HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-01-11, Page 9• WEDNE ,t i SAN, ,.1.Ith, i,981. A. M. ft* AND COMPANY Chartered Accountants West St7°eet GODERICH, ONTARIO. Telephone JA 4-7582' • ROY N BENTLEY. PUBLIC ' ACCOUNTANT GODERICH, . ONTARIO 'Bot 478 Phone JAckson;:.4.9521 • R., DU VAL SpC,.. 'Chiropractor. Physio• and, Electro. Therapist *Ingham 'Phone 300 (Offiee: 'located •'in former • CKNX building .' on,: the, Main Street). • 0 THE LUCKNOW TINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. , • I Aq,X Nails INSU RANGE FIRE, WIND; CA.SUAITY • AUTOMOBILh • AND' 'LIFE ro Protect Your.; Jack, . Insure. 'With ;Tack Today, .I:..A. McDO.NAGH' 1t:R 3, Lucknow, (int. 'Phone 61-5, Dungannon ,''HET�-IERLNG OT'..�;Nat c Barrister; Etc.' . Wi.ngham,•and Lucknow IN.:.'LU.CKNO'W Monday and. Wednesday.. Located, in 'the `• Municipal, Offic.` ''tone Wrngham Offlee 48 : itesidence '9' RM . 'MUTUAL uTonitOpiLE NC E ••' I•N"SU It.A ,. • 'Investigate ire f ore•' nvesttnl:; ItEUBEN. W IL:SO.1V . • 'RA 3, •Goderi,eb Phone''80•c=8''ru ngannon • .,.. NSTONIrl U NERAL HOME. ,'Phone 76 �y •or,'Night USE OF', FUNERAL HOME .At No Ettfa• Cosi VYoderate, Prices Established 1994 IMPERIAL OIL P•ROD.UCTS • 'for . prompt service, '. and 'quality prOtluCts, contact:, GRANT .CHIS.HOL.IVI ,Phone. collect •Dungannon ;l944I or 10 'Lacknow ,,.. •• . 4'!Always'. Lk To oo,ltop.crier' • • Por The Best' GERALD 'N, CROOKS DOCTOR QF CHIROPRACTIC Phone 0,10, • KINCARDINE; ONTARIO. • Office hours;' Daily Monday to Saturday Wednesday • a.m. Evenings Tuesday, Thursday,. Paturday • McLENNAN and •MacKENZIE F,i1N1RAL SERVICE Services • condupted accord • • ing to your vyi'shes at your; Horne, your Church, .or ..at our Memorial Chapel at no • •additional charge.. Phone 181, LucknQw. , Day or Night WINGHAM• MEMORIAL: SHOP We ave. Been Memorial Craftsmen for Thirty -Seven •Years, Always Using THE. BEST., GRANITES • . ' Along With ' Expert, Designing and • Workmanship , Prices Most Reasonable Cemetery Lettering a Specialty ltY R. TTON'. .A. SPI?. 'Phone . 2sf,. Win�gham, Ontario•' • • G. /ALAN: WILLIA.MS Optometrist Mr. and Mrs. W J: Bell of To- Office on'Patrick St.:.. just • ionto were •week -end guests ` Of. • off the,'Main ;St. in • WINGILAM professional., Eye 'Exa'mination • Optical ' Services .. . Por appointment, • Phone .• Please 770, Wingham ., R.W. ANDREW Barrix'lter and 'Solicitor. . LISTO M' E1 . ONTARIO • '' .IN [ IMKNUW Every, Wcdii:esday..and .Saturday Y Afternoon • FARMER FINDS'. ANIMAL SHOT • CAMBERLEY `NEWS) Mr. and`' Mrs. James Mills of Weston rwOre ,week -end , guests. with: Mrs, Mill's parents,; : Mr, ' & Mrs. Arthur Smeltzer, Mr, Thomas:',Farrell of Reids, Corners had the •misfortune • of having three bones broken in his foot, necessitating the use .of a. cast for a few weeks. ' .. The Reids ,Corners - Women's Institute • held, a euchre last Thursday evening. . High ' prize for ladies' was won: tby •Mrs. Leo nard ,Irwin, Mr,.:Cliff Geddes,, high for 'men, and Ernie. Irwin;. lucky .chair p en.. tables of euehre were. played. Mrs. Wirinie Watson visited recently with her brother; in= lanai and sister, Mr. and-:• • Mrs. - Albert Stewart of: Wingham. Mr. •and Mrs., Murray McGill and family of Medford spent Christmas •' with • • Mrs. McGills; parents, Mr. ' and Mrs. 'T`homa's. Farrell, Reids ' Corners. 5. Mr. ,anal• • Mrs. Walter, Brown had as their New Year's, guests, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon . Wadley & ,family,: Mrs..'Annie Brown of 'Ripley:. and $.r: and. Mrs. Mur- ray McLennan and family of Wingliam.' ` • • Mr... William Pace is employed' at. Inverhuron where " clearing' up" operations are, being carried' on. • • .../ Mr:. ,and Mrs.' Donald Courtney entertained relatives and 'friends on New Years._ a .Guests 'with: Mr, and Mrs.. Glen Campbell. , and.. family ;'•for„ •New. 'Year's were'Mr. and 1VIrs,' John A. Cam'pb.e11,,`.Mr ,and : Mrs: Ste wart ,Shiells . and . Mrs: Annie.: •.Oftice'.in. the Joynt Brock• Tele. hone: Office 135' • Residence; 31,` J'. LUCKN4')W Iy;JSi'1 UCT' C,O`Q.P•ERATIVE. Phone• hucknow: 71 TEP .CO:LLYER•• ',.. Registered Master• Electrician '...E1.41.KICAL CONTRACTOR. Specializing in F:Iectricai Wiring ;and • Repairs AGENT ' F1)1 , SPAETON TVI and All Electrical A pi lances • Phone'46-r,.25, Luck•no w. 4 . ROBERT-: E..:IRVIN.' GENERAL GARAGE Dealer 1i OLIVER' FARM MACHINERY y : and complete. , •FIRESTONE LINE Phone• 'D4n0artiton ;53 MN Mr. and Mrs. Chester ''Campbell recently.: . , • Mr. and 'Mrs. .James 'McNair/ entertained.. members of. their family on, New Year's. Day. • ' During • the • holiday' season vJwN.M%�r°n �.�r�IY:IVJV`I.INVVN Register Forms u rms Ca�'bnn SnaP o t . ,'Fo (as and Oil Truck. Forms Continuous.,Business Forms: Counter Check, Books 'Restaurant: Pads. LUCKNOW SENTINEL Fill your ‘Bin Now and assure yourself Heat7 Security. Stop worrying about 'delivery hold- , u s because ofsnow or shortages, Kort ages, pad 'relax, • with a winter's supply of quality fuel.. A SOLID FUEL FORA SOLID CENTURY .'Phone . 7 many hunters were in .the vicin ity and ' according. to ' reports' ,several`'.rabbits were. ;bagged; A district Yfaniner lost an' animal which was shot :,almost. `within sight;`' of the .owner who -•was un aware 'of: what ,Was: ,transpiring,, but -later 'found• traces where the; -fresh pork had been hastily pre- pared :for a; quick get , away, De predations of this nature :are. •in. excusable.• Mr:,and °1VFrs • George 'Emmet. - soli; Jim and Bob were,guests .of Mr—and and Mrs. Chester .Calilpbell arid Mr. 'and Mrs. Ross Srheiils' last week. r • ' Mr. and Mrs Robert._Courtney_ IMrs. :Hewitt and :her H. E classes .:of, : the :various • grades.' staged their :usual Christmas ' ' parties'•in the H. E. room: Prizes were given ,for the best decorat •ed, gifts. followed by the gift ex •change •,and a. tasty' ;`lunch• pre- pared by the girls. . ,Many of the •: boys took advantage of the left • overs On "December,, 16th .1960 we held our , :.Annual': Christmas ' Dance. . in 'the auditorium of : •the 1 High School. A good crowd at tended and towafds' the -end' of the 'dar3ce 'ice: -Cream and :cake • were served.. `'• °entertained relatives for ` 'New :Blake United Church Year s. , m LDHS , NEWS • Editors: Marilyn Cameron, Anne Rintoul, • Mary Purdon . !'. Classes resumed on Tuesday, • January 3rd ' following the. 'fes tiye .season. .1Vlany, students':Ywere: sport,ing • new* sweaters. of various shades; which gave :proof' to': as' . to Saint Nicholas' visit on. •Christmas Eve. PI for ; to the holidays several events, took place at.. :tile High School: ...The' January, ,.meet:ing of 'the' Blake W.M.S. was held at, 'the 'home ; of Mrs. Russel ;Irvin with 12 ladies present The President, Mrs... :Warren. Zinn, opened 'the' meeting., with •'the Call To •Wor=: ship from the Missionary Month ly: Hymn 5" was,; read in• unison and Psahn of :PPnitence, :Tie • . s.cripture�: reading. was read. by Mrs. kaiser: •The •World's Oak bf, Prayer' is r to be at : the :Parsonage ' on' February .17th at 2 o'clock; - l the .three societi•es to have• charge of the meeting. The.. roll ' call' was answered:by .the.'paying' of fees: We planned • ways to make our allocation for the year. A chapter 'from' the •study book; Turning World, . •was given by, Mrs.., °H: Curran.. The .President'; closed the •'fleeting. • with prayer. Lunch was . serued by the , hostess scs, 'Mrs: Jack.hrwin and Mr's': J *Hoak. °The next meeting • will be held: at, the ho'tne of :Mrs. .W. Irvin. PEDLAR BARN AND' STABLE EQUIPMENT DAILY SERVICE - McKEE WATER BOWLS' SOYBEAN • M CONCENTRATES '...BALANCED FEEDS' MILL FEEDS CHOPPED:FEEDS. • s , DRIED zMOLASSEs. MINERALS 8: WORMING 'PELLETS.'i .CUT COST' AND LABOR• m. Kfl;ecllteIai LucknoH+' .Branch,; .Phone "THERE',S A NEW 'LIFE PEED' :FO4: EERY NEED" Son a • • •