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Bin•go Winners
The • Christmas ' turkey,bingo
which was• , held` in St. Joseph's'
'pariah hail, on : Decemlber `- �i9th
was 'a success: It' w+as sponsored.
by the, azien of the • parish, under
. the su` pery sign of, Gordon Valad.
Winners :of games were Robert
Howard, Paddy Wildgen,, :Garry
Courtney, .' Peter • Martin, •• • Mrs;
William Draper of Port Albert,
Mrs. 'Robert .„Parrish . of • Lucknow;
•1,9,..in share the wealth, Vincent
Austin; '„Irene' 'Leach,.,'~'with'. con=.
solatipn 'to 'Yvonne • Drennan,'
Mrs,. Laverne.• Powell, `<Mrs.•
..;Grant Chisholm of ;,Godericlii,'°
Miss Helena;Leddy, ' Keith Val•
.ad, : Jdhn Wildgen,:. (set .of .d *v,
es) ; Mrs.. Frank. Moran with con
ablationfto 'Mrs. John. Van . `Osoli;:
Joseph , Courtney with coiisola=
tion to., : William Lannon : aid
o:,. �r
Wiliiaxn. Hogan; Frank • • Moran,'
Jgseph Courtney, Frank Daher,
tY; $�10. -_; in share the, ` wealth,
Archie, Greirier, of Port Albert,.
',Walter Clare 'with consolation to
Mrs.. Eldon :Austin, Joseph.
O'Keefe • (set of "dishes)' with
consolation: to Mrs. Grant .phis
ohr and Mrs.. Cyril Austin: John
• Wild en ' : ,Wilfred :' A `tin ' M s
g , � us � , r .
Eldon Austin, $10. in'.share the
wealbh: Winners oaf., ., the . • doori'
prize ` were Vincent; 'Austin and
Kenneth Meyers.. ` Those . :Who
won the: Christmas,cakes ,were.
Joanne .O'Neill , and 'Gordon:
ad, While. Mardi ,Heindrichs won
• the food, .: hamper. Coffee : was:
served by: the: ladies. • •
Mrs, 'Da ton' Passes
,e •f��•er l;; ..
h un a . fiook ; .:place 'on'.
'.Wednesda De em,
y, c bei ; 21st at
• ;:'�S+t 'Joseph's Church; ;Kingsbridge-
af. the late Mrs..Jeremiah Dalton.
'Rev.—Father.T. ; Atchabowski ®f' ,
ficin andated • interment :took
place' •in :St '. Joseph's'. Cemetery.:
.Pallbearers,*ere Eugene ,Frayne,;
'Mark," •Dalton, Donald , .S,impson,
Joseph O'Keefe, Joseph Court-
ney,' and ` John O'Connor
Those present from a distance
were Mr. and Mrs. Jas. ••Reichart entLs .1VIr. and Mrs Gardon Fin -
of Detroit, and Mar" ' Charles Dal- Jayson
Mr. sand . Mrs:. - Walter Dexter,
111.1rs., Jack Elphick and Mrs.,. Mar,
`ton 1,3wooks. and Marilyn spent
Wednesday in atil'ondon.
Mr, and Mrs . Lorne 'Luther,
are driving a new. Dodge car.
They spent.. the Christmas 'h�ali
day, in Ridgetown. •
1VIr. 4and Mrs: bran MacLean,
and: Mr. and ' Mrs. Dan Marc
Lean attended the school con-
cert at:'••Holyrood • where Mrs.
Isabelle Martin ' is teacher. -
Heanlock ..City 'concert , was,
held on Wednesday evening, De-
cernber.,,2lst. in "the - school under
the. leadership • of Mrs. Adkins`;`
Mr. • and Mrs. Warren' Wyldss
and 'family. spent: Christrn,as Day
in St. Marys. with. Mr. and .'Mrs.
' Mr. and Mrs. ' Donnie Mac-•
Donald ' and, family and Miss.
S. B. Finlayson of Toronto spent
Christmas' Day. with Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Finlayson and fam-
Barbara Finlayson of Guelph
,spent the holidays with ;her =par -
.ton, of'' Montreal and Mr and Hdlida visitors with Mr. and
Mrs Johnson of London. ••.
Mrs. Oliver MaChar1es 'and. John
Mr: ' and, Mrs. Joseph martin, s.
Mr: and. Mrs: Donald Mc -
Hamilton and Mr.. James Martin
Charles of Brantford; Mr. Allen
of London were Christmas vis.
McCharles of Toronto,:. Jean Ian-
itors .with Mr. and Mrs. •'Blaiise
.. :: sen of:Oalcvill�e,'••Mrs. Daisy Mc-;
' Charles of Clinton. • •
Mr. and: Mrs. A Hartman and: Jack E1 hick is making fav -
family ,of? Waterloo, , Mr. and.. Mrs,
ouralble' • progress following , an
Len Woodby and family of:Tor-:operation ` in: Victoria Hospital,
onto and',:Mr.. and Mrs.' Jack Mc
Conville , and .family : of Scarbo- Mr and Mrs. Mrs: Frank MacLen-
rough spent ' Christmas with Mr: nan s nt ' Christmas' in -Toronto
and '.Mrs. Clifton Austin.';
• wi�li • MM r: and''Mrs:. Don ;Amgley •
Mr. and ' Mrs. Ken, :Bee of and . amyl
Toronto-ent the holiday week- 'Christmas '. visit rs: with: .Mr.
SP ,o
• end: With • Mt. ' and Mrs. Leo and Mrs. Engle : MacLennan. were`
1V1C Erre
i1{TiEDNi P , JAN.. 4th, #1981
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MARY R ; NEWBOLD (.R.N.) Props...
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audience a,:'laugh. The Juniors r Harvey Ackert:and farl�tily, M.
then 'sang; a group of numbers 1 and: Mrs, Lloyd., Ackert and ,fam
after which Florence MacLen- r ilywere entertained at the home
nan and John Bradley sang ' a ; of Mr, •'and Mrs. • Baynard Ack-
duet Several'' recitations were' ert on December 24th.,
1Ygard ,sand 'the dialogue "Trouble Mr. and Mrs. Cliff • Johnstton
in Santa Claus Land" which .was .entertained the Johnston. family
f ollowed 'by ' a trio Allan Robb,'on 'Christmas. Day,
Billy MacKenzie and •Russ , Mon- Mr. " and Mrs. Mab' • Bushell,
er e#. The backwards' drill and :a- Brenda and Ronnie pent, Ohr st'
so1p: ••• by Kenny • 1VIacLennan m�as with her. parents', Mr. and
brought loud :applause: i'ro7n. Uhe � rt- ' : ' . la
. g,,. .. . Mrs,-�-Rabe Ride,.. ._ _ .
audience.,•. Another dialogue:
« Mr''' Donald . Johnston, . Siirneoe, '
1VI t -tjhe •Boss really ,brou;ght.• s ent th'� New••Year holiday aL,.
forth a laugh ;from. the crowd: his home:
' • The. Seniors.;sang .,a. number •&
0 „ . Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Johnstone,
hdia�logId A iDream of "Abe entertained the McCallu rn . fam-
h ft t ld , story of The Savi= it on .. New Years Eye,: ,It was
cur's . Birth brought . a : very en- • Y°
also the 25th' wedding annivers
joyrainle program to a close. The
closing 'nurniber • was' sung 'after
a of • Mr. „rind Mrs. • Ivan Cori :-:
ley, : Lucknow.
Which' Santa'" arrived: to ' the •eii-.
1 dies , s n
children' a A number • of , bt _ Pe t,
o . merit :of The e.. . .
7 Y
socsal' time ..was enjoyed :by the uesday .afternoon at the Smith
d 11t home , quilting • a . quilt . 'fo ; ; :the
Hodgins %Family mho . loat every
thing by: fire' December°, 25th.
. . , . ;.� . Mr. and Mrs; Jack :Ackert and. •: ;
M�oerbeck and:Joe. . and- . • Rod ' MacLennan,. '. • i ,'
Mr . a d Mrs Ma rt, family were Chr.istmsa vis tors
Mr. and Mrs:,:':George MaoLen- andMrs.'' •,
with hi arents :. Mr. and':Mrs.
Mr.. Dennis Dalton is .spendingMr., w h S . p_
n and- f ill• :: Mr..a d Mrs.
the • holi'd�a at his ; home • ria a am ,y, , n ited: Chrsbmas• D : 'th hi Ewart ° Taylor,"Lucknow:'
Jack MacLennan ...and Marion • ' `'• ' 'Stratford. Charlie: Mr:. and. Mrs.. William:: Van: :. thee m Srtratf Mrs Gha .. t, • Cather , ;Wing-
. ll i" of Toronto, • Mr.. _ _ _ . ---
Oseh,• family of Waterloo spent, MacLennan a , Mr. and Mrs Wa ,ne
.tile•w k
john. V,an Osch::. .
Garth o Goderich
Miss H' McCarthy Y f.,
spent Christniras with Mr. and
Mrs. Jos: O'Keefe.: ' • . ,
Mr: ' Arnold Marsman ' was a
guest 'at`:..'the ;home: of Mr. and
Mrs.: M. •Miltenberg.
D "lin of. G denach.
Mr. Lassa . ,e o •
spent , Christmas • with Mr. ; and
M Mark Dalton.
aan Farmer, vis'
Y .wi his.mo-
d' with Mr: and s. terl'were"Saturda even :•visit='
, of Toronto were holiday . ' ' Y �; • , ,
and Mrs: Bruce Mllea• of Pal-
m�erston' Mr. and : Mrs. .• Erotic
• ► . y •with leis ,: Parents,. Nr ' az} -. .
MacLennan, aLennan . Mr. 'and Mrs. :DO
Mark ;Johnstone � and Lloyd:'
,M'aahennan, Mr and 1VJGrs.; Eldon
Miss Pat Welsh, Ottaw
ennan and ' Mr and . Mrs: : .
MacL . file ho1rday ~, with he
�,Sancly , MacLennan.
lWr. and . Mrs: Robert: laoin- Mr;, and : firs: Willi
Cosh . 'spent Chirigi pas w`th ,.Mr:
and ,1VIr$: ',Iuntier'• ;in �I:ucknow.:
SMr. Ang
-and Mrs.,grbert Johnstone .turned to:
Welsh &
'ors :witti,:Mr and: Mrs." Williai%i;;
Eadie+ , ,G
. � r and ' Mrs.GordonM .• M s �Gord Jamie-
son, 'Goderieh,: Mr and Mrs:' Jack`
Splari 'and family, . Woodstock,,Mr. and:'Mrs. atewart Jamieson•.
and :'f ly,•,1,•Lucknow ,were•: •
McIntosh`� has ��. re- , •
hChristmas guests .at..the Harris;
•�;'li'orne in tlne vi1= °
h rim n `
Mrs. r of Detroit • :spent the holidays Mr. and , Mrs.
• •�Mr; and Mrs.. Curr a Colwell
(TRO :'Late `For •Las Issue w Mr, :and 'Mrs..:Duncan Far ;.
(, o t ) . . �h .. .: ' • tertained.• their
Bet and Bruce,' Lucknow, ' Mr.
. On, Sunday; everung,•DecetlCiber risk, and . family : . trY '� •lYew...Year.: ' '
18th; :the annual Christmas can= ::Mr.:,Sandy. MacLennan.;has •.re,
and Mrs. Lorne Eadie and fam-
l turned home •A..from• hos xtal.. an
cern ut • :an: b the u i s. of St.'„,i .. hospital:in
.y Pp.
JosePh,s school took ,place in. bhe... Londen.,;
parish halt at 8:30; p "m:: Despite ! Mr. {and Mars. Dan: *Ada:and
inclement weather, the, : 'even't Mr, 'and '.IMt•s.`` Lloyd. Wylds and
was :largely attended` and enjoy- faimily• ..' of Ripley '' spent 'New
s.Years .d wi • '
ed.: The:: 't ocher: rs' alter a with Mr; and.Mr'
o M W ( Ys.
faan.flies 'at • 'the
it 'Miss;' v •and Lorne Cul •ert
Y, E a b : �'� BORN
Mrs. Reed and Girvin, Dungan- •
•:pori ;spent' C ristinras• with Mr, .S AT'.�--.At. Wine ham ,
.P.. h Wing
Hospital, on: Tuesday,D ember:
,and .Mrs.: ft�llam Eadie:° P � ec
2 Mar-
Otl 'i'960 to `Mr. and' Mrs:, M
Mr; .:1T;'i'elvar .::. Elliott and � El- � + .,
;M .d
wood spent Christmas with Mr. vin, Scott, 'AA. 7, Lucknow, .a.
Clare was. in Charge, assisted by r Warren Wylds: and Mrs. Allan Miller and 'fam- son:
the:.musiteacher ;Mrs: Duncan Visitim Mr. and:= Mrs. Ja k it
c t,
. i . :.g • c y;. , . .. Helens..
Simpson Rey.:Father J. Atelia- MacKenzie :for • New, 'Years were : •Mr and Mrs ; jDougrlas Smith
bowski .was master of ceremon- •Mr. and ;George: MacGregor ;arid' rCh .i
• .., g . . ;.. g . d. r s, Kitchener, ', .spent
ies and .oke briefly .to the .avt= of •Brantford.' , Chri tri sand N
•.. � • .� ... ,, . - .,.. _ s : as.. ewe Years with.
diene . on . the; festive: '• occasion:; Mr. and Mrs: Watson' Reed. & his'parents,, Mr: and. 1VJCrs. Jinn'
• r•
On: .the .conclusion of:'.the prog- family` .elf •iBlyitih and Mr ., and Smith
'. Santa" Claus made his •visit •Mrs: • Glen Carter and. Vit.
. • M and. Mr. and,' RayrLard Ackert;'
rand, 'distrilbuted gifts and candy Mrs: •George; 'Carter. af:, 'Loads- June and Ernest,, spent •:Monday,.:
,the' ildren:�•_Later, the ladies i'horo spent. Christmas with Mr:).,December 26t�i at; the l once :of
served' lunch "to the gathering: 'aid Mrs.. Donald 11: MacKenzie. , her Parents': Mr. and -.Mrs. John
:Boy . MacKay" has been ` ap-' .Reid, .:Pine ,River,: and spent
pointed secretary of the newly New Years with Mr. and Mrs:'
formed' 'Sc'hool's Area No. .2 of Morris Reid' and .Mr.. and Mrs.,
Ashfield Township. Harvey Ackert. •
.Miss., Doris Wylds, of Toronto Mr and Mrs: Eddie Thompson,
spent' .,the • 'Christmas holidays and Marjorie visited December
s with Mr. and Mrs. ' Dan Wylds. 26th at the, ,home .of her' sister,
Mr. and .'Mrs. Donald Simp- Mr.:and . Mrs; Ken ' Scott, Bel-
son planto move to the.,Murdoch grave
Matheson place in the • early Mi and Mrs. Donald Sniith 84;,
'spring. .a Brenda, 'Toronto; spent Christ i
Mr.. Oliver` Barkwell and 'Mr, mas irveek with phis .parents; Mr:
Hen.ders Barkwell spent'., Christ and 1VIrs; Jim Smith.'
:mos with Mk. and Mrs: 'Jahn Mr. and Mrs. Mark Johnston
MacDonald ! and' Lloyd visited "this past week
Miss `.Ednaand..,. Miss;. Eliza with Mr:• and Mrs..Everett' John -
Cook of.Owen,Sound spent the' stun and: family in Ottawa and
Christmas ,holidays with Mr. & M'r and: Mrs Wayne Johnston
Y, Jur''S,ubscription 'Paid?.
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iiyitii-akisof Not
Mrs..,Henry MacKenzie.' C Toronto• •
e ott
Were Christmas guests with, Mr,
'and Mrs. Ross MacKenzie, Ash -
•field. •
• Mr. :and . Mrs.. Orville'• Elliott
entertained the McKinnon fames,
ily for New Years and alio` ce-
lebrated • Karen Elliott's `fifth
birthday, "
Mn and Mrs..Lloyd Ackert &
family were Christ:Mg' visitors
With her. parents,, 34. and Mrs.
George c.McCalluni, Listowel.
Mr.. and Mrs.. Ernest Ackert,
Mr, ,and. Mrs. Williarit',Graham
Olive and Lloyd, Mr, and Mrs:
' Miss Audrey; Ross, Ii,l�, cif Mr. and Mr OrviI1Elli
London; spent , •the Christmas
holidays with bet. parents,
and Mrs. Bill' Ross and Doug. .'
Christnia's Concert at Lochalsh
The ' annual Christanas'• con -
•cert wig .held in 'Lochalsh School
oh Tuesday ' evening, December
20th with a large crowd' in* at,
• tendance, All ' enjoyed' . the
spile, prgam der , ,the
leadership of
oMriss S,unC'ourt'ne,
and kit. S. .;MacCharles.• Janet
Gibson sang• a solo after, the t op;-
ening chorus; A: dialogue, Tlie
ivtinisters Mlstake"' gavey, the
MeINNES-=-A t W i n gh am Gener-
al•Hospital : on' Friday, : Decem
•ber 10th, 1950; to_ Mr.,. and MI's.
W. George McInnes, Lucknow, ,a
:easy -to -get -to Hotel The.,
900 rooms and silica with
.tub, shower, •radio and 'PV:
Horne of 'the Canadian. Pump.
• Room,=dancing .. ticcover,, no
uniniinuin. Ample. free overnight
paildng, rine Convention Facilities.
Eamfly Plan..
CANADA: The'Lord itawit
The Lord'Simcoe, Tot'.
: cHYCAGdt The S},exman
ThiHotels,Amuassunr `.
'U iyirsi AVsrlus nt KIng;Sfteet
I'alrp on.. [Mph, 24*46�--Tel�>r bY2.4S1