HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-02-08, Page 11WEDNESDAY' FEli• 8th, 1951 DUNGANNON • TUE LtreENON SENTINEL" LTOW, ONTAI40 PAGE ELEVEN' Mr; and MI'S, 4rehie -Purdon and daughters or', Wbitechureh, visited 'with. Mr. and Mrs. •Ross HenrY. ' , • • ,a 141• Harvey Maize enjoyed a visit for several days With re,, latives at Cli$ford, Wingham,, LUcknow:. and'.GVelPh. , Friends are gladto- see Mrs. • Ethel McDonald. horne iron God- erichHospital to her home much improved in health; Mre Wm, Baechier of Toronto was • home for a few • days with Parents, Mr. ,and Mrs.. Fred. Baechler: mother is quite a let better. ' -Mr. and Mrs . -Frank Moran of • Lanes visited his ,Triother, Mrs, Margaret. Moran.• ' Mr. and Mrs....LOrne 'Howe :(nee Evelyn Smyth) Goderieh, were honored' with a 'dance :re-, ception at the AgriculturalHall • on Friday night: Carruthers Pr- . chestra supplied music for•danc.- ink. Miss. Patsy Foranread an: • addreasibest wishes .for their N'q • • „, 'Yotional seefion and Mrs. Shack- .Editor's •40te. A write-uP leton, read the scripture. Plans appearing elsewhere in the, paper were Made for the World Day of relates. information regarding the .Prayer at • the United .PhurCh4 50th Wedding ann..hre,,T:Sai7.• of • FebrUary: 17th at 288 P.M. Mr. and 'Mrs : W, 'A. Culbert: In, ad - 'Fred Young, temperance secre',ditiOn' to, what has been men- • tory W;f•Netwo readings. 'MVO.IVI tiOried,; the following will be of $114ekletON Stewardship secre- iriterest, •' 111. • tary read New Years greetings. to an, Good Ste,wardship., Krs- ;likobert Eere and4 her• four' gf.anddtutghters, Jever/ey,. • Ar- lene,: Para" and Bonnie Culbert • sang.. During the -meeting, 'Mrs. • C A ' . n eon gave a ehapte .or 'the study bool.s. "Africa ly bouquets of. dafodils' and gold • _ tutted.", mums lent charm for the siPn., Dinner gueSts were •ev. 16, Mr• JiM Blake, student of To,' :ronto. Upiversity ,was home with T. and Mrs Ritebards; Krs, Chas. • rr Congrarn, Luciltri0/4 Hugh • his par'ents, Mr. and Mrs; Cecil Blake fOr' the , Hill.; • °6deriCi:/' l‘iirs' Florence.'• • ThToronto, an d+ - M a d, • . r.. Mrs. H. A; S. Vokes has return- Mrs. Melvin Tyndall, 'Carlow, • ed. home 'after a visit With her Mrs'. Olive. Culbert, Goderich, It • Mr• Bob VoOkes, his wife & A• lovely trISPY. dinner , With, 'ailthe. trill-ling:s. •was served by their datighteXs? Mrs. • Leonard aVeirri) Crawford; Wingharn. and •Mrs. Earl (Cora). Sher - woad, •Carlow, and daughter Mrs. Cecil 'Culbert:. '140ve- III All in top condition for winter driving IR " • le Buy Now Before SPrh2g Prices Advance • im 1960 Pontiac Laurentian •Sedan automatic .. . ....... $2,395 1960 Chevrolet Biscayne Sedan •, $2,195 959' Chev Biscayne sedan, automatic, fully equipped $14795 2-1959 Chev Belairs, automatic fully equipped $1,895 1959 Chev coach, Y-8 motor, automatic .. .. $1,795' 1958 Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan .., •$1,550 ; 1957 Pontiac Deluxe Sedan, automatic ' . $1,495 1957 Pontiac Sedan, 22,000 miles - , $1,395-• 1956 Chev '4 -door Hardtop, automatic , $1,295e Was, regretted that soipe could riot attend due to illness, Mrs: °Hugh Hill ,and Mr, Warner Wal- ters,. Goderich. ' • OPen afternoon, 3 to 5 panand though : the weather was pot so favour- able, quite a number of friends and neighbours •dropped in to offer congratulations. Mrs. ,Olive Culbert, 'a:sister-in-law- and Mrs. Chas. 'COngram an aunt of Culbert poured • tea ' and the friends were. served refreshments by Mrs. Earl Sherwood and Mrs. Leonard Crawford and Mrs. Ce- cil Culbert, (Mrs. Howard Cul- bert! was..una'ble to.atteind). lovely three-tier wedding cake' adorned the danfa.Sk.covered tab- le, golden candelabra with candles and daffodil 'flowers' •Made : a pretty' setting., In the evening the., their new daughter, . The "Sigma C boys" enjoyed a. ' • 1956 Chev. Deluxe 'Sedan • , tRoss obogganing 'party on hillS of • • • Eedy's, farm last Thursday houSe was held in the • night. There was good moonlight .1111 • future haPpmesa on ;behalf of and the •frOstY air whetted .their • appetite „ for 'cookies and, hot 'chocolate when they returned to the United church basement' la- ter. Rev. T, Richards 'was host and ,RoSs Eedy and'George Ribey lent transportation to and from McQuillin, Lucknow and Mr.; & the, ' • • Mrs., Bert Squires, Goderich. A 'skating party 'by 'the same • friends and–IVIr. Murray -Wilson :made the presentation . of a purse • of money... • on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ,Harvey Alton 'and family were Mr,- and Mrs. Herb • Mr. and;Mrs.:Douglas Freerrian and .Donalda of 'Clinton v,isited Sunday wit Mrs. Abner Morri,, M .• • rs. M, Shackleton was. hos- • tess at her home for the' Febru:- • ary meeting of; the 136ited Church Mrs, Esther RiVr• ett presided,,.. and lArs. •'Cecil. 131ake Played the • brgari fOr group, is in order, this, Week on. Wednesday night, February 8th, to a good pond of ice in the sarne .diree. tiOn. 'Mr. Tom Fowler, student of Stratford Teachers' College was 'home with his parents,. and Mrs, Chris Fowler cfor the week- end.'He was going •to practice n hyms. Mrs. R. Bere led the 'de- teach in Kitchener this' week. 1956 Ford Sedan, automatic• $ 895 b Ford Coach • '•• •, $'7955 • 1955 Ford Fairlane Sedan $ 850 1955 Olds Sedan, automatic ri $ 995 1955Buick Z -door Hardtop•• $ 1955 Chev Sedan • ' •• $ 795 , 2 1955 Meteor Sedan, automatic .$ 795 1954 Buick Sedan • , , • . • $ . 969955 rom. • 14 Chev. Sedan • " T • " MANY OLDER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM • TRUCKS! TRUCKS!! N , •• , .• : 1958 Chev. 1/2 -ton pick-up with fleetside, body $1,295 1954 Chev 1/2 -ton Pick-up $ 495' : •;+$ 395 $ 550 • 1953 ehev. 1/2,ton .pickup iarnilY'. were. present, Bill, How- ■ 1950 Dodge, 2 -ton stake ard, wife and family, Cecil; wife• 4 • • and.: family, Mr; and ;Mr S; Earl ■ u• $ 395 •IVIr, and Mrs. 'Leonard. Crawford or Sherwood and family, C : russelsarlow, • , . and family, Wingham, Mr : and : Cities .Service Dealer IVIrs. Bruce Robertson, . kitchen- . 0 . laminpinolininanno,nottimonian.swinnannnononinnomminnse ' ' –t . .. . ' -• . ave. YOu, er: Among ,the lovely' gifts re.; ceiVed were messages of best otors Phone 173, Brussels , • .. • • ' :Wishes ..by telegrain •&. attic To !e119.1 mr.s..Russet ,T,hompsori drid• tele,' Why not knew What you are .receiving: for your cattle before they leave the barn: Have the ,opportunity Of saying Yes OR No in regards to price before your • .cattle leave the barn. ; • • - • • CALL arrits,, 141 - 3 Collect • Cattle bought weighed Off truck' OR on idressd. *eight basis at Htimiisetts Ltd, TOronto, 2306 St:. Clair. Ave:.,Weat, just 'west of Ca:nada l'acker§. , ONLY EXPENSES --L. TRUCKING TO TORONTO • ' , L' • -.- Don't .hesitate to call, Underolaligationl t ` • . , BILL HARRIS Ripley *141-3 . , • • 44-4-4 • • • •••• • 41'''.";;;;.---.'"' ;44 44 • • Bruce The Annual Meeting of the oun H g Producers " ASSOCIATION ' will 'be •held :On TUESDAY, Ftop.tlicky ilt,h •/. commencing at 0 .riihe. VVAL1KERTON TOWN' HALL, WALKERTON Guest Speaker Will. be Donald C. McDonald, MP? - Ontario CCF Leader . "C–ce;493-0 HURON COUNTY, . • •. Wheat Producers Association ., • . Anmial. Meeting .Wii Me field.' in' . ;- THE AGRICULTURAL ROOMS,- CLINTON TUESDAY, PEPROARY-'2Ist, at 2)0 p.m., . . , , N Guest .Speaket—'-ileg., IlYers, lAsi Pres.,. Ontat.io .Wheat gilli-odortet Asgosaatioit "Illia -cirg.anj.A.a1;i0n ba8 • 'do-ne a: . g°6d ,i0b. It `* ilt 'el' 1 iti ,' WifilN' ntt awzglestions. at, :the . . w o )(2.,. t i . s ( . ,, ., Ariritiar Meetirik; Ic Mit) way, phonemessage from Mrs.' Cu '- bert's nieces, Who are daughters of :Mr: and Mrs. Melvin :Tyndall. They are Mr.' and Mrs'. Roland (Lelever) Toronto, 1V1r. and Mrs. James • (Eleanor) '.Wallace, Tor- onto.' Mr. . and Mrs. • Norman (Kathleen) Vincent., and. Mrs. Ruth Gagnon also of: 'i'oronto. A lovely set of dishes was a .gift from the 'family - • Letters TolThe Editor MrY Editor, • ,• ..r. After reading last Week's 'arti- Cle 're Hag' Prodticers, I have some -difficulty 'Making..Up my mind whether I should put it in the fiction or. the .4tirinies page in my scrap book. • However, I hope your readers will find •this •letter, as interest-. ' and that you *ill give: :it equal good' space in your paper - First, 'I .'hold no posititin° in ;the H�g Producees Association, but I have followed the building „this organizationstep by step, lending: a hand .Where I could,' for • I saw Clearly, howgreat the need was for the producer of live stock, be they cattle, hogs' or lambs being as we- have 807 investrrierit: in. them while PAC . kers- .anddrovers:. combined only around' la% in,1/4.76gtment, 'why, should we • let, them: control. th.e, marketing of therri. • • ' .,.They,l• or our Agriculttire,Le- gislative ,Marketing'.„Poard 'have not 'beri able to offer a better i plan or we would be wil1in to accept it... I must give them creditfor, helping 'us: build , on • '4 bIid fouridationr•as'theY 'Watched • faithfully. and use,d. unsparingly Prdfits aecuintilated from the Sale, of our ' live stock to .defeat oct't purpose ' Whieh they know,/ riOw is not going to stop: till we. put our finighed, product :on bUying coim-• ter, • Weare. riot trying to put pac•-• kers„ avers: or 'anyone., else 'out of 'business, but We., will have. buyers in the ,open tn,tuket bid- ding ori our live stock and' 'also. processing plants at points' .ae- poss, Ontario as our neighbour • ral'hlerS' in uebe have,.beert do - for the la.;t five of'•six year S. might be iritetesttirig to note. according AO their general maria- ,.gerS' report: the.y paid' back to the Quebec' farmers spoo,oqo this last year in patrOnage .diviclends after setting aside $450,000 for depreciation arid building. .We., can profit byy.any mistakes they. 'i -nay have made: One 'Was: buy - in packing plants which are obsolite• today and expensive •to. Operate. New ones are -,goi'rig to be built otit'of the profits. of our, live stock: Our money built the old ones who •is going tri own the. , new ones. I know, the Shareholders in. FAME are go- ing to :own and operate, a large share of them. • • Your. 'neighbour who 'will be a shareholder of FAME and •als:o an accredited. salesman will be aiirig�r you. He will also be able to show you a prospectus of FAME and answer reasonable. question you have in :mind: Wel: Come hirn his remuneration is small, but 'he is carrying the torch:of a pioneer 'Active SUppor.V., now build- ing ,for the future and .greater control pi our investMent --, .1 share, 1 vote. The first annual' meeting will be ' held before March 31st, 1961 and .a board of, Directors will be elected at that time: • ' Thank you • John MeMurchy. to the welfare and: corriforf of • 'thoSe Who placed themselves in her. charge. ,.She ,Wa:t loved by:. ,. . .1'he . funeral •• was conducted ,from.• the 'aeLennan Funeral Home; With. the Rev: • y„iC'tOr Tyler:. ,Stratford. -iri• cll'arge. • Mrs. Wallace Pollock. • sang.the hymn."eyond the,sun-. Q. playing. , : +Sheleaves to. 'rndurn :her leiss". three•(Irene) ::' Mrs. Bender..Of ::Torcinto, (Mary) ,Mrs-.' Fludder ' Of Ripley,„ (Margaret) Mrs. ,Lefeh of, Lonclon; and one . sister, :Mrs.. Charles •Stetyard of LucknoW.• • 'The. Pallbearers-- Were; Harry Scott, John • Thompson, Bert Breckenridge,:.i . Ardell Mason. • Shirl 'BOwers. and Williarn :Steer.. 'Interment Was', in Ripley Cerne- • tery.. , ..• • , . • • LIONS PREPARING FOR EASTER SEAL CAMPAIGN Lucknow • and District: • Lions Club Will . this year be Conduct- , Irig the annual,EaSter Seal carn- paign in this area, Plans are pre. sently being made for the caffri- ; paign, and in' dite, time' letters, seals• and rettirn addresSed en- . „ ( velopes will be going out to the reSidents 'LUckrioW arid bis- tikt.. This project is sponsored in as- 6 • • OBITUARY . • " sociation with the Ontario Soci- ety for Crippled Children,, All • mis. JOHN .11101111)801V :iproceeds are for the benefit :Of Mrs, Dorothy ThOrripson p,assed ,She .:WaS' born' fl England icrippled:children. ' • : away inKincardineGeneralHos- on 1, • .May 18th, .1002 and came out _to this, country in. 19l 2 ;hying fon a' time with. 'her sister, Mrs. Ch a rle SteWa'rd in. ,Lucknow. She :was married, on 'February 28th; 1024 to. Mr, Sohn ThoMp.,- sori and they resided on the 4th concesSium, • After the farm, they .moVed .to the sixth concessions and in 1931 moved, to Ripley,. Mr. 'and 'Mrs, Thompson sta.led the nurS:ng home. In flipky in 1.040, ;ThornfkOri pa.;scd away in .051 and Mrs. , Thbtripsoil dontim:lea with work ot daring' ,fli• those :vAo. ere. 1. •aged and min I "ft hettrt, condition made 'hoe unable to. coritfnue. She ' ))t-‘ or ol)ic.Tc-..'„:ci • anything; to mudh if in boo"Y, or 8-0W • PASSED AWAY AT• PINECREST'• MANOR. 1 / , . • ' The death.. Pi.. Mrs, Elizabeth' , •' Jane Shields becurred last Wed,1 • nesdaY at Pinecrest Manor 'in• „ Lucithow where, she had been 'a patient fortwenty months. She way., 84 years Of age...110.7 husband, HarryShields died, ten Y'earS ag6. for •ma-ity Years, Mr, ' and Mrs; Shit1d.operated the tPciteral tore at.ntmlop' aAraMs Sields cnntinued to . ppefate. it Thr a , linr' a Nor 'her h tis band's death, rtineral service 'w,a•-;'' held• n af',:mislon in Godvri(,:h with int,cyrnont in' ' Maitl'and „ • 11)0ILi ';••t t.'d. v. • •