HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-01-11, Page 7Ai W�:KE.Sa7Ax►. ,TAN'.: l.ltll 1913• .14 LUGKNOW ;SEwT4* , LUCKNOW, 0NT, 0 January 6th. •Mrs, Wallace Miller cone 1 ud-' ed ` 35 years as: • organist, ;at St;; Helens United Church, NOS; Sam CupskeY suffered, fractured, vertebrae in • her. bac when she triPPed., while helping to carry a: stretcher across the: `threshold Of 'their. home. ,on the 'stretcher was •their. ..dau'ghtter,.'. Marie who was •left; an invadid• by polio 10 years•before,c was being, brought, home from Wing °liam hospital to spend Christ mas.. lt. was 'necessary • to take' her back to • the.>hospital. • A 'sleet storm:' disrupted. • hone P p • ,se'rvice• ori the. 'Huron and K:in- losa-';Sy stem and, , brow ht• :down. numerous 'pores; in ' the .Dungan- non, 'district.. M; R. ,Ballard: 'accepted' a. Posi- tion on the high .School• staff to fill 'the: vacancy caused by the death „of William •MacDonald, Mr. and Mrs; 'John Craig .of. 'Whitechurch marked their gold•= en wedding,_ Tho-• 'death .,ocurred. o'f': Mb's: Robinson Woods of.,St. Helens in • ;her 92nd year. 1 at. the February meeting of }the• • llage Council, , •• ames .Eric, .Beaton 17 ;son' of r ► i< Mr. nd: Mi Jack. Beaton, of Teront• ,,died folilowing surgery to- reOve a'blood clot. resulting) from an accident, • February Mr. and Mrs. James Hodgins stilted .in arebate .of $3,356, giv- ing the , local 'syatem "substantial reserves which meant new street lighting.. Deaths, *John Bushei;i,' • Kin-, tough; 'Mrs. J. G. Murdoch, 89,. of 'Toronto 'and` 'formerly .of Lucknow;' Mrs John S. 'Craig,- Whitechurch Mrs.. Wm. G. Knox of Kinlotigh observed their $5;t1 of Limerick, .'$.ask,, formerly. Ida;. wedding anniversary,- • Rarkley of Dungannon; Mrs, • J, •M`rs • •Elizabeth M. Alton Ob- . Henderson,' tha • forrrier Mary served herr,9Qth birthday. • Edith .M'acGregor. wrist Watch was presented Don Johnstone's, Hi -Way , 'ur- to;. M s, J. W.,Joynt in••,recogri .• nitu,re. S•tore:•'af'. ,Kitchener„ Was, tion.. .her long service ,as cho guted ' by fire,: , The outbreak.' .leader of "Luckn;ow .• United was discovered by pon's:father,: Church, • ,Russ Johnston of Lucknow, w -ho• The yill,•age Council bought a was visiting. there while 'the used; .aerial ..=ladder and` truck family was in' Florida. . • from Stratford for .$400.00.. March 23rd Mrs William Percy' of Kin-. ' Mrs. •James: Culbert suffered a lough, observed her 87th 'birth- fiacture:d hip in a .fall'on Camp day. She ' has been • blind for bell Street: soveral years. • Durnin. Phillips of Dungannon • Dr, D: D ,Carpento • died at was- elected • as a member of the Sarnia at the.: age of 47:,'He was 7 -man board of 'directors: of the •at,.._ one ......tithe_. assistant ':to Dr' FFire-U' dervvr tern: l ssocratio ,W.• V. Johnston of Lucknow: 'Ontario, • • L February : -24th' •. Trustees a€ a11; Kinloss Town Cotincil approved ,building ship School_ Sections met at bridge: on• Wheeler St: and .re-.I,Ho'lyrood to hear an explanation placing' he 'sidewalks on' Camp- of shoo1 area formation": and bell „ Street,' . - • central ''school; construction • pro- ...• After' • considerabie .correspon-' ' cedure: All sections were to dencc' .:withdifferentt sources!' of meet to. express. their views on the. matter and •submiit.'their de. cisions by May 1.5th', Mrs: James Scott .of Teeswater Chari his. `,`65'.' years. • observed he '98th .birthday at Reeve ` George Joynt told the..the. Greer Private, • Hospital, Lions Club that he felt .With the Deaths:.---: John: Smith of. Kin- completion of the, road .Paving sardine • Anna •,M: •Stuart, a : na-: ro train in '1961, the' mainten- ance t>•ve of St. Helens, Mrs. John, C. program, ',Plant Hutton, Pine R;iver.:':.'` of , an . artificial .ice • �. could'. •financed', •without in- 'March. -30th creasin the mill rate. Mr. and : Mrs. An ' us: Graham g g January i3th • • Mr.s. « David .,Kennedy' died ' at Whitechurch in her 98th year., Lucknow Lions Club was told- :•that artificial, ice installation would run to about $25,000, with -opeaatingcosts probably abouf' 3,000: a ,Year.' Ha.ving,'been .ill .with pneumo- nia _ neumonia.• Reeve . Andrew.., Ritchie ,sof Ashfield was sworn in at his; borne Where the inaugural meet- ing of council .was held: ',. Reeve ;:Joynt. ,recommended: "4a. 1960 "program of continued' pav, ing,, main streetwidening; . new' information •in England, Bill Stimsort's birth • registration indi; .sated , he was four •• years older 4,4 • PAOE SEVEN. tors of 'Ripley and Huron Town-• sshiR *•;Hortie:ultural .Society. on ' Thursday afternoon., Plans; Were made for the Year 1961. • A nuro0. er , of the teen agers . from this district . attended teen. Ratepa s. of •School Section tow n' o Fri n da 4k 5, 6 a111 favored, forma- y evenin..g at Pine Nes, 4k tion of a Tmloss ,School area & . River. ' There was no church' i eanstruction pf a.:centra school;.. ,, '�' _. •• —. field, Presbyterian ••,..ehurcl on ;, Deaths lVS:. J, Pymm,.. Doti g` C1 Arpkri)re2'itehd :'a fter gg ^ SJauWndaBarradusyotrpriyst..h'netoosoraerpmow,r e llthaast: years, sere ce with the .RCMP, his man "Y friends- •would like- to d. _, A mayor arm real estate trap- see.^ahem. ' sactian resu ted in Ashfield when.. Mr. Herb rlgen Chatham of. bought wo• farms'and Murraymepowel:s IEN C TO YMPSIUIIE farm;the' former Cecil Johnston' " , ' FRO1JVtMEROSCAH.; EESE; • prope 'ty. e a At ` Chritrrias time.we recev- Peat_ p y,ers, of Zion. School sec •tion: voted to have their' pupils ed • a 'letter• from, Miss•• Dorothy continue 'coming.' 'to • Lucknow,: Douglas of 'lamsui; • Fo,rmosa,, : vie ' K;nlough and•. Whitechurch sec- from ���, wh•ich takea few tions cid not favor joining the, cez'pts,• • Kinloss- area.. Miss Daug as 'described a walk.' At the . requestof the Luck- , throu,gh the rice - fields• with now Public School .staff a meet;l'ea:ds. hanging heavy. ,'ready- for ing was- held ' with the. Board to the ,second harvest. of the ' year, d,4e., ' said: "The people• in the scuss• salary problems, . but the Bioa decided not to change its farm houses . were very friendly as usual . askin ; us to sit =ori iiia-" •of-fer—o--�•=-: as_usual,. in forthe' r` . • i - •a and down and, they • would P c p., i X100 for -each...�'of-, th' tea' 'h r s -,-T --._m' t; -+-en" u sx4e~a,, You scan always count _.. e_t c,p .Tlie a...... ter was referred to. 'the;,;. Teachers „ on the hospitality of the Chinese 'Federation by the staff.' • ' people even if you :go through • Dea is Mrs:. Wm.. F. 11•; their dooryards , without. being • wan.; . of .Kinlough. `Postage • has gone up again April 27th . so we are all hurrying. to get Ratepayers of the Second . Con our 'cards and letters 'away •by..„ •cession school section; deferred a. boat• amail. T ant',using mostly' de.*ion on.. whether or,' not • to :pictures f 'theI 1 p,t invited, join the Kmdoss area, at 'a, live o sc ioo u on We simple cards.'. 'W:are; all busy 1 ` ' session.• at the s'cho'ol for we , have over a Dan Rose 'was named assistant thousand,. u pupils and. over .:five' •• agricultural• ,representative in 'hundred.'" in the •dormitory: So: York County. with English .classes' and •;Bible John Button,' 4 -year-old" son of:, classes in the. school `=incl .at" the Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Button, had church, I' a very pleasantly 1 asantly both legs broken above the knees; . . busy m ,Of course; there is always '•• in' a :Collision with: `a car • driven the„ odd rneeting,,'wihich'' isn't :• so pleasant "The fast, Sentinel- was.. just,' over a month coming,. which was very 'fast, so I ' am comparatively e.aught : up with ' the ` news, :even to the .. ' current prices . and ;the weekly' specials. •I 'should ;really. write an advertisement for ' the Pine Fiver Cheese, Factory:` Be- :•, for • I • left I 'bought five pounds' of .cheese from there and . I still have 'a•' very small piece. Which •, is, as good as when it was new, but 'much improved'. in flavour,; of course.' "When;' this:reaches you it will be just . about Christmas. and I • hope it : will be 'a very happy Wand: profitable occasion for :ev- eryone bringing great' joy.in the remembrance of ' the corning 'of our Saviour and all it means. :to us:" , lighting : and `'si;dewalk ` repair. I.% , William Wiggins was elected a celebrated' . 'their 50tFiT:2we.dd'ing by' Frank . Johnston. on , the Janua • 20th 'directorofWest; Wawanosh Mu- , •anniversary:: • County road at the 'northern' out- ry out.- john S. Dur in was elected . tual 'Fire Insurance Co.,to`' fill the; Following.' the•evening service; skirts of the .vi'llage. J n t d �. warden of Huron.' County, mark= vacancy resulting from the death in:the,Presbyterian . Church, a ° Jackie Lem age. 11, ' lost, his ingonly the`• third time that the of Lorne 'Johnston.: social time was spent, at which ,e y... left: leg, he: fell' under �a:' honour had` . come .to ' West Wa- • March 2nd' the congregations, .bade farewell train *heel .at Galt His 'fattier,: wanosh' Township. • • ';J.- A McLean Of -Toronto made ,to Rev. :• and Mrs: Wallace' Mc- Jun Lem,, operated a restaurant, Gordon' Statters was promoted the offer of a $100 bond to: be Clean. / ; ; . in-Lucknow at one tune. , ' to, savi s' superintendent ,of • all r led off for.' the 'artfioial ice Contn.butors to. the com'mun- „Death -= Miss' Mae Boyd, a a%' . . ' • , it. : shed fund were q"oto' ' Boyd, branches of the �V�aterloo iritis• . t fund. . , "s Y �� _ requested‘native of .Ashfield, died..in .Tor- Company: An "around-the-clock"deposi- sign Toffy so. that ,the . shed might onto, / be sola with roceeds to 'help-onto. Michael'. ,Fischer .a Culross "tory; `•was. 'installed at,, the Bank P • 'P succeeded' George 'Joynt ' as •of Montreal•. •defray the cost of installing arti Bruce- County • warden.., Mrs.- Samuel J. Kilpatrick.. was. ficial ,ice. , / Mrs. James G. Drennan ;passed probably the ' .coldest leap ' year ' New telephone *cables. installed P , , 3� n a en= aw'a air her 90th' year.; "bab. " •in the ': com,murit..;�. 'She in., the Dungannon area' were:' :Mr:. and Mrs. Henry M cK Y Y, ., . YY• Or ardzati4b of a unior''So Was. 84 on February 29th. With a' view. to eventual'" conver- "zie and 'Allan spent a day' in. g n J • it the ex grid-' 11 f Belfast left 'sign to dial s stem. '. 'Guelph -.where Allan IS : taking' a " ve�ty was planned h p Glen Campbell, o y for Florida, hopeful that , exer ,cising in thee• southern '; springs,.. might e P the paras ysis ; o . , Itis LOCHALSH �Th Bruce Cburit.• Farm.' Saf- course' in Dairy products at, the; ingprogram- of =the. •Horticultural e Y • Soc'iety, ety Council was' organized for OAC. • h 1' h 1 f lr' the •purpose > of. :reducing, , the • Mrs:. Ewan ''MacLean enter- Janus ' 27th' h - rY , le s ., resulting . from � olio; with number of farm accidents: tanned the ,C.G I.T. , group of Ash -R:ev::'•Wall'aee McClean announ: g � g p • c ' • which .'he was affected over, five,, Deaths - Murdo Matheson of field Presbyterian . Church ., on :.sed phis acceptance , of call td E • Ashfield • Abraham Blitzstein of Monday evening. Mrs.' 1VIcT-can lmvale 'near ..Baine, :. years died :after ' a ' Toronto and formerly of Luck- and Mrs. Stewart MacLennan J. R. '. Lane,i Kinloss Township: Roy • 85th ••.birth- long illness' ; at the :'age , of '51. .now. " , are the leaders:. , Olerk, observed his,85 , • George MacMillan died suddenly..April 6th' A number 'of children of Loch- . gschool ve been. absent t , � . ' at the age of . 63, Other deaths, Lucknow Public ",School Board . alshhave ... Fvan Keith was elected pre-; g ., • . • Boyle,. William Roymetwith. representatives of with the, flu, 'John Bradley has silent :° of the Agricultural : Soci Joseph W. y ,.. -Zinn..-'•Primount and Grew Ox been thedatest victim. ,• Murrywhich • had been "buy. - ' . Mr. and. Mrs. Bruce Miller of Y1vwuLguileLy,17,•andMarch 9th. • . Donna Thacker, 1. Re •resentatives of several 'ing education" from . Lucknow; .7, died : of carp in in ' a- Soho -01 sections in the' north- to decide future plans . as to tori Monoxide poisoning• motor carr ' at the outskirts .westerly •sector of Ashfield were where ., to attend 'school, .• with • in agreement do 'build a new new areas looming in, Ashfield WMrS. J.: central " school: in the'Hemlock and K•ir loss: 1Virs. J. C. Fritzley .(the form-.school.M died' 'vicinity' to serve at least six r. 8i Mrs. J. Keane moved to er Cora. ,Ross of Lucknow} d .. . : • : , • • h had resid school sections,! Luc�Inow from Clan. 6, Ashfield t f:11i 1 y h e a es a where • s sections/ i „ were given 7a . sendoff ; by. ed' since her marriage ' 64 years A sit -towering fire in the 'saw -'•I and • dost and shaving bin ,at. Beatty neighbours. ' earlier Ha- Ladder Factory resulted in a 1 Plans;' were made for' the in- 1tr.ipl.et sons: Were: born •at . t. or- ''fire call but ' no• damage ".was duction'' of Rev T. Richards: at milt'on • to 'Rev. and Mrs. G Dungannon United :Church. do Geiger. The three weighed caused: g n. The death ' occurred of Mrs:; 21 -pounds,' be'l'ieved to be a Dp P: ' W: ; H•oag ,, tendered his're- signatiOn„ as principal 'of .Luck- Edward J. Rink 'of '• Detroit,' the minion record:. The baby boys were named Paul Robert, Allan 'Hugh, -,arid .Ross Gordon.- February '3rd The. Lucknow • and. Listowel• congregations of the Christian Reform.. Church `'inducted a ' regu lar !pastor' Rev. S Terpstra, • now District. High School, -'a posi- tion' osition' he, held for •14'years: ' Deaths • Mrs. • James DeGru-, chy,' Mrs. William : Jerome (Mar=- garet Stanley), 'Thomas George, Brown, Anibe,rley; N];iss':. Belle NrcKillop, St. Thomas; Walter B. • tabid skunks were prevalent MacKenzie; , Sunnybrook Hospi,- tal ,Mrs. Olives ' Smith, %luron in the community;' and dogs Mrs. .Roderick' �'M�ac- which encountered them were' Township; destro ed. ° -- : • l enzie,:bf•• Ashfield Township. Y , , D. C. l�ingsbu;ry , March 16th Mr, and Mrs, observed •their 56th nilrsarytheir home wedding Grant Chisholm was appointed• :I, 'ck__ Lucknow Agent - for' Imperial Oil LL atan u .l Products, � this, Company. having now.bought, 1pi opertY across from Bt..heRobertson, .a lifelong re, died at the Greenhill cemetery on which :t silent of .T�ucknow,erected st9rage• tanks . and •' ware-, • age bf 17.. �'house, F ebruary 10th The Bepartim nt of 1'-lighwsys ob Mr; 'arid ir Mrs. ..Mike ' Hogan II 'risi�bi�lt of `bean= 6 ing-the t the59th wedding anni- assumed respo Y v :Served r • ie entire cosh b'f •.widening A bridge ,over• fro the' �ii-'Mile Rives I Cavi Pbe11" t, m Outram o aerial) d;an.... , .e.r,, .town trUCl{ an � _ • '11-'4.1. �bwer • blll:, i e� • .: fritters. • discussed.. 13th Avdro 1 •ladder wee c '� . former • . Margaret,: Campbell ,' of Amberley April 13th• ' • TIhe Public School Board re- duced the cost . of rural pupil; tuition to $130. It had : rbeen, in- creased from '$116. to '$150. 'rearm ier : in the year. Board and. tea chin's . staff were not in. agree - anent on salaries.. Paramount and `' S.S. N. 10 Ashfield voted to join the field central school area.' The - Lucknow District High Schho81 Board engaged, Dalton' Kirk of,,Markdale as successor to` P, W.; Hoag irp'ori his retirenient in June The Board also adopt ed the '4 -Category salary d'u]e ' ,. John M. • .(11tack) 'MacDonald, :. 8611` of Mr.' and Mrs: W, ' ': Mac- norialrl was awarded a l;ese rch StudCiltSh ric1l, i wi It ,fir r. C7u. p t '.i a .,l,.u. ,Palmerton spent' the week -end with' ` Mr. ' and 'Mrs. Emile Mac- Lennan. , Mrs.:Ewan MacLean, was.hos=- tess . to the executive• and , dices - STATIONERY NEEDS can be filled' at 'The Sentinel; writing '. paper, • envelopes,', .hasty :'notes, thank you notes; boxed greeting cards, magic—.markers. and refills; file folders, receipt books, state= menu: pads, scratch, pads, pens, refills,and ' manyother • items The Lucknow :Sentinel, phone 35, Lucknow. . For Your • 1961 Bookkeeping Needs' Brownline \. , ColumnarBooks a good selection in stock) 1 If we don't have Yourparticular requirements,we will , • order for you. S' :.: LOOSE LEAF LEDGER SHEETS IN'STOCK CASH BOOKS IN STOCK. S 1 1 • e n : requirements until. Don t leave your • boottke pr requig em uu 1h- the last minute:.'• :Order now , anad be ready: for 1961 E, Tl,NEL Lucknow Ttit v� Phone 35 . • �'1 ..►iC�4v..,kw444.44441,+t+',44L‘'.4*4.*<'%4744. , ti14•`{,t+> '4'04**44i, ***Nirir.4. �!►'4., 4. 4 44 '44,,44 it 44 44.4. 44iNg • 11L'