HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-01-04, Page 9WJ DN PAY, .SAN; 4th, 19131' ,A►"M. HARPER COMPANY Chartered, Accountants West, Stet GODERICH,, ONTARIO, Telephone. JA 4-7562; 4. E;NTLEY P'UBLI'C iCPONTAt.\iT.. . GODERICH, ON.TAIIO, Box 478 Phone JAckson' 0531. D.C., •,SpC. Chiropractor Physio and Electo Therapist !Ingham. . -- • Phone 300 (Office located in -former CKNX' building on,, the ,Main Street). INSURANCE FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY.: AUTOMOBILE ANDLIFE' ro Protect Your Jack, Insure With' Tack Today. • N • '. �A1VrcDO G NA H atR.3 Lucknow Out:. 'Phone '61-5, Dungannon N,.. • RI O ET E NG.T_ +Q C • Barrister, Etc. •Wingham and "Lucknow IN :L'UCKNOW � .Each andM ':a.;:. • ,� a n�sd andWa y i• o date i al Ofile! c d m the Mun�c p ; 'Phone Winghail Office ; 48 • 'Residence : 91 '44 91,10 STATE ,FARBI 'MUTUAL. AUTOMOB I LE. 1 N � '•AN E: SUR C . investigate Before.: investing 'R•EUBEN. ; WH SON. R R 3, Godierich ` 'Phone 80;.i-8 E ungannori . H N,STON E'S l•. ERAL HOME 'Phone ,76 !>'ay ..or Night .:USE ' OF FUNiiRAL TOME 1t . No Ettira Cost T " 'Moderate: Prices Established 1894=: IMPERIAL PRODUCTS r i , for prompt • service, and `;quality products; `. con:taCt9 GIANT .CIHSHOLIVI phohe • collect ,Diinganlion .1944 or 10 Luckno' V :"Always E.oOk For The `I'o trilperial' st" THE LUCKNOW SENTIN4EL, LUC1 NO GERALD •. CROOKS DOCTO,Rr, OF ' CHIROPRACTIC Phone 545 KINCARDI NE„ ONTARIO, 4..• Office hours: • Pally .1V>;onday t4 . Saturday Wednesday a m, Evenings•. T'uesdaj+-, Thursday, a aturday•. McLENNAN and. MacKE.NI E .. F` ✓:'N.LIitAll; SERVICE Services . conducted 'accord- ing, to yuur; wihesat',your fl'uri>e; your, ' Churt:h, 'or, . at our Memorial Chapel at his additional charge: Phone 181 Luc > ..knOWE ,. Day .0r Night. WI NGHAM, ° l MEMOR1AL SHOP We ".-Have „ Been Memorial Craftsmen for Thirty -Seven' Years, ' Always Using THE BEST GRANITES Along With Expert. Des"nning and Workmanship Prices,Most Reasonable•. Cemetery Lefte 'rrkg r a S � cial� • Y g pe ter R. A. S POTT . _. oN 'Phone 256,' Wingham„ Ontario' .. ALAN W,ILLIAMS 'O'ptometrist Office > on Patrick St., Just off the Main St. ' in 1'VING•ItAM, Professional ,;, ye Examination': • Op .itica Services- s 'For ,appointment; '. Please Phone 770, Wingham" R. A` E N DR Barrister. andSolicitor i J NTA'RILJ IN . JUCK'NOW•.' Every'• k, .y -aild 'Saturday ' 'Afternoon :Oftice. in the. Joy:nt ,Block Telephone: . Office 135: • Residenc:e 3l J: , 1,t?CKNO1V 1)iSTRICT CO=O1'ERAirlYr. 'INC. • I'hone .l ncltiinw • 71'•�/ .NIS'�`�IN'�J'I,Y�NTMI'�•�`I��•� :. TED COLLYER Registered 1Nistei `iertir.iciari' ,, NLI;C'7'lltl(A1:, (ONTRACTOR• 81)9:ialilii"r Electric [l: 1yiring, and Repairs x AC;INT Poi ',' 1'AKTON TV ahti • 'AH hlectr c.►i Appliances Phone 1;.tickn w ROBERT E. IRVIN GF,I�I>JItAL GARA08 ,• ev. Dealer 1n OLIVER FARM MACHINERY fete... and comp • r FIRESTONE LIl`11C. Phone Dungannon 53 • 1'.. •._•VENTS'STEREO EYE• DEVICE 'The inventive genius, of Grl !belt ' H•obioudli is ,well. remem berect • by many residents:: ;of' Lucknow; her he made liis home for a time. He was em �ployed• at •Maple Leaf ,Aircraft and;' fora time operated.a: smi hinge -making; industry ' in the old waterworks" pumphouse. Ile is' . now ...employed, with a Toronto, •= firrn,, at .. duties: which give his, ,creative ez'cplorations full play.: So, .it is not'surprisin.g to ; 'those Who 'knew bj n • • best,. that he has 'come up with an 4117 a pot taut device, which is des cribed •in .part. ;in the following• article from the. December 'issue of the magazine "Business Week. a . A '• new , map taking instau, •ment .. that • performs electroni-• cahye a function' akin . to human depth perception promises to automate, and `thus speed up, a' key :step in the art ofconstruct ing contour and ' re'lief maps. •The device----- called Stereomat; -was invented :.by a Canadian . engi -neer,Gilbert--•L--. -tHobrough. It. will be ,mlanu'factured by Ben son -:Lehner : Corp.,. ` a Southern. California . data-processing, equip meat :maker .headed by '•Bernard S:,•Benson, a young :ex-missle ex - mi pertnd. ' • • wita. ph losophical turn: of h The importance of such -a de- velopment for military Wand in dustrial 'uses. is obvious,: Maps are a; basic.tool, of. `the military, for ';intelligence' and •tactical pur.- poses and are 'iridis ".pensable: for many commercial: and industrial activities,' such ' as oil and inin ing operations; city,'; planning, hi'g way building and `transport- atio ' • 'Ma ing a: map ' is'.: a: way of ...taking inventory. tr y s om :part of e'part of the world in Order'. to reshape it, move around' in it, or•: simply, know' what, it',contains;. The need for maps is steadily in-. Creasing.. :. • But: in -making, contour and re- lief maps today there is 'one Ser- .ions • . bottleneck 1Vlodern:. map ma:kers.-depend on aerial, '.photo graphs ;for their' basic geographic cal. data --aerial • surveil.lance is the onlyof icient way tc„ obtaSin :and Obtain .rapidly; the huge 'amounts of detailed invfo.rination. Maps,must • .have; At present, however, the extraction: • from aerialphots of the. land .eleva-, tion' rneasurem:ents ,that are ba's is 110/” contour And 'relief maps cannot 'keep p .kee . pace with. either. the collection -of ,the, photos, or the need for'. more 'maps., ..It`s this bottleneck •that Stereoinat aims to•break. ="• As things now, operate, a' rmanually controlled 'device call le.d a ste.reoplotter translates' in forrimation frdrn the • photographs into grap'hical drawings 'of :'a land area's" contour lines' 'or its profile: .. The bottlenecks the. slowness .'of.' this .inanual'operation.: Until now; it looked as ,if the human •link••coul-dn t' -be 'eliminated, for Ol PAGE; 1959 Ford 4 -door S,tationwagon, • automatic; 'equipped' $2,295• 1959 Console, 4 -door —S1,195 1959°, Chev Biscayne sedan, automatic, fully equipped $2,195 3-1959 Chev Belairs, automatic,,' fully equipped , , $2,295 1956 Ford Custom Sedan, with automatic' 1956 -Ford Coach 8: ,cylinder .;,. _ .. " G t � • 995' 1955. Chevrglet Deluxe ►Sedan' `.$1,095, 1955. OIds Sedan ... <' . , r : $1,095 •1955 Ford'F ' la, • Sedan 1957 Pontiac Sedan, 22;000 ' mules $1,495 1956 Chev Sedan ...... $1,195 1955' , Chev Deluxe '' Sedan $1095 1954 Chev :Bel `Air Sedan $ 695 1954' Dodge Sedan, Special $495 1954 Buick sedan, "automatic • . , , , • $795 Number of Older Models from, 1952 to .19 4,at.$240..tec$600; SUCKS' .TRUCKS! 2-1958 Chev., 1 -ton pick-ups, with ;fleetside body ...$1,495 195'6' Chev' %.-ton, V-8 motor,, 4 -speed transmission, ,„ .$895. "1955. Chev:' 2 -ton dump ,$895. 1954 Chev. 34 -ton pick-up $595' ai<r ne a an, $1,050, 1943 Dodge 2 -ton :Stake {:... $195. russeis Motors Cities Service. Dealer: — Phone. '• 173, Brussels 3 thephysiological and .psycholo ,gical phenomenon. of :depth'• per-• ception' seemed too complex to simulate. ' But ` inventor Hobrough,'` an engineer with 'Hunting Survey, :Corporation Ltd. in .Toronto --de vised .a system :•that "looks"`„ at the two • stereo; photos of an ' area with 'something like depth per- ception,', follows. ,the terrain au- tomatically, keeps : it in focus & traces out the drawings:I*: BRUCE. M COUNCIL 'SET. UP MIMIITTEES The g regular Meeting 'of Brute .g, uc County `Film Council •was held in. Walkerton: Representatives were present • .from Walkerton,. Kinloss ' Township and. South ampton. / The' twain business , • tr acted. ..ons was the ;appointment of : standing committees `' Those appointed to - the Religious, Religious: ;Film Committee of the Blue Water Film Federation. Were. Rev D. ' Moore, Southarr p ton;' Mr. Jack Burent, Southamp- ton, ' with. • Mr. , Cecil Soden;„ Southampton as alternate: • Mrs.,: ;Shirley: Alexander, Wal kerton, Mr. Wilfrid ' Steele,' Rip- ley and Rev. Peter Renner, Tees- water, •-were appointed : to... the Filen Utilization :Committee.. The responsibility :'of • this. Committee' wu1l be to •silggest plans to local filan councils as to methods' '`of encouraging organizations .to "Did you'' know I was a life make use of films,as an,, integral saver •last summer?" 'part of their :programs. The Re- "Really! 'What': flavor?" ligious'.Film Committee; reported, - that . lour. new 'films ,had beein purchased: for the. Religious Film, Library. The :'function' of the Religious. 'Film Committee is..largely to' seek out sources, . preview and select for..' purchas lr•si it- ab1e for church: lou:�althb h they •cooperate'. with the, • film.: utilization' committee in planning • workshops: for church: groups:.. ; •' WERE 54 YEARS ,WTD ON 'CHRISTMAS` DAY '. *r:, and Mrs William R.::Far- rier:. W.hitechunch their ;54th wedding anniversary. on Christmas Day. They were. • „ married .December. '; 25th, • 1906' The. courp le: said that it was: a lovely .winter day, and,c follow- .:. ling ' their Marriage 'they, travel- led rto • Guelph. by, Grain. T h -e' . anni'vers .. marked' ary •was rked.'' previously with Fa':family 'dinner at ' ,L.ucknow' United '; whichChurch, , also celebrated the, �groonn s 9Uth 'birthday. Mrs:, • Farrier, Was. the former Eliza Ann ..Jarvis; a,. daughter 'of the -late e Mr E n`•Ja vis. The, groom's :'parents were ? , th'e lute' Mr. and Mrs.- ; Wesley' Farrier; . a ;pioneer West Wawa nosh. family. Thecouple retired to Whitechurch .1'7r'::years• ago.' af- ter f .': ter farming'in West. W•awanosh .. • since 'their trEDLAR``BARN AND STABLE EQUIPMENT;' DAILY '.SERVICE. ,:McKEE WATER BOWLS COSI ,AND LABOR. SOYBEAN MEAL " o CONCENTRATES BALANCED FEEDS MILL FEEDS CHOPPED FEEDS. K. "D: CORN DRIED MOLASSES MINERALS & WORMING. PELLETS Lucknow Branch, Phone 78. TI-IERE'S A NEW LIFE FEED, FOR EVERY NEED" • • ie . ,re it0 rs. ed ; all .lie•: ro: iv- ble; .,of • 3.61 Diis is the the` ar ub has its. iii ads ,ied' tial air- . of to s a be' for 1,00 toric:.;