HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-02-08, Page 17l ESSPA ,. FEB. 15th, 196i TIDE. UC. 1, I�NA* s�lyT1111EL,LTJCKNQw. ONTARIO PAGE FII • Illfillggpl Ngl111141l1womilUllIII illiIIUIII Iipii 1 trite! ottlfillulllnll( 1131Qlll{IIIIIIIMIIIIi(IflltilNlillIMPIllmlgnll ,iluiupu, PI Mflll(lliilllll!limi& .y :Bill Sm i ley + u Did . you' read °'the, . bigblurb. • about me -in your local paper recently, It .got headlines, like. this, in.,, many weeklies: "Sugar and Spice Columnist Most Wide-. l.y. Read .In Canada. y That's pret- ty heady stuff to read about yourself.. However, it .didri't im press me much, as. I had 'written the story myself," It said in, the story/ that this column is 'nOW . runnijig in one hundred and eleven . newspapers acro.ss, Canada. Let's have a .look at that in round' figures. Round • ' figures arethe only sort which have any attraction for me, 'and Most. red-blooded 'columnists,. ex- cept women,; feel :the'•:same.way, Supposing the average eircula tion of , these weeklies is; 2,000. That means •there are 220,000, subscribers exposed to Sugar- & Spice. Heck, let's make it an ev=. • • en quarter -million. And let's say an average of three persons read each paper in : which the .column.' appears. That's .a fair figure. All - right. We now have 'three -guar= ters ;of a' million potential read= ers of the ; eolumn each `week. Ah, let's' make it a 'million and be ;done with it. When I . get tossing figures like this around in my head, I start feeling pretty important.. By George, I think there aren't;. many ¢fellowswriting. a column for which a million or two pee - Pie are waiting feverishly' 'each week.. Just imagine, all • those people;. from Yarmouth, IV,S„ to Chflliwack,• B.C., fighting to let' the paper first,, hanging on every word. • With • th:i`s in mind',. I set out to impress the family with the famous 'personality in its midst. "Do 'you know: that; there are' a million people 'reading Sugar &. Spice every week?"I1 ask young, Kim, "and lr :had to go.. outthere in my dressing' gown in the snow and I nearly broke my neck on those. back.- steps. When are you going to start looking, after things around the house, like .other men.?" IF *,.* phis is ' rather daunting, but it doesn't completely dismay me,, f 1'rn like an old prize -.f. ighter who; has been lknoeked io the canvas so often that his bum is more; tender than'" his bezer. I'just wander away mumbling ,to my- self that .some day I'll be fam- ous and then they'll appreciate_ me, by golly, and they'1i:miss,•rlie, When . I. die, and stuff like .that,. But I must admit `P became ex- •tremely depressed the other day,. I was . reading Pierre Berton's column Berton fgr those out side' the •limited range of the the Toronto daily for "which he works, is . a brilliant ';product. of ,west coast • newspaper circles, ,currently the hottest daily :colurn nist in, the East. Well,• in this column I was: reading, he was bragging mod- estly about ..all the .letters he gets froM.' readers. That's what mademe feel badly: ..Give or take a.'•hundred. thousand, B'e:rton "Pretty'good, oo'd, Dad," she says, and I 'have the same ;circulation. "can I go to the Explorers' sleigh-- • His: mail averages' 30 'Tetters 'a day.. Mine 'averages 30 a month. ride nigher I try Hugh Do you realize :that. my column. is read frontcoast. to coast?" I • enquire. •. "I -low come neve e'an't afford' •a. TV. set them?" he wants to know.. Punchy, • bait • still seeking• • some. recognition.; I approach .,the. Old Girl. ,`.`.How many papers . do you. think . •are running . the • column now?" ' "That rentilids ,me,.:you:,'forgot, .to 'put .,the papers out •with: the` garbage this n>ornikig;she says, ". ESSO SERVhC`E FOR TOP QUALITY • ATLAS BATTERIES DUNLOP TIRES most S zes; 'In Stock)' AT REASONABLE PRICES! and .i actors epairs • to A.1l Makes `nf ars T C 3Licensed Mechanics .. � eel Ala:, .nmQn# .ani IVIOTORCADE DEALER • And 24 of them are bills, offers from magazines,:•und final notices about insuranwi' ptemiums. That 'Convinced' ine that`' I'd never -be a really • famous , coluin nisi, and, 1felt pretty sick Omit it.I` • thought: "It's because' I'm 'not • controversial ' `enough:". Oh,' I've•; • attacked' in. my day' such ' "things as `motherhood,. the Pro= testant •churches, capital punish- ment; children; the,home social drir king, temperapnce,' sex and the weather. ,But I/just can't seem to : get my teethinto. something 'vital, like: 'used' car dealers,' ori vacuum "cleaner• salesmen the` sort of thing that gets people 'Worked up . Then I :began. 'th,irkirig. about the • 'sort, of., letters I 'do •`get "from: 'read'ers ' and 'I felt better: •And do. you know something? 'I'd• trade incomes' with Pierre :Berton, • but, h; wouldn't 'trade: mails. I'll bet most :Of `the letters he gets . are, either. hacking: his • column •to bits because the reader .disagrees with -t hiixi. or ':•lauding • it, to '"the skies • because :. he ' agrees.:. That- would hatwould !become /boring after;• a bit: •There nothing boring,'°about':• the letters I receive from read ers, 'theyare' warm and friendly and personal,' :and;. they aren't trying to grind an .:axe or /leave. me grind it for them.. They come, from all over the country..' From Mrs.' James Nickerson: of West'. Roxbury, Mass:, . mention- ing� • a. column she ,liked because it reminded her of old times ..in • Man -u -phos reinforces manure with•``Piros- phorus and acts as a 'sale disinfc'etanty. Apply at the rate of 2 to 21/2• ponnds,hct cow add 50 poundsper da s tin•klcd. iii the gutter; or if desired, y' � �.�f Man -u -phos per ton 1of , o 'nianur.e before' the manure is spread on fi�lcls: Co -Op Man -u -phos added to manure not only adds phosphate, thereby saving an extra applicatiion but it' . holds the nitrogen in manure from being ,.lost to the' air. . Rcrnehlber, manure:itself is low in phos - hate and consequently is . not a balanced "goodness' sake". fertilizer. `Therefore, forg use Co -9p. Man -u -phos with manure. Y of all Television ADMIRAL 23". "Deluxe Table Model $,l Reg. $339.95. Special (And 21" Working" Trade.Jn). ADMIRAL 21" Swivel Base Console 2 speakers, ReZ0 00 0. Reg $369,98: SPec, r---- An.d 21" Working .Trade -Jif ':ADMIRAL 2,1" Lowboy Console :$200 00 Reg. $3779.95.v. Special . (And 2°1:" Worki'n'g Trade -In ELECTROHOME 21" Console Reg: $299.98. Special •,--- -- -4 . ,(And 21", :Working ' Trade:: -In) PHILIPS 21" Console ,Reg. $389.9: Special -_ (And '21" Working Trade -In) A. 17" Table' Model: Reg. $239:95. Special • ree lec�r�c. • Nova Scotia From Walter Stark of .Oxenden, Ont.; `.claiming I'd. make a good -MP. ,aind wishing :a 1 Happy. New• .Near.. From Jack Cooper of. Vernon, B.C., saying Lhe'd just celebrated,lis 69th wed- dirm : anniversary, . feels : great; and reads y.. column because Pim "dam good" ' writer: (From Jack 1:Cornet of La Salle; Ont., whom .I: haven't •s.eeri . for ' 15: years,. en= closing.•:a :'.book he's written on' curling : (containing' nothing but blank page's' and 4 entitled. What I. Hriow About Curling). ntittee., Mrs.: Claude Dore (Jr.), • Mrs:. Helen Swann 'and Mrs: Dion • McCosh and ' their assistants. ;. There'll. be another party, in 'two wee10' 'and, all are welcome.'.. , Wouldn't :.it: be:. something: if every reader .of Sugar and Spice decided, to:. show .:,.Pierre Berton what he..‘was . up, against and: .wrote,;,a letter, this week ,to Smiley, 152 .Elizabeth St,, land; Ont know`. what -.I'd' do? ,I'd take • the whole:- million of them, drive to Toronto.in a truck, � hire.sir men to carry them up to. Berton's office, dump .them -..'on ,his desk, and say:—."Thirty letters a • day, eh,. Pierre? This is 'my average Weekly mail.'' That'.d shake Jain. . • PURPLE GROVE Mrs Helen Si:ann, Yrs Ho- var.d Tlioinpson 'Messis,• 'l�!l.rlton and :Norval' Stanley 'were in L ondon• on • Thursdayattendingthe. Capning 'of :the First Year ' urs rig. ;.Stridents.;:We .extend Our. our, Ccngi:'atulations to,Miss alyn Swann who was 'one of the 65 student nurses to receive their.' �aP Mr, and Mrs, ,Streve1 and ,€am- ily of „Wingha n visited with' Mr. and Mrs. Ralph on Sunday.....• :Mr. and Mrs Credrge'• Emerson. visited with Mr. and "'Mrs. -John Bell, I{incardine, Tuesday even- ing. • Misses . Sandra' .and 'Margie Collins and Johnny ,Collins spent: the'week-end in Ripley, with their aunt, Mrs. Gordon. Stanley. -. The P:"G W.I.• had a progres— sive euchre party 'in' the' school on Friday' night. There Were. 12. tables. The ,high ladies prize went to Mrs. George Emerson and the gents : high fo. Mr, ` Cecil: Dore, Miss Gladys ,Gawley and' Mr. Bob; Thompson won the students' prizes. Miss: Flda • l;iarkness and Mr, 'Milton Stanley wort the Valentine prizes Mrs; Francis Boyle won the 'lucky 'chair prize. Lunch was served ,"bythe 'com- • •Miss .Doreen: McLeod, Toronto. spent.: the week=endwith' . her parents, Mr:.. and. Mrs. Wilmer. McLeod. Several: car ,:.loads of young people. (arid, some not •so young) enjoyedthe' skating party at Mr.: arid 'Mrs. " Don Chadbourne's: on ;undo Bryan and. Bonnie Boyle .spent- Tuesday ` night at McCosh'•s: r. and Mrs. Frank''Pore: en'. ' torkairted the Radio..Farm Forum' • on':.Monday 'night'. 'Th'e topic. -;was •.Inflation Bobber or. 'Benefac=:. tor? All agreed that inflation had •h•arrned: thea farmer in: this 'way because his.,. costs . had risen sharply . and his ., incorne . had stood-still.`or' one back. ' We'` felt ' .the government should :restrain inflation: A recreation •period,,; bountiful lunch completed a very happy evening • 1VIr . and 'Mrs. Victor Gawley en.tertained a. number of their friends on Satur.`day evening 12:r. and Mrs: Frank'. Dore and Nancy; Ronnie and' Dianne spent:,: Saturday, evening'. with Vr and :Mrs. George Harkness. /Miss . Mary 'Anne McCosh• of the CBC,Toronto, spent . 'the week=end ` at 'her 'ho?ne here. 'Ou1' teacher, Miss. :Noma 'Mur- ray and 'pupil;s and • pre-schoolers • enjoyed .a Valentine party at the, school on Friday.:.p:m:•• arid :Mrs. • Chester ,Camp. tie11, Lynn and David of Amber - ley; Mr. and Mrs. George • E ner- sori„ Jirii.'and' Bob -*ere dinner guests of Miss Geraldine 'arid, Messrs. Frank and Joe' Emerson_ recently..' .Mr. and , Mrs✓ ••Russell . Collins : 4 'and Eileen are holidaying with • relatives at Sault Ste Marie this: week Mr./% and Mrs. atwrence Fry; Betty and Loran of Kincardine spent Sunday with. Mr, and Mrs. Frank • Dore. , 1Vl rs. 1 McCosh . were' in Walkerton on Wm.. Arnold and Mrs, Don Wednesday • _attending, the Folk Sehool meeting,,'Plans were com'.=- 1-pleted for the ' Bruce County Folk School' to be held- at the EVenetta Motel.'on. Highway 21, 14 miles north of Underwood, Thursday, March ,2nd toSunday, March 5th,. The coinmittco hopes for a good attendanee,: •