HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-02-01, Page 10'PAGE 'TEN ?1 HITECHURCR, .. SCQTTSH; CONCERT There was a Marge crowd • out on., 'Friday evening for a. spec- ial Scottish. Concert put on by the Whitechurch• Library° . Board' • in the Community . .Hall. The chairladies of the evening were: Mrs. Victor Emerson and . Mrs. J ;m McInnis, who did a .fine .job. Numbers in the program were: a:.group of young .girls from. Fordyce School sang two songs;: Mr. ,,Lorne Wall gave two • •selec tions on his bag pipes;; Mrs..Dan. Tiffin, 'Mrs, ; Dawson Craig, Mrs Garnet Farrier,' Mrs. Wallace, Conn,; Mrs., Russel • Ross, ' Mrs. Joe Tiffin, Mrs. Doris . Willis. and. ' Mrs.Ezra:. Sholtz entertained ;with: , a. square ,dance , to music , .kty.. Tiffin. orchestra with: ,Mr. Orville Tiffin. calling; off • 'for them; Muriel Conn ' gave a. Scot- • tish dance, and George, ;Conn ac-g. coinpanied her:, on' the . piano; • Valerie ,Arscott, Doris Fisher, 'Joyce Tiffirn, • Darlene Simpson,, Kathy ' and • .Brenda • Solomon of • No. 10; 'school :gave a' singing number and Doris' Ross avcorri- panied them 'on .the piano; ..Mr. Charlie. Martin gave a mouth or- gan , solo and Mrs, Ezra Sholtz, accompanied him. at the piano; Mr. and Mrs. 'G•arnet. Farrier . & Wayne , , played : two numbers with saxophone and piano; the square dancers favored the audit.: • 'c.nce again .:with another number. Last but not least. was a splend id one -act :`play... put on by the :.UTnited Church- :Young Peoples entitled, . `Who ' will have the ear 'to rIigiht. Mr. Arthur Laidlaw, directed the, play and :those in' the cast • were: .Donald* Gaunt; • Joan Tiffin, Margaret and Elwin Moore: and Barry Tiffin and they closed : with the Queenand: a lovely: lunch was:.. .served, by -the Library Board and ' a dance •with local music•:followed. „ Mr. and Mrs.: Otto Groskorth. Jim and Allan from,., RCAF Sts, tion in. North Bay 'and. Mr.; Groskorth,: ' of '.. Hagerman •spent 1-1 • t THE,: LUCKNOW SENTINEL, WGxNQW, ONTARIO� � ° .... , ` � WEDN19S1?AYa FEB, 1st, 1961, • the week end at.'the ;i gn ,e of: Mr. a roskorth, •Mr, h was 'rushed .to J. C. Groskorth � � _, Wirigham• Cxenerial • Hospital :Sun clay with a heart attack. ' • .]INTERMEDIATES DROPPED Weber and,, GANK LAST''WEEK, Mr', and 'Mrs Carl •r` .,Bob t Two G. ,,ME Clare,' Mr,, and . M,; �R Chambers: of jHarriston spent; Sunday • visiting .:at the home o f Mr. and .,Mrs George. Weber of Waterloo and"•14r,' and. Mrs, Fred Phedorf, of. Kitchener. • Misses Anne, . and '. Marlyne ' Weber,; daughters of Mr; and Mrs, Carl Weber spent the- _day with': their n Chambers` cousin, Miss D.,ovea in, Harriston. • . ` , • • Mrs: Mary Jane Tiffin is. a pa- tient in Wingham :General Hos- pital for observation and; -rays, ' 'Mr.._ 'Mrs;' . Charlie .. Tiffin took •Mr. Lloyd', Bell of ' Lucknow to' London Victoria.: Hospital for x-rays' 'on Friday. • Mr. Beth. Gaunt of, . • W=ingharn spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. Victor Emerson. • - Mr. and • Mrs George Stanley and:family 'spent Sunday at the home' of her parent. Mr and Mrs. ,Jim McInnis.. Miss Janet • ;Gaunt spent .the week -end•. at the home' of her parents, Mr., and . Mrs. ' Russel Gaunt. ' Mr.; and Mrs. 'Donald'Bushell and family'of • Kinlough spent Sunday. at the.. home. of Mr.. and Mrs.. Ezra. Sholtz . • Mr. and 'Mrs. Stewart ;Mus- 'grove arid Mrs: J. ,;Musgrove of, Wroxeter arid Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Willis . of Gowa'nstown spent Sunday at'the. home: of Mrs.', Dor- is Willis;. • Mr. . and Mrs. Jack Coultes visited -on Sunday at. 'the ' home of cher ;parents, Mr.. and Mrs. Mervin Pipe • of Brussels Mr: and Mrs. Carl' McClenag- han • visited '.on Sunday at the home of Mr.: and "Mrs.. Elmo Pritchard near eknow. • and Mrs . • Elwood G Lucknow-.Intermediates• have a bit . of trouble ,at times getting a `,full turnout of • players., and they rodent;. to ,Atwood. last Wed nesday With. only six regulars; plus a few lads who 'helped to' 'fill in. The results was.:a.19 to 6 shellacking for "The SePoys who ,had been top Qf the loop, ' • Back ' in" Lucknow on. Friday' night Atwood were ., again the opposition and edged out 'a 10. to 9 win over, the home" team. "Toby" Greer- :was in uniform for this fixture. • Graham led the scoring for, Lueknow with..four goals,Stanley netted . a pair :and , McDonagh. Ernberl'in,, and Gardner got sin- gletons. ' . The Intermediates' have no home . games this week, They meet Seaforth, here on Monday,. and 'play • host to° :Winthrop the following . Friday: • Teeswater Council has• received the:' resignation of W.: 3: Davison. Who has "held the position; • of constable. and utility. man 'for :the past '. eight years. BUST POUR:ZONOLITE IN PLACE over old; worn-out insulation: Level it and forget it. Takes only an afternoon Comfort is wonderfully 'increased,' and: fuelbills shrink • as much as 4.U°10 'Ask for free' estimate ON(OUR .'SPECIAL:. • WINTER BUDGET PLAN Play Rooms , Kitchens' Bath Rooms •-'; Siding—' Storm Windows -- Painting • • Insulating, etc, FIRST PAYMN' 'JUNE lst,•• 061• KINCARDINE MITE HAS SCORING PUNCH • In a minor hockey. double header in. Kincardine last week Lucknow Midgets.'. were nosed out .5 ,4 lby the laketowners, while the local .Bantams were snowed under 15. ; to 2 with Kincardine's mighty mite, Ken :Issard baggin g six ,goals. • ' Lticknow .goal • getters were Ross ; Forster 'arid Keith Roulston. In the nip=and-tuckmidget' contest Ken Houston; • Ross For= ster, • Doug and .Gary ' Johnston 'each' had. single .goals for Luck.-' now. TWO' CLOSE GAMES IN ' INDUSTRIAL . HOCKEY • On Tuesday, January .23rd, Dungannon won aver Silver - woods 7-4 ina' well played 'game, 'while 'on Wednesday,• : January. :24th, Belfast won a hard, fought, game over the High School by the• score; of >5 `3.' ,L.D.H.S.: Basketball Chesley ,Senior', girls edged out.. the ` Lucknow ...Students at . CONFUSION' IN: HOG 'MARKET1 NG : fusio The jiog, marketing' coon ion has reached apoint of contr.'o- versy,, to 'discourage the onlooker from, following; or trying Furth- er to 'understand or : interpret the goings on, The picture is so n:ttddled that we .had :dropped the s.4b- jeetl• from the publicity- angle.. However,; in this week's: mail we received from Bill. Harris , of Ripley 'a;. copy of the .resolution sent, to the heads: of government and .thee -,agricultural ,committee in Toronto'' #by • the ;Free En: "terprise Hog Producers. of 'On- tario. • It reads ' as follows, Whereas it has become more obvious t� / more producers that the present marketing. plan in its; corripulsory form is ineffici- ent, ,costly, detrimental and un- acceptable to :thinking ;producers not only in Ontario but .across Canada;`,' And whereas the present • 'plan' with all its compulsory features cannot be successful in.. afree economy, . it' is none the' less a threat and a menace' to. our .de- mocratic • and free enterprise system. And whereas the 'present plan, has lead to favouritism, and dis. crimination collusion: and corrup- tion = mistrust. resentment and 'bitterness there can' be no h p. e of an early settlement' :or• a sat-, isfactory' `solution under • . the, present circumstances Therefore „he: it 'resolved that we the Free Enterprise Hog Producers of`. Ontario,. strongly urge that this: controversial issue Obe !brought, . to an irnrnediate end, either. 'b3f rescinding the• compulsory powers of the pre-, sent board or by .:an immediate. vote 'of the .;producers so the way ' can. 'be open for. a new deal: for . the harassed hog pro- ducers of 'Ontario. • Charles Coultes, Belgrave, • ATTENDING. DAIRY SCHOOL,. COURSE AT GUELPH Thirty-two young dairymen, from .all parts of Ontario, and elsewhere .in Canada, are attend. ing ,the 71st 'annual Dairy School•• at the Ontario Agricultural Col-' lege, Guelphaccording to: a news" release received from the O.A,C; The school . is in session '.for. three months.; The, students, em- ployees of ,dairies across the pro vince, are 'learning the new ,rnod- ern techniques 'of buttermmaking cheesemaking,; ice cream, con- centrated milk, and -the handling of whole milk, under they instruc- tion of. specialists in the Dairy • Science 'Department at: the Col- lege. Among 'those taking the course are Robert ..Currie and. Allan MacKenzie, of Lucknow. :And whereas 'the present set- up is by• .now :a proven failure. and a 'stumbling `block ` in the 'path :of'progressive marketing, it can' no longer be tolerated. or, made acceptable'to ..the' •F P:1VhB., the 'producers,' 'the packers and :people everywhere. • And whereas'. the hog produ- cers of 'Ontario have been sub jugated for -14. 'years or 'so . to a ;plan forded on them without the authority of' a proper vote.� , And,•.'cvhereas •'the hog produc-, ens of `Ontario can not; ,be expec- ted to, continue to • be . the guinea pig, for more 'rounds of wrang- •ling over, auction selling or other petty .details .' which can , only lead'. , tomore confusion :, and . the same 'inevitable results. . the ':local high' school .on' Friday by a score of 39, to 31,., The Jun- ior girls from Chesley outplayed ' r the ,Lucknow :' Juniors 44 to . 9. The -boys' teams were in Chesey. •' that,: -evening,; but we• haven't °E'' received the results: N. i MINGTON• RAND RE • TOPfii9ht. ADDING MACHINE LUCKNOW SENTINEL • • ••.•n■Iu.mu.rapiu ono dura.': ■ ■.i ■■iii . ■Iiui.:i.r....rrr..nmI..us .Usa.rrrauus. .. •' m, NO. MATCH FOR •GODERIH NDL STRIAL TEAM i The 'pick of the .newly organiz- ed Luck'now Industrial . League. were no :match for 'the G.bderich Industrial • .all. . • stars here,' on. Tuesday night, when • the visitors. romped :along to a '27 to • 2 "vic tory. The game Was. refereed, by Jack' Henderson' and Tom. Collyer..' A vote will •be held : in Tara on February 15th on the ques= tion : of a men's beverage room :'& • liquor, lounge::. Tara's hotel ' has been vacant for 'several: years, and'the• campaign' for 'the liquor licenses is being prom'ot'ed in 'the Bruce County : village :by: the' "Keep the Hotel Building' In Tara Organization,!' KINGSBRIDC E Another in'the series "of; euchre parties took place on Monday, January 23rd: in the 'recreation robin' of: St. 'Joseph's school'. Win - .hers were Mrs. John Van Osch and Jack Van. Osch Jr, The rier, of the lucky chair priie. was Joseph 'Van Osch, The< evening concluded With : lunch. Mr. arid-, Mrs., John . Oeitrich and family of Breslau spent the week -end with Mr ' and Mrs: Mark -Dalton 'and 'family, Mrs:• Finloon arid' two sons &' Mr: McGuinness of $t, . Augia's- tnie visited;With • Mr: • and Mrs. Eidori Austin 'last week, Mrand Mrs Charles keane of Timn'ions .visited With Mr. & Mrs, Clifton " Austin this past eek, wIrlrnrirllrrrnn/uYM ■rr'nitrrar�ri8a■ �siirwri� , All hi top :condition for ,winter: driving. Buy: Now Before Spring Prices' Advance or 1960' Pontiac Laurentian Sedan, • automatic $2;395 • -, •1960 Chevrolet- Biscayne Sedan • • 1959 Chev Biscayne sedan; automatic; ' fully'. equipped '. $1,795 ' u • 21959 Chev Belairs, automatic, fully equipped` . $1,895 1959 Chev coach, • V-8 motor, automatic • $1,7:95 • • 1958 Chevrolet Deluxe:.' Sedan- . ti $1,550 ■ 195T'Pontiac Deluxe. Sedan, automatics .:... , $1,49541 1957 Pontiac Sedan, 22,000 miles t" $1,395; • . 1956 Chev ,4 -door Hardtop; automatic $1,295 i ■ :.: • $2,195 .A, n ' 1956 Chev. Deluxe Sedan ;. ' ..,, '',, ' $1,095, mi :'.,1956 Ford • Sedan, 'automatic.',.:.....;:.....,........'...... ,.:.. 895 '. n • 1956 Ford Ford Coach :, ',r 795 11 1955 Ford Fairlane • Sedan', .,' ,, . , , ■ • ... .. $ 850 ® '. 19.55 Olds Sedan, •automatic , , . , .:,.r ,;,.• $ 895 0 • 0 1955 Buick 2 -door ; hardtop' , $ . 895 v NA, 1955• Chev Sedan $ _7.95 II - •1955 Meteor Sedan tic � •,.. auto'ma ...........,....:.., , ...:.;...w,$, 795 ' 1954.. Buick Sedan ., r , , • ti , , ,• 5 695 ■' '1954 Chev Sedan n,.:..«.':,.,:.....:..........:::,x...4..10:,:.::...:.:..1* $: 550 i • � .. a ,• n MANY OLDER MODELS TO CHOOSE; FROM r : it o f 1I TRUCKS! . ' ' TRUCKr 'S.. ti ■ ' u 1958 Chev. i/ ,ton pick -up -,w th fleetside body a.:..::.. 51,295 i a '1954 Chev t465 •a r. • h -ton .Prek-up , „ :z .:.::: ,;;. i::...: ,., . $ 49,1 :! 1 1953 'Chev. 1/i.ton ''piekwitp •...,:.::... ...,:.....4.11:0.::, ,,,.s . ,... C.4.,*,' $ 3" �' u 1950' ,Doi ge, 2 -ton' st• ake,11,101,•461,0011,"•0••••••4•051Y11.,:11•000.00.....,,.4.:..:.,.; $ 0 39 i 1 ✓ . ■ Brusse1sMotors ■ ... ., .• . u ■. b. 0 • u Cities . Service Dealer .» , Phone . 1`73,' Brussels ,a •