HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-01-25, Page 7. VVEDNESDAYf, JA sTo ,25th, 1451 L'[J'CKNQW SENT414E1..k L;ZT KNow,. oNTARno .. PAGE SEVEq, S eves- wrdensh..ij., -Ideas.. Douglas: Kreut4weiser, old reeve reeve of I epworth became the youngest warden of Bruce when elected in a straight •tvtro man battle last Week. But indi- cations_ are ,that.‘ there. will, be • no . lack of candidates for the post, in' 1.962. ,Five other reeves'„ were nomi-- nated ' .for' the. 'rdenshi,P, .but withdrew before .the. voting.. In withdravti►ing, however, they as- sured council ''there Will be keen competition for • the post • next Year. • • • • Township Reeves. Chester Exn= rnerton of Huron,. John MacKen- zie 'of .. Bruce, Harold Percy of Kinloss' and Wesley . Abell cif- „, f• Brant said they will be in the face, for . `wardenship. next. year. Twelve of the 37 council members; this year dare changed. from 1960.. , ' An innovation this year in, se- lection of the: , striking . commit tee:. was introduced. ' .Until:, , now the 'incoming :Warden has always named the nine -Man board..Now• names .of all mernbers with one Or ; more years county: council ex- aperience':are placed• ,in a hat and -the first', nine” 'selected• are on the .committee. This , year's • committee Was • onald :MoLay of'Lindsay.. Town— 'hip, Alfred Wal en ; o Huron r,n • • Township, Roy Atkinson . ' •of Greenock • Township,Harvey Palinateer of Kincardine, Robert' Craig of ''Wiarton,• Rudolph Sieg- ".' ner . of 'Carrick Township,' Harold Percy of • • Kinloss Township, George Siegrist ' ,of ,Am•bel • Township, and George Joynt of, Lucknow • • • Bruce has more '.lakefront pro= iperty ' .than any. other, county. •in the province,. E F. Finnigan, county assessor, told county. council•''He said that the assess Ment or. cottages on the 200 miles Of lake front .amounted to over $4,871,150 and.`the assessment on: commercial.'` places.. catering' . to summer '' visitors 'amounted to about $500,000. '• He urged council to -form a County. Court of revision artd spoke in favor:" of a ruce Coon- ty Assessors Association: r Bruce County Federation of:Ag riculture in its .annual report ,to county council requested that 'the. many forgotten cemeteries. in the county be cleared' "up, and given perpetual care.. A ,resolution passed ;. by the federation, . requesting - that a •technical school be.' built in this area, . and that vocational, guid epee be "more 'strongly ernpha .sized" in , high schools was 'dis, cussed. , Bruce ' County council gave approval to a budget of $11,000 for, 1961 for . the recently -formed Bruce County' Emergency Vtea sures' Qr anization. , Of . this, amount,. $9;900'wil be recoverable through federal and provincial. grants. Council also' gave. the • Emer- gency Measures Committee .au'- thority• to advertise and hire a Bruce County co-ordinator who will . organize,advise and" direct emergency' measures in the coun- ty..'' His ,duties will, commence, April lst. Thames. Alton of :Wal- kerton' was named -'chairman: of the organization, •replacing War; denD 1 oug as Kr eutzweser . • County council. was confronted' with 'a request 'for aid An. en- ;larging .,the county ;historical museum at • .Southampton; ' Dr; J: F. Morton,. of Southamp- ton, • appearing for the histori- cal society, said the • museum collection hada' grown to such an extent that ,there was ,now a Se - shortage oespae'e., He ask- ed , council:' : to 'consider cost. •of financing • an. addition.. Reeve Harold Percy '.6f Kinloss and, Reeve John McKenzie, 'of . Bruce Township,.` moved that the' conn. ty grant $5,000 towards the ad di.tion• The • motion Was referred: to the. ,• finance cornmittee ; of council.. Oppose Higher Road iLevy. ' Council ;set aside .7, i%4 mills for b•�• t.. ..YtYh.;fh•.:;Jlf •MV.� W:W, s2245° COMPIETE WITH TWO 16" CHAINS YOU SAVE 30% on the cost of your spare chain (pivot grip extra) R 11.10 HO!yroad, Ontario Yes! at last here is an all new, chain saw designed specifically • to meet' every' demand of the professional cutter.' It's lighter (only 20 lbs. Iess•.attaclfinents), more versatile,: perfectly anted and almost completely free of vibration so. that ;at ' the end of the. day you feel • fresher and more relaxed than ever before. • . 1.4111311. PIONEER PIONEER SAYS LTD. 'LTIRUOROUGH, CANADA Garag Phone Bervie 2424 ;E E IS THURSDAY' (KINLOUG$' 'NEWS).. •' EIGHTY-SIX. • Mr.' John IR. Lane will celeb- rate; his 186•th birthday on , Thurs- day of this week. (He has' served as clerk " of Kinloss Township for nearly 32 years .and, takes' a keen ' interest • in . church : and; community affairs. and ' still.. en- joys • fairly good • health. '. His many. friends extend best• wishes at this time.: The 'Holyrood Women's Insti- tute will meet on Thursday 'af- ternoon, February 2nd, . at . the home"' of ' Edna ' and •'May ,Boyle. with Mrs; 'perry Hodgins co -hos tess.. Ro114call'.—Written sugges- tions for' next year's. program. Topic, Education ,.Demostration of braided mats :by . Mrs.. P. A:. :Murray. Panel discussion,. 'Can, yoube too good;• to children: Directors; Mrs. Frank Maulden and May Boyle...• " Mrs and . Mrs. Alex Percy. Ob- served the:ir;. 25th •.Anniversary when a party was held in, their, toad work in the year 'ahead.. This is, an increase from •the se- ven •mills. , originally • Suggested. The 'highway . committee .had .1. requested 81/4 mills The one -mill increase request- ed. by the committee 'was .respon. sible for the first''council ;:tiff in, the January session:, Speaking against' .the . increase' were Reeve George: Joynt . of Lucknow and the.. tw•o Walkerton. representatives; Reeve Irwin Lob- singer and, Deputy 'Reeve- Ca0 Monroe.. Reeve Joynt said the request was out of reasonarid.. said the committee : should' use "a little common sense." Reeve Lobginger said the town of 'Walkerton would . have to .pay about .$50,000 to • the . county it the increase' was approved. : Warden' Kreutzwerser. said, "If` we are going to entice' people to the county we nmst -give'. them: good roads. If taxes go ,up, •the people don't .say' a thing be,. cause schools: are .necessary, but. so are good roads." A provisional - county rate of 13 •mi11s was approved by council.; This is an increase of one-half mill over. the 1960 rate, the in- crease being • earmarked fpr 'highway -purposes:' The;. general account will remain at 53/4 mills the- samed.as:';last year. Tr�easurer Tjmo'nias Alton paint rosy . financial pictj to • to county council members, point= ing out in his annual report that the county . has a current surplus Of, 47i2O7. going into . 1961 , "The surplus,'" said Mr. Alton, ."places the county in• a" very strong _fin ancial position." Council's highway committee rejected. a . Iltiron. Township' solution 'petitioning the, provin- cial cial governrnen't to increase 'road' subsidies to :65 per cent,,.. ; Instead, they' .favored • an amended, county council-approv ed resolution requesting; the goy-, ernrnent. - snake more adequate provision for second-class con- struction ' on .tow,nship ,roads. The resolution willbe forward- ed to the _Ontario Gb'od Roacds Association Council .approved approved a ,roads com- mittee decision not to endorse 'a petition. from Culross and Kin- loss: 'toWnships rcuestirg•' repair c,onsti riction nn Coufi �{Road '6, west t rr "` s wn.ter 1i1 1;131. OATS Garry, Rodney, Fundy, Shield;: Sin coe and Clintland. PRICE PER BUSHEL Canada No.. 1, $1.50, Canada Certified' No. 1, $1.60 Canada Registered No. 1; $1.75.: BARLEY „4York,. Herta, ' Brant :;and; Parkland : PRICE ' PER 'BUSHEL Canada No. 1, $1.90, Canada Certified No. 1, •' ' CANADA REGISTERED No. 1, $2.25 SELKIRK WHEAT. PRICE' . PER BUSHEL Canada No. 1, . $2.60, ' Canada ' Certified No. 1; $2.60. Canada, Registered No. 1;' $2.75 2.15 MIXED GRAIN Canada No: :l ., Mixture, , $4.75 per 100 lb:. ba ) ( 4 choices . 1 • Garry, Herta , Selkirk Mix (2) Garry, York, Selkirk ,Mit ( 3) Rodney;' "Herta, . Selkirk Mix (4) Rodney, : York, Selkirk Mix Mixed at ratio of 6 .pks: oats, 2 pks. ':barley, 1 pk. wheat MIXED : GRAIN Canada No. ,1 Mixture • $4.25 er 100 Ib. bag 2 choices (1)' ,Garry,. Herta : Mix ` (2) :Rodney, Herta Mix Mixed at ratio ' of 6 pecks oats,pecksle P s 2 barley ALL GRAIN IS ' TREATED DISCOUNT.\OF,' 5c PER BUSHEL yN ORDERS ' OF OVER " 10 BAGS nde sonFia,irodui . Limited : Phone 21-W, Lucknow honour at the Holyrood hall on Wingharn' Saturday evening:'' An address was read rand )the • couple receiv- ed a ;number of lovely ,gifts• The • evening. was ;'spent in , dancing. Guests were ',present. from Lon- don, Toronto,•:Hanover,-Du.rharn, Exeter, ,St• Thomas; Lucknow Tiverton, Ripley and ,• Kinlough:: Friends ,from here :also extend 'congratulations at , this time. Mr: ;and. Mrs..•Russell Ball., Mr and Mrs. - Wilien Alderson . of London spent .the' week -end with Mr. ;ana Mrs.' Ale)CPercy and family: Mrs. Charlie Hodgins of , Wing. - ham ing=ham' visited 'on Monday .•evening. with Edna and May Bayle.' Edna returned ..home ;with her where:: • last Tuesday. United Church `Explorers Group: The Explorers Met • in the.. Lucknow United Church.,house: at 4 parr;, January 23rd with :a very good;•-attendari.c.e. The chief ex-•, plorer, , 'Barbara Cameron, con- ducted the . opening. :cerei ony,... During the'business'period'' a sleigh/ riding party ".was' suggest- ed. This is to .be : held . Virednes- day; 'January` 25th at 8 "p.r .Let's, hope'for; a': good. night. Mrs. -Jean. Whitby, 'read and discussed. .the missionary story • The City' •Dumip Gang." Mrs.Ross Robin- son 'held election of officers Chief.. Explorer, • Rosa Hallam First . Vice -Press . ':Jane Joynt; she spent a`,few; days. • Keeper '.of Log, Roy . Hallam; Mr: and' Mrs. Russell Barr of Keeper ,of Treasurer, Linda Boyle;; Toronto .spent •: 'the ` -week-end';Press Reporter, •,Eleanor Whitby;, with Mrs. John Barr and Donald:. Roll . Cali, Tirnnly' Collyer. • Mrs. Frank Maulden;; '. Mrs.•, •• The meeting :closed ,with the.. Ale' . Percy,';!Mrs. •Edbert 'Bush motto. `'Be , doers of, the word' ell and •Mz?s. John 'Barr, attend -Wand •not ,hearers only" 'The next ed the : . ,.; �'resuyterial meeting at ; meetrna • will.'be February ,13th; , ; •• • IIANOVER CLEANERS ON ALL' DRY CLEANING_ OFFER . ENDS ON s FRIDAY, ,JANUARY . 27th: r'. 'Phone •82-W, . Lucknow AGENCYI+O 1-lANOVER CLEANERS• v PICK UP and DELIVERY SERVICE ' FRIDAYS and TUESDAYS• •