HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-02-01, Page 4PAGE POUR TH1w: DG KNQ11P SFN I IEL, LUCK'Now, QNTARIQ_ tI WEDNE>SDAYr F'EB.. 1 .4' CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 'RATES Fir;t,.Insertion tc per word; minimum, charge 50c. Repeat Insertions, 1, %2c per word. minimum 40c. Notices, 'Cards;' of Thanks and Corning • Events;, • minimum 75c.; In. Memoriams, .minimum $1.00, 25c ..extra• for' replies 'to The Sentinel. Billing' charge of .' 10c for each bill" rendered; -FOR SALE FOR SALE -large • quantity, of choice baled: hay. Bob Simpson, - Kintail, phone . Du gannon. • 12r2. • FOR SALE -quantity of mixed .'grain, will deliver. Melvin Col,- ling, fi:.R, 1, Ripley,;phone 113-r-'16, 'CLEARANCE ' SPECIAL. - two only, Thor deluxe, clothes ,dry- `ers,.. regularly $249:, clearance. price,, $159.95 each. Greer TV & Electric, ,Lucknow, phone 110. SEE RUSTCRAFT VALENTINES- now on• display at Finlay ' De- corators and Gift Shop, Lucknow.: CATTLE : SPRAYING for lice. • 'Warm' water used. • •Satisfaction: Guaranteed Phone 95 or r write. James M. Baeker, Brussels, Ont:, Box ' 138. • FLOMASTER pens'' and ink, ina gic markers,' mark -it ' pens _all 'available at T ;Lucknow Sen- tinel, phone 35, . •Lucknow. • ,• FOR SALE Kiln dried shell • corn. Apply to Lorne Luther, :ophone . 65-r-14, Dungannon SNOW REIVIOVED. FROM drive ways, yards,.:etc. Phone 2;8.6 Jack Jim , Farrish' ori': phone. 2197 ;FOR.,SSE several choice . youg Jersey . cows, due Febru- ary and March. Clean. Ytested. herd.. Goldie Martin, .R.R. 4,. Goderich, 'phone; Carlow 1922: • OUR DISPLAY RACK of card boards and bristols has all col- ours, :and all' .prices from ;.10c 'sheet.. tp 20c' a sheet: The Luck - now . Sentinel, phone 35;. Luck- now. •Lavas.: • BOOKKEEPER Brown'1ine. ; co1- umriar books; • cash 'books, loose leaf ledger sheets .in stock, if we don't 'have 'your • requirements 'we will ,order for you. The ;Luck-. ' now 'Sentinel, Lucknow..• uARPENTER `AND . CEMENT WORK contact Roy y C.. Schnel ler, Kinlough for prompt win - FOR SALE; THE' SEMI; -ANNUAL.' WALLPAPER' SALE is on FEBRUARY 2 to. FEBRIJARY'o 11 Price Range, 29c per .single Roll and Up. THE WALLPAPER ' SHOP Wingham, Ontario, DUPLICATOR supplies, bond paper; mimeo paper, typewriter paper • in• pads and quantity, ink for" Gestetner machines, stencils and .master 1 sheets, .. duplicator fluid, hectograiph machines and supplies, if . we don't stock` your requirements,, we will be glad to . order for you. The Lucknow Sentinel, . •phone . 35, Lucknow. INCOME • TAX RETURNS S.,: J. *PYMM Public Accountant since '1944' Phone, '41 P.O. Box' .7.4 Lucknow,. Ont. MAGAZINE SPECIALS., The" Lucknow Sentinel offers: the following magazine specials for • a ..limited time; • Saturday. Evening . Post, 37 issues,; $2.97;. Ladies Home Journal, 22 months,, $3.85.• Other specials on. Holiday and American Horne. 'READER'S DIGEST COMING EVENTS -Spe i' 1 ates . no* effective on .Reader .s Digest; new subscrip rt.ions, :one year, $2, save 15% on .renewal subscriptions, one year; renewal,, $3.40; three-year re= newal, $8. These . 'are the same rates as • quoted in the Digest mail offers,.''The : Lucknow: Sen- tinel phone 35, Lucknow: • ' 'REFILL' "ROBLEMS SOLVED Micropoint ball point pen. re- fills solve. that, "does it. fit" problem for. all pens. ''They fit paper -mate, eversharp, ' script, waterman, • sheaffer, wearever and 183 '.other popular, :makes, See for •ourself unconditionallY : Y guaranteed, 49c. at The Lucknow Sentinel,' phone 35, Lucknow. ter'. ,service ontile floors, built-in cupboards, • remodelling. General , s your Subscription contractor for all, types of de- . ment work, concrete silos, and carpenter work.' Phone Bervie Paid?' • '2221. • ATTENTION FREE DEMONSTRATION FR.F home dernonstration of:; the Mackay snow' blower. :Tried, tested • .and proven. • Contact;,i. Bruce MacMi iii,, Lucknow,', or,: :Morford NV. Mackay, phone-. 6r8'' Ripley WOOD FOR • SALE -good hard:, maple.wood/in truck load' .lots, ; also ,hardwood •slabs, :' softwood ;' slabs 'and sa .;dust in : any corm-: its=. Brine t�2ae?rliilan, -Lucknow. ELECTRIC HAMME ► MIL. LS, :oat:, rollers or household ap;� antes;: ` try; Co -Op BL DEET 'PLA.N \.:.10W COS t. reoaj`• ea .ly & :'conveniently at -our local =tore! you • receii.e. farrril pro` tion' through Co-o,ler ativ e surance Co., select a t opth!yf or seasonal .. repayment sc red;ale Lucknow District: Copp, . 'phone 71, Lucknoyv, I CONS'TIt tCT UPRIGHT a' CONCRETE . SILOS • anyheight to stilt: custerner. contact ARNOLD, Ilii 92 Cas+ibria Rd. erach 4 / 8 FARMERS' I am licensed by Department of • Agriculture to remove Sick, Down 'or Disabled'. Farm Animals. `. Highest Cash ' Prices Paid for; annals in' good • Condition.. CALL TOM . FOX Ripley 15-r-20 Collect '. Seven Day 24 -Hour Service t' TANGO TIH$ THURSDAY Lucknow IAion will hold a cash, bingo in the 'Letgion #ia'I1 on Thursday, February and.at 8:44 Twelve regular games, 8 share the -,wealth and •4 jackpot game! of 57 • numbers for $65,40. RECEPTION AT DUNGANNON A reception will be held,' in the Dungannon Agricuttural. Hall on ''Friday, February 3rd in .;hon pr Of Mr. and Mr . Lorne • Howe (nee Evelyn. Smyth),.' Music will. Abe supplied by Boyd's Orchestra. lveryone,'is, welcome, • • ZION SHOOT' PARTY • 'A shoot .party will be ,held in Zion Hall .on Friday, February .3rd commencing at 8:30 under auspices. Adniission: 50c. I Ladies with lunch free. Prizes; NOTICES ATTENTION.: LUCKNOW MERCIIANTS! 'We dare , the merchants • of Lucknow to organize a hockey team 'and.Oay us 'a game in the "near future., THE. BELFAST BUCCANEERS ATTENTION , MEN WITH BIGG • FEET! MaeDonald's; General Store in Kintail will offer a considerable discount on the purchase' of brand name . overshoe's and rubber boots. Phone 12-r-7, Dungannon. • NOTICE TO ALL ' TEENS A lot of fun is in store for .you at , the Teen • .Town ' .Sadie Hawkins dance this Friday, Feb- ruary 3rd'; in the Legion . Hall. Music" by Emmerton's Orchestra. The . annual:' meeting of : the Lucknow` •Agricultural ' Socie,ty lechanical . and body repairs, will • be •h.eld in the . Council gloss,steering wheel bal-. APPIIC`ATIONS APPLICATIONS' WANTED Applications. will Abe .received b$0 the undersigned until Thi}rs-1 day,, February 9th, 19131,. at 140Q; p.tn fbr',the +position of Live- stook ,Shipper tfor ,the• Lucknow Co - QF. eratjve Co, ;.,erne Woods,. Seer, etark, iR.R,, 2, Lucknow. SERVICES '' • VUSTM 13UTC�,IIERING Beef and- pork sold in • any quantity; Custom butchering in Government licensed abattoir.; Pig's- .every ,Tuesday. ,Beef from' Monday , throug; Thursday., BUTTON'S MEAT 'MARKET FILTER QUEEN Sales and Ser-` vice, repairs to all makes ' of vacuum• cleaners.' Used cleaners, of all makes for sale. Robert •K. Peck, Varna, telephone Hensall 696-r-2. TYPEWRITER RIBBONS Typewriter ribbons for any Make of 'machine are now avail - ,able at . the Lucknow Sentinel. No. atter • what the anachine,-, we have .the ribbon. Phone :35, : Luck F I NANC I NG A CAR? TED BOARDERS WANTED -two girls to share,roorn,. phone 29'3,L}�ck now, LOCIS WANTED hard m,aple,, basswood; . cherry, soft maple & beechContact Lucknow i1um-, ber Co., Allan Manto,, ,phOne 291 Lucknow: POSITION OPEN We require a man to, work; as an inseminator at our Formosa branch. An interview. for "all ap- plicants will be held at our For- mosa ,Office on, Friday,', 'Febru, airy unit, :1961. at 10:30 a.m,, COUNTY OF 'BRUCE WANTED -Emergency 'Measures. Organization Co-ordinator, .Dut- ies to commence April 1st, 1961: Initial ' salary $4,500.00. Applica- tions should state age, education, and previous employment. .Fur-' ' then •inforniation4' regarding this' appointment may be -obtained at the County . Treasurer's Office in Walkerton. Applications will be received. up to 'noon February. 17th, 1961, andd should be ad;dres- sed to-- •K, D. • Muir, Sec.-Treas., Bruce County Emergency Measures Organization, P.O. Box 70, Walkerton Ontario. , Before you buy ask about our ' y Notue To.''Creditors Low . Cost Financing Service with`'.complete Insurance Cover E age. J. A..McDonagh :Insurance, Lucknow, phone 306., AUCTION U.- Allan . Maclntyre ., Licensed Auctioneer , Lucknow, ' ,Phone 281 SERVICE K - AUTOMOTIVE Chamber, of •the .Town • Hall on,ance.. LFndaspray ,for rust pre= Saturday; ;February l lth at 2•:00: vention, : p.m. A good attendance is ire- DAVIDSON'S Texaco . Service', quested. No. 8 .H' " Phone: JA 4-7231 kvY� Goderich. Mrs.. Fred McQuillan,; Sec. TENDERS TENDERS will be received • .by the undersigned , until., Friday, February' • 17th, for ' the• installa- tion Eof tile :floor' and 2 new ens trances at S.S. No.. 1, Huron. Lowest' or any 'tender not neces sarily accepted. - Specifications can be 'received •from the secre- tary... Chester Campbell, RR. 1,`1' Kincardine, phone ' 30-r-10,.: Rip- ley. • . TENDERS. TENDERS for. the caretaking :of; school and grounds••of. S.S. No. " 9 Ashfield will. be received `.by the -undersignedY until Monday, 17037 ruary13th:; Lowest' or. any tender not necessarily:; accepted. Clayton Alton, A.R.:7, Lucknow; 'Secre tart' -Treasurer, • .Licence No. 81061. DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest Cash Prices Paid• for.. Sick, Down`. or Disabled. • Cows . & :Horses also Dead Cows and • Horses at Cash ;Value • ,. Olds horses 4c per pound GORDON. TAYLOR Phone 44-r-24, Lucknow RR. 2 Lucknow '24-hour service �%i.• +r•• ++++• .�•.+v++ .>� Lice2nce' No.. -' 68C6.1' WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING. : ASSOCIATION' 7•he.e. Better Bulls .. r -• Y is Are L'sed" r a mer o: -ne•d and c �:rtrol ed Ser -rice • a sp: • . 4ra��S wse �f ou�� •.i4 hr,eed &ervi e h•e.0 ' � '� - •a more effi,• dines . v �4�"Y'Y, 4ipe.tallOn- Fotr se.r. r. rJr more :tforzntion �cal.l : . Clinton Zenith 9-5650 or. collect 1iincardine 460 • ' ` Better Cant For Better Livia �'ei,.. Jackson -94$7 to � ,e y 4 Lr� , H I LRAM' FARMS - ABATTOIR The ' home of RhODe , meats., E. • *REEF, PORK, • LAMB in any .quantities ' Sehrieider's Cured .Meats. > WE ALSO DO CUSTOM 1KILLING and hang your meat:•'ih 'roOd'ern coolers as 'long as desired, `Pigs can Tuesdays and cattle every day. •No appointment necessary; RAYNARD' ACKERT. 101:r-18, Lucknow MORTGAGE LOANS. '•Clients' funds available on suitable farms, • homes, •stoes,. apartments; hotels, : motels, building lots. Prompt courteous service. ,For . information, phone, write or'drop!' United "County Investments:. Ltd., 3645 Bathurst $t.,.: 'Toronto 19, RU. 9-2125. NOTICE ' TO CREDITORS -In: the Estate Of MAUDE ' MAE • ALTON deceased, r • All:, .persons having claims• against' the estate of Maude: Mae Alton, •. late'. • -of the ' village 'of Lucknow; in the County ' of Bruce, Widow,• deceased, wilo died on or about the 26th day of,October, 1960, are hereby. noti fied .to send full •particulars -of their claims ,to the . under signed Solicitor for the' Estate; on or before the10t1•' day of February, 1961, after' • which date the. •Es- tate w'il'l; be distributed amongst those - entitled thereto, having .re- gard only, to the claims of which the . Executors shall' the , have notice. DATED at, Lucknow, . Ontario, this 21st day. of ' January, 1961. R W. .ANDREW, Listowel, On- tario, Solicitor for 'the Executors.: /NEED .MONEY? On farms, homes, commereial: and industrial . property: Also builders' loans::. Anywhere in Ontario.. • DELRAY INVESTMENTS, 450-A Wilson Ave. ` ME. 3-2353. Downsview, ' Ont.: ; AUCTION* SALE AUCTION SALE ,. • Clearing auction .sale :.of ;Siiort- horn cattle, -pigs, will be held.. . at :the farm -of. T. C. Anderson,: S.14. Lot .: 12; . concession` 6, .Ash field, one: mile - north• of Dungan • non on Tuesday-,:�February:, 7th�at ' 1:30 • p.m. About .50 _ head .,of ':• • Shorthorn 'cattle plus . pigs, '.'no reserve., as thea owner is 'taking off a Year . from' farming,` 'see ' bills for. list and terms, T,. c,. Anderson, Prop ,McLelland aid AVON CALLING Blue,auctioneers. AVON offers an excellent earning. opportunity for 'ma- ture wornen mature.wonen to.•service rural AVON. territories.'. ;Pleasant, dignified work. No experience necessary. Openings in Bruce County. Write: MISS` 1VIOS1-1ER, MANAGER, . . P.O Box. No, 86; Owen Sound, Stating' telephone number,' . 1••••• .. .••.••r.....,.r•., . E N 'tiMEMORIAM ANDREW -in ".loving menory of a dear;, husband . and father, W. 'G, Andrew; who passed ''aW iy seven • years ago, :February lit, 1954. This day we do• remember. 'A loving thought we give. To one no longer with us, . But in our hearts still lives, Always' rexnemEered ;by Wife and Family. i . COUNTER,' CI -1,q1< BOOks--, ve'3-1 sell them singly. or in' gtiantit:es and take orders for books spt,ci' ally printed' to your redt..r'e ments: For prompt' :ser :ce, , ..phone 35, The;Lucknow Sent:ne1, THIS, WEEK -END. 'SPEC'IALS Save 20c lb. . PORK CHOPS Save 17c ' HOME RENDERED LARD Save t1Oc' lb. .PORK LIVER : y r r SMOKED HERRING > v Phone 4l v 59c• 2. Ids for 29c rre w lb' 29c lb+: 4:9 c..