HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-02-01, Page 7EUNES>AY.
FEB:; lSt; 1961 "
PAP, Er 45E' TEN
THE BEAVER is.bne of,the• Most industrious.of animals,
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Beavers mate, for life,, and their homes',
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When a man builds or'buys a home,. he; too, likes to>•
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' of Sun Life's many, services for, the security and protection
of:yourself and those you'love. Let me tell:you about these services.
m J..
LUCKNOw Phone Wingham 71744.: '•
Thannual`', meeting of the
congregation of Ashfield Presby-
terian Church was .held on Mon'
day afternoon:
A .number: from • 'this commu
nits'attended the Dairy herd im-'
provernent Association meeting.
• in Walkerton; on .Monday;'•
Mr.. and• Mrs.: Bob Macintosh'
and' Mrs. Jack Elphick were in
London '_on Tuesday,
We are sorry to ` repbrt that
Mrs.. Annie MacDonald, is still' a
patient in Kincardine ' Hospital.
Miss •Audrey Ross, R.N. of
'London .spent the week -end with,
her parents, Mr. , and 'Mrs. • Wm,
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Maclntosh'
.left on,, ' Sunday • for the Sunny
:Sympathy ' of the, community.
is extended to • Mrs Howard Rob
inson and family in the death of
Mr.: Robinson.,
Mrs.. George. • Moricrief was
hostess. to, a shower on Tuesday
in honour of Edna Carter, whose
.marriage is to take place in the
near.;.future. •
We .ate sorry .'to report.' that
Mr. James. Wraith is. confined to
W inghatri Hospital. • '
Messrs. Don Donaldson, 'Ernest,
Hanna,' Morley • Wall and' John
.Schumacher;. spent;. Thursday 'at
the Orpheda , Show,, Toronto. .:
Little David Hanna 'visited on.
Friday afternoon at the. home of
Mr. „and Mrs, Mor1'ey' Wall.
Mrs.. Earle Hodgins': is spend-
ing some time with. Mrs. James
Miss Marie ''Reeking., student
at Stratford . Teachers' College,.
'spent the ,week -end .tip ith• , her
parents, Mr. 'a.d Mrs.: Lorne
Mr. ' and Mrs: Don . Robertson .
and 'fa•mily, Milton, spent • the
week end with Mr. and; Mrs.
John' Schumacher and attended,
the 'funeral of Doris' grandrnoth=
er, Mrs. 'Ellen •, Cerson .,at Kin-
cardine, We extend„ our sympa-
thy.: '
ympa-thy':' 'Mrs. Robertson and family'
are: remaining •,for• some' time.
Miss Donna `Haldenby, Toron-
to, spent the week end with Mr.
and Mrs, Jas. Halclenty .
Every man starts .life as a baby
Your .Subscription; Renewed? and' the srnart ones outgrow it:.
' ;January 27th, 1901..
Dear Editor: '
As one moreweek, has passed
around again, • I wish to, 'convey
to you some of the happenin gs
of the last week ; in the House
of, 'Commons at Ottawa. •
Similar to You folks up in
Bruce,, we, have been .experienc-
ing a . spell 'of real. winter. .here
in Ottawa I 'may say that . wed
therwise, I atways consider that
the temperature ''is; ;five. degrees
Colder. in the .winter and: five de-
gree $ hotter in the summer in.
Ottawa than it • is • up. in • Bruce.
I wish ; to; mention two ,hap-
penings in the 'House this week
and also discuss shortly h report
that carne : out in the ,press re-
cently in connection with unem-
ployment. • . ,
• The first item "I will mention,
is that we have finished the de
bate on what wads known • as the
"ba'by budget." Some of.. you.
may wonder .what the'term "ba-
by budget" implies, and it simply
means that the budget that Mr.1
Fleming brought 'out 'last Novem-
lieve. ,
1 will note 'quote his report
but I .wish to, say that he, stated •
that he found :'from ibis: question-
naires ' that 37% of the 'people
who have registered with 'the
National Employment • Service
Were not in serious need of
full time Jab. To .>use his osvn',
words, they `'`probably ought ,not
to be regarded as . full fledged,
inernbers of the labour force, or
as ,beirtg unemployed in any
meaningful sense." Now this, be:-'
ins so, the *numbers that our
statistics show as unemployed
can 'be ,considerably reduced. The
27% of , the registered uneniploy'
ed 'possibly do not need work.
This`still.leaves us with a great
number of people who, 'are will-
ing to . work and need Work and
as I said in my last week's 'let -
ter this' is ` a serious. ' problem
'that has to be .faced for .the fu-
ture of us all,
T 'wi11 'be looking• forward to
dropping.• you a line again next
.week. '
Yours sincerely,
Andy Robinson,,
Federal, Member for Bruce.,
ber is not complete.. There will
be another budget. brought . out
very. shortly. In that budget, the
Minister will more or less predict••
what he' expects the future" to
bring in the .• way ;o2 trade . and
revenue : in Canada.
.Concerning. the ` estimates that
'were`: tabled yesterday, it ' bears
out the thinking of a lot of ppo-
pie• thatas" the years „go by and
the'., population ., of. Canada in-.
creases, .the government; 'at '0t
tawa, the. provincial goverri.rnents
and the" .'municipal'' governments
will., need more money to trans-
act the : work that , they have'
been- appointed 'to> do.•:For' in
stance, it :-is expected •,that the
estimates foa • • the : year ending
March 31st,; "1962, Will' • be .the
Largest peacetime estimates there
have • been in Canada. Close to
one-third of these estimates , go
towards our • defence expendi-
tures: You can imagine .h w 'hap-
;py we would be `: if :it was un-
necessary to *Spend' these .:rnrllions
in connection with defence. Let's
hope 'that ;time is nottoo. far in
the future,
The third mattes' that `I wish;
to.' mention ,'is the problem , of
unefinployment; 'Recently . there
was :a .report, ,presented• by Dr. R.
Warren Janies, ' :an econoinist,
who ' had been: 'appointed ' to 'do,
this, research • Work for the, .:Se
nate Manpower . Committee.. ' In
Dr. :James'• report ',the :facts, are
brought , out. ;that out,u
nnent situation is not as great as'
Mrs.• for
• MacDonald was'
hostessfor. the February meet-
ing .of the Presbyterian W.M.S.'
Mrs. Alex Percy presided forthe
opening' exercises. Twelve inern •
bers answered the roll 'call --with,
.a • scripture .versecontaining the
word. "new." Mrs. Tom :Mac_ Dan=
aid read tide'. scripture' and gave
the •meditation • on Jonah: Mrs.
.Perry :.,Hodgins' presided for the
,'program. Letters were -tread.. from
missionaries: Mrs.',. Perry Hodgins
and Miss "Sharon' Hodgins.: drama-
tized . The. :Life' of the Chinese
Peoplei' •:Mrs. 'Perry Hodgins con
ducted ,a, °Bible;. Quiz: What: a
friend we have ' in, . ' Jesus :was'.
sung' ' and the • Meeting • closed
1 with: prayer. . .
I Misses Edna and May : Boyle
(will entertain' the ,Holy'rood Wo'-'
'men's Institute on ;`Thu/sday
I with Mrs. Perry.' 'Hodgins co-hos-
tesel' •
Mi.: and Mrs. Frank Maulden
spent Saturday .afternoon with
Mr.. and Mrs. Stewart McGilliv-
ray :and. family, Con. 6.:
During the month of Febru`
; ary the Anglican service will be.
held • at 3 o'clock.
Mrs. ` John . •Bushell has ' been
visiting at the Montgomery home
North:Line::.' '
Mr. Dale Stanley of Detroit,.
Mr. Kenneth' Hodgins, London, Sc
Mr, :Douglas .Stanley of Toronto
!'visited over,' the week -end ,.her'e:
Miss Donna Haldenby of To-
a• lot of us have been .led. to be
ron.to ,`spent .the. weekend, at her
• home: here.,
• "Mr. :and Mrs. . Ezra 'Stanley,
Sharon and ,'.Douglas; and Miss.`
Patricia: ' Thompson . visited Sun-:
day ' with Mr... and Mrs.' IR. J.
Oh to be a ()lumber when '
the pipes act tip!,
put really, noW-isn't it
much easier to reach'^
for they phone?`
The ladydoes, and�•her
spouse is rescued
. , P,S:, Seriously, though,: at home ,or away„ you re
never really lost: there's . always• help at .hand
throaghyour telephone --a service so Valuable.
se-often taken for granted. The Bell Telephone '.
Corn'pany of Canada.`
L.:Elst'on Cardiff, : M.P.: for 'Hu -
ton has. announced that if 'is ex-
pected :. harbour improvements
will be 'carried out atGoderich`
Plumbing . and Heating
Eno Oil Burlier..
Sales and Service,
Convenient budget terms
Up to 5 years to pay.
fiscal year,,' The ; work will cost
about $80,000 arid ...this has,:'beet*
allocated in the new .Estimates
Which have been 'tabled in the
House of. Commons.
At Goderich about. $50,000 will
be 'spent to, reconstruct the, south,'.
pier ' to.' provide' improved facili
ties for the 'mooring of•:bdats.
:Repairs to the wharf at Bayfield
are expected • to cost about $30,000.''
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Continuous Business,
Counter Check' Books.
Restaurant ;Pads
Paying on .the instalment' plan •
.mak ,the r'rcintts seen .shorter
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