HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-02-08, Page 6,1044'qE SIX
'WEDNESDAY,,, FEIN., ;8th, 1981.
Bell Telephone Building
E. KENNEDY;. B.d , B.A., C'A resident Manager,,
Telephones : 'Business. • 4331:Residence 1' 06
,Blake United'. Church. W.M.S
The 'February meeting' of the
Blake'W M.S;, was at the home
of Mrs, W. Irvin on. 'Thursday,.
February 2nd. With 17 ladies, Sc
2; children ' present. Mrs,. J. Ar -
0014 o1d .opened the meeting , with•
the 'call to Worship.: Mrs, Cooke
f read the scripture reading and.
• prayer by • Mrs•' Arnold. The roll
V17,4$ call as answered with: ,-the
Word ``Love,''' The 2.nd `chapter:
of the ..Study . Book was read by
Mrs. ' L, Menary, A letter , was
read from Mrs,. Tiffin -asking for
blankets for overseas' relief. Mrs,
Cogke and. Mrs, Curran are -to
give prayers at the World's Day
of Prayer meeting at the •Par-
sonage, The, meeting. closed With
hymn 182 and prayer.
fit •y ���
Miss Evelyn Osborne of . Ber-
:vie spent the week -end with Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Henry:'
Miss Alice Brooks of Toronto
spent the:' week -end . ' with her
mother,, Mrs. Marian Brooks,
Ronald and Marilyn.
Misses ,Marilyn Finlayson and..
Susan . 'McDonald' of ' Stratford'
• spent'. the week -end .with 'Mari-
lyn's...parents, Mr. and Mrs • : Or-
Wille' Finlayson:: They • also visit-
ed. with •'Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Colling 'and Brian.'.
Miss Alice Harrington of Rip-
ley'visited. recently with Mr. '&
Mrs. Walter 'Black . and family,:
andwas a welcome guest at the
WM.S.',neeting at .the home .of,
:' Mrs. Harry .Colling.
Mrs. Wesley Thompson of Kin-
•cardine has been seriously ill in
Hospital and" pis now improving..
Mrs: Thompson, while a`resident .
Of Olivet communityorganized.
the Women's .Missionary Society
Sympathy is extended to Mr,
and Mrs. Allen .Irwin in the
death 'of. Mrs. Irwin's grandmo=
ther, Mrs. ,W.. Cerson . of Kincar-
The . flowers 'M. the church . on,
:Sunday •were placed there by
Mr. and Mrs. Walter • Dex\ter in
memory of Mr: Dexter's brother.
•in-law, Mr. Howard Robinson.
lVliss Beth •MacTavish . wasthe or-
ganist. Reverend Mr. Dunlop gave
the fourth and last, in a series.
of studies from .the book 'of Ne-;
The manufacturer - of a mobile
outhouse for 'construction •.sites
has hit:., upon Jan ideal' name for
It. He calls"itJohnnie .on' the'
Nothing .is opened by mistake.
more' dften:uthan the mouth. • •
Olivet United Church W.M.S:
The February . meeting of ;the
Olivet W,1V[S.• ; was held on
Thursday afternoon at the home•
of .Mrs. 'Harry Coiling. Mrs. Mel-
vin. Colling. was in charge of the
worship service. ' Mrs. Harry Col-
lirig.: led the responsive' reading.
,Mrs. Douglas Henry•read the
scripture :and Mrs: •' Melvin Coil-
ing gave several thoughts. Mrs.
Robert Osborne led in prayer.
Mrs. John McCharles sang, a solo,
;,Mrs " Oscar White accompanied
her ,on the v'iolin.'1 Mrs. Douglas
Dunlop gave a most 'interesting
aoeount from the Study Book. A
discussion based on several ques-
tions ° followed.'. Mrs.' Harry .Col-
ling read a poem: Mrs.: Donald
MacTavish."presi.ded for .the busi
ness .period.,. Twenty two mem-
bers answered the roll: call. Two
visitors were present. Mrs.'Don-
ald MacTavish dedicated the Of-
fering. It was. decided that each'
group : be • responsible ..for , rais-
ing some money for the Willing
Workers' Fund. A.'donation is t.o
be sent'' to the • March of Dimes.
The courtesy .remarks were. given''
;.' y S,yi
Free! Marie F,raser's' new
,evaporated rnilk reipe•
booklet, "Sauces—sweet
. and sour'. Write today!;•
409 Huron.Street, Toronto'
by Mrs Alex MacTavish, The
meeting bras closed. ,by the sing-
ing of a hymn and the repeating
the W.M.S.. Benediction.
Lunch, was •served",. by the ladies
in charge of the *meeting, :
South Kinloss W.M.S.
The .regular ;monthly .meeting
of South, Kinloss W,M.S. was held.
at, the home ..of Mrs. Sandy
Leod on Wednesday, ' February
lst,• Mrs, Herb Buckton presided.
and after opening exercises,, roll
call was responded to by ,a Bible
verse with "believe." The Bible
,study a question' and answer ses
sion on John' 14, opened with a
description • of . the Paschal Meal;.
after. which, this discourse and
those in following' chapters was
given. by . Jesus, . In connection.
with the ,promises, of this chap-
ter, Mrs. Sandy MacLeod accom-
panied by. Mrs. W. Hodgkinson,
sang "Sweet Peace," the gift ' of
God's, love. Mrs. Harold Austin:
led in the prayer circler and Mrs.
Ira ' Dickie gave the offertory
prayer; A report • of • the . morning
'session of the, Presbyterial was
given. by Mrs. F. MacDonald
and'Mrs. Ross MacMillan report-
ed in, detail on the afternoon ses-
son. The new study "Into all the/
World 'Together" , was continued
by Mrs. Ted Collyer, Mrs. Doug-
las Graham had the current,mis-
sionary news reading letters re-.
ceiv.ed from 'various, .fields;.: Mrs.,
W. F. MacDonald and Mrs. Sam
Chislett were appointed delegates
to the Synodical meeting in Sarn-
.ia. The ' directors for this meet-
ing, Mrs. Fraser. MacKinnon &
Miss ; Dean '. MacLeod together
with =the hostesSi served lunch.
Presbyterian W.IiI;S,
The Februpry Meeting of the,
Presbyterian Afternoon Auxiliary`
Met at the, home of Mrs. Philip
Stewart on. Wednesday., Febru-
ary . Ist with a' good attendance.
The meeting opened with a• hymn
'followed by •responsive • reading,:
The 'report" 'of the Presbyterial.
held in ; Wingham" was read by
Mrs. Henderson. The Mission
Study Was ably taken by Mrs.
Rayner." The nay of Prayer, to
be •,held in the Presbyterian
Church on Friday, February 17th
was.' discussed.' The roll call, .was
answered by an interesting •iter.'
;from a recentCopy,/ of. the Pres:=
byterian• Record, Mrs. Jas: Little
waS • appointed as •delegate to the
:Synodical to be held . in Sarnia
on April.lith, •12th' and -13th:
Five members •corriposed the.
Prayer Circle. Mrs. Charles'Cook_
gave the Bible Study.; The meet-
ing closed 'with. a hymn. '••and
prayer by Mrs. Henderson,' after,
which . she '.conducted •a .`short.
Bible Quiz. . :Mrs. Stewart and
her cor niittee,' Mrs.. R. MacLeod,.
and • Mr,s.• J. Little served a tasty
lunch and 'a social half hour Was
•The`: boys 'o :.' Ki.nlOss now 1
have a 'S;Cort Troop. Last Thurs.,
day 'wag' Registration Night and I
14 boys with their .parents, met
at ,the 'TQwnhip'
and a; Saugeen. District Camporee'
at Inverhu.ron in• May,
• The. hula• 'Pack had a big nigkyt
,on friday with. the 4 ieW S :xers •
Barry Haldenby,; David • Eadie,,
.Gary . Carruthers and •Jirn••
Kinnon• receiving their •double•
stripes. at a solemn, ' ceremony.,
.Jim McKinnon s• White. Six pre-
.pared: the Hall and, arranged r
chairs as :t;he Duty LSx for 'Feb.- •
For, • Lloyd Ackert -it' was • the-..
last night as the Old. Wolf &kela..•
The, new •Cubmaster, lVlorley;
Wall, 'is now rn charge and as, a, •
fine beginning, is using his
daughter,;. ;Beverly.•• as a junior
helper. responsible• for• all,reeords:.
and "'Star progress' char tsf:.' We
welcome our new A'kela.' . •
Buying the right flock
• replacements is the first step
• toward' higher egg income.
You can be`sure of that
important first step when you
,buy the J.J. Warren Sex
Sal -Link• from• your Swift's
Hatchery. }
We believe -and we think s
the records .prove -that the
Sex -Sal -Link, is the most
outstanding brown egg layer
on the market today, and
the•equal of any white egg
,layer. It averages: 240': to
255 eggs per bird 'housed
for a fullyear of lay, has.
good feed efficiency .and .
egg size withlow mortality.
This year; head for
higher a 'income .with
t of ,mous J. J, Warren
wI ts'Hatchery.
from us soon.
�' Theso boys were Edward. egg
n r 1 t
Burt, Allan'Colwell, Allan Cot;
nish, Donald Bannerman, Bobby.
Sot -Sal -Link from your
Geddes and Herbie Keisw S 'f
phosphate, � gettez
of Kinloss; Phillip Breckles and
• cirri Schnell,er of. I .inlou h; .Gor
Apply at the'rate of 2 to .21./2 pounds per cow g ,
• don ,Passmore of I-lolyrood; David'
d M g h �. f phos-
- .. ad 50 •. Moffat of L'an'g' -
Wall and. Billy.
h• P p d fields. p 1 h q f d k„ side,; anti ,lob . Wall, Donald.,
Wall and.'ISonnie Meyer' of West=
M h ford, Two bo '
' other ys; • boughs
' ie acrd F ani Stark were .un • :.
Assistant cScoutmasteiicFriink
1pecause of re e a v
� olwe'll drscusseci .with tyle Liar -
ad a g andtraining
the v a t~s
ece -
tlicir boys r ive
S'couttnas S
tern Lloyd
iAcke Scouting,
S4ou� lh tor, Walter ,
> recrle9es outline c sprinh o
tltie l!"atht!i° array +a high includes
,carr, to this ba 5.. PHONE 9'
Choi ch 1=jaaadt in latero
err �n
i�tt y,
i ;.�
Man -u -phos reinforces , manure -with ;Phos-
horns and acts as 'a• stable isin ectant,
da sprinkled in the tter• or�if desired,.
oun s ofan-u- os per ton o'.
manure t e'rrianure is spread rea on e s
• Co-op Manu -phos added. to manure not
'Onlyadds hos hate therebysaving an extra.
'application but it holds the' nitrogen in
manure 'from being lost to the .air.
Remember' manure itself 'is. low in hos
hate and conse• uentl.. is not a balanced
, , `goo ness sae:;.
,fertilizer; � Therefore, or
use Co-op an -u -p os' withmanure,