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PAG$. Two.
.741C: l'AVC01
"The •Sepoy, Town"': ,- Oa the Hura . Bruce RoandarY
" . Second . ishedA Eac ednesdp1� AfietiaCttav±�a:
AutEstabld hod873 Pass mail ,'pgst Office Department oon
Member .of the C,W N.A,, and.'be OM N$,
Subscription Rate, -$3,00 ' :a year, in advance -� to the. USA $4;00,
p : rs;
, • L, .Campbell Thompson aid. Donald C Tliomps�on,, ,Pub, lshe
N )AY'', :FEB. 1 _.t i961
wmprrsDAY, F•EB, 1st,. 196, t
Arenas are:. particularly vulnerable to
fire andthe recent destruction of :the 1.
Port Elgin arena makes all communities
more. conscious ; of this, hazard. ' One. can-
not but admire the civic pride, and de-
. termination which ' spurs a community to . •
undertake replacement • of such. a 'loss:: A
community centre's ' true valuation, it seems,
is only fully realized` by . its ' destruction.
In Wingham there is • a current aware-
ware-ness of the ever present hazard of fire ;'.
and of the' need ; for repairs and renova-
tion of their 'arena;
This: 'h as .a familiar ring, •:for, "such'',;
ideas are' being "toyed 'with".. locally; and'
'the following editorial from the Wingham-
Advance Times, : tinder the caption, Sensi
+ble Precaution" will be of, timely 'interest:
"You will 'have noted that extra. pre-
.cau :. ns 'are ' being taken at ; the arena to
make sure the danger : of fire is kept ; to an
absolute minimum; Perhaps you have
wondered 'why 'all this:sudden interest in •',
the old building.
It ,is only 'a short time since one of the
arenas iri this district was destroyed: 'by
fire and • now the town is faced' with the
alternative of doing, without : their com-
munity centre ordigging very ..deeply .in,
their • pockets for a replacement. / .
"The hazards are particularly ' high in k'
the Wingham building, where the, entrance
and dressing room:,' area has reached a `
stage ,'which' can only be described..,' as
dilapidation. - Tire council and • the. arena . .
• commission are hopefulthat concrete plans
-''may be implemented this summer for the
reconstruction: of . the front of the arena,
not only to modernize and beautify the'
place;, but ;in large measure to eliminate ..
the danger of .,;:fire
"Though a new '.'front on the arena
Would ' *appear in someways to be an ex-
pensive luxury, theproject 'cannot be put
:off much longer. Washrooms, ' offices;
dressing rooms are all in the last stages/hof:''
decay and most certainly not the ;sort
of accommodation a respectable town
wants .:for its young people.:
"The efforts which arecurrentl being
made to ensure the safety of the ,building
require ' the full co-operation of and
who ;. use it, both spectators and partici-
' pants. • Smoking; of .course, is the greatest
hazard of all, w for: a carelessly discarded
cigarette : butt `could spell the'. end of .a,
building , which serves an' extremely use-
purpose in the life of the community's
f the arena' . commission u• gets: thee ',whole=
hearted ,co-operation , of all, the danger
will be. field to, a . minimum.
' .It .may frighten you at first, but it's;
worth trying' ,praise' your wife.
For safe biking at night : 'trim your
bike with red and white, w
By, Old ..Peter"'.
I'm just .a plain old 'duffer, 'and for Years
I've had to suffer .
And endure the things live always 'felt vere
The. radio, and Teeyee• . gave use'music?"•
that 'would; grieve • me,
Make, me wince , at 'what was ;called a'
''modern song.
The singers voice like gravel over miles of
air would . travel
W`th • a' grating noise,, like broken clashing
gears; .
It leaves me 'weak, and gasping; yet- - the
singer went on rasping
Like a wounded Moose, ' offensive to : my-
'Then some "Modern art : creations, .look
ingmore ` like:: desecrations
Titled, sunset, herds of cattle, anda tree..
1 .couldn't recognize them, but some fel-
low up.. and buys them;
Yet they didn't (look Tike anything to me.
Then 1 carne near to fainting when ;I found..
that this same 'painting ;
Was hung up in a famous ;Gallery,
They should have hung: thejoker who had
daubed the ` yellow ,ochre '
And slapped or . colours accidentally.
Now. I thought it was a duty: to .extol what
passed for beauty .
In Painting, and the rendering of a song,
But 1 guess that I'm mistaken, for I' m . left
alone ;forsaken,
apologize — admit I must be 'wrong:
1' have no ' imagination, or :sensation;`' of
creation, •
For .. tonal sounds; for paintings, or for
And I find that my opinion; is not held in,
this Dominion,
In fact, I'm .'told,'': "Lt's Strictly for 'the
This. 'story is'completed, • , l've retreated.
quite defeated
• And admit ' that 1 deserve the title odd
if 'they 'psycho -analyse me, it would not• at
all, surprise:. me,
If they .found out that I, still believe in God.
:There are but•.few things now exempt
from the 1.1 % • Federal sales tax..We must
collect it on painted 'Matter, for free and
with :no consideration for bad. accounts'. :�-
and, must, remit it pronto within the sub-. ".
sequent month, or else ,pay the . "late' re•J',
turn" penalty. .
If the:
Province insists on a ;safes• tax
let the government 'take the responsibility
for.. its ' collection; albeit the costs : come
pretty high for switching itfroth one•
ket to the ' other.' ':
If 'the politicians' keep an ear "•'te rile
grouncl they may learn that a good "many,
people would be pleased . to forgo softie of
the governments gracious' hand outs, ,'for . ..,
;which the recipiet?.,ts keep digging .deepen -
and 'deeper ' int`o the tax pockets,
(Kincardine News)
Some years ago the directors' of
Rill -
ley : and 'Huron. Agricultural Society chang-
ed,. their fair date, selecting the last
Saturday ' ')o f the month .of September.. to
stage the event.
It proved an advantageous ,move and.
the date was, generally recognized over, a
wide -area '-as that' . of- Ripley Fair.'
By .the same token, years ago Tees
water Agricultural Society claimed ,the
first Wednesday of October, to 'stage its
fair and '' achieved such . success it, became
known, as. "Canada's Largest Rural. • Fair..":.
Now ' Teeswater has decided to revert.
to' the. 'last Saturday of September, a move
which can be described as hardly :cricket..
We ,realize that the directors of any
agricultural society are primarily interest-.,
ed in -the ,success of. the fair and •contri=
.bute a great deal of ' time and effort to
assure this condition,, butWe do not ,think.
the interest should extend `to stealing a
neighbour's proclaimed traditional date,
Obviously, bothfairs can ,not oper-
ate on the same 'day, and if they tried to,.
the: Smaller one would, suffer the
fair,solution ' is, for Teeswater to
retain. its former date or pick one which�
does not interfere' with, the dates already
claimed by societies i the. clistric . •
.I.,ucknow Municipal Coun
oil has currently under Idis
.-eussien the proposal! to move
the Municipal Officd• to the
Council Room in ' The Town,},
To d0, So require$ renov-=
tion of tills 'room'.as' well, as
the "`basement area, presently ;
'used . chiefly.,' by , ' Scouts,
Guides. and 'Brownies,
Delegates. froth
th ese or-
ganizations, •as .well, as from.
the :Women's, Institute,'& For
esters , who, regularly; use
the, Council ,Room, and, from
the Red Cross Society which
has its loan, 'cupboards in .the
Council. Room,; met with the:
Council, on. Tuesday evening.,
They heard: ' the proposed
Plan explained. Dnd saw how
Council considered• .the base-
ment alterations, . and were'
favorably impressed:
Time does not peunit go
ing into the details in this
A,issue, but Council later. delv-
ed- into costs of. the proposed:.
project.' Subject to'' finalizing
. their 'estimates, and obtain#
ing information on what
grants..are available on this
work, Council willmake its.
final .decision.
"Not toobad for January, is •
the way :the' official weather ob-
server, J. '1‘a: Greer, :summarizes,
the first month. of 1961.
There was 32 inches . of ' nova .
during the month and .no ram..
The high, temperature was 44'
degrees with a low of 8 . below..
The forepart;. of the month
month' was, fine,, with the last
ten daysquite, cold with plenty:
of snow;. but good, brisk winter
weather if youlike it that way.
Warren 'Zinn:. a representative
of ; Ashfield, ,Federation of Agri
culture and Miss. Joanne Alton of
the Colwanash '.Junior Institute
were among those in attendance:
ate Huron County'sfirst'''Rur:al
Leadership Forum held. in .code-.
tich and sponsored :,by the Huron
County Federation of Agriculture.
The Education Committee of
'the Federation, composed 'of 'the'
County •President,- Warren Zur=
brigg; .Clifford,• Mr. Elmer .:Ire-
land; ` .2nd vice-president, Wing-
ham and, 1VIrs. J. 'Cs Hemingway.,
Brussels, planned the ,.program
:for ,the three days.
Mr. Robert •: Secord`'. and Miss
Eleanor :-Syaracuse of the Coin
munity ' Program .Branch of the'
Department. of Education, were'
among the instrdctors.
filled at The Sentinel; writing
• paper; envelopes, hasty' , notes,
thank you notes, boxed greeting
cards, magic • markers and: refills
file folders, receipt' bodks,.-state-'
ment pads; scratch: pads, pens,
refills, . and • many: .other :items,
The : Lueknow . ,Sentinel, ',phone
35,3 Lucknow.
Kincar..dine.Pipe Band has Com-
menced a, 'series of. weekly' prac
flees' in preparation. for. their
summer ' Saturday night . band.
concerts iii the lakeside'' town..
One of 'our Campbell Street
neighbours had a rather embar-
rassing expeirience recently to ;
say ,the least." Seems he noticed
sone dangerous icicles ori one of •
neighbour's ,building. /He at-
temptedd 'to •:remove' the ice from , .
its dangerous. position abovec,' the, :'
walk. of the ' downstairs „neigh
bou'r. His. aim was ' et so good; .
and. the,'weapon he ,,:had thrown. , • '-
to dislodge:.`' the ice .''cra`shed
through,, the window of • another
neighbour who lived upstairs in'
:the. building. •Aroused from .their,
table in: the kitchen, the upstairs
neighbours 'found a .hole in .their.
window, ' ice and glass `on their
living room floor. and ''a' very
'embar. rassed gentleman 'await-
ing• hi fate on the.,
ground be -
neath. .
Is Your Subscription .Renewed?
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Phone 12-- 7 Dungannon
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For Your', 1961 Bookkeeping Needs , .
(a good selection in stock)
If we don't have your particular • requirements, we will
order for you.
n t leave .your bookkeeping. requirements until the
last Minute, Order now and be ' ready for, 1961.
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