HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-01-04, Page 12M1' PAGE TW II LVE • guaIu uhhi■• Ualimlo . .•, uCL�xoworITQ' WPM 1) • ISS . . of . • YARD GOODS , CHILDREN'S • . OUTER; WiN1'EII WEAR to', 6x and: ;8 /to 14 • ■ • 'Ends of lines' in LADIES', CHILDREN'S and MEN'S WEAR i' Broken sizes all: 'with' special,discounts.•: , � , • • } ALL DISCOUNTED DISCOUNTED ; 'MERCHANDISE MOVED TO ••THE• BASEMENT.. n i so .tr 'i le u readies' and Men's 'Wear -- 4ucknow aari■■■■aa■■ ■■anus■ ssunesa■aeaanaa■■nsusonsmesmaa . • • • .,,,• SENTINEL SEE. BY -tag. AGENT FOR KINCARDINE 'CLEANERS / Free . Pick -Up and Delivery, Monday, and Thursday ■ THAT :the volume .of Christmas ,.mail .was .up at 'the local post'', office. •During the pre -Christ- mas season some 62,000 .two cent stamps ; were sold in De- cember, an increase .in ap-" proximately . 5,000 ' over, . last year. : THAT The Sentinel, 'received a nate of greetings from Allan Treleaven of .Toronto, son of: Mr.. and Mrs.' Harvey' Trelea- I'• ven ,sof Iondonr • Allan's career is one, of "local 'boy : makes i good." He is; general' manager. bf The: Toronto 'Real"•. Estate .■ i se :r; ■ ■ ■ ' . es ■ ■ , ■ ■ ■ ■ i' ■ ■ or i. sz ■ ' •: 'Board. i. T T just • ■ H A before Christmas we learried of the serious ' illness I . '1 of William T. Corbett,' ; of To- it ronto, husband of the- former '• (' . Evelyn (White) Gamble of this:I„•*+-••' YOUR: BARGAIN- FOQDLA : UPER K ® IE SALE, Save 17c, S •,., � Assorted,, An 39c Pkg. Your 'Choice.. HIGHLAND 'PRIDE. COFFEE. Save 10c, Our Exclusive Top Seller, Feature. Pound,; OGILVIE QUICK OATS. Save 6c. Large 55 lb.., Bag. ^ Sale 'Feature., Bag • "TWINKLE” CAKE. MIXES. Save lOc. , ,,Assorted' Flavours. . Real Bargain. ' MARGARINE SUPER SALE. Save 27c - 4 ; , •, Tulp, Rose., or Delmar., Feature , , HEADQUARTERS FOR EVERYTHING LETTUCE, TOMATOES, ' CELERY, CARROTS, CABBAGE, `ORANGES, GRAPEFRUIT, RADISH. AND BANANAS. community. ,; Mr. 'Corbett an F. employee Of the Toronto .Star,. was on the., critical list • in, Sunnybrook Hospital TE FARM CUTS• r d Limit ;UM. -INSURANCE: �' '� th ti •ti that 'has' 'k pt Motorists ; 'un these.' categories' frequently. wind up ` as . assigned risks "and; can 'get onlye:. of bodily..in and amounts . „injury 7�'Y .--e._ ve� busy since ' his' retire- insur- . , l l menu- ' from � me a�gricu tura• THAT ' S.:• B ' Stothers has .. coin- menced his '11th year of 'dir- ecting. and editing 'Canadian 'Swine'', the offietial ' magazine of the Canadian Swine. Breed- "ers' Associa�tiofi. .This is: : one :State .Farm : Mutual Automo property. ,dannage .habi)iity, . hi Ins , e' Company is cut; 'ince. ' b 1e uratic p Y , • • , � � •••; ._ . •,..• representative. service. full ting over $384,00.0 from its; Orn-' . In : addition - 'to nnakirrg . • , o +e •arc v i es s e tarso; :policyhlders'' annual! .. auto coverage available. to these `insurance itwas. . ounc d roups, • • State: Farm will offer ed last week bill;' ' • g • . anncomprehensivesurance to many* motorists ebllisiori • in- -Reuben motorists ' now Reuben ' :Wilson, •'•'local -•agent Y for State cFarm, estimated . ,at in the assigned risk plan.• e may.:'cost more The- insurance least three out{ • of; . four ° of ' the., . Y • • � l firm's . 70000 ' policyholders in than the amount . most •'driveri. rate re -but:" there's a provision ' for Ontario will qualify forpay, provision ductions. It's � the. second rate t, lowering the cost, through acci- ' in' a year by State Farm dent -free driving. THAT for three Sundays .pre- ceding Christmas, Ernie Ack' ,ert's.� :Sunday, School • 'class of boys attended... Church., with There was no • .absentees ism, among the nine lads and during Christmas week tleir teacher treated • them ;to . a din- ner at • Cowan's Restaurant. Mr. Wilson said : the '..State ' THAT ;Mrs.,. Elizabeth . Alton, one: TLe - newt � rates' were :effective . -•, January 1st Farm- plan ` will enable.: us. ,to of the communities.. senior. citi- provide. 'a far 'greater: portion Of tens is within a^'few weeks '•..iSaviin s:-walll:.va : ' Mr: Wilson . . .. g rY, . Canadian drivers with . adequate'of her.91st birthday. Although : ` said, � depending upon'. how indene . • . :.. . ,,� � dual d • fitinto a . new driv-Protection on a voluntary basis. confined to her;chair, Mrs. Al- er' riverston is keen'o ' mind and is',in. . ' classification'plan • 'being in- He ..emphasized ' that the plan' # .. coin ratavel good health. tr . . here:�b State • Farm.. nit • include • the ' :reckless • . . ,1� : , , Y ; $.. odU:Cedy & irresponsible, few' Who should ° She 'is a patient; at Pinecrest . Lowest rates wall go to -motor- : ists w have ` no sin ie male. not be licensed• o drive. hog � T Caxal. drivers under'25 'drive less, (Advertisement) . •.Who . THA Ann,. daughter , of •- than .;7,500•, miles; annually and: Mr: and Mrs. Cliff. Cannel of less than' 30 miles per week to• and from :work.' : T>HAT, .the. epidemic of 'hub cap' ' Altl;�iouigih •' .some.., drivers w211stealing .continues. Ross Hen - get . rate increases : under the derson had • them • removed. l "' : Plan; i; ; the • 'net .effect. will be an - from his 'car while Mitsat on .' : estimated': .:$3.84;700. reduction ; in ' ,Highway 86fora short time State Farm's premium income in While helping his brother ' , :. the •. next year .: from its present' Murra • Y• wr th' the chores., policyholders in Ontario. Over= .THAT CY cif Brown ' owner of , gall' ' •t'he' 'decreases average 9.1. ; the Lucknow Fruit : Market, per cent. <.' has ' purchased the:: former Mar Last April State Farm reduce ket store from . Mrs. Wm. Hor ed• rates an estimated, $182,700, nell of ',Toronto. 'The building or four percent.. "rn 'some cases/' is across . the,' street from bis State =Farms new rates are well . below the rates of . most other companies," he claimed.' ' Mr. 'Wilson also announced'`a. new program • of auto insurance for deserving 'but .hard-to-in- sure ard-to insure .: motorists. ' . • • Single male drivers under 25, risen and women • over 65, and present : location. Cyril has no immediate . "plans other than. renovation of the apartment upstairs. THAT Art Clark returned home recently" after nine • weeks .. in Wingham : Hospital with a heartcondition: ,Mr. and, Mrs. drivers "of all ages .with minor •Clark's'. daughter, Eleanor,.., age driving infractions on, their. re- 16, is: also. home after being cords are.tar ets'. of StateFarm's hospitalized ' for 'two weeks Fa m . P . new "standard: risk" program: (following surgery: TH ' .IS: �II/EEK-END:SPECIALS. ' at • ' nstori lit 'GRADE WEINERS;' W:MITE'S BOLOGNA..., .' 'GROUND BEEF . PORK LIVER Schneiders SAUER . KRAIjT Phone 41. .: 4 ,4 •4 9c lb r ti a 29c lb. . •49c •lb 39c 'lb. . 18c lb • California • and formerly, ..of :this.. comninunity, •. • was `.married' early: in December. The .bride is- attending the University of Los Angeles °and',will continue: her studies: THAT HA the . community join] ;' oi:n 'in extending' the season's best .'wishes to ;Lucknow's `aged and beloved • couple, • Mr. "and Mrs. • Thomas 'H. Burnss. •Mr. and' •Mrs, :Burns are th " in • their: 93rd Year. and, neither has ever been :: in.,; a; hospital as . a patient. .p Values Effective January . 5, ' 6; 7., 'We Sell For Less' Phone 119, iuchow THAT the Legion renew .their bingos this. • week.. with the jackpot : still. 'to go. THAT the newly organized Kin- loss Cub Grout). No. 1 ;is. plan- ningto hold" a collection D of , wiaste paper and magazines in. early Spring, and' ,are asking • the residents..' of Kinloss: to save these ` items THAT.,Wilson Wall' of,; Kinloss Township will, be • 86 'in., May and for many years has; been a' Sentinel •,•subscriber. ;`He "dropped in" 'on 'Thursday. to renew his •Subscription and' 'reminisce .a' l it..He is one: of • ,a family of . 7 ' boys • and 3 girls. THAT Hill 'Johnstone "Johnstone announces the . winner .of the/. hostess - :chair in ' the :Johnstone' , and 'Son Christmas draw, was Mrs. H. 'D. (Bud) Thompson," THAT J. C. (Jack) MacDonald of. Orillia recent l underwent t .Y we t a .cornea transplant in Toron-. to. Jack was: in danger of los- ing his eyesight. cothpletely When the Eye Bank transplant surgery` Was decided ' upa" ri. Partial 'restoration. 'of vision ,is evident' since the : surgery Mr: MacDonald ws a' brother. :of Mrs: D. R., (Dr.) Finlayson of Lucknow. THAT we•received. a re • g , eting's • .card, from F.S. W • A.; 'Dren• nen, 'and family. He is station; ed in Marville, France with the 1s st 1±lrghter Wing ,Of 441 Squadron, , 1i.C.A:F, .The side of the . ` card, • embossed „with ' the ;' Squadron insignia, carried an actual 'pictture of 'a Free chtrianand :his •two, dogs 'shepherding 20:0 sheep at the Squadron ..d its ..e r•s. ` ` • � ,.,. P a 1 . area. "W. A. ' says they enjoy ' So Sentinel sent ' 'sent ' : �• � t him: ;by his ,parents,• Mr. and Mrs. • Ellwood THAT ' Belfast Musketeers' and. the CKNX . hockey. team 'will Nay:. an •exhibition : game• in. the Lueknow Arena on Wed- riesday night o n ,w ek, January' .11th, ' With' pr'oceeds' for the . •Crippled Children THAT there • is great .;enthusiasm • in the'newly organiziecd Scout group, , in . Kinloss Township, which :had commenced' with a ' Cub • Pack . and .will' expand • to include' ' a '(Scout Troop very' Shortly, A column of. Cub and ‘Seout .news about this. • group is introduced in this issue. THAT. Angus Mac"Donald re cently: ,underwent surgery London, and • soon after his. return: developed pneurnonia d' Was ,hospitalized in'Wing ham. During'thattithe friends helped „ moving ' the MacDon- ald • ,hoUsehotktd ' to. their new place of residence iii St. Hel- ens, and had the family set- tiled when .Angus got hotrie from the hospital. Drennan x. Bricklayer: •'. I d. like to work here,'. but I can't find,' a place` to : park my car.” ' • •Freman "I "guess you: w• on't' :doo . ' We, •vilarit •,oriY � ckl ri�layers with chauffeurs," • SEEKCOUNTL PROMOTION OF ' •TOURISIK,. , INDUSTRY Decision to ,set'' up a 'fact -:find; ing'. committee to investigates. a plan for "County=wide ;promotion of tourism and industry was. 'ta- keh: ' by representatives 'of.' 19. Bruce municipalities, meeting in Port. Elgin library ,chambers. The meeting, jointly chaired , by Clarence 'W Schmalz; ' Walke`rton, &. A; '3avey : of Port 11 gin, who .outlined the:proposal; proposal; was .. attended . •by= ;ab out 60' per.. sons. f During " *he' .discussion. several present ' expressed' 'dissatisfaction With.. the work of the Georgian Bay Development .Associa.tion,' They said it caivered:' too: large. an .area ' to be of specific help; to. Brute County..; Chief ,,task of the 'committee' will be to exan'rine`all ••details' <of a proposal that. the. County en- gage a •perrnnanent: manager, to. be -responsible•.'for the promotion. of tou:risrn gid''industry, as '' for mulcted :at •:.a::previous, .meeting. of representatives of four muni- aipatllltie'S; It ' ' recoInu en dat ions Will ',be placed ;! :before County Council at the:: January„ session. HARDWARE. ,BROKEN INTO PRIOR TA&CHRISTMAS • The:'Websterand MacKinnon hardware storewas broken into prior.. to Christi s, • With the "loot" amounting• to.some• sliver 'in the cash register. With the 'possible • _ xce tion of .. e p , , One, item Itdidnot a � ar that. , ppe merchandise . 'was taken, money being undoubtedly' the object. : ° '.Entrance • vvas.gaed ,bforey . ing_'their way; into the rear base- ment and .then up into the' store. , •Steps .►heave since been :taken to, make Such .'an entry impossil le , in the .future. PHOTO PiT. Sil, for .brides;' fami lies,.:. 'note rotthy occasions, niversaries::;available at the L ek now Sentinel: See the„ '"Our 'Wedding". photo file.. Lime ••;of Guest, Books for anniversaries, parties,:`showers, teas;• etc., phone '35; ,Lucknow.', • FOR LUCKNOW BUSINESS" MEN'S ,ASSOCIATION STONES WII L• CLOSE at 7; ' ._ ATURDAY • , ;. t00 Pm. oh S ',NIGHTS for the MONTHS OF: JANUARY FEBRUA ,and , . R`�C d MARCH, • .UCK'NOW BUSINL;.SS MEN'S ASSOCIATNc 1 See •eve joie 'Ari .fav stat L „ers, of div sio 'tiro joir a woe Lar loss the gni ' N paY coni the. vote • ing °sch( 'of t actin Ex'e Di st a ,t ever :side bly „seer afte! deal A vent pies mitt the tific. (Ma Chi T} ,the Chri The lotee the it $3 outd :This pose Hoa ly.d Ju Lori with gene Bala TY the:. Ewa •silve dons Out $10: class VWl Mrs, Mrs, Char 1st, Ada. P,It In allot `Plant at'th •Sul props .40 .Sodic ing hiapll ram :thea. h%�l�