HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-01-11, Page 11WEDlvFSDAY, JAN. 11th, 4.941. THE ;LUCKNOW• SEN;LINEIR, 1C111QW0, ONTARIO. PAGE `ELEVEN'. DUNGANNON $€ven year old Phillip, Rich- ards of the, United Church ptr- sonage w•a \a patient at Grade- • rich ',Hospital for a few days, returning home • Monday. "Cottons May Be S• a rt" is t• he projeet taken by ei , t 4-H Club girls in this 'district.. ' Mrs., Hugh' McWhinney & Mrs. Elmer Blake have taken the. Leaders training course and meeting will begin soon. We wish them luck and paying no attention to old tradition, they• ,plan 'their first meeting • this, Friday evening; January 13th, at the hoxne of the assistant, Mrs... E. Black. Being optimistic for the best must be their motto. Mrs. M.. Shackleton was hos f• ess at her home on Wednesday. afternoon for the United Church, W.M.S. Eleven members, an- swered the roll call and also vias reported 26 •home calls and 68 hospital calls, • The unchanging • Glory. of God • was the 'theme of the , meeting. Mrs. Ivan 'Rivett led in devotion and after Mrs. Fred Young read the. :scripture lesson, Ephesians:: 6: 10'-18. Mrs.. Shackleton offered. prayer: ,Mrs. Cecil 'Blake' played ' the organ. •for the, hymns. • Mrs. C. Fowler, the secretary, read the minutes': and a numrber. :of Thank You notes. Encouraging reports were given by the secretaries and Mrs. M. Reed • gave ' a full financial report" ' of :.: $291,36 'being the arn,ount. ,sent to the... •rsecretar. ia1 treasurer. ' Mrs. '•M.• , Shackleton gave a , a. ' Christian Stewardship ,paper. ,on W.M.S. Dollars. The World. Day.'• of. •Prayer, is set. for: February, 17th in the United Church, It was announced that on January .28th a work ,shop program was; ':being ,held at 1:00 to , 4:30 •pm.• in Blyth • United Church. The fnizpah benediction was repeated in unison, • , Mr. and • Mrs. Lee Barrick re- turned home to Tampa, Florida after a visit of ten days with re- latives here. & at Ingleside, ,Ont° Mission Band was, ,held Sun- day morning; in ,the Church base- ment• with • Mrs. Hugh. McWhin ney in charge. (Rev.) Mrs. T. ,Richards played: the hymns. About twenty attended. Proverbs 20:11-12 was the bases of a dis cussion: Here and' There with the Bible;, st=ory book was taken . by Mrs Ivan Rivett ,reading` the se- cond chapter. Mr.•'and Mrs. Laverne: .Culbert and sons,, Douglas. and Barry were .week -end visitors with Mr. and. . Mrs. Harvey Culbert and. also his mother, Mrs. Annie Bere. Miss Patricia Pentland, trainee of Stratford ' •General, Hospita/. was home, for the week -end with her .par:ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pentland. Miss Ida 'Whyard, the village, is. spending a few weeks with Mr.. and Mrs. Herb .Finnigan,' Miss' Pearl; Collwell., Leaming-• ton, returned' after • two: weeks Visitors . recently with... Mr. Brown 'Smythe and 'sister, Mrs. Bessie Stewart were Mr.. "and Mrs; Robert Smythe, Carol, Lyn- da and Bobbie of Toronto. Mrs. Muriel rie S .the son Lawrence of m, .Y Btford',. daughters Mrs. ' (Dr:); David. Evans, Dr.- '`Evans.' and. children also: of: ,Brantford and 1VIiss . Gene Smythe;; Toronto.. Brenda, Schultz returned.' to •schdol, • on • Monday recovered from operation. :of. tonsilectomS_ • i■Ianu1uI1111lit llIPH■■ ti■' •g /u■ ■ ■ w' - at Goderich during the holidays.. , Mrs,, Herb Morris, of Goderich; visited her ,Sisters, Miss Eliza- beth McMillan and Mrs.. Jessie Oliver one, day .. last 'week;, also !. visiting: thatday were Mr.' and MAlbers. rtGeorge ' Richardson • of Port ,. ' ■ M. LANGSIDE MAN AGAIN' riwwmFN'S SECl gT,Afty. ,Charles; . , Speers, of. Chesley, was., ' elected , president • of the Bruce Flowanen's •Association at its annual meeting at,Walkerton„ t;tiers. named tothe executive were: George Maianerow, , .Cher Gley;. Russel Watson; Tara, vice presidents; ,Farish Moffat, Lang;= side; secretary -treasurer; direc- tors for 1961, ,Douglas Simpson and Herbert Arkell of Teeswa-'. ter;. • Arthur Ahrens, 'Elm—weed; Alfred Brunton, Stuart Byers & Fred Speen., all 'of Tara; Donald Byers and: William Perkins, •Dob- binton Walter Chisholm, , Wal- kerton; .Gordan Finlayson :and Alex McKenzie„ . both of Luck now; Donald Lamont, Port El- gin; ,William ,Oswald. and Murray Thdnvpson both of Chesley; John .Garland, 'Cargill; Gordon Wall, Holyrood; • auditors, Douglas :Simpson.. rand Gordon, Wall;.. plowing match committee,. >ter :Chisholm, Alfred Brunton, John Garland , and George Mari- The an The rneeting was. told that:the 19.62 internatio. al: plowing: match will. be held in.GreY :County t & ,. special efforts': will be made at" the, Bruce plowing' mat:eh 'next. year ;to insure ;good.rese repnta- , tion. . at the.larger event. CANADA'S OLJ EST";BANKING SITE is the 400atiori , of the Bank ,of Mantreal'is new Ahead -office building: in • Montreal, opened on Saturday, 1i ecernber, 3rd;; • by "Quebec Premier teary :Losage. The 17 -storey B of lVi,building. 'strands on the site of. the -bank's; 1t head -office ;biiilcling, Open- e:d in • 1810' as the first building 4 ,.Canada • < espe lay deSignod fbkbanking .purposes,,. less than two: ytiars 'after the founding of the bank ..... Canada's first -- in 'November, Head -office' departments' of the l3' 'of'"M, formerly ,housed an assortnierit of accommodation throughout, Montreal's financial district, are brought together , thenewlituilding, seen' here aa,t joining " the. fam'iliar domed structure of the banks, Montreal inaii'i ' branch,. Capable• of accoi'nmodating ' some 2,000' risen . and women, , the f Si:0,00.0;000` building has Canada's largest and strongest ,vault' fac ili.ties. With an ' area of some G,800 square feet, the • vaults ,have two :dears each weighing 3.3 tons, '•lvlrYCli are balanced So precisely' they Can.'be swung' by a child; • The building bas a. floor .area • of, .-ynie .2'1(000: Square `feet. • 01 • ■ i All intop condition for winter driving PRICES GOODUNTIL ',JANUARY .31St - Buy Now Before +Spring. Prices Advance • • • . 1960 Pontiac Laurentian Sedan, automatic; 2 395 ■ $2195 ■ 1960 Vauxhall Sedan t ., a 1,395 • 1959 Ford 4 -door' Ranchwagon,, `automatic, .;, .:$1,895'' • 1959 Console, 4 -door 51,395 • ■ 1959 Chev Biscaynesedan, automatic, fully .:equipped: 51,795, ■■i'-1959 Chev Belairs, automatic,. fully equipped :,;$1895 'm'. ■ 1959 Chev'.poach V- motor,automatic 8 • ........,, $1,795 in • ' 1958 Chevrolet Deluxe. Sedan ;.;, 51,550 ;'n,• 1957 Pontiac De luxe Sedan, automatic':': $1,495. ■ ■ ' 1957 Pontiac ,Sedan, '22,000 miles' ;, $ 1395 i• 1956' Chev 4 -door Hardtop, automatic :.., .... ..,. $1,295 • ■ ▪ 1956 Chev: Deluxe Sedan ■ 1956 Ford Sedan, automatic ■ , :.1950 'Ford : Coach ■ 1955 Ford Fairlane 'Sedan . 1955 Olds s Sedan, ' omati out c • • 1955 Buick 2 -door �rdt ■ ... .■�' c • Ha Hardtop $ 895 • ■L 1955 Chev Sedan ' tia $ 795 9 • ' 1955 Meteor Sedan, automatic + ....:......$ 6 795 r 95 :•■ •; 1954..: Buick Sedan + ...:. ....... 5 • 1954 ;Chev . Sedan 5 ; 550 ■ ■ ■ ■ MANY OLDER MODELS. TO ClIOOSE FROM' I ■ 1960' Chevrolet Biscayne Sedan $1;095 or 795 ■ $: 850. t., . $ '005 N TRJCKS:. TRUCKS!! it 2-1958 Chev 2 -ton pick-ups, with fleetsitde;. body 1955 GMC 'tom -ton Piek-up utonatic'. •,.. .....:.,,. $. 850 „Ist• 1954 Chev -'f� toh Pick-up • " $-' ' 495 ' ■ ■ ••• .$1,295 11 ■ Brussel •Al'Cities Service Dealer Phone. 173,1Brussels::. • 13 iiii*N000ueoo■�n • • � �" , �alr�en� ee■■.01■`n■:urs■n■■■n$'n■ne(i' • HORTICULTURAL. SOCIETY The •Secretary ...said: he '. . (Continued•>`from Page .1) had . word that the bird' house'' For the January',arieeting, Mrs. and poster ^competitions ' were to be discontinued for ;1961. A. gar- • and. Mrs. Breckles intend •presenting the. results` 'of ; the den` contest ',•was ''.Suggested but 'Photography: '' competition. arid there was . no ' definite decision 'then ' conduct 'a, contest. ons 'the or. 'rection made .regarding. this identification, of ;de:c•'o rated +C. Bristow is to approach tyre ;homes. Prizes will be awarded .local ''council re a ' grant for for., the ;nearest correct guesses. 1961 and'convey: the apprecia' At the 'February .meeting Mrs: 'tion, of.••theSociety .forthe :won- , Reavie and Mrs . Struthers are derful co-oneration.of the' conn gcnng to take 'theaudience 'for cil, Mr. 'Havens and all those.. a trip ,to see the ' glory •of spring ;Cencerned,,in the use of the hall, flowering. bulbs by a sound ' fern' in .color'.,presented• by the 1.' The secretary is •• to apply for Holland.bulb :' growers associa- , a certificate of .recognition from tion:: Then''in'.' Apr [ Mr; '. Caine- i 'tl e ' 'b:H.A.:.:for'.• Mr • Haag. Mrs 00,. and Miss Milne' will ,present [ C: •is toe the ...society the 'Toui�i anent• of - Roses show: ! delegate• to 'the .'O.H.A. conven. This., is , a.1' ays 'very • enjoyable'tion in Hamilton.; In.'June Mrs.'' Wellington' Hen- ,. Thome prize monies stnd.: list for •�r 'derson 'and 'Miss Collyer intend ' the annual, floer •sho: is' to be. an evening on .flower arranging, •much the• same as 1'960 ..,The with :.suirpi ises ,.added, 'These are , ,,how' committee. • is to. '°prepare- _ ; •but. a few of the' events for . thisthenew , prize. list as quickly as year planned so far. ,.possible:. .The secretary.: is • to • The junior • society will again "ate ,ply to those •concerned for,, be. 'ifnder the leadership of •Miss prizes • and awards . similar to Ada -Webster. The senior Society donations• cf 1060. Show commit.. • Will, 'suppor't them to the 'same ' tee is to meet' and arrange for extent as they did in 1960. 'I'he prize lists ,•'so they , can 'be dis, junior nieinbership isto remain tributed in: March:. `• „at one dollar With premiums to • . The scci;eta y •.tnnounced 'that' .; •be given' the juillor'rnembers of. t'?e tu?berc,ls begonias had airiv- sornewhat . sirnilar value as be- • r d. fronT• Hol land and those 'NV is17- foie'. 'Considerable •di'seussion: ing bulbs could •;get them any. • arose as 9to .a contest for' th'e• tine. FOR • MANY SUBSCRIBERS It's u scriptron ; enewal Ti :Yf �ctix lals�el reads ''60" your subscription' expired at, the y'ear's --.end"; and iso clue for. i eneWal: w if 'th'd date reads any naont i. prior to;. }' 4n, reays and prompt your subscription is in ar a . �,, p p renewal would be appreciated, Vp THE : LUCKNOW SENTIEL • • 1 • 0