HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-01-25, Page 8OAPs. mrGNI LUCKNOW SENTINEL , ',mom', . Ql'1''I'ARiO WEDNIESDAY, JAN;. 25th, ' 1981 L. homes at this time, and I Per- TT�TT'ER► sonally enjoyed making as •many Otta*a, :• January 20th, 196.1 calls as ;Possible' around She :rid- .. Dear Editor: ,• ing of Bruce. Just a few lines about some ' Since: 'we • arri,Yed 'back an Qt,, Of happenings ' )here Gln Ota 'tawa, most , of our time r hag tawa : twhich you may see .,fit •to been taken , up in debating the make use of in your valuable budget. We voted on the sub - AAs you kri.ow, Parliament ..re amendment endment `Tuesday night and. r ere will 'be a .vote on, the cessed"(from the 20th of Decem- ber, .until the . ],6th bf (January. amendment this Friday afternoon It ',vast very', pleasant for 'all con= The debate on the budge wil. l, : eerned ' to ''get • back to • their come to an end early next week: :■U■■An■■■guu■■a■a■auauu■■■■a■ae■g.■ra■■■aa■aa1i" ill inSALEl IJANUART 4 • All , in top ° condition for winter driving PRICES :',GOOD UNTIL JANUARY 31st MI Of Reconditioned Buy Now Before Spring Prices Advance ■ is 1960 Pontiac Laurentian Sedan, utomatic :.:.i ■ 1960 Chevrolet Biscayne Sedan • 1959 Chev Biscayne ' sedan ,• automatic, fully equipped a' 2-1959 Chev Beltairs, automatic, fully" equipped se 1959 Chev. coach; , V-8 motor; automatic' • 1958' Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan ..:., '■ 1957• Pontiac Deluxe ;Sedan;` automatic •: i' 1957 Pontiac Sedan,22 000', miles Hardtop, automatic 1956? Chev 4 -door H p, I :' 1956 Chev. Delude . Sedan ".m. 1956 Ford Sedan!:automatic' $ :' 1956 `Ford Coach a 1955 Ford Fairlane Sedan .:.1955 .Olds :Sedan, automatic ■` ":1955 Buick 2 -door Hardtop $ 895 ■ ▪ 1955' . Chev Sedan $ 795.' i � ' 1955:' Meteor Sedan .automatic $ 795 r _' 1954: ".Bui Sedan695. ,▪ .1954 `.Chex Sedan ; $ 550 i e , ■ ■ • :i i ■; . • i. ■ ■ ■ N . ■ i • ■ $2,95" $2,195,..1. . -$1,795. : $1,89°5, i $•1,795 $1,550.. i $1,495'': $1395i $1,295 � $1,095 ■ $95 �. $ 795. ■' ■ $.. 850 ■. $ 895 is It is very .interesting to listen. to. the different opinions ., that Have been brought out during this debate, naturally the Op- position .members blame the present government for the great unemploymentthere is ' in Can- ada _today, and just as naturally .the, government ,members are not. willing; to, accept the. responsiT' bility Tor Ithe conditions as they exist; I' -was every interested to. hear the Prime Minister. say that the unemployment problem has 'be'- come chronic in Canada. Such being the case, I am 'satisfied that it is very 'necessary , that not . only must action be taken to relieve the . imanediate situation but4also there must be: remedies applied that :will make it. less Possible •for unemployment in the future to be on a such :a large scale :as it is at, the present 'time. In ;my : •opinion, there must the a greater realization • of everyone. concerned of the' seriousness of having' unemployment classified as chronic., .. ' . It was very interesting to have a report fromthe Prime .Mini- ster of the .signing +of 'the' Colum- bia River (Agreement.. This: ,ag teement Wass signed by ,Presi- dent. Presi-dent. Eisenhower and Prime. Minister Diefenbaker at the first of • the , 'week, As' you probably know, . this ,is a momentous pro-.. jet: which .will run into. multi millions of :dollars before it is completed: ' The ischeme 'is to 'erect dams • on the Canadian side df the riv- er . ;tod• as cthe spring run .off' of water 'from . tthe •mountain*: 'The' water _►in these dams wvill be fed into 'generating plants down in the ,United States. irn, return for Canada having :dam- med this water up on this side; of the boundary, ..the United ;States agree to +return a �perceintage of" the power' ;that is generated' on their side of the lbOundary. All inall it :is one more instance of . the good relationship that exists. )between. ',Canada and the United States.. • ' There is more that 1. could; write about, (but• h ado not ,Wish• ■ to Make ..this letter of any 'great length. : . g Wishiri you. the'best ::cif'ev= Wishing anti;' 'Yours 'srncerely, Andy' (Robinson, Federal .Member .for *Bruce. MANY OLDER, MODELS. TO CHOOSE FROM TRUCKS.+ ..; • TRUCKS!!• ■1958 �Chev.1. pick-up .with fleetSide body 4......... $1,295::. ■. � . 1h -ton pee ■ 1954 Chev 1/_ -ton Pick-up $ ' 495 • ';1953 Chev. 1/2 -ton pick-up + $ 395 $ 3951 in SEVERAL.. °GENERATIONS AT FAMILY GATHERING .. • `:1950 Dodge, 2 -ton stake ■ 'Kf�or ■ Qs' ■.,Ke , figures in the: party were. The horn of . ` Mr., and " Mrs: David 'McDonald: of : Delburne, 'Alberta' was the scene of an:ex- ceptional :family; gathering over the :holidays_ when the visitors included no. less ; than' 11 grand Parents; . great grandparents and greatgreat grandparents. ■ McDonald,' ■ Joanne and Roxanne " ■young g ■ ,Phone .173,; Brussels ,• the, daughters :of Mr. and; ■ Mrs, .D: A:.' , McDonald of Stett- e itlimmonsoutaiailaue='•saesa■oae■aermmum i■uaaeaars ler. : On Mr..: McDonald s ..'side:, d ■ Cities Service' Dealer* Man -u -phos reinforces manure with. Phos- phorus and :acts as a, stable ' disinfectant. 'Apply at the rate of 2 to 21/ pounds per cow per day, sprinkled in the gutter; or if desired, add . 50 pounds of Man-u=phos per toff: of manure before the manure is spread on fields.' Co-op Man -u -phos added to manure not EQUALS BALANCED BALANCED FERTILIZER AND SANITIZED STABLES only adds phosphate, thereby saving an extra application '' but • it ' holds the - nitrogen .in: manure from being lost` to the . air. Remember, manure itself is low in .phos- phate and consequently is not a balanced fertilizer. Therefore, fora "goodness 'sake"- use Co-op Man -u -phos with manure, r, 1 ardware STORE -WIDE DS ;THIS; SATURDAY:• Here are. a few of ahs savings HARDWARE HOUSEWARE TOOLS See " Our Hand Bill For Complete :List ngs "D" Handle Snow Pusher; regular. $3.45' ,; Folding Step Stool, regular $5.95 Paint Roller: Kit . . enfrew Electric:. Toaster ' ., • .5' -String, Floor. Broom, regular $1t13 Ironing Pad and ..Cover Set • , Non -Scald Tea Kettle 'regular $2.95 Bior anic Potting Soil . , 8 g Egg Beater , : , m Electricter Coronado, .Automatic Toaster , . Galvanized Garbage. Can, regulatr $3.29 Ice Removal Tenets • ,, • Rubber, Force Cups, regular. 59c Axe Handles, +•agile+ ▪ $2.98 $4.99. • • $4.69, • $2.49. 3. lbs. :29c. 5: 'lks.. ,39c $1.49 .$11.95 2.14 69c c 88c Handle general purpose shovel;` reg.:P.25; .$1.98 BIG . BUYS IN Oronado A a%ances :. 'ASTIC' SAVINGS TOP QUALITY t'hone 50 there were his parents,, Mr. and Mrs. David McDdnald,'.the, former Grace MacGregor of . Ki%ht,ail• ; . is MacGregor . ,1n grandparents, Mr, and Mrs Sam. McDonald; his ' maternal , grand: Mother; Mrs. Savilla' McGregor Of Calgarry; and his great grand- mother, Mrs..:"Cora.. Neilsen of Alix. Oris. Mrs: MVIct onald's side were' her .parents, Mr:.'. and .Mrs. Ern Nest Reynolds • of 'Erskine; her grandparents, Mr.. and Mrs:, R: J. Reynolds, Erskine,, and, hergreat grandfather, J. Drysdale of Stett- ler. •:' •' Another. ;odd fact of the gath- ering was that the father of the little girls was 22,. his mother, 44• and his. great grandmother' 88 a triple combination. .0 know Organize League At St. Augustine Several ladies of 'St. Angustine met in, the 'parish hall on Tues- day, January , 117th to form N a Parish "'Council of the' . Catholic' Women's League of Canada. Rev Fr. L. C. Thomas opened the meeting : with ' the °,' League Prayer,, Welcomed . the ladies and introduced Mrs. Henry' Ferris, secretary of the London, Dioces- an Council: Who gave an interest-, ing 'talk on C.W.L. and its . acti- vities since its origin. ''After '.a discussion it Was rhoved by Mrs. l'as. Hickey and seconded by Mrs; �Viri,' I?ednxond to form a Parish. Council. • Fr. Thomas appointed:• the fol- lowing officers: Pres,, Mrs. Wm. Redmond, ' 1st Vice-P'res,, Mylis 5t.= Marie; Secretary and' 'press Convener, MI's., WYIi, Kina ''�'*'w%��+•'.i�lti�'�'.�t�„li�C�'�i►#1■►w/1r.:�'� ,.+ ..:�:_ y, �sr�.. 7r. Ilan; Treasurer:. and Convener of Finance, Mrs. Gus Devereaux.,,. Mrs. W. J. Farrell, 2nd •.'Vice=' Pres. of. :the :London Diocesan Council, explained' the ,different, :corv'enerships and their, purpose after • which 'Fr. Thomas 'appoint ed the. following. 'conveners: Spiritual, Mrs: Jas. Hickey;'Mem- bership, Mrs, Cyril Boyle; Citi zenship _ and If imigration, 1Vlrs, ,r ',Raym.ond• Boyle. • . The officers were then instat- led':by. Fr:. Thomas. •'• The new President took ' the, chair and the charter was applied for. After 'a discission it was. moved by Mrs. ' Jas. Hickey and : seconded by, Mrs. •Gus Devereaux to hold meetings the .first' Mon- day of each' month at 2 p.m, Mrs. Wm. Kinahan'offered Iii r'' horn for the next meeting February. 6th, Mrs. Win., Red-: mond thanked the ladies, and Wished ;them success at the inert' , ing in Lucknow, The meeting closed with prayer, : after lunch was • served. N ,COUNTER CHECK BOOKS \t e: sell them, singly or in quantit.cs and. take orders for books speCi' ally. printed : to 'your , require., ments, For prompt service phone 35, The Lucknow Sentin ,1. NEW; NEW, .iW, felt-tippe.'d, marking pinch ‘,lllark-it'', Zn)y 50c, try one,' "MEgic Markers" also in stock at $1.10 With 'refills att• 50C each, Tile Lucknow Sergi; thel', p'horie 35.