HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-02-01, Page 6w
If ' t•
here is one thing above all
other s that I loathe, despise, de-
test. and
e-test'and armor, it "is a household
budget. I' know this, is wrong. I
know it :is ;a. 'weakness. f know
army rankger will 4 wince
, maria
when . he reads this, But I •can't
help it.::I 'would rather end in a
prison' forpaupers than have
anything to do with a ;budget:
There ., is a, . '.reasonfor my
*Our feelings toward these
harmless household hoaxes. Peri-
odically, my wife insists. that we
draw ' up' a budget. It happens
about 'twice a: year, and: around
e ksyl to -get: f0' ate:
s:'xpants 3n4,. soles .R-'stL .'
fth . slsoirxr„ rays aria
Bo of the rillediao' Paint,
Bas -Dancing :no cover, ns
gainfinun. Aaple free ;ovtraight
Vie' CQa►�esti, .F
Fad ran.
CANADA The Duni Elgin, Ottawa.
The Laid Himcoe,Toront.
GHICAGOi The Sperms .
'The Hotels- Ambassador
Mau Uta
etehpliaaa ilius 171141—T0S 42
our' , house it always ` produces.
strauied rela:,ions,• mounting ten,
.sion, and a roaring, fight, in that.
During the year,,; ',I have a
rough idea 'of,. where we stand
financially And I keep it delibe-
rately as rough ' as possible. It
doesn't ' take the mind of a, mag:
nate to figure out' that five from
doesn'tt producea plus sign.
All right, • so I'm . an escapist.; . I
.Mrs, Helen Swann visited tri
•Ni dsor tWtti' the week -end,
Mias Ruthe ror'ster and Mr,
.B .Sarrith of Terento Visited
at.the,lrinne of 'the, fo.a' mt.&,pt r°.,,
eats, M. anci Mr', Walter li'ori,
Master Robbie Sutton visited at
the home' «f his, grtrnclParen;ts,
Mr. and Mrs. 'George' King et
Bervie while his mother; Mrs,
Cecil •Sutton i,a, ,patient. at Kin-.
sardine Hospital, We I :.pe ,for'' a
speedy' recovery.
Visitors re . ntly at the . h nYie
of •Mr, ncl 1Vli , Victor' Dawley
... a
were: :Mary Anne , and, 'Richard
McCosh,;• and'; Mr., and and.,
ald Chadborne. '
Miss. 'Mary • .Anne MCCosh' ' of
Toronto . visited► "oyer the week-
end witty -her parents, Mr, and.
'Mrs,, Don McCosh, ' '
Mr, 'and . Mrs... Frank :Dore,
Nancy ,and Ronnie were guests
On Saturday; night• at the 40th.
bury my ..head in the sand, And ' wedding • anniversary of ' their
if there isn't any sand around•
, a aunt unci uncle . Mr, and 'Mrs.
beaker 'will' do. John 'Brindley in the Walkerton'
* • * , .Orange Hall: ,r. •'
I know the mortgage,. wasn't • A number .from : here.'attended
paid last year, the taxes are over -'the BEEF 'meeting in Bervie on
due,. we've, had five bills in a Thursday. It was well -attended
row from the dentist,• 'and. I've and very . educational,. .
Missed the discount on' the hydro, The W.I. of Purple Grove held
bill, which .-has been in. My hip a' card party on Friday evening..
pocket for three, weeks,' Btit: these The ' committee in charge was
things don't really .bother me too Mrs. Claude Dore Sr., Mrs, .Pete•
much:• It's When 'my, ' wife gets one Leeson and Mrs. `.'Steve Irwin.
of her financial -genius -kicks that The prizes ,were w'on. by . Miss
life becomes 'pretty : :ghastly :Elda Iharkness and • Mr. Harvey,
around our: •place: She invariably Thompson. ,
does it when she's in, one 'of :Mrs.: Edburt Bushell ; spent
those owly moods in which she '.Thursday :In ., Toronto..
won't . even take "yes" for • an
only one with both feet on the.
ground, the .rock on. which the.
cruel waves of life are shatter-
ed, •the bringer -home of : bacon,,
the captain ,of our little ship; I
firmly and ;producres Lots of pa-' afn, revealed as a sorrcif village
laper and a' pencil Then .She com- idiot, an irxeptburden on ..the
piles .fantastic' 'lists of Stuff,' ev- slim shoulders of mayspouse, a
i, ery . thins from tires to toilet clay -footed '. idol, a:juggler , with
paper, from oil to, ':oranges, puts shaky hands, and* an utter eco -
i a :, price:'.on everything and adds non -lie 'flop: '
it all .un. / . * : *.
She had one of those attacks
this week They . often come', in
midwinter, when my resistance
is low. anyway.' . She ,sits• down
WV1?N,ESDAY, ' SEB, lst,; llll;'
Wast Bonta.iu ,Hoyle hcylidayed'
laiaat week .with; ';Ma'* . and :Mrs.!
Aur cel' Armstr'un ., '
Miss. Bvu and Mr.1 Lox'ne'Cu1-
be t visited': at the hon of Mrs,
Wm. Cox anMr.Xtev. Beeson:
Cox during the 'week.
Messrs, Don Meehan,- Gordon
I atterson. and Hugh 'Lane ..werK
Toi°.pnte during the week; ,.
Miss Dianne Dore was.a n'ecent
tisatorti ;with.': Mian Margaret Ro
bertsen, `
• Mr. and • ''Mrs, ' non. Mc4'osh,
Mary Anne. and Richard visited
on Thursday evening • with Mr,.
and" Mrs, " Currie Colwell, of
Ltieknew, ' " fi
Mi.. and Mrs,: Russel.; Collins
spent.Friday ,in Goderi.ch
`A number from here, enjoyed
the Sunday skating in .the.:Lpek-
now Arena., • • •
Miss Eva and , Mr; Lorne
Culbert 'spent Wednesday' even-
ing with Mr. and,, Mrs; :Bill Eadie
of H'olyrood,
Mrs, .Harvey ,Webb visited on
Saturday • with her: • daughter,
Miss ;Alison Webb 'who is a pati-
ent in -Guelph General, -Hospital.
We, wish •Alison 'improved health.
Sunday dinner guests with Mr.,,
and Mrs. ' Fred McQuillin were
Mr. and Mars. Frank MoQuiilin.
arid Terry, ':Mr, Wallace' Miller,;
Mr. and Mrs: 'Cart Johnston,
Marie, ' Keith and Terry of ,Blue-.
vale,' Mr. ' Ivan' McQuillin of ;'El- drew. Gaunt s.
Fells trees up to 3 feet in dl
ameter. Cuts 18"•trees in la
seconds. Only ',18t pounds.
Famous 'Homelite quality..
lieu bar iiOct ttoia
Kinloss -- .Ontario
Phone. Bervie 2441
mira, Mr, Barry; McQuillan and
Miss' Sue Scott of Waterloo.
'Sympathy of • the community
goes •to Mr. and Mrs:. W m J.
Robb in the loss . of his sister,
Mrs, Anne, Eliza ••'-Milner' ,of,: Lon- •
don and Mrs, Robb's nephew, Mr.
Frank Garniss of •Toronto,
'The : February meeting of the,
W.I. will she • held on Thursday, •
,(today) at _2 o'clock at . Mrs. An `
This takes about , two hours,4.. Don't • ask me ..how all this
during which we . discover ,the comes about : in the mere draft
following that I don't 'know how ing of a budget. ;It's uncanny.
much life insurance I have; that My Wife sits there, scowl deep-
', I dont. know`,h'ow, much the taxes ' ening : as •the evidence mounts. I I
are; that I can't remember •,whe- ;squirm. lower ' in my chair, while. 1,
trier or not' I've paid the interest trying to look ' .keen, interested
,on the .Mortgage, and such -like• and dedicated'. to balancing. the
Perhaps that's why ' I dread thing. Every time ..she thinks of
thesesessions so much: -With 'a a new item.: for the "expendi-
few .strikes of the pencR, I .am tures"'.col:umn, she lights up like
transfigured_; Instead of.. the firm, a ,,pinball; machine When she ,,
kindly. Mentor of the . fA ily the comes to.the refreshment and to.: i•
nn■nn■na nn.tinnno silo a basso departments,' her eyes ,gift-;'
ter like those of a snake about
a 'FOR FAST, EFFICIENT OVERNIGHT i to harpoon :.a "hypnotized rabbit.
• ■ After this week's ordeal, she
announced triumphantly that we
■ Were ;going' in the; red at the rate
a' �of X50. a month. 'th.Ttiat
' ''seemed to
re rpterrr�e
' a make her feel better. it made' me
i a feel a lot better, too. From the
TO . or FROM ;
▪ way she'd been acting, I figured, !
they were. about, ready to send •
is me 'off ` to a place ..for ' retarded
■ children.■
•' '*
fi Then. she "vent 'into, the next
ar, n part of the ritual, which. never.
■:.. . -� • varier.. Where were Ave'' 'going to
• cut down? Y 'always suggest par_.
•• ind the food bill:, . "Those *kids
.would , be a ' lot . better off if. . they
• • • at, more porridge and cheap,„
• healthy 'stuff like that;.." I always
u say. This merely leads, to an out-
• burst in which:,she .claims' that :I
▪ have just accused her of being
▪ •aid extravagant ' and . wasteful';
,ei k. erhks puts me uh the defen-
sive. '
•■ Arid that's exactly where she
• wants riceNow, the pencil . stabs
the pater relentlessly, and comes
s, the tn.ev table...question , "Do • you
▪ realize hoix much you spend • on'
✓ cigarettes''" And :it turns out, as
u tt • a:ways. does., that • if 'I ,stopped
▪ , not ing, and gaove' up n'iy . pr+e
n d;n�ter.,
bOttie of ale,' the budget:
■ t,va.uld .baiance, ' the suri • would.
shine every :daY,' and'•ny family;
s r aGtt
love, 'respect and, obey me,
• •• SO 1 prosxiise• to do it. •
a • y•ie xt 'day,' the ' Old Lady `-feels
so good. about .having balanced'
■ ,
' All Loads Insured
* • New NI/Ingham Warehouse
Serving gt
'.din haaa and:� 13i -strict
Household "Mrnring Service to any '.
Ontario points. '
.No. Load Too. Bi; = Zoo' 'Laud Too Sana9l'
+r air r� N�t,►ri ��i�k,► .0.444,44
All Receive Caret. When You Ship By
'SUPERTEST GARAGE P1 -1614E $ I.II I� O V • r e budget and reformed e
at neer dream things area t so
r. • Wingbarn� 15 �-- Km�cairdme 5, R Ie�p 193 +,'fat she that anew "dress. So,.
u t recon that d she cart afford
e11' Your Traveller ogr When i Orderiio To `- n r ` • w o
• .";�t�g�, ,and .I slip dal,, fitow n end
SI#1 SY 'V'A bEN' RH OS TRAINSP01 ` '' up a large'' deck• of 'weeds
7� 7 r a: a; a' �matl; hoc of beer. 4nd
r j6541• Toro to,or O 8 75 .Lei adn
w ,.,•• tt4F'r" 'tape
•re• • o'f4 ftlt"•� s'i'ft
.; Sy Ph ' ritttg ARG"
a.a■carr■aver!, i$Ias .soar■hrraat uaana�arraaaiarrraa tts�tuiier0 x ge "e
motel, i aCwututtAceot ,t
rt mg moms,• i a Pates , anatts Ascot!
h'tAxa.8,, tt4 Q stIPL.A84 ICCOwt>tl .*
r�'F:+" s MYAnvYUtiL + S WYihtY�!f�?Fro�
Which is the RIGHT:account
or your.mp.Ngyt':.
. Are. you using your' bank to ,your : own, greatest
Are you putting'•your. money .into the particular
type of account:- or.. accounts —that .best, suits
your needs'?,
.At the Bank of Montreal, .Savings • Accounts,
Personal •Chequing Accounts • and .Ctyrrent• Ac-
counts all offer "you particular advantages ,depend-
ing on. how you plan to:use the money you deposit.
Best way to decide Which account, or combi
nation of accounts, 'is 'fest` right to give you the'best
run for your money is: to pick up a.• copy of the.
B of °M's'Iittle folderhe Right Account Will Saye
You: Money", It' outlines the difference 'between
the various accounts and explains'
how best You can .use` them.,'
And it's yours, for the asking.
For -my:
:Ask for your copy at your',
neigl bourhood 13'0 M branch
. Manage'
Alk bF tifE. ,51NCE 180