HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-02-08, Page 1•
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• . 4L.
3.0() A Year IrlAdVarlFe $1.00 .g4tra To US.A. LucKNQw.r (ONTARIO wEDN-48,DAy, FEB. 1961;
Central Schools ENDS. MEET
ew 1 fiel 1an1 I•inloss reas
The Ashfield TOwnship Sehool
Area No. •2 at a; meetiNg on
'Tuesday,: January 31st, deCided,
• Membem of a folir-rOom cl,
to proceed with the building of shoo
the Board approached the Ah -
field Township .Council at the
Februari, meeting oti Monday &
received the, tentative, approval
of a debenture issue to finance
the new school, •, „ •
The: Beard decided to engage
• as architects. the•firm of Dunlop,
Wardell, Toronto, who are pre-
sently building the school ,in
,Vurrib,erry Township. This firm
• also were the. architects of the
hospital in 0,oderich and are en-
gaged to plan the athlitioh to
the Clinton Hospital. ,
• •
• .; Site of the new School will be'
• at IlemloCk. on:ConcessiGn
12, Ashfield, to the south-west of
Ashfield Presbyterian Church.
It: will be qiithe- ,site of the
present ''school, 'with additional.
land' having been , acouiPed to.
• ., provide:a :four -acre property...
• • ." The old stone .school will have.
•., •
to be removed to make way.•for
the. new four -room central school
which willi serve ' seven school
seetions. • ; •
The ceritfal school was favored
originally ..t.y•,, the :•se/tions of
Cintai1 Luz ler, Hemlock ,CitY,
and LOchalsh. Subsequently rate-
• • payerS of the .11)th ,Concession
(Scotts).. School,paramount' arid.,
• Lothian 'Voted in faVer, of
area, now known as
•••• :Ashfield School :Area No 2
MakimurneoSt approved by the
'• ...Department 'under., :Ordinary
•••• .cir-
cumstances i' $20,000 ,per
, ' • • • . , • • • •
• Five 'Roams, hi Klnipss •
lciriloss Township, the new-
ly formed Area 'poard deep
into details in connection 'with
a central •schciol. at HolyroOd: A
five -room school is suggested and
the proposed site is on a four;
acre ,property On the Eadie farm
west of Holyrood,and somewhat
to the west of the. location of
the present school...
. The; Board has in' mind four
classrooms arid .a fifth room as
a recreation' .room, which could
be used as • a Classroom if .and
when needed. •
• Members of the .I3oard, met on
Monday with Kinloss. Toirnship
Council' 'and. received ,approval
of the procedure to finance ' the
construction. Subsequent steps•
include the 'engaging of an •archi..7
approval of sketch.. plans,
debenture issue apProVar.: .and.
'approval of the final plans . and
contract 'price ,by the Department
'Of EdUcation. This Willbe a One -
floor building as the Department
.does not ..approve basement 'con -
struction ' •
., • •
• • , •• •• •
.• • . ••• . •
• In. the fall The SentinelC0
, •
bined a., new *subseription sale
_campaign :•with, the .LiicknOW
District High. :School students,
magazine, spies •.:project.'.:
',•Some • ••25 .bonatide' new
scaiptions Were..receiVect. High
.. •
salesman was- Terry .Wilson • of
St Helens who received :a. Prize
of. $10.00.' In second i?l.ace,..vas
'Fraser , Ashtori '•Who. :received !a
$5'..60. •. ' .• •
'' At the 'annual 'vestry. meeting
of St. Peter's :4tiglicari Church,
• •
.:., a suceestful, year was. reviewed
highlighted by -a •SpeCial :Vestry
.• meeting in.'Noverirber, authoriz-
the building, of a•Parisicliall
• '
adjoining the Church. • ' :•'• ,
The ;Treasurer's" firranc,ial re-.
..: port • for.:.'1?:60:'s'howed that ',the
• • receipts- amounted to:. $3,230.89,,
and the expenditures ,$3,216.81.
This .was an, in4ease 'over ,former\
years: ContriblitiOns .by the La-
dies Guild Were:substantial, ,one
•., :.., •-.ifem: alone being Ahment
• . of $600:09. toward the new'heat-•
, cing• unit.,The V.A. 'besides its
....mission; contributions, alSb Mat,
, .• erally. assisted' •the ,Sunday
'School. -•".-: ' . •.'''' • : 1
.Reports were' read ficin the
. • various organizatioris„ the 'Choir,.
• and Sunday ScheOl.'shewMg in
creases "of attendarice, and : ,fin.
•. tin6ial . positian. .T1-10 ret,01,:t' froth
• the Building Cotrimit•tee.Was on-:'
'eotitaging as plans to s 'art th'e
' PariSli'.: Hall prOje•L ...k ;•1 cPm-
mence in latc.i , February. • or
. March of ..thiS-yo:ir.. The fi'inan-
. • cial report of the',.13t.ilding Celli,
.• i tee, showed ari' •amount fl
. • had of alrnOst..$2,00:0:00, tiii,-. ••
• ..clu ed. a free grant by the pio-
• .oe,se of the Surri of $500.‘)0, 'the
'balance of Some $1,51)0,00 is tO be
•••:. •').'aised :this year,. tl'ot,a1 cost,,will.
run to about •$3,500.
• • . • '
• • • :
• •
• •
• -.Toth • mail
Courier on 'RJR. .1•,•bungan on
for over, tW9-S6Ore years,:cliserV.-.•
:ed his 71st birthday .Ori Tuesday, •
Febru:a.ry • grid. : , • ,
• Conle • next-, 'July, • Tom will
have competed 42 years...0f :mail
delivery• seryice on thfs-..10ne.
rural rout,. Out :•••�f • •Dungannon
PO4 Office ' His ..201/2.
trip •covers the '6th and 4th Con -
Cessions.' of Astifield: 'west of ,the'
'Grave) Read' to,..,,the-Eltiewater11 ighway.
. •
Toni/started driving.:•,the ruittc.
..bac1.1:. in 1619'.• Wit:61.1 he was 20
1 01'age..He .to•ok the route
()Ver from Tdrri:'Eiliott, 'e ho waq
the original; courier Wheri,-rttra',.
was ostablishod.'
•••1 oin h Li scinle 60 1)oxliolciOrs
`..;11011,14 . the, 1 and..,6nly :about
4 01. qpil 1 r(?, the "old Or i•-1
Were along t11.0 line,
when he' ..tai ted his•deliVeries., •
2012 0 le route, •figures
mil at:roughly 6,000 riiilcs yeal
•or Ictal of iciv(r25.0;000. 111068'
during his 'long serViee,Tom
• never rrii;,,sed a'..Christmas. Sea -
„lop ;incl has .ritissed croiriptiratiVe:
'ly ',f‘\:; days 00 the ,j.i.)13., due. to
illness„ Ile 'had` a close call: last
:•fall. t.ylien he,. hurt his back • and
h1,aeloC1 out,. while ..removing:- a
;iakc from the cre.6k:, follow-
ing a 14.111bwe'eri night prank.....
Tonl has Used yariOtis means” of
transi)Ortti.tion and has oncount.-
ere's] all manner ' Of . road •condi-
tioris ill:doing hi J.ob.., Of •course
it..1;vaS. ltorsd,S, to start With. Then
nlotor car in. the goOrl weather
(Contiutied On page 9).
Lucknow and. -District Licns
CluiJ has Set Friday;' kebruarY
24th, as. the date of their annual
'rrias,itierade •carnival in the lo-
cal arena. . •
The: o •wing list of Officers
•wcre elect:Y(1, re-616Cted or ap,••
poittted:, R ctor's Warden,' MI'',
,Ernost E, a'aunti people's: Word,
' en, Mr, Russell Whitby; 1,ay De
egate to the Synod, Mr. Fred
AVICQUiltin; Vestry (7,1erl,Mis
Fred Mcquillin; Board• of mai)-
, •argornerit, Miss 'Ruth. '1'hoin'pson,
Mr, .Frod 'Johnston, Mrs. Clare
•' • (Continued e6n f))
• (of:
• •
i.Watch next week's issue for •
detail's •of .the • list of costume •
classes,Special events. and races.
. • .
Rev. H. W. Strapp of titclmow
United Church shared his pulpit
on .Sitnclay With his .brother, Rev.
O. 13. Strain?, who as -guest
speaker, told of *a :lifetime of
ministry • among the 'Canadian
In Welcoming,his..brOther, the
iLucknow ..Pastor' said, it was 'only
ithe ;second % occasion that .they.
had stood together in the 'same
pulpit during .a ministry of :Up-
wards of forty years.
Rev. Oliver ,Strapp traced • the
iChristianizing .• , Of the . Indian
.from the earliest missionaries, &
dealt„ more' fully wiih'',advances
in the educating of these people
to a point where they now are be;
ing integrated in .our education-
al • System from Crade, 3 through
to Grade .12, with an end result
that: i; they': are :graduating in . all
Professions and all walks of life.
Another side is their spiritual
resources and evangelistic work
among them is very 'intoo'rtant. It
has not •beeti . easy., to, break
dAn the suspicion,..fear and dis-
trust .they have 'had of the white
wiiOrri ; their forbears had
.00rtrayed ' a- • th • -
country and :heraing. •thern 'Onto
reserves.: . ' . •
• Mr. Strapp had taken over his
father's 'duties at Cape Croker
upon';his death, arid subsequently
continued in this mission work
in various parts of Ontario and
(Western Canada. FOr. • the past 5
years he had been. pricipal . of
the Indian. Residential School' at
Financing an Interrn%diate
hockey' 'team on small crowds
is no picric, as t,hOse. cOncern-
.,ed ean testify. The cdst of
hockey _sticks is a big item,
arid the Club has been get-
ting along with a minimum
of reserve "hickory,"
The scarcit.,,,•z hit the very
.iliottcrri on Monday night,
wh'en. the breakage reduced
• the Lucknow' Club to five
•stichs "plus •the goalie's stick;
,Trailing by one goal, Harold
R:tcliie had' in 'mind pulling
•the goal tender for a 6th at-
tacker to see if they ceuldn't
tie the count. He couldna
tempt' the strategy for lack'
of a sixth, stick. • ,
Lucknow has anotherhome
game on Friday and plan to
sell sofne advance sale tickets ,
,to boost thefinances (and at-
tendance). and at least prO= •
vide the, boys with enough,
sticks for the j OD.
LuelcpOw's final game': of
the • schedule is in the • local'
• arena next Monday'. • •
7". '.1117;q: 'The Ilecket"
aid wili, .be.a the Lucknow Are-
na an Wednesday. evening -of
next week, February 15th, De-
tails of his"visit were finalized
on" Monday 'evening. at' an Execu- •
tive Meeting', of the Lions Club,
which is.. sponsoring the event
with. proceeds .01: the artificial
'ice fund.
This star of many season; With,
the Canadiens, will meet.. the.
students of the Public and High
School at the Lucknew • District
High S-hoo], next Wednesday
ternoon . He will appear that day -
on CKNX .Focui, on Sports.
The. evening prceecling at the. •
arena ;will get underri.vay. at 8:00
o'clock with the. official welcome
Of the diStinguiihed guest•John-
ny Brent w:11 be master of cere-
monies. ••' •
There will be„three 20;rninute
hockey garneS. The '.first will
, feature ;the Lucknow Squirts,
the second' game between Luck -
now and Winghapi Pee I.VeeS.
the - final • attraction betWeen.
Ripley. ind Lucknow 13antarns_•
Governinent . grants ..at oth
the proyinCil and federal level
• will ,bc, -available for Town *all
renova..icin which ..is currently'
Undet consicleistion With a view
Lo Moving. the Municipal Office
to the Court: ilz.::Chainber: This
'oom .cn • the east ..side :pt. the
main floor'," is still referred to •as
Lountc 11 Cha•because
that is where .council rniri
an, s• 4:ject. to. final estiMates
the' cost being, rean
'int ber a- I....A • • •. •
Grants Available'' . • .
Since this. • meeting,: Reeve ' •
• :O., W. Joynt -has been in Toronto:
•' looking irito the 'matter, aria.
l ,
The challenge and the• need. of
Aliese.,peoPle had.always•been the
n-iagnet that 'kept him among
the Indian people, whenever he
considered :aocePting..'a regular
pastorate. .
During the service, Rev..How-
ard Strapp eXtended, a • welcorrie.
to' fhe members' who 'had of -i
were held for ..many years,.prior
to. e,iablishing •a •MuniCipal, ‘ef,
fkein rented : qUartars in'. the
."ohnstarie )3199k. • • ,
The proposal : :is to proceed
h ne of th last stages of
coniplete renOvation of the Town
-0 •
represeritatiyes 'of organizations
wn,ch Most ,regularly use 'these
of, "renovation
Was e p1a ned and an
rx.:•de -or the. quarters- to be re-:.
• •
eNpress2d.' op on of these
C.:.tegates .as ti.43.1', 1, ie LOS-
'chanties/ would VElly 'sat-
nerc..--.Cil members favor the'. •
Hall; This rt �f. the 'program'
iricludes the Council R00m and
the basement rboiri; on the east
sideof the 'building presently
used: chiefly by Guides, Scouts
and •BroWnieS. • :c•
Council met. Qi'l ,Tuesday' night
of last 'week ,at the aI1 With
ii laily'joined • the :church by
transtei of Membership; Mr &
Mis Walter. Alton; 1\417,,and Mr.
'Allan • Hackett, • ,:aVIts.Eldon
Wraith, Mr.: and 4rs Elliott
Carruthers. •
finds ,that generous gOVernrnerit •
assistance is' available under the
winter works prOgrain as well •
as the ComrnunitS7:HallS'Aot,
der 'which previous' assistance • ,
was •received.•
• • It. was anticipated that the
regular 25% . provincial. rant
Would be applicable on MoSt. of
:the expenditure involved m the
project. It was extra good news
for the Reeve to learn. ,that
!).:'ederal assistance to the • extent
Of 5cp of labour costs wOuld, be:
available under the • winter
•, (Continued on 'page 3).
. .
• . •
. • .
. .
• ,
, .
..Pictured follov4iingthe jOint
' installation ;Of officers at the
Legion Hall TttPStlaY
I left ,to right 1itchie,
past president of,,the 1.,•tirknov,
'Cranston, tlie.
new resident, Andy l3ilme
stalling team Mrs, ,IAA
rind_, new 1..11 ••of
Atfkiliary; Atex,Purves,`
• -; 1
' • • .