HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-01-11, Page 6CKNQW $h%N'INEk, LUCKNOW,
On Monday, Reeve,' Jahn :S.
-Durnin . of -West Wawanosh re-
tired after 13 years' ' of faithful
and efficient service as council-
lor.: and. reeve of' the township.
The "gavel" was turned over to
Councillor • Iiarvey Culbert, . who.
steps' up -to the reeveship after
nine years on. Council,.
RetReeve John, Durnin
Retiring . J lui
Was firstelected' as councillor. in.
December. 1947, heading the poll
under Reeve Everett Finnigan.
Other members were Harold
Gaunt, Ben Johnston and Tom
In NoveMber + 1951, Harold
Gaunt stepped up .to- the reeve -
.ship as Mr.: Finnigan's ' `succes-
sor, : and Harvey 'Culbert filled
the' vacancy, resulting from •Mr.
Gaunt's advancement.
In December 1953,, Court llor
Duri in was ' elected 'reeve de -
feting ;Reeve Harold Gaunt,. ith
Mr.. Durnin receiving ,a • whop-
ping . 151 -vote majority ;; at.. the
Auburn poll, to decide, an other
wise • close vote, and, maintain
thetraditionthat few, `, men
"northof the- central 'part. of
the township. ever :have held the.
reeveship. .
Reeve ‘: Durnin has. since.' then,
been' returned' each year by ac
.clarhation- and: his seven years'
in this`.' 'office .was climaxed in`
1960 by his . electionas warden
of Huron County, . .only'• the
third time the honour had ever
come . to the township
In the 1953 election. Harvey
Culbert was r' e -elected' at the
head of the poll,;. :and, had been
returned ,by„ acclamation each
year. since then,: and last Never
Was, given•an ' `acclamation.
as, Reeve .IDurnin's successor.
The above picture,, _ courtesy of
the Sig-nal:Star, was taken at
the' Warden's banquet in Gode-
rich several weeks ago . Mrs
Durnin. is :holding the '; gift', ;of
silver • presented ::her .'husband.
On -his • left is Everett. Finnigan,.
Bruce' County Assessor ":and ',the
reeve of West Wawanosh when;.
Mr ruin commenced ' his
;muni career.On' theright
�l�h int
is the guest speaker at the 'ban-
quet, `Dr.. G. E. Hall, president
of .,the: University of Western
Ontario. `
Mr. arid, Mrs. Gortion:'MacDon-
ald were Sunday; guests of Mr
and Mrs.,' Robert' Gilchrist and
' Grant.
Mrs. Victoria Smith;• Messrs.
' Murray Campbell* and Bob Ste-
te-venson;' Mr. and. 'Mrs_ Jack Mc
Iver; Mr. arid. 'Mrs. Bert Breck-
enridge ' - visited recently ' with
Mrd and Mrs. Wallace Ribey. &
:family, .North Bruce.
;Mr. and Mrs. Bill Scott ,and
Merton' .Scott'' of , Melfort, Sask;
Mr.. and Mrs. Cliff, Scott, Allan
and Bili of .Stratford; Miss Ruby
Timpson, Carlsruhe; Mrs. Mil-
ton Walsh and Mr. Scott Walsh,:
Kin1o140; Mr. Bill Clayton '.aid
Gary, Thamesville • were . New
Year's visitors with Mid. and
Mrs Frank Currie, •
' Miss Margaret Robertson '.was
'the 'January Hostess for the re-
gular meeting of 'the Purple
Grove Women's Institute. •
Mr. Wayne Webster of Lon-
•don spent a 'few days uiith his
cousin, Mr.' Richard McCosh,
The 4-H. Club meetingwas
held at Miss Barabara Leeson
on Moriday, ,p.m. The girls work-
ed on their Record: Books.
.Mr.. arid, Mrs. 'Stewart Farrel;
Judy, Joy, Kerry, Kathy and,
Kuri; Mr: Ben. Farrel of Clarke;
Mr, and Mts”. •;Peter ,Leeson,,Bar,
bar and Iona, Messrs,. 'Ira and:
Walter Needliani. were dinner
'guests of �Mr,; and Mrs.t, Stewart
Mr. ,arid Mrs, Jack" McIver,
Mrs, Victoria •Smith, Messrs. Bob
Stevenson and r urray. Campbell
were Ncw 'Year's: guests of Mr.
and Mrs. • • Bert . Breckenridge in
Mr. and Mrs Dave Elphic:k &
Donna, :Mr.' and Mrs.', Burton
Collins, Johnny; Sandra and
Margie :were recent ':guests ''.of
Mr. and:' Mrs.. Peter Leeson.:
Messrs: .Gordon Patterson,.
William J Arnold attended the
,Hog 'Producers 'meeting 'in. Tor-
onto. on Tuesday. Others 'from
the locality attending, were John
McMur'chy,- 6:th Con.. Huron and
P. ,A Murray, 10th:. of Kinloss
Mr,• Janies' Emerson returned
to Guelph. On Monday,: to resume
his studies at the,,,Ontario Vet-
erinary College. "
Miss Marlene' • Gawley visited
with her cousin, Miss . _Elaine
Shaw• at Mr,', and Mrs. Johnny
Messrs. Robert and Joseph.
Forster and Richard : McCosh
were Sunday visitors with M.
Carl Collins. •
Mr, and Mrs.. Burton; • Collins
and familyors
•were recent visit
with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Pat-,
terson, Ripley, • '
'Mr.: and ' • Mrs. Victor Gawley
and family visited ih Ripley . on
Thursday at Misses Ethel, Lettie
and Ada Gawley's. 3•
Mrs• Francis Boyle;., Miss Eva
Culbert; Mrs, Stewart Needham.
and Mrs Dori McCosh attended
the ° meeting: of the United
Church Wonieri: Tri St Andrew''s
on Tuesday,
Mrs. Jim Brooks' spent ThtirsN
day ii Ripley with her Mother,
Mrs. Mae Matr)ehlldr who 1e-
`cently returned from hospital in'
London. • We are +glad. to report
Mrs. MacDonald much, improved
in health..
Messrs ' James an Robert •
Emerson, were guest on .Tues
dday. evening .Of Mr. on• Robert-
WEDNESDAY, JAN. nth! 4961
• Heavy Duty Batteries'
Generator Exchange ...
Fuel Pumps, as IOW 'as .
• Brake Shoes E change; full. set
Voltage Regulators
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$7,95 uP
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•, . $2'.85
., $7.90
'heel Alignment and Balancing.
•• Motorcade 'Dealer
Phone • 3, Lucknow
The.. -meeting, Wassb iu_ght_ty
close by the Queen and. Institir,t
Grace, .Courtes Lremarks •«c,
given • by Mrs C., McDonald'
the .hostesses for a lovely lurk lr.
The .'January meeting of , the
Women's Institute 'was. held' in
the 'basement 'of thea United.
Church, with the ;first vice -pr e
sident, :Mrs,: Ross • Gammie `in,
the chair
During the business it "was de-
cided to 'have a scotch concert
on,' January 20th., Everyone ' is
;requested • to wear sornething
• plaid°:dor ,pay . a: small fine
It was,..a:tso, decided. to place
• a.,: -box in • Miller's•.,Sfare .t4 Col-
lect groceries for ` the Hodgiri's
family' Who: were burned , eut..s;.
Everyone in...the community
interested is asked . to contribute
:the articles • to .be :.all in by the
.17111.- Mrs. • Gordon .MacPherson.
,is again leader of .the girls:'441"
club .with Mrs. Allan. Cranston
as ;assistant. Mrs. Harvey Webb,'
Resolutions convener,. .• gave "a
Very interesting topic:
. Current :events• were given...by
Miss ','Rutherford. The • motto,
Don't walk . ,this year . in last
'year's rut, was very ably+ pre-'
pared and read. by' Mrs':' James.
•Aitchison: 4. Readings: were,- given
by Mrs. Rice,• A scotch reading
by Mrs... G.; McPherson,' a :very
interesting demonstration;b
Mrs. Allan 'Miller., on .snaking
punch. Worl cushions, and a .dis-:
of, her lovely ': work • w'
play .Y was
much 'enjoyed;
son.. .
Miss'' Pat Shaw '.visited: recent
.ly With Miss Gladys Garoiley.
Miss Diane" ,Dore' spent. a few
days .with Miss Betty Fry, Kin
/ Mr. and Mrs George' Harkness
and family -'
attened thefuneral
of his` .uncle, ' Mr. ' John Caslick
last Thursday .., at Teeswater.'.
Mr: and Mrs. Allan Coiling & '..
family. • were ' Sunday • visitors .
with : Mr,` and Mrs. Howard
Thompson. • ' •
Mrs. Claude Dore visited with' '
Mrs ' Cynthia Bere and. Mrs,
'Douglas .Holmes, . Millarton, last
Mr. aid Mrs: Raymond .Mc-
Dougall and ' Anne of. Ilipley
were • guests . of ''Mr, a'nd Mrs:
Harvie .Thon-iPson • Monday even-
Mr, and Mrs-, George 1•iaxk- '
ness arid family visited on Sun-
day. With .Mr. •and Mts: •Rosins
Johnston, Teeswater. • •
Mr. and` •Mrs, Witham
hold,. visited .:with•. relatives `iii
Arthur en Friday, •
Mr, , George Thompson :r•e.tur==n�
ed to his home here 'after, visite
ing with members •of;his family ,
in 'London
'.Mr; Bert Thompson visited
Sunday with Mr. Calvin I bens
Three young people, .Mary: Sc.,
Helen White and. Ronald Brook..
.'were accepted into full member.:
ship in :the United. Cht'zrch,
ye, ,dur/ing the' service on:Sun;
day. The minister, Rev: D. Diin,
lop spoke on the life ''of the..
Apostle .Peter as, recorded in the
Gospels: •
Mr. and. Mrs.. Harry Collirig
and: Carol spent Sunday hi Tees
water, guests + of 'Mrs:: '.ColIin,g's
parents, Mr:. and . Mrs.. -hiirold-
Johnston sand' Bert.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary, Blackwell
and Steven visited ~in.: Toronto,:::.
L A,.C. Ron Cory of North Bay
is -:spending' a` three . weeks' leave
at his home here.
Congratulations` to • Mr. and:`
Mrs. Gerald .Colling,'.:.nee Judy
Nicholson, on the birth - of a son;
on December 26th.
ons for an'
make of .machine are now avail-
able at the •l.ucknow : Sentinel.
No natter.. ,what the machine, we.,.
have the ribbon, Phone 35, 'Luck
now. •
`with '
Economical! .
Guaranteed! •
Quickly' Installed;.- '.
Efficient! ,
Enjoy greater-heatin .
g ef-
y' combined ,With
compact,. 'attractive de. ,
sign With a McClary
unit •
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