HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-01-18, Page 24
The :Sepoy TOW!'" On the Illiu on -Bruce Boundary'.
Authorized as second class coral, Post Office, Department, 'Ottawa,
Established. 1873• -Published Each Wednesday Afternoon
Member of ,the C W.N.A. and the O,W.N.A.,
+;Subscription• Rate, $3,00 a year, in advance -- to;,the U.5440 -
.S.A.#Campbell. Thompson' and Donald C. Thompson, Publishers
, WFDNESDA,Y, JAN. 18th, 1961
Mrs. ` Dr.N . A. S. Vokes "left
on Monday to visit her son. Bob,.
wife and their new baby daugh-
ter 'at Montreal, born Sunday,
January 15th.: Congatulations
to the parents and also' •the
grandparents, Dr, and. Mrs.
'Yokes. •
Visitors Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. ,, Harvey Maize was their
son, Gordon, :. wife and family
and Mrs. Gordon • Maize's .grand-
father; Mr. Sandford ''Lawlor.
Mrs. Mathew Shackleton 'visit
ed one day last, 'vrreek with'', her
sisters; Mrs.: Howard Durnin .&
Mrs. Clifford Webb, Goderich.'
Pat AnnEedy " spent the .week
end with '` her friend, . Marie
Brooks, Lucknow. '
We : are pleased • tohear that
seven . year : old Phillip Richards
of . 'the United Church ' parsonage
is well. on -the road to -recover -3i
this ' week and' hopes . to return
to . schoel ,soon:. He was qui'te
with' complications at Goderich
Hospital, for a few days till the
malady was checked;' `
COL•WET1T,, in Wingham Gen-,
' eral , Hospital;; on Sunday,; Janu-
ary •15th, . 1961; to. Mr: and. 'Mrs.
Currie -•Colwell,:: a , daughterl
ST VEtS; rn Wingham;
eral Hospital, on Friday, Janu
ary. 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. Don
Steeves, of Lucknow, .'a daughter,
Kimberley Joanne,.
Qn',.,January 9th 'a successful
euchre, party was held in, the
recreation room of St. Joseph's,
school. Winners were , Mrs..- .Eld-
on Austin and ..Mr. Eurerie
Frayne. Mr. Ray Dalton won the
prize for the lucky chair. The
evening , concluded. 'with.' lunch
served' by the ladies. r
,Miss • Frances Gilmore of„ Lon-.
don 'spent the week -end • at her
Mrs. . Eldon_ Austin had
`two • sisters .'from St. Augustine.
visiting ;her this past weekend.
• Mr.'`and Mrs., Walter 'Stafford.,
are visiting .'relatives and friends.
in Toronto this' week.
Mr: ! Jim Reed,', son of . Mr. and
Mrs. •."Allan Reed;.:`•who .has been
.with :a theatrical!, Company in.,
'Toronto has accepted: ; a...position
with CKNX• .. Television; Wing
' Misses•. Jewell • ,'and '' . Eleanor
Reed . are " attending': &tainess.
College 'in : Kitchener.:
Miss Clara Spry a , , ,Stratford'
is' :visiting her sisters, Misses
Nettie and • Rebina • Sproul:
Miss Flora Durniridale Mar
k ,
visited home • ,at .the week -end
•`with' ,her, : father Mr. 'R. 'J. Dur
Mrs. Bert
Maize •'was a patieht
in Gederich Hospital for :a' few.
days, to reduce:; the pain. 'of arth-
ritis that •resillted 'from a:fall•.on
her knee`. a ''while back.
The first meeting- of the • 4-H.
Club was-.. held::¢ at .Mrs. Elmer
Black's - hor ie on Friday' night.
leaders ',are Mrs. Hugh Me-
Whi ney :and Mrs. Elmer Black.
The lection was as , :follows:.
President, Marie Black;: '. Vice-
President;' ' Christa: Lackner; Se-
cretary,, Betty Irvin,• other merri
bers are Zita Qi,edriiond, Doreen.
- Cullbert, . Sharon'. SStewartson , and
"Carol 'Culbert, 'the latter,•who' is
press secretary . and has contri-
buted this . • report. ; The girl's
project is "Cottons May. `.Be
, Smart. ..
• Mr. and Mrs.: ' . Wilfred Whit-
man , . of Dublin were visitors
Monday' .with ' her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred . Baechler. 'Their
'son, /Harold,. wife. and. 'family ' of
Auburn' were .visitors on Sun=
;• day. , ;
Mrs., Ethel McDonald with
nerves . and heart 'condition , . be
carne ill and was taken to Gode-
rich' Hospital 'for : treatmenton
'Saturday. We' learn since she :is -
quite a ' lot improved and we
hope she steadily gains.
Mrs. T. C. Anderson returned
last ,week from a pleasant . visit
with her relatives in .Toronto:
She was present for .the Julien
New Year celebration at an
Armenian Church in Toronto . on
January 6th, Epiphany; which is
observed at 'a ''two -.hour service:,
This is ,a great "revival of: spirit
. and fellowship for people of her
native country,, Turkey. She last
observed this Epiphany when
.She 'visited her parents in Con
stantinople Turkey,seven years
aO.. Mrs. Anderson, ,i an adher-
•. the D ui?gannon 'United
Church and has in this locality
given . interesting talks to worn -
,en's' organizations of her :count.
r.._ r . meeting., of the.
The January
, g
W.M.S. of. Pine River. United.
Church. was held at the home'
of Mrs. James McNain with . 27'.
ladies and ' 7 . children .present,;
Mrs. John Blue and Mrs.: Mur
'ray.: • Walden .presided for the
meeting which .; Opened with a
short prayer • by the, .president,
followed. by a hymn and respon-
sive reading. Rev. Mr. Hutton
led in prayer. Mrs. John Mac-
Donald •gave •:the, treasurers .re,
port and: Mrs. •J. Nesbitt report-
ed farthe, visiting • committee;
',Mrs. Sam Gibson, convener for
the program led' inprayer after,
which Mrs. T. Bell. gave '.a. read-
ing with "Thoughts, for ' the New
•Year. The . scripture. reading &
comments, were given' by . Mrs.
Gordon • 'Elliott •, followed. with
music by "Mrs:' J. :Nesbitt. A
reading was . given, by Mrs. 'Wal-
, ter . McLean . arid prayer by Mrs.
Robert. • Courtney was, followed.
with a .poem entitled: "It isn't
the church, it's ' you" ' given by
Mrs. 'John ..MacDonald. ' Chapters
from the, study book 'were read
by .Mrs.' "John: Ferguson ;arid 'a
New Year's prayer Was. given, •by
Mrs.,Bert,.Irwin followed by .the
'Closing Ym'closin h' n.: Rev... Mr. ;Hutton
closed ;the meeting: with; prayer
and aocial' time;;was. spent p at
Mrs. Mary McAuley is visit-.
ing ' with her . brother, Jack and
1VIrs:: Swam, of ." Bervie: •
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hackett &
family visited . Friday • • evening
with ' Mr. and Mrs. D.A. Hackett.
Miss Betty' > Alton spent the
weekend 'with Mr:. and Mrs.
Jack Ritchie. •
Mr. , and. • Mrs. Frank. Ritchie
spent last ,Thursday, ' in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kirkland
'and ` Donald,' Kenny and Nancy
'spent Sunday with Mt.. and
the ' lunch hour
The annual meeting of : St.
Luke's Anglican , Church,. was
held on .Thursday, January 12th,
When the congregation met. in
.Mrs.' Gordon. Stobo of Teeswater. the -•.parish' hall at noon where
dinner , was served: Rev Mr.
The bigger a
the easier it is
Lupton: was ; chairman' for the
marl's head :gets meeting which' •. :opened.: . with
to,' P
fill his' shoes. prayer 'and a hymn. Minutes
were read by' the secretary, Gor-
don .Emnierton: and reports were
-given' from :the: various 'coriwen
era. Election: of Officers result-
ed as follows' for .1951:'Minister's
Warden,, ,,:Herb' .Ernrnerton; Peb-.
ple's. Warden: '' Wm Wilken, De
legate to Synod, • John Scott;
Substitute • Delegate, Reg God-
frey; Sec.-Treas. ' for Lurgan
Hall, Art Srrieltzer; Representa-
,tive for:•Reids `'Corners, Reg God
fray, Sunday School .Supt, Mrs.
Herb. Eanmerton President
Chancel, Guild; Mrs: John .,Scott;
Organist,: •Mrs John ..Enirnerton;
Auditors; Altort.' Smeltzer,
Leonard,Sexton, •E,eg Godfrey..
ry ' and., :.customs. ' She takes an
active part in church and com-
munit affairs. and at times.
takes a position in nursing, hav-
ing .; a nursing • certificate ' ob
tamed in •England,'.Npt `t:oo long
ago, she ,enj'oyed .get-to-gether
of. .nursing 'associates and 'the.
directress; fromEngland, with,
whom she 'had trained and • who
were on tour to- this. country.
Visitors with Mrs Margaret
Moran were Mr, , Frank Moran
'and .Patsy .:Allen of Lanes arid.
on Saturday her daughter,. Mrs
James Keane • of, Lucknow .
Mr. and' Mrs.. Ross .Henry and,
'family of Cedar '• • Valley . visited
:on Sunday with the former's • mo-:
ther, Mrs I. Henry.
During'• the :11pited Church .
sDervice ori' Sunday 'morning, Rev.
T :,Richards officiated for ' the
presentation, of Bibles and .New
Testaments : to Junior . choir
members for interest ' and atten-
darice. They were gifts , from Mr.
Fred King who directed and
gave ' assistance .The .recipients.
were Diane Errington, Fay .Pear='
son, ' Beverly Culbert : arid Jim-
my McWhinney.
:Mrs. R. A. McKenzie, Wing=
ham; who visited her• daughter,
Mrs. Otto Popp and recently ob-
served her'' 90th birthday is now
visiting a while with her daugh-
ter. Mrs:: Fred, Hall, :.London..
' Mr. ,Delmer Maize returned- to
stidies at Guelph, , Agricultural
College last , 'week and during
holidays . here, recovered Irom a
tonsilectomy .operation.
Mrs. Frank Smith, 'Billy and
Shirley of Cranbrook spent the
week end with Mr. and Mrs.
Jack ¥eGee and Helen:
Mr: Torr:, F:owlet- of Stratford
Teachers' College;. spent the
week -end at home and returned
Monday... .. ,....-......� .• ii
d y.. to do .practice -teaching.
in • Woodstock this ;week.•
Mrs. Dr, MCCo`sh, Kincardine,
visited , Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Stafford, one day ' last Week..
. u: ' 1961
the ';heel of the conquerors. In
his closing remarks, Mr. de Vries
said, "lf, all that .:matters , to us
is that : we . have good . times,
plenty,of money and leisure; we
like: the Dutch may .wake up `&•
find that in four days; our .rosy
dreams, may vanish into : t hin
air."The, Christian. •once . p
the ;pioneer days made Canada
a great nation, :but we can lose
it rapidly`, to enemies, ficin
within and withgut. -
Mr, Glen ' 'Campbell of Am-
berley attended the . funeral of
Mrs. Marvin- Nesbitt, of Nestle=
ton, Ont. on Thursday. Mr. Nes-
bitt is 'aa cousin .ofthe Mahood
ies in this. 'area.: Within;
driving distance ` of .Nestleton
Was the :birthplace' of Mrs. John
A. ,.Campbell of Amberley which
was .visited by relatives: from
this vicinity:
Mr, ' and Mrs, L,1oyd Robinson
of Detroit were guests ,with. Mr.
and Mrs: John A. 'Campbell . and
other relatives. recently.
Mr. - and Mrs. : Sam. 'Geddes
visited with Mr. and Mrs. ;James
Farrell of Pine River on Wed'
The first .euchre of: the' season
in the Orange 'Hall 'was held
Wednesday evening with.:a.'good
crowd in attendance;. Committee
members in . charge were Mr. &
Mrs. l .obert' !Courtney, Mr.and
Mrs: James MMNain •,.and Mr. &
Mrs. • Geoz'ge Moncrief. Ten tab-
euchre were played with,
high, prize for the ladiesi:.Mrs.
Ross Shiells, high man, 'went to
Robert Campbell and thelucky.
prize 'to Mons Bradley
Mervyn Eckinier,. Glen Mar-
tin and Donald• Courtney `attend
ed • the. Western ' Ontario ''Dairy
men's Association'in.' Hamilton.
Wednesday and Thursday of last,
week, Mervyn Eckm4ier was 'elec-
ted second vice-president' of t
Association, ;John. Reid was - Pr
:sident of the' Association :in
BaPtismal .. service was held '- at
SundaySt:: Luke's ::Anglican `Church on "
, January 16th, whet:'.
Paul -Douglas,..; son Of: Mr.and:
Mrs. ,, p
Carl Wilken was baptised:.
Present for the service were'M.r.
and :Mrs.' William Wilken • and.
family; . Mr.' 'and, Mrs. John 'Cat-
ar-ter' Mr: a . Mrs, Keith h Carter.
and •family and Mr. and„ Mrs:
Harold Maurer of Kincardine..
John Emm.erton' who was:
voting delegate _ at the election
• of Rev: H F. Appleyard in Lon'
don as Bishop of Georgian Bay,
made a Motion that a letter, .of
congratulations be sent to Bishop
Appleyard 'from, St. Luke's con-
gregation. Bishop ': Appleyard
was well known in the Kiri,
cardine • area :& ' was a forn`ier
rector• in the Bervie Parish.'
President of the Brother-:
'hoed,of Anglicans; •Reg Godfrey
.reported on the banquet held: at
Chesley. One of the, most un-
usual and dynamic speakers the 1
Rev B: deVries, rector of: the-
Anglican' church- at Exeter was
present for the occasion: He :was
a young ' man in Holland :when
the ,Nazis over rain' the' country.
After ,coming to Canada. he and
his, wife . tried 'vegetable- farming
for a time, but as he became en-
grossed in church work (and• al.
ways With the soul Searing' war
'experience in: mind) he ‘carne to
realizethat his. callwas to. frill
time service in the church,
Availing himself of .Colle
ge edu-
cation• fitting hire' for the mini-
stry." henow is happy in a parish.
of his own at Biter, Ont. Be-
fore the war, I•Ioiland:. was a
pro,sperous totinti°yy. and ren? .an
ed neutral: 'owever,, Rotterdam
was put in ruins in one r +ht
in four days Holland Y d. WAS U.ttClr,t"
'Congratulations' to Mr, and
Mrs. Currie Colwell on the birth
of a ' baby daughter in Wngham
Hospital' on Jantrary> 15th.
Miss Helen: Campbell of Kit,:
ehener spent the week -pod -pati
the home of her Parents, Mi, 8c
Mrs. Harold Campbell.
Miss Mary Maci'ntyre, assist-
ant 'supervisor •of Kincardine
Hospital is spending a few .days
With" Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mac.
Intyre' arid Margaret Anna.
Members 'of the MacKinnon -
family enjoyed a. familydinner
at the home ,of Mr. and Mrs.
Fraser • MacKinnon - on Sunday,
including Mr's; : D L. MacKinnon ,
and John 'and Miss Mildred Mac-
Clennghan, .Mr. and Mrs. Ross
MacKenzie and . family and .Mr.
and Mrs. Orville Elliott, and
Glasses can change . on
emptied too often..
sonallty, especially •
a ter mg.
A drunk climbed, to •the top.
deck of a double -deck bus, • only
to 'come stumbling down a ino
meet' later; protesting:. "I'm not
:going .to ride up there. There's`
nobody driving, .
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