herta Mix Mixed at' ratio of 6 pecks oats,' 2 pecks barley:. ALL GRAIN' IS "'REATED DISCOUNT OF 5c PER BUSHEL. ON ORDERS OF :OVER :10 BAGS . ,nderson. Flax Products Limited Phone 21-W, , •�LucknoNr m.o er/ passe i a a . . CLJ.LROSS CORNERS 0: Mr.. Sid Mrs. Luther attended the funeral` On Thursday in; Chatham. /.. e • Mrs. . D. _ A • MacLennan spent the week -end in ondon' with her sister, Miss Kate' Sutherland:. Week -end visitors, 'with Mr: & Mrs. Oliver:: McCharles and John Mrs. Bertha McNeil. an .fiwer_e Fia`r • • We extend' our Sympathy to 'Miss Betty Jean Hodgins ,in the passing of :her great aunt, Mrs. J Anderson,:' Kincardine: Mr. Tom Stewart ''accompanied ;Harald''Rdbinson. to Toronto. on TVionday. ' • 1VI-r.�andL-•Nir-s Donald -;Mc Charles ` of Brantford and Allan MoCharles of ; To'ronto., •. Mrs: Jack Elphick` spent a ,few :days rn • London during the past, week with, Mr. • Elphick who. is •still a patient in - Victoria Hospi= tal. Mr. :and Mrs. Dan.. MacLean &' Mr. and Mrs. Ewan MacLean were dinner guests at Ripley with. :Mrs. R. Martin on Friday even= ing.. <r. • Mr:.:Henry MacKenzie is, visit- ing in Montreal ' with .'Dr. • S. .F, MacKenzie. Miss .Phyllis • Bradley` spent Wednesday• night withher 'friend, Sandra, Cameron.. WE ARE YOUR LOCAL', .DEALER FOR MO O,RE • BUSINESS FORMS: -...1j1)6 CALL US TODAY .FOR COMPLETE+INFORMATION ACCURATE AND EFFICIENT BUSINESS FORM RECORDS CAN INCREASE YOUR PROFITS SBEEbtSEt,S SALESBOOKS RE6ISTERS' AND FORMS Gu[ST CHECKS REbIFORM aooK3 iftePtiMiittrieetriaiotamodeormiketig visitors with ,Mr.. and ,Mrs: Wm, Haldenby' and. Cheryl. Mrs. Frank , Brown and 'Reg: spent .Sunday' .'evening , with Mr and Mrs. Mac .:Lane and ' boys Kinloug/i. • "Are 'redheads more eictrava,.' .gant; than--blondees or "brunettes?" lie,'. 6th con. 'Kinloss,' spent: Tues- • " "Nope! My wife's been all,. 3. and she '.*'always, spends money like' 'crazy;" day evening at Browns. •Mr. and Mrs. George :Robertson,' •Kingarf were Tuesday visitors -at,. the home of 'Mr. and, Mrs. ,John Schumacher, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Husk, Kiri, 'loss, spent Saturday, evening with Mr. and' Mrs. Wm. Halde'riby. Mrs. ' Don ; Robertson," Dianne arid' 'Murray,', Milton, arid,.,Mrs. John Schumacher visited' Monday. af.ternoori, .with Mrs. 'Morley Wall. Weare glad to, report that Mr. Jas .Wraith who is ,a: -;patient iii, Wingham Hospital, is. improving' nicely and . expects to. ;be' home. this • week. • Mrs.` Earle. Ho,dtins spent Thursday with Mr. and .Mrs.• Geo Hadgiris, Woodstock'. Mrs.. Wm, Ke:ith,' Wingh•am, is -speridinq some time ' with Mrs. ',Jaynes ,Wraith: Miss .Mary Collison•• made a. business trip to London on Mon - IS TOPS:1' Fells trees up to 3feet in di.• ameter. Cuts 18"'trees in 18 secondS. Only '1'8t•. pounds. Famous Homelite quality. 0 Have a FREE DEMONSTRATIoM Mr, and •Mrs,• Donald%Ireland and .family, •Teeswater, tleis bar and chain were the N ue;;ts Sunday of Mr. antl Mrs, RO ALD ST�►,'NLET .'Uldrley• .Wall and , far/10Y:Kinloss ' Ontario 1 Mr°: and Mrs. Cliff 'Roulston & phone Bervie 2441 ' boys; 4th Kinloss, . were, Sunday av .11er, McIntosh &Wird. CHARTERED .;ACCOUNTANTS *Bell Telephone Building:. ' WALKERTON F KENNEDY„'B+BEd,, ;B:Ah•, C.A.-Resident Ma Telephones: ' B'usiness •63 3 Residence 106 44-444444, • ager•