HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-01-25, Page 101 PAGE, TEN 'ME :LU KNOW sNNTINEL, %.UCIKNQW QNTARIO WEDNESDAY, MN, • 25th, .1961, • e; SEE YOUR LOCAL one. LIVET Miss Marilyn Finlayson Of :S'tratford • spent theweek-end with . her parents, ''Mr' and Mrs. Orville• ,Finlayson. Mr. arid Mrs. Clark Coning & family of Detroit, Michigan, vis- ited at• the..:week-end : with , Mr. and Mrs: : John Colling. • Mr. ` and • Mrs. Mel Coiling, Sharon arid Ernie spent'' Sunday,, ,with Mrand Mrs. 'Jack 'Bushell and.. family of' Kincardine Twp: Mrs .:Oscar White ruptured the .cartilage.s':in .her, knee rn '�. a fall: • She spent Friday. and Sa- turday, ' in • Kincardine Hospital ,and met 'smite interesting people, including; ,'Miss :MacIntyre,. assis- tant . superintendent who is well eay=to-get-to Hotel ...s.The ORD SIMCOE • :90o'• rooms and' suites . with tub, shower, radio :and: TV.. %some • of the Canadian Pump ' $obn--buncing . no .cover, no t itnixnum, Am le free overnight ,,,parking. Fine. 'konvention :T'atilities , Faintly' Flan CANADA: The Lord. Elgin, Ottawa The'Lora Si ncoe, Toronto CHICAGO: The Sherritan The -Hotels; Ainbassaclor 11 telephone EMpue 2f848 -Telex 022458 United Church Evening Aux.. Evening Auxiliary opened with a hymn 'followed,: by a treading and sprayer Offered, by `Mrs. V, HunterRev. Straw. installed the officers for 1961, IHe wished ' all the f ?embers: success " •in.,,M 4s.ion- ary, work 'at home )arid abroad,. Mrs. V. Hunter, gave the .new president, Mrs, '.• L. Ritchie, charge • of the meeting, after thanking 'a11• members,, ;for their co-operation during . the )past. three - years. :Mrs. • H. :Webster, on behalf of the unembers • , of the ' 'auxiliary, thanked ' Mrs. V. Hunter for her leadership. (Mrs., C. ' Thompson ' read, "A ' New Year's Greeting to (All", taken from the Missionary Monthly. The start sof, a new year should be the' time we all rededicate ourselves •' to.. God. Mrs.. (Harold Ritchie volunteeredto take the .cheerio :.committee .for the next` few • months,; (Mrs. ,Rog;. Havens' will continue her charge of the nursery. Several Member's vol unteered 'their Services ,for look. ing• .after children While parents attend.. church. This ;'service is'. ,for the entire congregation :and should:used' more frequently. :Several.: members volunteered to donate 'the items .•Irequested for: .the )bale. Mrs. Alex 'Andrew took .charge of:; the programme •start 'ing with ._.a reading, from the. Missionary ' Monthly.. A Psalm. 'was read in. unison; Scripture ;les-. son !was ,read. by Mrs.: C. .Web - stet Mrs.. Alex Andrew offered a .'prayer: of Thankfulness Ail, lowed iby ' the "1.ord's •prayer in unison. Mrs. Ross •Robinson. gave •a..synopsis_• ,of "Church in China" m fro"Missionaries at • Work;" ` The study..book esson was taker, by Mrs H:: Strapp. Four lover►,` Seleetions ,from :Victor Herbert's." works' were ,played Mrs. H. '" Webster. L y nn and • prayer clos ed the • meeting Preceeding lunch,' `Mrs. G. Joynt; conducted', a contest. known in Olivet, and Miss '.Greta Gur`tsema who is• employed there; We also had the nity to'. admire the beautiful. woollen' blankets . a recent gift of the Senior Hospital Aid: The past few weeks we have had , very cold weather but the, children .are:: enjoying skating, the ice "'•on • the creeks is smooth. .o, Organizer of theCouncil was Mrs, H. .R. Ferris, organization convener of the London Diocesan Council, assisted by Mrs W. J. Farrell of the (Provincial Coun= cil of 'the. 'Catholic Women's 'League. ,RPV, .14. C., Thomas,• Pa ,tor St. Mary's ' Church, Lucknow, Spoke to the !gathering, concern- ing the important work; of the' womenin -.theparish; which can be furthered by their affilia- tion.. with ' a national organiza; tion such as The Catholic Wo- men's League,.• Enthusiastic, .interest was' shown ;by the 'women, who voted unanimously to form: a ;Parish Council; -and the f'ollowiingis the first • execttive: Director, Rev. L. C. , Thomas; President, :Mrs. J. tL: MacMillan; . lst . Vice -Pres., Mrs. ,Jas.6 O'Donnell; 2nd Vice Pres., ' Mrs. Peter MacDonald; Secretary, ;Mrs. Donald .MacKin- non; -Treasurer, 'Mrs: ' 'William, Schmid " The decision of the meeting of the new executive was to hold ; their monthly- Meet- ings the first Monday of •:each. month., The' next meeting will be • , held ,atthe home: of Mrs. J..dL. MacMillan, :,Monday even- ing, -February 6th ,at 8 1p.rn • aefreshments ''were -served; by the hostess,. Mrs. ' John . Hussey, assisted by ,Mrs. P.' MacDonald, Mrs. George Tucker, Mrs.. N. Siegrist.. 1ST. KINLGSS SCOUT GROUP :The new'•:chum' this 'week was Pat. Hayes from the�'.6th: This makes .24 • boys and • 190% regist- ration of ' all 'boys; of eligible age from the 4th to ' •Kinloss and Langside .and Westford as well. Several boys : who ' will reach their 8th : birthday this spring Will add to .our nuzrbers • later. Also we •..would welcome boys from , the 2nd" Concession if. they can arrange transportation.. '. All the Wolf Cubs .are separ ated into Sixes; and.. in , the fol- lowing .list, the first boy named is The Sixer. In the Gray '•Six are Barry. H:aldenby, Bob; Cornish,: Donald Elliott, Ernest Hodgins, 'Allan. Nicholson. and Arthur • 'Breckles. The: Red Six has Garry Carruth' ers, Eric Thacker,': Pat. Passmore David McKinn'on, Murray Mof- fat, Allen Rhody. The `rows Six comprises David Eadie, Walter. Hodgins, • John Ackert, 'David Hhody, George Moffat, Pat Hayes. The White Six are . Jim McKin= • non, Kenny R'otzlston, Donald Moffat,,' Kenneth Eadie, ,• Doug • Wall, Bevin Cornish. The Scout' Troop: will have its first meeting; on. Thursday, Feb- rur 2nd. We may be able, to taI e another 2or ' bays in' this first group so' ifyou wish to ;be. :a Scout please 'let i. , 4now as niversity AveS nue at King treeta Your • 'Hackett United; Church W M.S. • 'The 'January Meeting. of Hac ketts W.M.S. was 'held at. the home' of Mrs. ;Reg. 'Broome !with 17 Members present. „The presi- dent, Mrs. (Arnold ;(Alton, open- ed pen ed . the •((meeting. ` 'The scripture lesson ' (was ,''taken ,by' ; Mrs. Bert Alton. • The president read. an article . from the Missionary Monthly. A reading :was given by :. Mrs. Kaiser. - The .: Mission Ashfield ,Presbyterian .; W.M.S.. `The •;January• meeting of Ash- "field . W.M.S:: was held in the: horse . of Mrs.', Walter MacLean of • Amberley, The president',-. Mrs William . Rosspresided. The devotional- part ' Wag taken by Mrs Gordon Finlayson '.With the scripture beingread by Mrs. D. R: MacKenzie.. Mrs. William Johnston gave la reading., 'Mrs. Earl Howes told Of the !life. and Work: of William 'C.arey, ;:;the first missionary. to Igo;. to 'India in 1793. ,She •told , sof how the in- fluenced the', church • for Mis- sionary ' work.: The, roll ,call' was answered by a' New Year's prayer. , There were ' twenty -TWO,, present. • Mrs. Grant Parrish: had: a splendid' paper on ' our 'new study,- Into all the .world To- gether: She explained the , mean- ing. " ean-ing.'of' the 'word "Ecumenical". or -World 'Wide,as it pertains to our,missionary. efforts, • ;.Mrs. D A.:', MacLean read a .piaper 'which; had ;'been' prepared . by' Mrs. Emile MaciLennan which. had our work• ;in. the New Year as its " theme. Mrs. ' Hugh Mac- Kenzie led in,. the offertory ,pryer. Those iof our .members who. attended the ',Annual meet-: ing of ,Maitland; Presbyterial'' re cently held ' in 'Wingham ;gave some:, interesting +hig)-,.slights of that Meting, especially ,of Miss. Stringer's address.'Our treasurer, Mrs. D: r11 MacKenzie gave a detailed financial• report of ,1960:'. Mrs. Dan :Wylds told of lher visit to the Nursing 'Home in Luck - now. Mrs.' 'Wilfred Farrish and Mrs. Keith Johnston ,were ap pointed • to visit the ' homes ,next monde. The poem "The 'Miracle Of the •snow" was read by lNlrs. Wm. Ross after which she clos ed this Very interesting and • in- structive meeting 'with iprayer,, O11,GANILE CATI L` IC• WOMEN'S LEAGUE'. • On Tuesday evening, January 17,th a' ,meeting was 'held , gat 'the `lome •:of :Mrs. John Hussey for the purpose . ,of organizing, a: Parish ,C.duncil of ° tho" Cotliolic ` " Women's 'League 'of ;Canada, Study ,ior 'year is, "Into all . the World Together, and was giv en by Mrs. Bert ' Alton, Roll; call was answered by payment. of fees, 5 'hospital. land Home. visitswere reported. • Our Soci- ety will meet at the parsonage for the . Woaoaf !Pa on''ebruary 17thrldD!Wyhen a reon firmed date is set ;for the (filenyer-',, Household' of 'Faith, the ,Secre.• Lary tyle(!! invite the pother socie• ties During ' the (businessperiod, ways and,' means of raising money for 1961 was decided on. Our members were urged to in - Crease •their. nerease..their• 'mission Igivings. A committee was . formed' to ;look after ,articles for, the (bale to go to Archer 'Mission Hospital', 4 • Lamont, • Alberta. A date 'is Ito‘ be, set for ;a +speaker: sometime during Easter Week for the Thankoffering nieeting, . Mrs.; Kaiser , was Made : Hono' urary President of our' society, Mrs.. Nelson • and Mrs, Reg Broome ..served lunch at the close: of the' meeting. "SLIM" . BOUCHER TO. LEAVE WINGHAM SOON • "Slim" Boucher, leader of the Golden Prairie ' Cowboys,, will leave Wingham about the' first of the month, to 'take {a position with the newly -opened television. station in; Halifax. He will be in .charge of ithe organization & direction ,of 'music and variety shows. He has 'resided . in Wingharn. for the past • ;16 years, Mrs; Boucher is`, the former Shirley.: Nethery. Theyhave three sons. • •you can't stand him' wily don'.t you. :divorce: 'hin • ori. grounds of incorripatability?" "L would, if .Z,,could •catch him • at it." w , I Subsstriptioti Renewed? Sty 'Mary'; Church, iaucknow. • WITH A HOME' IMPROVEMENT LOAN Home Im roveme.nt Loans are.availabl' p a through,' ' ,your bank • under the ..National Housing 'Act alterations a • nd repairs., to' the:'. exterior or interior of a ho.meand fora wide Variety' of. other:irnprove merits. You 'may borrow up to $4.000 with up to ten years to repay. These loans`are>-afso;available to the owners of rental properties:' ' ' • .WITH. -A .FARM IMPROVEMENT LOAN Farm Improvement Loans,; backed by the Domin- ion Government are available from your bank -7 - up ankup' 16 $7,5()0 a,t five per cent simple interest and up to ten, years to. repay: .These loans cover the purchase of all types of .` farm equipment and improvement.to the farm; .: .house and'farm buildings..sow WITH: A' SMALL' BUSINESS :LOAN Enquire' about Government -backed loans for i provements to small business establishments •'•-throw h the chart r 0 , e ed'banks—u.p to $25,000 and up to ten years td repay. Why'Wait ' for Spring? •..... FoR AninCE AND ASSIStANCE CAtL.TOUR LOCNATIBN L • ON AL AL EMPLOYMENT OFKICE ISSUED'„ BY AUTHORITY OF THE MINISTER` 01? L ABOTJR, CANADA Il