HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-02-08, Page 8$
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T bvCxwow sErTTnNKL, LvcKNow,; ONTARIO
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The ,February . meeting of the
Purple Grove Wornen;'s Institute
was held' at . the • hozfne of the.
DorFirst e oricWedriesday. M'rs, Frank;
Mrs. Peter Leeson,, leader for.
the Homemaking Club "Cottons;
May 'Be Smart" and her class,
Marlene and.- Gladys Gawley,
Nancy Dore and,,$arbara. Leeson
attended• the Achievement; Day
in Kincardine. on Saturday, Patsy
MacDonald: ,was ill, with the
measles and! could not ;attend..
Achievement Day, - Jack Hewitt` will 'present their
,Kerry and Heather. Boyle holi slate of officers at,, the March
clayed with their. aunt •and uncle, meeting. A ,donation . was. voted
Mr.' and Mrs. Aurel Armstrong, towards. the expenses of the de.
lastweek., legate to the F',W.I.C, convention
There was ' no school here on to be .held; at Vancouver in June.
•Thursday; or Friday, owing to the Holyrood. W.I. will be .hostess, to
illness ...of' the. teachers Miss Nor- the 'District Directors , meeting on
ma . Murray and 'several of the March 20th in the township hall.
pupils: Card parties will be held in'the
Mr. Jim -Emerson'. 'was ,home ha1,1'.on the .7th. and 2'lst of'Feb
from Guelph for the week -end. ruary Standing committee con..-
'� ���`�+,:a
Mr. and Mrs. Burton !Collins; n : o
John, Sandra and Margie were;Mr.recent dinner , guests of •r. and
Mrs. ;'Glenn .Young, Kinloss.
1‘41:7S. Francis Boyle; Brian and.
Bonnie spent ,a few days ° in .Lon-
don visiting with Mr. and Mrs. to. her home for the March meet -
Ray Farrell and Mr. and • Mrs..ing. Every, one enjoyed a . round
Jack Harrison. of,community singing Mrs:.
• The many friends Of. ,Mrs. Ce- .Frank Maulden,• convener, read
ea, tor the' fehruary .rneetin$
60oOts. and POS. father And son.
Made . the NOtional
tion ..nominating':Corn-
Mrs; Frank- '17hornPion,, And Mrs,
Murray on Citizenship and •Edu-
cation; Mrs. Perry Hodgins on
Histdrical. Research; Mrs.', Sam
Farmer, Federated News. Mrs•
Lyman Sutton invited.the ladies
cil Sutton are Pleased to know an interesting , paper on educat-
she waS - able to return to her 14i Our children. Mrs. ..Rayhard '
home here on Friday. ' - Ackert' and Mr8, $11°r;a1.1 Jo4n--
The young ,People from here ston favored 'with 4 • pleasing
Ripley on Saturday, night! and
in duet 'Moonlight And Roses." Mrs.:
P. A. Murray WaS rnoderat'or for
enjoyed the skating : party,
DthoenskC.ahtaindgbopuarrnteY'satonMrSullidia3irVirs'.'ithoeDtir children?" The panel was
topic "Can we be WO good'
.04141' -valentine with Mrs.
man :StittOn and Miss May Poyle
judges; The valentines were. all.
,so 'nicely made that the ..u4dges, '
had-difficulV in Making a. de-
cision. Prizes went to.Miss Edria
I3oyle' and Mrs..,Morgani Johnston.
, These Varentiries pp- sent' to
the senior ,citizens ;in the .corn..
munity, 7.he' Meeting closed with
the Queen and, the Prace • And
Mrs, frank,. M4ulden' 'who had
presided for tho ,prograrn ',gave
, Mrs. Ethel James: and Elmer
of Wroxeter visited Monday, With
Mr. and Mrs, Perry Noclgins• And
. Mrs, Jim Haldenhy, 'Debbie 8,4
'Diane visitd. in Kincardine with
The:, Presbyterian Young Peo-
ples exeCutive met, on .SundaY
evening at the libtrie of Donald,
We are sorrY ,to report that
Mr, Weslek Guest had the ,misfor.
tune . to fall. at his. borne fracttit-
in Wingharn Hospital.,
Jane :spent a feW day's in' Lon-
hOme'from. Londe!) •for. the week
. 'members of the RG:liv4. The subject Was' well dealt with
torical eonimittee,. Mit. Peter and discussed from Many angles.
was both beneficial and
Leesdn,' Mrs; Herb ,Farrell, Mrs. which
Morford Mackay and Mrs. WM: ,entertaining. :All of . the ladies
comprised of Mrs. StevVart Mac-
Donald, Mrs. Jack. ACkert, Mrs•
Alex Percy,.Mrs. Perry Hodgins.
i• .home on ThurSdaY last... Aldng
: with bther projects; they ;are , .dc,-
.. 'Mrs. 'Milton Walsh visited on.
and familY were Sunday visitorS
:with: .Miss a and :Mr.. Lorne
• ",Mrs. ,Helen' Swann and Miss
Rosalind .Swarin';' Nlessrs. Milt n,
1 guestS of ,Mr; and Mrs, Howard
The ',Purple Gyo've Farrn 'Radio
and-MrS. Don MccoSh on Monday
- 'sale 'Jo g6i 'the farrrier the best
..price. Was :the Terniirial' Market,
Packing house buyerS :were rire-
for ' purchase: Some mernbers„
, eryonO Voted against , the' private
a local: •safe. 'or throUgh a. large
..city terininal,'.farmers,'*ill find
Ancire Competition Or their gbeds,...
urday . in Kincardine with MiSs
' 'Miss Eva aria Mr. Lorne Cult.
day evening' with .Mr.. and ISitts,
Mrs. Andrew Patterson.:.in Rip' -
,rich 'spoil' a sfoW, days at'. her
.1-rarov.r:. visited with' kr. and
Mrs, HarVie Thonipson and Mr.
and Mr. and Mrs. Ross. Johnston,
Teeswater• on Sunday.
, Mr,' Ali4n G,arnble is a Patient ,Mrs. Frank ,C lvvell ' Mrs. .
Kincardirie ;Hospital. We all son. Hodgins and Mrs. Mabel
hope; for a. speedy recoVery.. Campbell.
The February 'meeting of ..the
Silver Lake W.I. was held at the
home of MrS. Ellison ilodgins
last WednesdaY. Mrs, .ttay. Stan-
-ley was convener with the
'meeting being on • citizenship.
.The scripture Was, readi'by Mrs:
Harold '..F3annerman. .;The.
call was anSwered: by, .0ne' of
duties-: as • a Canadian
zen; ,The Motto •Was, If a you
plant a .seed: of' Character .in the -
home it will. bloom, in the com-
munity. Jack BuShell Of,
Bervie was guest ,speaker and
gave a Very interesting' talk on
municipal affairs: It Was decided
to cdllect pennies at each meet-
ing for' three Meetings , to .send
Meeting closed With the- Queen '
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