HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-02-08, Page 19'VI EAY:, FEB, 15th,‘ -199 THE LUC$NOW SEN I NEL, 1.1.7CKNQ,W, ONr;ARIA 'PAGE SEVEN. MEETS FRIENDS ON WESTERN' JUNKET B,, Stothers has; been visit,. "ing with, relatives and old friends at , various• 'points; in -Western Canada Since attending the " an- nual meeting at Saskatoon;- of 'the Canadian. 'Swine Breeders' Association: of which he . is- sec- retary-treasurer,. ,.. Had a letter frorn Steve .t•G11=-. ing of some of his, comings. and. gorvgs, which Will be of consid-= erabieinterest to. many of 'our. readers.. The .letter,, written: at Winnipeg: on February. 9th, is as follows, • Since our annual was over, onJanuary, .27th,' I. have been visit- ing around at Tisdale, Saskatoon and now at Winnipeg,, Tisdale was .4first, where I -visited- my' brother Ike for a 'week. ' The weather was ' •too .cold for much visiting but ` Ike took me out :to- Star City. to visit the Srinyhies, . They came from the •"Diggins" just .south and' east .of -Dungannon.. Five 'brothers came to the Star City area between' 1900 and 1910; :They. have 'made quite' a contribution to that area, Only two of thein' remai.ri.. They were great -friends of Ikes when he' was on the farni out;, of Star City. ' The original, Snnyllies were neighbors of the. Stothers : in, the ',early, years at the " Diggins." No: doubt you have, heard, the story of' the well being dug in • that areaand somebody "salted"' the' well with coal oil. There 'wps' ;quit.e, a: flurry: for awhiletill they; got' .,wise. But' the name. still sticks. ' Next stop was. back 'to Saska- toon where Stuart •Finlay took. me in' Charge. Stuart sold :the • • • heatProducers�. i i. .: A ssoc �t on,, • • Annual Meeting. Will Me Held In THE AGRICULTURAL ROOMS, CLINTON' • • farm at Elstow last summer and bought a house in §askatoon,, They, are located in- '.Stith.erland,' a suburb: of Saskatoon; Friends of Stuart and Ella will be sorry to, hear -4,0f" the death of, their' oldest daughter, Hazel, some 4 weeks. ago. ' Stuart arid. the writer were. classmates all through .our, public school life 'at No. '9' Ashfield:. We met all the Finlay clang includ- ing • Mrs. anal Ernie•. .Wilson (}Manche Jamieson) Mrs, and Jack Spence, she being Ida Reid; Mrs. and John' Reed, who is a son of Finlay Reed; and . Mrs, and Allan, Finlay, a ..son , off Anson ,Finlay, All of these wilr be re membered , 'by .some ' of your ' 'readers; e We ,also made a call on Chas. Agar who 'left Dunig'annon about, •1908. He was; as;; all, know, ,in politics and was ' speaker of the Legislature at .one time. His wife, .Frank Nallough,' has been dead for some time. Between Charlie and Stuart and ' thsi. writer. 'we talked over everybody: in 'Ash- field, Lucknow( and West.: Wawa-• nosh. . Our Wilkie: relatives; referred to the lrwins, .Sherwoods and .the Rivetts, and others; Then; our friend Bob Hopkin- son ' of ".Semans looks on; the writer as a: brother because, we. know the . Farrishes 'and the''Rit- chies and Johnstons. 'of the +Lanes- ville area, who settled at Semans. Of . "four, ,Farrishes• 'who settled there.' only one (Dave), survives. Irl Winnipeg •'we are ofcourse staying, with. the son „(the young man Absalom) ' arid family: We have beer(' "in :touch with, R. Trimble who was Luella Tre- leaven. ' They ,were a family of seven. and the first: break came Iasi ' fall' when Will the 'oldest • `boy" , died.- He was 83.; We also WESTERN WEDDING QF I.IyTEREST HERE, ALTON 'r- WALL' Isabella tJnit'ed Church, : de- corated with ,ferns,, flowers' and cat delapra was the scene of a double -ring, `ceremony on Satur, Oak; ,November 1,2th ;at • 3:30 o'clock; when Lillian. Louise' Wall, only ., daughter ,of ' Mrs. Jessie, Wa11 and the late Mr., Cecil, Wall , was united in "marriage to Donald . Alton:" Sherwin, eldest son of Dr. and Mrs.- W. W, 'Sher- win of. Brandon, Man, ; Rev. S. Walmsley of Virden, Man. offi- eiated. During the signing of the register, Mr. Dave . Bilaski " of Brandon, Man., sang '61'11 Walk • had' a telephone visit with Mrs.. Ed Evans, ' nee Leila ;:Agar, She also is one: of the . Finlay clan. Then I wonder- how, .manyof the old' timers remember : N.C. •McKay who was first Ag. Rep. at Walkerton. He is retired: in Winnipeg and helped "break in the writer to extension , work, We are trying to arrange a tryst. Of. course we have relatives here too. Bill Stothers of Saska. toon is . a. son of Inn Stothers:•. His: sister., Isabel Kassats lives in Winnipeg. We had dinner' there. (February' ` 11th.. This afternoon;. George Crispin. of .Iran is t'o call' on us and tonight we '.gather. `at. Dr.. John . Crispin's for. ' a family, visit. We arrived ,in. Saskatoon on. ..January' 25th in the • cold.. The train was, nine hours.'late 'due to Cold weather.. Since then it, has been fluctuating ' ' between. ':zero; and thirty .;below and • a'. few :days up to 35 and.`40 degrees. One day .water was running down: the streets of Saskatoon. • Whil'e cold .r..� you could': not • 'wish: •, for finer weather.. Itis not. hard' to. - take: • HURON COU . TUESDAY, FEBRUARY .2lst, at 2:00 :p.m. • • Guest; S :eaker-Reg. Myers,. Past, Pres, Ontario Wheat Producers' Association This organization has ,.done a good job: It will do better with your suggestions at the. b. Annual- Meeting Rse • -Balton=Ghawirman, -& Hem1ngway, Sec Tirol us 1 ,1 l00000eciersoceJcoeccOoccr �� •,.- ✓. ,MON U M'E NTs For sound; :counsel and a fair price an a monument co y rreetl' (resigned. from •qua.lity material, 1 . Jri 'SKELTON' MEMORIALS Pat O'Hagan, Established'` Over 'Sixty Years Walkerton ' Phone G3$=w - Ontario • ('I r: a: d1' "beside the 'stove." It seems they• all burn natural gas. Friends have taken :us to curl i'rig bonspiels and hockey mat- ches.• The former is notable' for the number of women . playing,. Last week we. attended 'a hoc- key match between.. Winnipeg and. Victoria. The latter wasleading when •.one: Victoria ,player• shot. .the puck in their own goad: :That. sparked. the Winnipeg team -(who. looked: like sure losers) and in the last ten minutes they scored two goals' to come out. winners 4-3.;: We had :heard o uch_bu never saw it. Their rink seats 9000 but the teams are not in the. lead and . the ;rink '.was not :half full. Hope to see younext week, or so.. Steve., STATIONERY : NEEDS can be filled: at The •Sentinel, writing , paPer, 'envelopes,, hasty. ' notes, thank you notes,.',bcxed s;.eeting' cards; :magic markers.' and refills, file folders, receipt books, state - merit, pads, scratch .pads, pens,; refills; ' and Mai y other items., • The Lucknow' Sentinel, . phone.• 3, •Lucknow... •' $esx e, You" Mrs, �S, Johnston' was organist, The bride given in marriage bey . her brother,' John, ,looked charming in a' floor-rlength, gown, of .white nylon organza lace over taffeta. The skirt. was' .fashioned ,of lace and organza gores,the organza._ being • high- lighted, with puff', athering and; lave knots, The fitted . bodice with 'full-length; lily pointed slee ves and : a''scalloped . round; neck- line was highlighted by lace. motifs, rhinestones and pearl's. A cascade of tiny buttons ascended 'down ,the. . back, 'Her' finger-tip veil of nylon• net was held in 1 place by a .shimmering tiarra of matching lace . motifs outlined in, pearls;' .and' rhinestones. The, The, gown, veil and tiarra was design- ed and made by the bride. - The bride 'wore the ,irooni's gift, a double strand of shimmer ing :crystal and matching ear- rings:. She .carried' a • cascade of red, roses, sweetheart rose ` buds and;. tulle, Miss Marjorie' Peel of Winnipeg was maid,' of honor gowned . in ' a '`'ballerina:length. dress of 'blue' nyloji :organza over taffeta,. featuring 'puffed.. sleeves cumberbund arid shawl ,collar.' .Misses Margaret Ariss and No- reen Adams -of .Isa'bella and Miss Elsie Proden of Oak River; :Man., cousin . : of the " bride,: acted , as bridesmaids gowned alike' in rose: nylon organza. . over taffeta dresses. featuring ,puffed sleeves. cumberband and shawl ' collar. Little Miss., Susan ' Finkbeiner dressed in .a 'similar 'gown'of blue organza, made. a charming' flow- er girl;, Bows of :.mafching organ-• za in 'their hair completed 'their ensemble. • They carried -contrast- ing, nosegay'sof pink and blue Carnations; ' Constable, .John Paterson, of Banff, Alta:: was best man; and the. ;'ushers' • were Mr. .Albert Ducharme of :Winnipeg, Mr Garry Little and Mr. Dave. Sisko wich of Brandon,- Manitoba. :Following the ceremony,. a 're- . eePtion was held in ,the IsafbelIa Hair .where theguests werere ceivedby the bride's mother. For the occasion; Mrs. Wall.' chose a teal '.blue; wool ,sheath` dress rwith pink 'accessories' and corsage of : pink sweetheart roses. She was assisted by the bridegroom's Mother who, wore . a purple' and. green figured two-piece ,silk dress with. purple . accessories ` and cor- sage' of • gold roses The bride's• table•, was centred with a three -tiered wedding, ,cake _sirrourided' by. ; nl'on.-net and - :rases and flanked by pink and white `. tapers. Rev.. 'Geddes ' said Grace and Mr.. John Finkbeiner Proposed the toast to .the bride, to which :the groom( fittingly re- plied. .For:'.traveling, the bride -chose a ,:brown Wand wool shit with. beige accessories andcor, sage of .gold roses. Mr. and Mrs. Sherwin -:"left'. on 'a• honeymoon .tri:p; through the the States and to Ontario where they ca' led• on relatives . at Lucknow• and Orona... Their will re•si.de at 985 McMillan Are., will. 9:;• Manitoba : •The groom's mother is' the for icier• Beth Altbn s Lucknow. If your house needs', fxi ng: up see the B of about a low-cost Home Impeovement dblein' monthly, Y BNF�'O�n' 'Repaa� rQYwt7r"'"In instalments - at.'only 6% interest per annum.. • 15.287x. ,Q N `I'1tE:A L HOME' IMPROVAANTS'' Why'tot drop info your neighbourhood Lof M branch, today? • ROY HAVENS Plumbing anc. Heating Esso Of !" Burner Sales and . Ser, vice FOR SAFE. f. DEPSL E �- NDaB . . Esso OIL HEATING EQUIPMENT Convenient budget terms up to 5.years to pay: , ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL in THE FEST: BABIES BAPTIZED' SOUTH `.K N.LOSS Al R (KINLOSS:.NEWS) Two babies . were ,.`baptized .• by Rev. R. MacLeod in,: South Kin- loss . Presbyterian . Church `' on,' Sunday, °Margaret :Anna MaoIn tyre,: ,dati,zhter•of Mr. arid, Mrs: / Donald MacIntyre.' and Margaret Anne Colwell; daughter , of Mr. and ' Mrs. Currie Colwell. ''Mrs. G'.• Hamilton is siting in Niagara. Falls =,,,:ith;:her daughter,: Miss Petty Hamilton. - ::Mr and Mrs.' Allan Graham, ,' Anne, Ruth and. Jame enjoyed .: . a motor trip to Niagara'•Falls` on Tuesday, ` Mr: and Mrs. Lloyd;MacD'oti- gall .entertained their, neighbours to a pleasant' social .evening, on Saturday. I. Bill Buckton of Toronto • spen:t the: weel'-errd at tYiP humero£ •his p s, arena Mr and Mrs. Herb Buckton: -Mrs. V. Enimerson 'of 'White church :will .be guest speaker..at the Institute, meeting in the'. Kairs,hea:; Hall on Thursday af-• ternoon The. 4-I1.; girls will ais0 be ,present to model. `t'he : dresses `made in ' their. course .-"Cottons May Be Smart under the lead-_ ership of •Mrs.' • F.`. MacKenzie & Mrs. E. Keith. easy-to-ge•t-to Motel .. , Th`e• LORD' SIMCOE , a f 900 'Yoonis and suites With; tub, shower radio and' T V, ' 'Haile'.of the Canada to Z'iiith ROOt]] -1� ncittg , 110 C'd\'111, 116 minimum, Ample ire ovennght •pa 4 ing Pine Co:1�°rittio:t 1'trilit es family Plan" CANADA: The Lord E 1giri, Ottawa'', • They Lord Simcoe, Toronta ',CHICAGO: 'the Sl]ernniii' The }Xotels'Ambassador ilnive'rsity Avenuee King Street . relephorle 4101(6,1, 48.-4610 '022458' 4.14