HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-02-08, Page 16PAGE FOUR Tom, LLTCKN.OW•SENTINEL LUCKNOW UNTARt~C . .1 THANKS .4. • • L,ASSIFIED ADVIrRTISING RATES .. -. First insertion 2c p ..1 '2c, per Per word, :minimum' charge 500. Repeat, :Insettions. 'word., minimum 40c. Notices,,..Cards' of Thanks and Coming Events, minimum.7c In . Mernorlams, minimum $1..00. 25c; 'extra for '.replies• to The, Sentinel.Billing' change 'of 1Oc for each bill rendered. • FO.lt. SALE ,•FOR. SALE -- ' 8 • tons ' • of oat straw, Wallace Miller, " R.B. 1, • Lucknow, phone 42 -r -i1,. FOR SALE FOR SALE 12 foot McCormick. Deering Swather. A-1. ,condition. Call. Dungannon 4-r-8. FOR; SALE. used. Wearever cookwear, .Clarke Zinn, phone Dungannon' FOR .; BEST BUYS • .in , tractor. tires, fertilizer, 'hard maple slalbw.00d; furnace. ' iblocks and foody wood,conta'c. t Bruce Mac- Millan, . Lucknow. ' PAWED TO CLEAR, all propane and oil space 'heaters, 10% off. at Lucknow Co-op, Phone 71. PETS ' FOR, , 'SALE -- Hamstersi. make' good pets for. children., Contact jirn Arnold, R.R. 2, Luck now, phone' Dungannon: 64-r-2.: FOR' SALE' = hard maple slabs; We deliver. ;i.itckriow Lumber • Co. :Allan Manto, phone Lucknow. 291. 4'OR SALE; 5 Holstein, cows. 'due shortly;, 3 purebred register - 'el Ayrshire, ; 2- purebred 'Ayrshire Heifers,. •Clarke Zinn, RA; 7y Lucknow, phone,' Dungannon, TABLE CLOTH .Pape in rolls o. 100•.. feet long and. a 'yard:' wide, suitablefor banquets, picnics & any catered . meal, The Lucknow CATTLE, =;SPRAYING• for -.lice. Warm water used. Satisfaction Guaranteed.. Phone ,957 Or write. 'James 'M. Baeker, Brussels; Ont., Box .* 138. " INCOME TAX' RETURNS s J. PYMM ; .: Public • Accountant since 1944. • Phone 41 • P.O. Box '74, •• •Lucknow; Ont.. DUPLICATOR • .. supplies,. bond paper, mimeo' paper, : typewriter paper -in , pads and quantity, , ink` for Gestetner.. machines, stencils• and . master sheets, duplicator fluid,hectograph machines. 'and supplies, if we don't- stook your requirements;; we will be glad to' ;order for you. The Lucknow Sentinel; "phone 35,. Lucknow. AVCTION sEIIIVICE • Allan Maclntyre• Licensed Auctioneer Lucknow; Phone, 281 ELECTRIC HAMMER . MILLS, oat rollers or household' appli- ances,, try, Co -Op BUDGET PLAN • low' cost ` repair. & easily conveniently ;at your local °store, you receive : family,' . protection through ..Co-operative ., Lila In. ,surance Co,; select . a monthly or seasonal . repayment schedule, Lucknow District Co-op phone 7`L, ,Lucknow.' Sentinel, phone 35, Lucknow. READER'S DIGEST .4S. ecial rates now effective on p , Reader's Digest;. ne .v subscrip- tions;. . one• year, $2. save 15% on renewal subscriptions;. one year renewal,' $3.40; three -Year, *re- newal, renewal, $8.: These are the same. rates as quoted in the Digest Mail . offers; The Lucknow: Sen- tinel, phone 35,2 .Lucknow. • FOR SALE — 100 acre excellent • grass farm; spring water .good: bank . barn; 'considerable timber as well as 3,000 Scotch Pine trees,. 6 years • old;' situated.. on .a good, road; . fences; in good repair: AP - ply Post Office,. :Box 351, , Tees Water.: FOR. : SALE —, Kodak Home'; De= luxe photographic outfit, com- pletely equipped. :Original. price was $25.00, will sell for $15.00. In good 'condition. See at 'Elmer 'ymbach Drug Store, Lucknow. *1 MAGAZINE SPECIALS The Lucknow Sentinel •'.offers the following rrirgaztne specials! for a limited, time;' Saturday .l Evening • `Post, ..3.7 issues, • $2.97; Ladies Home 'Journal, 22 inoriths;1 $2:85. 'Other specials .on Holiday and American ,Home. YARN. FOR SALE—priced right f• k al 31/ i i f REFILL . )"'ROBLEMS SOLVED' Micropoint 'ball point pen re- fills ..solve that "does . it fit" problem for all pens. They 'fit papermate, eversharp, scripto,. waterrinan,., sheaffer, Wearever and ' '183 other popular makes. See foryourself, unconditionally guaranteed, 49e. at The Lucknow Sentinel, ' phone 35, 'Lucknow. or quit , ,s . e. 2 mes ram . ATTENTION 'FARMERS Ripley, 97 acres. .01i this,: pro- I • am licensed' by Departxnent..;Of yperty :there is a _ frame, nsul.• • •bricked ` '7 -room .dwelling'. with' new r roof, a banked barn 78x'58 built withiri 35 .years:°'Artesian well, water 'and hydro 'in the. 'house. and' barn: A frame drive 'shed., land garage: Imediate pox session' can be arranged. Apply to Ross H:Martyn,, Ripley, ,Ont., ; phones 58 and .'85 Agricultureto. remove Sick, Down or Disabled Farm .' Animals,; Highest ` Cash. Prices Paid for animals in good Condition. CALL TOM FOX Ripley 15-r-20' Collect Seven Day, 24 -Hour. Service Licence No 81061 BOOKKEEPER:: •Brawnline' col- . umnar books, cash , books;, loose leaf ledger sheets in stock, if we don't . have . your , requirements we will order for you. The Luck- WATERLOO CATTLE .BREEDING ASSOCIATION` now . Sentinel, : Lucknow: • OUR -DISPLAY RACK' ,of card boards and bristols has all ,col- ours, olours,: and all prices from. 10e` a Sheet to '20c • a sheet: The Luck- now .Senti'nel, phone, 35'. Luck - now. COMING EVENTS HORTICULTURAL MEETING; The regular, monthly meeting. of • the Lucknow and District. $orti'cultural Society wXl `.be held in the Town .Hall on Fri, 4ay, • February VP at. 8:00, The •film; :"Promise of ' Spring,"' will!., be• presented by Holland Bulb Growers,'' Association: Ev . eryibody welcome. BINGO: THIS' '. THURSDAY• 'Lucknow•.: Legion will hold, a cash. bingo in: the Legion, Hall on. Thursday; February 16th . at. 8:45 Twelve'. regularg ames, 3 ,share= the -wealth ands. a jackpot game_ for $50., which must .go. BRIDGE AND EUCHRE,. A. Bridge. • !and Euchre, . spon- sored by The Catholic Women's League: of St Mary's Church, Lucknowwill. be held Wednes- day afternoon, February 22nd at 2 p.m. in the Council' Chambers,. Town Hall, Lucknow: Lunch served., • :Admission 50c. SPECIAL MEETING A Special M eting;'of the Luck- now Branch Of the ' Canadian Red Crosswill be held ` in, the 'Council chamber of the town ball on 'Tuesday; February 21st at. 7:30 p.m. Public' Invited. :NOTICES: HEALTH CLINIC The • regular Health Clinic.. for pre-school children and 'infants will be' held in' the Legion Hall, Lucknow on ;Tuesday, `February 21st from 10:00: to 11:30 a.m,. Starting Friday, February 10th; Rev: Neil McCombie is:beginning. a communicants' class in. Ash- field Presbyterian 'Church. It: is ,his wish .that •young people and all adherents of the church would attend. CARD WEDNES+D•AYR FEB. 415th, 1961 George ,McRoberts wishes to thank all; those who sent cards and, 'who were so thowghtful in many ways while he was a Pati- ent in Windham Hospital with special thanks to the; •nurses, Rev, B. F•. Green: and R ev: Wilfred, Wright. iMrs, . Howard Robinson, Shir- ley and. Bill 'wish to extend their .sincere • appreciation. for all the many words, and% acts ` of kind- ness ,for. the beautiful flowers, cards and •letters, all of which soy' aptly expressed :the true' Meaning of ,friendship these past Weeks, -and during: their period of bereavement. APPLICATIONS ONS • •1 ` APPLICATIONS APPLICATIONS :for Grader - A ap erator :for the. Township of West Wawanosh, at' the rate of. $1:00 per hour, '' will , be rec - ;ved by the undersigned 'until 6:00 p.m.,. Tuesday, 'February 28th, '1,96l. ,, .: Lorne Ivers, Dungannon, Road Superintendent. WANTED ' E WANTED... of.•' �copy . 1956-57 Lucknow .' District High School year book, Mrs: Dave.. MacKen- 2ie,' Kincardine: 'please leave at :Sentinel. ,Office. NEW, ' NEW,: NEW, . felt -tipped `marking' pencil "Mark -it", only 50c,- try one. "Magic Markers" also in stock at '$1,10 with refills at 50c each, The Lucknow Sen - tine', phone 35. f ` DEAD STOCK : E. S RVICE 'Highest Cash. Prices Paid for Sick; . Down or 'Disabled,Cows & Horses, also Dead Cows. and Horses .at, Cash Value '' Old horses. 4c per .pound GORDON TAYLOR :. . . Phone 44-r-24, • Lucknow R.R. , 2. Lucknow 24-hour, service '. ' # Licence' No. -• 68061 2 H:I LRAY FARMS ' ABATTOIR Where Better Bulls Are Used" Far -trier owned and .controlled • Service at cost Choice. 'of, bull (and breed I COIN STRUC Our Artificial breeding, service V:PRIGHT • CONCRETE'' SILOS' art height to suit custorrner. contactt ARNOLD , H.11GILLtt 92 Cambria • Rd. Goderich Tel. Jackson 4-943'7 collect; Willhelp you'to a more effi-' cient livestock operation. • For service or moreinforrnation calla • • ' Clinton Zenith' 9-5650 or Collect Kincardine 460 Better Cattle For Reiter Living' SERVICES CUSTOM • BUTCHE.RING Beef .and pork' sold in any quantity. Custom' butchering in Government licensed ' abattoir, ,Pigs every Tuesday: Beef from. Monday througi Thursday. • . BUTTON'S MEAT .MARKET HOLYROOD'. The, home of choice meats BEEF'' • .PORK, LAMB in any quantities,:• Schneider's •Cured Meats 110 ' ALSO DO ,CUSTOM •. K'ILL• ING and hang your meat iri modern coolers, as long as ,des`ired, Pigs Tuesdays , and :cattle every .'day': No' appointment: .necessary.. RAYNARD ACKI RT ` • 101,r11,, Lucknow FILTER 'QUEEN Sales and : Ser- i/ice, repairs to all makes of vacuum' cleaners. Used clew ers ofall .makes for sale.. Robert K. Peck, Varna, •telephone , Hensall. 696-r-2 CAR BUYERS 'Our Low• Cost Financing Plan will help 'you 'Make a better deal. See us for details now BEFORE you buy. J. A. . McDonagh. Insu- rance, phone 306 .Lucknow. TENDERS WEST WAWAN.OSH T•ENPERS will be received: for the, supplying; of .approximate 504; lbs:.. ' or warble fly powder said warbicide to .be delivered . under the -supervision :of 'the Warble Fly" Inspector,. Tenders; will' be received to • the spray- ing of .cattle under, the Warble • Fly Act,. Tenders to state price per head for each spray. Tend , ere rs to 'supply all necessary 'equipment and :help. TownE',1: p, will supply the wanbicide. ' • APPLICATIONS' will be received: for the position of Warble Fly Inspector, . Applicant, to state prise per .hour, Ir.•s?ector to p'ro-. vide his own transportation and I• will ' be required to collect the spraying fees from. ,cattle owners. All tenders. and applications ,tQ be in, the Clerk's -hands by 6:,00. Pan.; March• 4th, 19611, J, F. Foran; Township Clerk,' B.R.: 2; Auburn, Ontario. AUTOMOTIVE Mechanical • and -body ''r'epairs,. 'glass, ';steering and wheel ' bal- ance., 'Undaspray for rust •pre- ventt'ion. • DAVIDSON'S Texaco .' Service No. 8 ` H'wy.. • Phone` JA 4-7231, Goderich. MORTGAGE. LOANS' Clients'' funds : available,. on suitable farms; ,homes, stores, apartments, hotels, ,motels, buildirig'..lots. Prompt courteous .service. For. „information:, phone, write or 'drop in•.'. United County Investments Ltd., 3645 .Bathurst St., : Toronto 19, •' :RU. 9-2125` .' •: NEED ;MONEY? On` farms, . 'homes, commercial. ,and industrial property. Also builders' •loans. Anywhere ; ' in ,Ontario. DELRAY,' INVESTMENTS,• .. 450=A Wilson . Ave. ME. 3-2353. Downsview, Ont. Is. Your. -Subscription Renewed? AVON, CALLING AVON:' offers • an. excellent'. earning:opportunity for ,ma-' ture' `women, to 'service ; rural. AVON •:territories Pleasant, dignified work. •Noexperience necessary, Openings in, Bruce 'County,' 'Write': MISS MOSHER; MANAGER, P.O. Box No. 86, Owen ' Sound, • Stating telephone number: • FEBRUARY .MEETING OF LUCKNOW W.I. The. February meeting of ' the Women's Institute was .held . in the Council Cha-riber, on Febru- . ary 10th with Mrs. Joe MacMil Ian presiding, .: Committees were appointee for various activities. • All reports •are to be. ;in : .by the A:prilmeeting: Mrs. George Satin ders took the chair for the 'fol- lowing, :program. The motto "flow. does home -making rank -as a vocation" was'' given by ,Mrs. J. Thorn. The District president Mrs. Victor ,,Emerson was guest speaker.. and 'gave' a very inter- esting talk on' Home Economics and. Health,: stating that our diet:, is very important to':good health.:.. A "'donation was` voted/towards the . e cpense of the delegate' to the F:W.I:C. convention at Van_ co'uver` in` .June. Instrumental Music was' given .by:Misses .: Sha- :ron and Lynda O'Donnell, a read- ing • by. Mrs. Vernon . Hunter and a solo.�by Mrs. John. Emerson ac- companied by .Mrs..Joynt: 'com- munity . singing ' _ was enjoyed; The meeting closed. ,With the singing of the.. Queen.. and Grace.' Lunch was served. Hopes To ' See: Artificial Ice In renewing their Sentinel, Mrs. Harry' .Wilkin of R.R. 1, Chesley, the forrrier Grace Cooke, ,writes Tlanks.;for' allthe news you, tell . us' in your 'paper. 'We ,would be lost ' if it did not corner' There area lot• of new :%,names in. ` it, eventhough we have only been here for . ten years.. It sure : does not seem that. 'long. .'Hope to seeartificial ice in. 'the arena soon: WELLINGTON BRAND HAYLPATURE ,MIXTU•RES Designed. tgive high feed. value. hay,, and succulent. pas '.ture` for three to six• "years., Treated.: with` Thiram 75 ,for the pre,veri.tion of seedling blights and 'control - of soil -borne disease. Packed' in. 20 & 40 lb. sra1. ed' bags: Sow 20 lbs per ,acre. •Standard with ..30%; Canadian •Alfalfa $7:50 ,per acre. Su'lerior with - 30% Cert: ' Vernal Alfalfa `"$9.50' per acre; • D. • R. 'FINLAYSON Phone 91 Lucknow TRIS WEEK -END SPECIALS; ohnston Mead HEAVY SPARE -RIBS; ib Save 30c lb: • OUR OWN (S1.ICED BACON, lb. Save a.i,�•c lb:' BONELESS VEAL ROAST, ib. Save 6c lb. _ R ' Phone 41 1 • • C. 59c 4. 0,,