HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-01-18, Page 7WPR At, . MN', 1.8th; 1I�6 ,
Here are a few of the
Big Savings
See Our Hand Bill For :;Complete Listings
"D" Handle Snow Pusher regular $3.45 . $2.88;
Folding Step Stool, regular $5.95 :.$4.99
Paint Roller, Kit 99c
Renfrew Electric Toaster . $4.69
5 -String Floor Broom, regular $1.39 99c
Ironing Pad : and Cover -Set , . $1:88
Non -Scald Tea Kettle, regular $2.95. . $2.49.
Bior anic Potting Soil : 3 lbs. ` 29c
5 lbs 39c •.
Egg Beater , ' $1.49
Coronado .Automatic, Electric Toaster $11.95
Galvanized Garbage 'Can, regular . $3.29: $2:88
Ice Removal Pellets . > 69c,
Rubber Force Cups, regular 59c : , ..:49c
Axe. Handles,- regular $1.19 • , . 88c
"D" Handle general •purpose : shovu'1,''reg.42.25, $'1,98
oronado : Ap;
e -st
Phone 50
e ..r.. . _ sortof groans a, colaple of times
,� •' } ' and goes Head. Nor 'is there any
thing lake that. (Wild surge: of
' and .pica goy when ou... try r o e. 1 s
A Y. rY he n . last
g1 �� � B, ' TBmfhe7
timo; and a coughs into strang
. �
talated lifer
• There's none ofthis, rnincuLg
A...h, wasp t' -that a lovely ,cold around'__ inl • toe rubbers,; for us:,..
s ..nap . we had there?, Didn't it The only' time anybody in the
alive?n k erenu f e u good
beU great ' interior wears toe rubbers
isto the New Year's '.live , dance,
were a; f i11 -blooded Canadian, and we all lose them 'that: night.
part of 'the hard. inner core of Rest of; the time, we wear brg,
our ' country, and not . Qne 9fi, rubber boots, to. the knee, • trou-.
those imitations, who live away
sers tucked into' them t6 a • ra-
down . in places like • 'southern • ther dashing; ' fashion. • .
Ontario'• and Van ouver, who. :There"s }lone of this whizzin•
two feet know_t.an honest around on bae pavementsscarcelyhq" et of prnok Pike, but That's not living:; IVs like
ding ,,theywxe us'
real Canadians? i playing'' Post Office With no girls.
Why, '.I was in "Toronto last by this way, winter 'driving is
more like Russian .Roulette. You
• week -end, and I 'felt .like a hard- skid wildly . about the , streets,
bitten centurion from the pro- `seldom pointing ,in the. direction
Winces, visiting Rome; in . the you, are 'going... when you get to
middle: of Nero's reign.' You a corner, 'you put :on your brakes"
.know somethn g?
Theydidn't. and slide Halfway ,across the ine
have one lousy' , little inch: of tersection, head .swiveling like .a:
slush, let' alone any snow: 'You'd fighter pilot, Or you do get stop-:
' hardly know it was..`Ntinter, ex- 'ped; and you- can't see a : thing
eept for a wind' blowing up the, in • any direction . for snowbanks,
concrete Canyons' that—would cut so 'You close your,eyes•`and,dive
the eyeballs out ".of you.. •
out: . .
* * s
It isn't that 1 ''envy' these . `peo
`ple. Tot at• all; After all; every
country has its decadent centres, There's none." of . • this . panty
where live those ' of its, people waist talk about ,the latest playa
who have • lost ithat 'tough • inner -.and :ballet, and ' music and "other:
fibre, and who have ,become.: soft exotic. stuff' , those southern . peo
g.�En;gland ihas• p
and . luxury4ovin le in the cities talk about: in
them. They'• throng the , south winter. Our . talk is . real, 'and".
coast in J'uly,. when there, are terse,'• and meaningful..It's •strip,
some. days .se hot ; y ou, have to Ped . to the: bone, the language
take, Off , . your tweed • jacket, of the, .study, self-reliant Cana-
Some of • them.. have become so ' dian .of; the, interior, tackling. the: Register..For><nae.
• degenerate they'll -put on: bath- elements on his own 'terms
• ing attire and run., right into the' • • Like: "Ja make the,. hill first '. Carbon Szia p � . ut Forma
a ntime, 'smornin " and "Dam' , Po
English Channel, right " up' oto g as �ell'td :oil Truck .
their knees. . 'snowplow's late. 'again; i ; see,•"; &
s '* * `Yuh should, see •my icicles;" & Form
• Even ,,the,:Eskimos, iia e' this.:. "Hadda shovel the whole bloody
trouble. Some •' their ' eo •le 'thing;.' out` again;" ; • and. "How 'Continuous Business
of r.,P .p .:.
have :lost •'• •the' ' old, values, the many gallons did you :use • in', De-' Forms ; ,
true way of life' and.han . about: r :cem'ber?" That's `- the • sort , of
on' the: southern fringes: of • ,Es- straight -forward; .. man .s: talk' • you ' _ •. Counter Check; Books •
kimo=la : d. ` w or in • ,sor on :'get .around: There In the winter•,
n , k g . o mo ey, Restaurant :: Pads
of' all things,;Larid -eating. stuff'.•from . the real Canadians: '
'.out', ' of dans,: just like. the rest'; , Seems. to 'me it's. a lot like the
latigu,age . used ;.;by others .who LUCKNOW SENTINEij.
• of ..us . ' .
Theym.,. don't seeto realize (lied ' to, face .a hard; bitter fight
they have lost tr old integrity 1
and. 'dignity : .:the. • stuff' . ,that!
Made Uncle Oog-Loog: sit •beside
•a': hole in :the. ice for': five days,.► .
. waiting ,,to' spear •:a nonexistent'
seal. .Some of these• ..modern Es= (•
k•imos have -Slipped so far froom 'I.
their great heritage that were.: it 1, •
not for some, of 'our Canadian 1,
writers; like Farley. Mowat;
they'd.,probably think they were ,
• having a good time; being warm;
arsdeat'ng sliced bread' and, jam
insitead of blubber: '
• No, we , can't help this ' weak -!
. strain in our sturdy _; national 1•.," •
. breed :.Every nation has a :flaw.
Even .Canada must•:.tolerate• these 1
Scoutmaster G;ollyer said plans `sybarites who move indolently T.
were being .made for the presen- . about in the balmy• 'climes of
tatipn of Queen •Scout badges.; in our. country's. deep south,,'.here '.;
the near future to. '3 :scouts. • the...6infler"ature ,:is often away'
Th•e scouts •• bi okc4• :'way from up in the 20's „'Not ;to . mention..
• the horseshoe and inspection,' the ti aitors, seri- gades and peo- .
.was. h,eld'by A.• fi M• •, .Thompson. .'vle ith,enough11money,,who.sliip
After inspection ••the:. Scouts' awayt'c Florida and ',California,
.1ST•• , LUCKNOW BOY: SCOUT playeci' a game and, then..broke, the' minute::wtnter''.calls `its., first.
off for inspection:..,- chill challenge. ., . I, .
The meeting • closed 'With the ...It isn't ' the .....fact .'that- we have I
On ' Wednesday,. , January , llth i .flag . oweri'ng "and Scout • silence -;these parasites that gets me. , It's'
: the 1st • Lucknow. .Boy. Scout their attitude. They're all .wrap-
...Troop .held • its -second meeting • :red, up, in tbemselves,'•and aren't • .
° of the ;now cat, with . ]' . of . the , even remotely. interested in what ;;
24•• scouts attending. ' eaial rages 'now ,effective •ori .the' weather: was• like.. this 'mor`n' ;.
• ,: • scri� lug • .when ' You: