HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-02-08, Page 14It tGPI TWO • TUE LIJCICNOW s.N�uvrL, LUCKroW ONTARIO NAME PLANNING BOARD IN HURON HOPE, SPRINGS' ETERNAL (Intended .For Last Week)' King; Winter hasn't, been; too ,unkind in: this. comumnity 'this year, but, 'neyerthe less as the weeks wear on we become' anxi: our for signs of ` spring - .. the first ' crow, the first robin, or .pussy willows breaking into b ud. It; , is this . eagerness for spring'sreturn that probably makes us so susceptible each year to that ridiculous tradition about the groundhog and his • shadow. The sun wast shining brightly last. Thursday arid', despite . sub -zero cold the groundhog :sallied ' forth, saw his shadow and hied himself back to his`lai;r for anoth- er six' weeks' • of winter: Who believes we can . expect much less? Had it been • over- cast, spring would be: just around the cor-;' ner and Mr' Groundhog would stay about disporting "himself. Considering . the date, •this.story must Lave had ' its origin in ',New England, or further. south in the region of Maryland or Virginia, wherewoodchucks often.; do em- erge early in February. In `this'snowbelt' of Ontario, no one expects':: the groundhog to aPPe ar• until . considerably later;' when the - snow, , snow .has . gone and warmer weather pre- vails. The visit to Lucknow today (Wed nesda. of Maurice "Thea: Rocket" Rich- ard ich-and is an occasion of more than ordinary significance. An' 'internationally " renowned hockey star he.. is ' 'now a "goodwill : am- bassador" for. the Montreal Canadien . He had uncanny ability. around the nets, and those who weren't Canadien` fans had good :reason to ` worry every . time he had ' 'pos session of the puck, He was a ' great com- petitor, a colorful figure . on • the ice, and all true sportmen recognize. him as one of, hockey's all time greats. • continue 'to remind press We • ..rust con s that, reports o meetin • correspondents of s p g must be .'in. ,this office. the week they are held. On Monday` 'we received a report of a meeting held the ,previous Tuesday. This report should have been in by Thursday to.'. give us , an opportunity to have it set in type' by the end of the week, and .`relieve the -first-of-the-week pressure..' Only by this co=operation can we handle the reports;,. of • the many organizations in •the community, We do 'appreciate, the co-operation we are, receiving in this •.espect from most press corres • ondents, but' the, neglect of some to P be prompt, forces us to keep: "hammering 'away" on the ,sub.],ect., IT'S , HARD.. TO • AGREE—, (The • " Teeswater News.) 'A recent issue of the •Kincardine News stated that "it . is hardly cricket'.' that Teeswater' Fall Fair be moved to the last Saturday' in 'September, as that; is the recognized date of: the annual Ripley Fair. We find it hard to agree with the in Kin- cardine scribe the 'eof . his argu- ment. entirety, Since when have these' towns start- ed to champion the lots' of the smaller' vii. !ages? It' comes to, mind that not so many years back when High School Districts were becoming a fad that : Kincardine wooed its• neighboring village of Ripley to join them; wooed could be. use in the first part .of the campaign, but ` things got beyond the courting stage and Ripley had • to fight tooth and nail too' hold' its own -little .con- tinuation school and .,obtain permission . to .establish its own District. Kincardine was. not giving too much consideratioh to Rip- ley's desires then –= why the ; change . of heart ' now? Here in Teeswater we ' think a lot of our . Fail Fair—it is one of .the biggest,in. fact is the biggest thing to • happen here annually. Through hard workand progres- sivesive- planning` it has grown to be the largest. rural ' fair in Canada. The' . directors and the public generally want to keep it up . in the; .bracket, and this Can only be accomplished by further changes, . one of whichhas been considered, '.an earlier date,' perferably ' a . Saturday. ' It is unfortunate `that the date ,chosen ' for this- year'sfair. clashes '.with that of Ripley."`; :By the same token Hanover. Fair, has been'held for some .years on the' "Ripley date," but this' Hur" on,. TownShvp Council met ...pursuant to• •adjourn,rrient• with all, members present except Al-. fred, Walden. Moved by, Lowry and,.Martin,. that we apply. for ,suibsidy for the extra expenses incurred in •the construction of the ' Martin: bridge.4due to revised..., plan from the ;Engineer,, • ' Moved by Martin, and MoKin non, that the .Clerk advertise for tenders for Warble powder, War- ble Inspector Warble Spray truck ';'.operator. ` .Moved by McKinnon and .Mar tin that the •Road. Superintendent. advertise for tenders for crush– ing, and hauling 12,000 cu.' yards of gravel for the Township roads, for 196.1. Moved by . Martin -Lowry, that we .appoint a local planning board composed' of ' Chester•: Enirnerton,' Austin Martin, Chester Campbell, Eldon Lowry 'and Russell Collins. Moved by ,Martin •and >McKin. non that the following 'accounts be paid: Cemetery —,Mrs. A. MacAuley, cemetery meetings, 1960, $6.00; •. Township' 'Post ;Office,• po's't age for: By-laws, 14.00; 'Municipal World, 1960 Statutes, :46.60; R. H. 'Martyn, Treasurer'sbond, 12.00; Doris MacDonald, .care of hall, 2'4:00; Delegation ' t'o Toronto Re Sulbdivision •control, :148.00; Gra- ham 'Cook, ` dozing at Ripley' dump, 21.00; P. S. R. Malcomson, work on School` area Deb., 85.40; Village of Ripley, fire call to 'R. Osborne, 50.00; Polock Electric,. labour at Twp hall, 4.1.5; Archi- bald, - Gray and McKay; Sur vey. of Reavie Drain; 575.00 and: Cul- bert. •Drain;. 325.00;: Post office, unemployment. starrips, 6.:7 :Rip ley ; Hydro, , Twp. ha x 12. 2; 'Sherriff's office. `search, fact was ' apparently either :overlooked or; . . not realized.; :The date• changed was not viewed with an eye to detracting from other pia ces,.- ;simply, :to better the chances of our 'Own project, and to:provide a better "Op- portunity opPortunity :for more people : to attend what' is ,recognized', as one of. Canada's' better ;`show .windowsof'ag.iculture. NEWS BRIEFS :FROM NEARBY Membership in. the Blyth Lions Club has dropped to 19, which is. considered • *ell below the minimum number'; for an effec- tive club.. At the last . meeting, ways' were ,discussed of .bolster- ing the membership and useful- ness of . the group. * M •. The congregation of Kincardine Baptist Church; with a member- ship of only' 48, raised a+total of $16,618.67. during the past: year. Of this amount' $2598.07 was for the 'building fund and $961.51:` for missions. They plan • to . build , a new church . in the • spring. • Knox ' United • Chur Paisley,' was recently completely demol fished by fire,.The ;blaze'; was dis- covered about. 7:00 a.m. • and .within an hour' the edifice was a gutted 'hulk. It• was sub • zero' weather, and Paisley firemen found :the nearby .hydrants froz- • en . shut. Unable .to . open .' them • " they stood. by helplessly and: ' 'watched the buildings total des- truction. Five year-old feeder. cattle which had..Strayed from the. farm •ofNlet&in Zettel -onto. the high- way way four miles west of Walker= ton were killed ;in ,collisions inions . in volving a `Weston bread truck ;and two cars, The gory slaughter occurred l tit before, day break, Drivers sof the two 'ears, nvol= ved were 'on' their 'wa'.. to Wark in Walkerton. Four of the cattle were' kilhed outrig... ht and a 5th had to be slaughtered• :on the spot. First positive case of. rabies in the . area in: months was reported; •W last week; confirmation was received that a cattle beast owned. b'y George Bester. of Car. - gill was .a victim `of the disease. Registrations at .the Walkerton unem'ployrnent office are 1,207 males 'and 246 ferriales. Both are. increases • . over ` figures ' .Of one year ago Of 1,005 and 242: Of the male unemployment •427 are construction°'workers,, 171 truck 'Or tractor ;drivers, 167 in lumiber or • luriber products and• 31 are sailors: Female unemployed are' mainly textile, workers, 'clerks & salespeople. A, coroner's •jury, conducting .an inquiry into the 'highway traf, fie, death of -Kenneth Watt; 17, of Paisley, on::. August 17th fast;. has ruled that the• .accident was '`apparently•"due to the excessive speed." The .accident occurred near' Paisley. ''Giving evidence at the inquiry was Ronald MacNeill, 2.6, of Paisley, ' 'vvho appeared in court o crutches'. Althoughof n . c t , es. owner, the'car involved, he had' been a passenger in: the vehicle,' He said: that .he had 'askedWatt •to drive the car,.. because he ..('MacNeill) had° been drinking .'earlier, at a �- icnic held at Forrmosa. "No evidence •was produced to 'suggest that Watt had been drink- irig. The investigating. officer Con- stable. Andrew • •,Shepski of, the Walkerton detachment testified that . an'. application: for a 'liquor • :perniit for the 'Bruce County Highways employees' ,sic nic at Formosa had 'not ` been granted., Constable She ski ho W: p , out Of at. the: picnic, `where approxi mately two hundred' had been in; attendance. ,.Crown Attorney 'Wesley `Free- born, Q.�C:, .who assisted Coroner .1.T H, 'Robinson of Walkerton,: in •,c'ondu•cting the 'inquest, • stat- ed, "there were certain ' th'ings, which in any opinion, do not add 'anything to the prestige ofthis county." He referred to -the ,pur- chase •of,'be.er for.' the picnic men- tioned., after permission` had been denied, ,as `.`flagrant disregard for the law.". ZION': Mr., and Mrs. Ken., Laidlaw;& girls. of London visited with Mr.. and Mrs.,' George Hunter on .Sun- day. Sun -day. • Mr.and Mrs. ' Charlie Ander , son visited" one 'day 'last Week with Mr. and Mrs.' Wilfred Quaid of Goderich. Church will` be at 1:45; it be- ing Communion. • - Mr: and Mrs:.' Harvey Ritchie, Brian and Elva were in London On . Saturday visiting. Mr. Haines Who is in the hd'spital. Mr. and Mrs. Jim. Hunter and. Wanda • spent the week -end in Fort. Perry, Mr'_ and Mrs. Dr A. Hackett' spent Sunday in Kincardine with Mr. and Mrs: ` Ken Petrie. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Raynard visited in. Goderich• on Sunday with Mr-. and Mrs, '`Melvin Ray - hard: KLI •.. G$BR%DGE There was . a_. good ad attendance: at' the euchre party held r"i the school • recreation • room on Feb-. ruary 6th, •,Winn'ers ' were `Mrs. ever, stated, that 44'cases of 'beer Clifton Atisti..'..' and : "__, .... �... .. r • , ,bee •..• , n .. Mr, Eldori had been purchased and disposed Austin, Tom Wallace won the :s','1711111611r, Road Accounts -' Steve :Irwin, .Su'perintendert, :$325.00; Ernest Walden,: grader,; 269.50.; Peter Guikema, wing 124.20 James El- liott, wing, 6.30; ' Im+perial Qil, oil and fuel ,oil, '200.55; Pollock Electric, : shed repairs, :' .5$; Mrs. Ernest; • Walden; cleaning rags, 5.00; Clyve Munro, repairs; 3.85; Gordon Emmerton, sanding. hills,. 7..00; Leonard Elm'es, sanding, hills, 60.25;; ;Morford, McKay, re- pairs,' 58.55; Leslie Wardell, . re pairs;:'3..00; D. G. MacDonald, die- sel, fuel, 117;00. Ken . McKay, re- pairs :and grader ' tubes,' 46:85 Frank's , Garage, repairs,. 4.20; Howard .: Hodge, ' .'repairs, .111:08; Walter ...freckles, ' towing, . 3.00 C. W. Crothers, repairs: to grader, 113.69; '• McArthur •Tire, tube, 1.9.25; Steve Irwin,'' truck .license,, .post office and Good Roads 'dele- gate, ..45,60; Roy' Marshall, snow plowing, 962.50; Colling Brother's,• snow' plowing, ' 885.00; W.• I, Shantz, snow plowing,:. 913.50; Wm. Kempton;. snow ..plowing, 8;13.25; Gordon • Stewart,; snow, plowing 1,1.16,00; Keith.' Carter,. ,blowing snow, 56:25 :Ronnie. Mc- Lean, , blowing: snow, 28.00;, Eu gene Dunlop, winging, 49.50. The Council' then opened' Drain- age' Court. of', Revision. to hear & consider 'any appeals regardin the Reavie and Culbert. ,Munic pal. Drains, only :one appeal was .)received and it was ,refused.' Moved by Martin and Lowry that we acceptthe Engineers g veers re:, port, a's presented... • Council'. Meet. adjourned to . eee t - again on March' 6th. '' EARL • TOUT, Clerk, WEDNi. $1. :Y, IE'EB 15th, 1861 `` V11HITECHURCH . Mr, Dunn an engineer from Goderich, :was in . the village on Wednesday to SulryeY with the Idea of a water ,System, ;in the community, • Mr. and Mrs. Pan Cassidy' ,of • Morris .spent Sunday at the home of .Mr., and Mrs. Walter Arsoptt,, Mrs. Victor Emerson, was guest �w speaker on Friday at the Luck now Wornenrs Institute meeting., She spoke' On I-1Qusehold ,Hints: ,and Hospital Services and her • Main topic of ,:the '.day was why worry,. why rush to, .your funeral, Mrs. Jim McInnis . visited on • Friday at • the home of • her daughter Mrs;.. George. Stanley; 'Luck'new „Miss Janet ,Gaunt, of.. Hanover spent the week -end at the, home of her parents, Mr. • and! Mrs. Russel Gaunt. • Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Farrier and fainily spent a 'few days in Toronto ;:visiting at the home of. Mr. and Mrs.. Carman .'Farrier.. Mrs.. Walter Lottaccompanied them and will' spend, a week in Toronto at the home 'of Mrs. Ed. Browning. • • • 1VI•rs. J: Musgrove returned:to' her home.' •in Wroxeter after spending" a week. at .the home of her daughter., Mrs: ;Doris. Willis. .• Mrs.:Mary . Chapman' Sr.:. is 'a patient in :Win:giia ' eneral Hospital for a few. days. Mr:; and Mrs. Sen McClenag.: •han• visited,. on Tuesday, at • the home of Mr. and Mrs. E1wood Barbour at St. Helens. . Mr: and Mrs. Gordon,' Fisher of Wingham visited on . Sunday, at the home' of Mr.. ,and Mrs: •George ::Fishes. • ' Little Kathy 'Smith . oaf Toronto is' staying . at : the home of her grandparents; 'for .` about '.three Weeks,: while • her ,parents, 'Mr &, Mrs. Ross 'S•niith are on vacation' in Florida. '.Mr.. Paul .Groskorth of Tor- • onto. and Miss .Karen Groskortl of Stratford spent, -the ,week -end. • at the ,home of their' parents,' Mr, and Mrs. Elwood Groskorth. Mr. and Mrs. Carl, Weber & family. and Mrs. Robert Charn,b- .ers and Doreen of Harriston vis- ited on- Sunday'. at the home of Mr. and. Mrs ,Carl Lang at Elm- wood• and on 'Sunday•evening, Mr. and,Mrs. Jim,. Ketchum from .Pal- merston 'visited' at' the• home of ',Mr.. and Mrs: Carl Weber. Mr. "and:, 'Mrs: :Carman Farrier of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Farrier of . Wingham .and Mrs; Lorne.:Johnston,'of Lucknow`'vis ited over .f:he • week -end at the home of. Mr. • and Mrs. , W. 'R.. Farrier. Mr.. 'and -Mrs. Hugh ' Simpson and family visited Saturday: ev-. ening at the h'orne• of Mr. and ,Mrs.. ,,Bob Solomon,. ,1Vlr and Mrs. Jack Coulter spent `Suriday at• .,the :home of • Mrs ' ,Chester Rintoul and , fam- • ily at Galt: ' The' Worlds Day 'of Prayer • will:. be held . in :: t'he' United• `Church on Friday,;' February 17th at , 2:30: ' ' • �r. M'and • Mrs.. George' 1VIcKague of Teeswater'` i ' v sited • on Sunday' ,a't , the home of .Mr.` and . Mrs: Jim McInnis. . Mr: ,•and ` Mrs. Cecil–Falconer visited on .Sunday . at the home of Mr,, and . ex urdn in Lucknow. .Mrs • , r..P The WhitechurchAlBranch oof the Women's Znstitute . .held `their. meeting at ,the. home `of 'Mrs. Garnet Farrier on Wednesday afternoon -,•February 8•th'`with they president,. Mrs. Garnet. Farrier in • charge assisted ,by the Sec.-Treas., • 1. luck . y chair prize. Sympathy is extended to 'Mr, Andrew Martin and family '. tin :the • death in, London of Mrs. Thomas Upwood, formerly. Marie Martin. of. this parish. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs.' Wilfred Austin on the ' arri- val of a baby boy. • . Congratulations also to .Mr: %&z 'Mrs. Dan 'Bass .(nee Rose: Marie Lannon of. this parish) on tho .arrival of twin boys, tarries n,: �`� and John in Scarboto Ceitieral. Hos i= tal on Fe p. �. 4th:. • ,Miss ai ccs Gilmore -Spent iii' week -e d with her mother r s. Edward Gilmore, 'Mr.' Michael ... Stoney haeln 'Martxil and•'son of toney Cr;ek • spontthe weekt and .txrith Mr,..• Andrew Martin., Mrs James McInnis. -After. ,the :: opening exercise's' the roll• call • was onsth'ename of a -veered ' by', town o ' city in Euro e, A 'paper: on public ' Relations was as gw�,, ,n by Mrs. E. Scholtz' Each .r'ei'n; ber was asked,to contribute fitly cents to help• make up 'f'ind's' to send a. delegate to the'. Cativef-. tion to, be held .in Vancouver in .May. The ladies decided to. so:T: their, pennies for the A,C.W. fund. Mrs Wallace' Cohn gac+o �• reading, Mrs:, ,.b:an `Tiffin p1aaveo a .;piano. solo and Mrs, 'Johnston 'Cohn, gave a reading, :T'ie nlcet. ing eloscd • with. ''the: 0Tg The 'Queen and the hostesses ' were Mrs. J ihnston Conn arid. Mrs. • Wm, ' H'L enry. unch was Y served arid a. social il;alflc'C�'i` wa'S spe3'it, . • •