The Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-01-18, Page 12ii AGR TIM =KNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Wg7D+NESDAY, • Ji lath, 1961 • Free Pic FOR KINCARDINE, CLEANERS -Up and Delivery Monday and' Thursday Ladies. and Men's Wear . - L' uck■ovir JANUARY CLEARING :PRICES oa �iii!O1VN'S ' LEATHER SNOBOOTS EN'S , RUBBER' FOOTWEAR and CHILDREN'S OVERSHOES W(Mienns 'Leather Snoboots, Clearing-'# ,' ..: R $4.99, $5.99, Children's Brown , Rubber' ..Overshoes Strap' Top, Clearing ' at . ', $2.49, ys' ' Brown Strap Overshoes To Clear , :' :. , .......... . $3.49, $4.49 Men's Wool Lined : (Over The ' Foot) Rubber Boots Laced or Zipper Closing. Clearing ' , $6.99 $6:99 $2.99 BAUER'. •SKATE OUTFITS:' White Tube Outfits, Clearing .At . $6.99•, :White Figure Skate Outfits, ' Cle :aring ' `At $5.99 • i 1 SEE, By THE. SENTINEL THAT Mr , and . • . Mrs. Eldon; Wraith' have moved, from their apartnie,nt above the •:Mayfair:. Restaurant to one . of the 'Gan), mie Apartments, THAT publication of this week's issue is being speeded ftp, to facilitate the •, installation of a more modern linotyape machine at The -Sentinel; TSTA there, was a. very good crowd at the card party at St. Augustine on .Monday evening, Prizes donated : by. Ashton's, of .Lucknow were . won . by Miss Elva Carney, high•lady; John. Boyle, high man;'door ' prize, Joseph Bowler; lucky number prize, Tom • Carney. THAT • the first of bi-weekly card parties held at, the . Bel- fast''school was last Thursday. Teri tables played, with high THAT , last Thursday farmers ladies, ' John Rutherford_ and who have had soil testing " Mrs Jhn Nelson; and '; ;high- through ' the Co-op, received nen, Frank Pentland & Kees :. ,first hand infor�rnation as to Jouwsma. fertilizer recommendations ' ' from Jack Murray' a soil test- ing' specialist from the O.A.C. Present also was Doug Miles, Huron :County Agr. Rep. The two men , were kept busy throughout the day discussing these matters. • THAT S. B. Stothers leaves Fri day morning for Saskatoon .THAT a. note from'Harold, Free- where ' the' annual meeting of man of Syracuse, N.Y., says d the Canadian Swine Breeders' that when , he was here at the Association.. wiltbe held next holiday time the snow banks week in the Bessborough Io=: prevented him from ;, getting tel. Steve •is .secretary-treasitr- his usual after -church', visit er of the Association. with -old' friends: roi YOUR 'BARGAIN-- FOODLAN KLEENEX TISSUE SALE: 'Save 28c Regular Or Chubby. Feature.. • pks MARGARINE ,SUPER SALE. Save 27c Tulip,. Rose or, Delmar. Bargain. . , ' 1U111 • CORN BROOMS ONSALE.. Save20c. New, 4-Str•ing.:Feature. Each ' E'OMATc SOUP SALE. Save 9c.. Campbell's. 10` oz. • "tock -Up" C ONTARIO NO....1 RED McINTOSH APPLES. Good Size. Firm and Flavourful. , 6 Qt. Bkt. HAVE• A.: BAG OF PURITY FLOUR .IN ., YOUR KITCHEN. THE "JOLLY MILLER" WILL. BE CALLING IN THIS DISTRIICT SOON,: AND ' MAY GIVE YOU ' A. SILVER DOLLAR. . Values Effective January 19, 20, 21 We SFor Less Phone. 119, : Luctow T ■AAT members, " fhe , Are is :Committee 'and of : the'> local. ministerial . ' ` :Assdciation ; were scheduled to conifer' on .'Tues- day evening; 'on` the' matter, of Sunday 'afternoon skating. THAT Tommy .O'Donnell'' to ken 'over 'Ross Forstex�'s-, ee Press; delivery ' 'route. ;Pass gave good service on the route for over three years. THATWm. McMullen ., of Lur .gan `will .,enter Victoria l ospi tal, London,this week for ob- servation and treatment! THAT , Margaret Montglmery • ,, entertained somerung .' friends' on Saturday .• in obser- ance of her 6th birthday.' THAT we have 'receive us- ual eopy of the 1961 Orange ' Bowl:: souvenir issue of The Miami Florida Herald from John .' W Banna, i■a■000■■■■•00■■■11■■aaann■0■■0.00;11■■■an61..■■an1100'■i■e ■O011,11'■■111■11■0011iana■nu01111■as064100■e■nnga'aa■ISuaaUnga■euae■a■aga■■Wu■:' •. ■ LUCKCNOW, ■ dig■ ■. PHONE 108 JANUA1tY 18th to 3ist ,JUST ARRIVED THE LATEST RANGE OF • 711: ' LADIES' W OO L L E N FABRICS 54 to 56 inches wide '—_ .Reg. $3.49 'Value PER 'YARD? 71 A ENTS FOR, CARSON CLEANERS OtiJR: REMNANT BOX EXTRA . - SPECIAL •• Fine Cotton Pillow Cases $1.59 per pair ■ ■ .COTTON SHEETS LI i 80x• 100 �--• $4.79' per pair w isaiw■I■smumsam■aamws■■■e■■■■an.s12■1261211■■■ on" . Br�adcic Lidos Tissue, ,Gingham: Drip Dry Cotton Border Prints Youths' CORDUROY TROUSERS,. Loden Green, 'etc.. Reg: $5.95 _ $4.95 ■.0141011■ lints from': 39c WIDE SELECTION TO CHOOSE FROM t • Lustre Tone. Suharan Polished Cotton Rayons FLANNELETTE, Small Floral Designs, per yar, , MEN'S 'SOX .Cotton - `per ' pair 37c Broken CHOCOLATE BARS $1.89 ' per yar 49c per Ib.: 6. ■■■■■■66126664161■rt■ �,r�■■�■1111r��M•11■■■rr■fr■�■■rW■wwrw■r6r1061■I Pampered Cotton "Dan River" Cotton Plains, Plaids, Checks, And Border' Prints 59c. GLEN ELLA TARTANS 56" widthReg. $2.19 Value ikM1i�Ui . +l+�tr:.li'wain'1'1ii;.►y'ir...r ■ *Wm 161,01660*