HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-02-01, Page 5• • is 14 n', • is' 3t. rn .y. s - es 0, ns ae Of of Ito . ay t1 , of. ed or • . LS- gst. re- (Ch. e(Ch.. . ive.. )rt, ... el&'. an /at•:, of • no: see a' 4 r.' ,of Way l't, • WDIIyESDcAY; i+'BB; 1st;; 19.61 ` . ,at THE I.UCKNO.W' ;SEN•.l.iVFL LUCKNOW‘ ONTARIO SHARE YOUR 'SIGHT been:looking• cO jr ,, • COMPLETE .WITH TWO 1 b"•CHAINS YOU 'SAVE 30%, .,on the cost of yourI spare chain (pivot grip extra) , See it toddy, • demon strate the features that make'the,all-r,ewPioneer. 6-2O'chain saw the choice '- of' pr.ofesSionol cutters .PIONEER SAWS LTD. P1T11•O1tOIIGNy CANADA PIONEER ifliougl Holyrood, Ontario LIGHTWEIGHT' (20 'LBS.)' BALANCED HANDLEABILITY' SURE GRIP.. HANDLEBAR REDUCED.VIBRATION. 'gCOOIERCRUNNING MORE POWER LONGER LIFE'AIR FILTER •• NEW EXHAUST DEFLECTOR garage Phone Bervie '2424 r' AMBf RLEX %ITH SIG .'TLE$$ By' E. If+'. Wheeler District Field Secretary "White' Cane. Week is like. Aa j town clock,". obsrved' Mr. J. H:" Kinkead, Chairman., of the •G.ode rich=Huron. Advisory • Board to. the Canadian; National Institute . for the Blind. i'Both provide, a coi'nxnunity "service Both remind,' citizens of the time of' important .events.' ; .Held annually by:; the COB and The s,Car adiazk National Institute for: the Blind, the week is strictly , educational :and. has, never been identified with fund raising. ..Mr,. Kinkead explained that a casual suggestion made at • the 1945., conference of the Coun cil inspired the, 'inauguration of this national week.. "Someone ob- 'served that+few people knew' that 'the 'white cane signified blind. • ness," 'he said, "and someoneVelse said • we ought to have " a week each year 'to ' let. .,Canadians know about . it." The idea•, was: quickly taken '. up and national, White. Cane Week came ;into being. The first few campaigns dealt With the problems of 'blindness and urged'. the • sighted to• .assist 'blind persons on . the street. As; time went ',on the community service 'side came,. into the ple-' Jure "and the blind of . Canada .urged the sighted to take 'care 'of their .eyes,. Themes , such as "Be 'Wise ' Take :Care of Your ,Eyes," . "Prize Your Eyes," ;.and •other ';constructive pointers. 'were used to awaken in. the public .ar 'appreci.atiori of .good vision. This year White • Cane .Week invites you to `!Share Your' Sight With' The 'Sightless." Mr.• Kinkead pointed.' out sev- eral ways of sharing your vision. 'When 'you walk with a' blind• person;. describe .the 'stoke .'win, 'win- dows, tell of any .business tion; changes, and talk ` about 'thee unusual incidents`: that often; tin. fold before your ',eyes; Offer to ;write 'letters for •your, blind neigh hours or to :read to them. Offer to provide transportation To drive 'a sightless person. .to. the dentist, to:the '.shopping ' centre or a trip ,• ••PAGE, k'IV$ arry, 'Rodney,, Fundy, Shield,_ ;Sirncoe and Clintland.. • • PACE; PER BUSHEL Canada. No.. 1, $1.50,, Canada Certified No. 1 . $LOO Canada Registered,,„N;b: 1,, $1.75. BARLEY York, Herta, Brant :::':and Parkland. u , PRICE PER BUSHEL Canada. No. 1, $1.90, . Canada Certified. No. CANADA REGISTERED No., 1, $2.2)5 SELKIRK WHEAT PRICE PER BUSHEL Canada No. 1, $2.60, Canada Certified No. 1, $2.60. Canada Registered No. 1,. $2.75 $2:15 :MII'XED GRAIN-, Canada No: 1, , Mixture, $4.75. per 11)0 Ib: ;bag. 4 choices (1) .• Garry, : Herts[; Selkirk Mix • *(2) Garry, York, Selkirk Mix (3) Rodney, Herta,Selkirk Mix (4) 'Rodney, York, Selkirk Mix Mixed , at '.ratio of 6•'pks oats, .2 pks: barley, 1 pk. wheat MIXED -GRAIN'' Canada No. 1. 2 choices Mixed at; .ratio Mixture,' $4.25 ' per ' ,100 lb. bag (1) Garry,. Herta Mix (2) • .. Rodney, ' Herta Mix of 6' pecks: oats, .2' pecks• barley .ALL GRAIN IS ,TREATED DISCOUNT OF 5c PER , BUSHEL ON ORDERS OF OVER .10 BAGS nderson Flax Produc Limited Phone 21-W, Lucknow down' town :is ' a ..wonderful. way ” to• Share .Your ' Sight. • concert to be held 'in March.' Pit-„ ' ter ' the/ :business • : part . of the;. meeting, the.''•m'ot'to,• `"'Whether' a The . January :meeting. of the .man has: a goose .egg or •a . nest Reid''s Corners . W.I.' was :held at 'the home .Of Mrs..:.Wni. •Courtney, Ambe ;ley. .With • Mrs., ' .1 onald Eldon ' dl d Courtney -and Mrs. Kelvin , Hen- 'derson. presiding..' :The meeting opened ' with the ;.Dde and Mary Stewart ° Collect. . After all • `cor.' "When,: • rou and I were .youn, respondence was. "dealt. with ' :Maggie" was , given •'by Mrs.,A 'plans were 'discussed for fund William .Cour.t'ney and ;was • fo•1.- 'raisin projects..' It was decided .lowed •bthe s•in in 'bf this .old to send out letters ,with a; . tea, :b;allad:; A• ,paper entitled, • ``Our -yesterdays are. : the'.•' rocks on bag attached and small coin*en •• , velope which the recipient re- which �� e build was:: re aced •p cp , p p. :turnso n This ' Mrs: 'Ross .. S,hiells ' and...read . with- •contrabutio s. by s d project is known' as `the "`Unusu`-; by ';Mrs. ,Robert Courtney. who •al :Tea.' .Party." The .:program also contributed an inatruuniental c; mmittee is to •arrange for ' a ."Winter Wonderland," •. In mem- egg : depends on '. the, chick he married",was well, given by. Mrs. �'ldon . Bradley, ey, an many, fine points pertairiing to 'home ; life were,. brou ht..:out. The 'topic., g P •, The History . 'of the old . ,song, 'ory of Robert . Burns birthday.: all joined in,: singing. •"Flow .Gently. Sweet •:Afton:" . •An: interesting contest was given by Mrs:.Don ald • Courtney: after: ,which court= esy remarks. were given; by' Mrs. Melville 'Henry. PiahiSts for" the; meeting' were :Mrs: Eldon .•• Brad- ley and Mrs. • Robert• 'Courtney. After the closing oder and 'grace, lunch was., sewed • and a' 'socia l time. enjoyed. 'Mrs., Sam Gd es `offered her home for the Feb- ruary meeting. Itwas decided'; to. have, the meetings' 'in homes :dur- ing :the winter months. Hostess se: o; the lunch con- rnittee were Mrs. Wi Bain Pacer and,, Mrs: Cecil` Humphrey..•' . • The 'Parish' hall' at ,Ltirgati, .was - forces manure' with i'hos- Man u phos rein .. , manure' P horus'•.and 'acts as,, a stable disinfectant. Apply at the rate of 2 to 21. pounds per cow . if per day, sprinkled in the•gutter; of desired, add 50 pounds of Man a -phos per ton of „ man._..ure before themanure, is spread on' field's: • Co-op Man -u -phos added to;nianure not :7- , EQUALS BALANCED FERTILIZER AND,SANITIZED': STAB LES only adds phosphate; thereby saving an extra application but it holds ..the `nitro en manure from being lost to'the air.; ' Rereinber, manure itself, is low in phos .phate and consequently • is nota balanced fertilizer, • Therefore, for "goodness 'sake useCo'-o `Man -u -hos with manure. _ P P • • ;the .scene of .an interesting event. Ori January 26th when' Mrs.. WM. Collins 'entertained at -a Guild tea.• and birthday' party. The Oc- casion... was.: 'the 'birthday. of . her mother,Mrs. L. Schepp, Who has; spent' '„ the past three months visitirig , with .the Collin's 'family: Owingtothe inclement weather many ladies were', not • able..to ,attend, however a. goodly' num- ber , turned out .'despite the storm.. The afternoon ',was.: spent.. in , :quilting and 'afterwards 'the. ladies sat•. down' to a 1'ovely tea table centred ,•with •;a, birthday cake: Our `bes.t wishes, go to Mrs. 1ST. I:UC;KNOW'; BOY 'SCOUT . TROOP •'On Wednesday, Januar. '25th ... :y the ', 1st Lucknow... • Boy . Scout:. Troop • didn't • hold,•' 'a . • reular .rneeting, but had. hockey .practice... i.n• the arena.. The following . night Schep for.'ma'ny happy returns on Thursday the • Lucknow. Scouts and .ari enjoyable 'trip'to'Florda., defeated the Rip:ey. Scouts 13.8., Lucknow scorers' were: Doug.. Dr. and Mrs. Stewart ,Sir ns . of Johnston goals, ls Gay Johnston, r ' •, , .. Toronto are ,happy to arinoirnce 4 goals, Ross Forster, 2,' go•a7s, the arrival of a son January 28.• Edward Brown and Doug. Mac'- The' sympathy, of the c• ammu_ Kinnon; '1 goal' each. • nity is extended. to Mr. C1ai After the game the Ripley'' ence 'Hooey of" Kincardine • in Scouts• trE:itad. the" )�u'c:r�iww' the passing of•his wife;, the for: 'scouts to sane?,+.•iC1 es and chow=' mor Lottie 'McPherson,. -who 'sed away :J'anu'ary 2in5th iii K I ,sardine General 'Hospital.. The., funeral service' which was; held . ftorn the. McLennan ' Funeral... Horne, Kincardine; was larg0,1y attended on Saturday, January •iST KINLOSS scour TROOP late 'milk. The Lucknow Scouts would like • to thank Stuart Jamieson for tak- ing . a , car ' to Rip1 e3•$ t ,.lans are beieng made, for a ,;return. gani;': • 28th. • Mr. and' Mrs.. Don 'Holahan: of.: A ;Slei6hride behind the• Clarkson are' i. proudparents of . ling'. 'bells' ,of a. good • twain of a son 'born .to thein on. Jantivary .horses . un er: the. light of • thee.... 2.6th (a brother, fair. Debbie).' moon .Was ' scheduled' for last A number of ladies - of_ the Friday ng. night ' ,bi t, kiWinter community attended a shower. decreed oth'en.tvi;e ..The ,Ct:4b for Miss Edna. Carter' of" Coderich Pack ,was 'reads • but it was con which Was held' at the .home`•of ..rdeted too ds.-ib•eioti,s to be .on Mrs. George NIoncrief,. on' •T'hud's the road 1�, itli the poor viii �ilrty. day. Ey. 'ear tine Cubs :travelled to Mr: 'arid Mia„ bell of Atwood. gtflests with Mr: A. Campbell of Mr.' and •Mrs. 'Russell Caddied= . were Sutida'v and : Mrs: john ArritOtley, • James Mcrlain. entertained' friends .at .'dinner. ,on • Friday.•evening, • • M. George $jue of • St, Clair ' Shores, "M.ichigat and Mr. lau!gene 'Flue. of .Detroit were week -end guests with: Mf. and. Mrsr 'John 1 1ue and other • relatives. • • gin talk is rrrita}Jing, mainly because it•s handed out in 'Such large quantities, the .Camp i 'e' site 1'i ya'' miles era t of Ilolyrood where fun ` awaiting. The fire was lig~ and :bright but the. smoke' :,would•, -have smelled better -if P'$heera had lett <that twin . at home: Wel knecwwho to feel sora tor, the :. ,Loy lvho ave seven ho•tdogs:'''or' 'the boy" who drank s to .cups , of hot clici•cc t late. 'Eutt'ehad full and for' the golf • Cub Pack`' It was.' the first tii:te of 'tht yup.?d ti`1"loi; 1etid Ct riC's1 lye c'a.fl tae e` 10r t rY,x out dfrde.T `,5 „