HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-01-04, Page 61/AGE SIX
• q
'Warmly we welcome
the little New Year,
end heartily. wish~: that
Iie'!I grow up to be
a really big year for
you Ani your family.
All our bestito.youi:
Phone.. 5
Christmas visitors in the Com
-'munity were: Donald ''Kirkland,:
Mr. and Mrs. David Kirkland' &
Annette with Mr. & Mrs.•' Gord-'
on Kirkland; Miss Marlene 'Hun
ter . and Mr., and Mrs...Ken. Laid-
law, and :girls :and' Mrs. ''Harold..
Gardner with, Mr ', and Mrs. Geo
H�uiter;.; Miss Betty Altoon with
Mr :.and Mrs. ,Jack Ritchie; Mrf.
and Mrs. Cameron 'McAuley .and
•family, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Mc.
Auley, Mrs. Mary McAuley with
Mr.: and Mrs. Frank, Ritchie; Mr.
and ':Mrs. Jack 'McLean and boys,
Mr,.. and, Mrs... Bert Wylie arid,
family, Mr.' Wesley,Hainea.Wesley with
Mr.' and ,.Mrs. •Harvtey Ritchie;
Mr.. and • Mrs ID. A . Hackett • and'
Joan with Mr., and 'Mrs. •Alex;
Leaver on Monday ;and on Sate
,urday with*, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Hackett;.; ` +Mr. and :11Irs. Donald
Murray•':and Mr. 'and Mrs. Russel
Irvin,. Mr. and -Mrs, 'Fred ,,Sihrop-
shall and familieswith Mr. and
Mrs. Nelson •Baynard;.: Mr and
Mrs. Allan' and family
.with Mr.and "Ritchie'Mrs. Tom .Culbert;
•Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Ritchie and
boys :with Mr.. and Mrs. :Ernest
Bogie;. Mr. and Mrs. `Wiliiarn 'Ir-
win .ndLloyd with' Mr. arid
Mrs. Charlie' Wilkin, n s-• Mr.. and
Mrs. Jim .Hunter with ' Mr. and
Mrs. Dan •' Nicholson and with
Mr. and Mrs.' Will 'Hunter;.
Congratulations to Mr, and
Mrs,, Allan McIntyre (nee Nancy
Needham) vnho were married on
Saturday, December 24th.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Morley Bushell
were guests at the -McIntyre-
Needham wedding. at Millarton
United ' Church* • '
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barr enter-
tained • relatives . ata• family din
ner • on Chr""istmas..
We extend sympathy to the
Needham ,`families. in- the passing
of their .father, the late James
Needham. . •
Mr. and Mrs.' Harold Halden-
by, and. family, Mr. and; Mrs.
Walter' 'Breckles & family spent
Christmas with' Mr. and Mrs.
,Arthur Breckles at Lucknow.
Christmas visitors with •Mr.'
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Haldenby
were Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fry
and family of Georgetown, • Mr,
,and Mrs: Ralph Haldenby . and
Biliy 'of iCooksville.
and''' Mrs: Fred .Anderson., Mr.
Chuck and Ross McDonagh with
Mr. ' and Mrs. Jack *Dona*
Mrs.: John Hunter and
R,ay pond with Mr.; and Mrs.
Frank- Hamilton and also ,with
Mrs. Tena Hunter; Mri, and Mrs.
Robert • ' Helm° and :'family with
Mr. dn.& Mrs. ' Bill.'Ross; Mr. and
G. Ritchie .,and ' family,
Mr. ' and. Mrs:, A J 'Wilson and'
Jim with `Mr. and Mrs :'Graydon
Ritchie, ',Mr., ` and.. Mrs. Lorne
Cook with Mr,. and;, Mrs; ''• Frank
Har lten;' .. Mr. and: .Mrs., Peter
*Cook • and: Elaine with Mr. and
Mrs. Bili Haan hrey; . Mr. and..
P. y,:
.MrsTom Hackett 8 Dougwith
Mr. and'°Mrs.; Eric Hackett; Mr.
and Mrs. -Lorne Hackett with.
Mr. and -'Mrs;, 'Jim Little; Mr. &.
Mrs. Mel Dickson and family,
Mr.':and MrsWilfred Quaid, Mr..
and Mrs. John` Quaid, -Mr. and
Mrs.. . B
Mr. arid Mr
George West1ake• and' .fenilles
th Mr. and Mrs. Charlie' ��.n
w r A
Church Will be at 11 a.m-for.
the -month of January.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ritchie &
Anne and Mrs. MaryMc
visited 'Monday .• with Mr. 'and
Mrs. Bills Rosa.
Mr. and Mrs:Melvin •'Raynar.d
and Mr._ and • Mrs. Harold ::Fergu-
son and Mr. and: Mrs. Walter Al-
ton visited Saturday evening.
with Mr.; and; Mrs. ' Nelson, Ray-
Por: Your 1951 Rookkeep in Needs :
• P B .
(a ,good selection in atoc
If • we ::don't .have i.your particular requirements, we : v'e
` order for you.
heave your 'bookkeeping' requirements until. the
last minute. Order ,now and be ready. for 1951.
� LU
hone. 35 Lucknow
i • ii/.�✓i,,,, s� :iii .
Mrs. J. W. Colwell and mem-
bers of, her family spent• Christ-
mas with', Mr, and Mrs. Ardill
Mason, Huron Township.
Mrs, John Barr held, a family
dinner on Saturday- evening.
Mrs. Gertrude' Walsh and; Scott.
joined other. ' members • of ''her
family at a family 'dinner. 'at the
:home of :Mr. and 'Mrs: Carson
Loughran, at JoistoWel.
Christmas : visitors .witly
Mrs. George Haldenby were, Mr.
and Mrs. .Harold •• Haldenby and
family, Mr &; .Mrs.:Clare 'Sparl-
ing and .family: and.•Misses . Edna
and.. May Boyle. . .
• Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Halden-
by and Kimberley were . recent
visitors with, Mr. and Mrs: John
Hulley' at Monkton.
• Christmas' ` visitors with Mr.
and' Mrs. James Haldenby and
•fanriily Were. Miss Donna Halden-..
by . Toronto, Mr. and 'Mrs. .Don
Cameron ,• ' Wingham;' . Mr.. and
'Lloyd Husk, Kinloss.
Messrs.,' William:. Wall and
'Spence McFarlan spent Christ-
mas with Mr. and Mrs. 'Jack
Sumacher, Con. '.10
Miss.; Sheila iHaldenby. spent a
ew days with 'friends. at Flint,
Ghrista as visitors, with Mr. &
-Mrs. Norman, E. Haidenby. were
'Mr. and MI's.' Doli Haldenby ' of
Montreal, ' Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Irwin and Patti Lou of Lucknow,
Mr. and Mrs -Delbert Hedley &
family. of Con. 6, 111 Mr Bale 'Hal -
Mr. and Mrs; Side. ard'ner and'
family. visited . Sunday with Mr.
and. , Mrs. Bill Hunter
., Mrs.' Lorne;•Hackett was taken,
to . Wingham I•Hospital on : ;Friday
andhadher;appendix removed.
-Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Ritchie &
boys .° spent ;:Saturday • ' evening.
with • Mr and Mrs. Clifford :Mc
Phee',of. Auburn.
`Mr. and'' Mrs.* jack'. Gardner
spent Sunday' with. Mr. and Mrs.
Lorne, Woods. •
r M
.and .Mrs Jim Smith and
family and Mrs. Jean Papernick
:and' Larry iviiited on Monday
with Mr. and''°Mrs. Wi f ,R tch ie.
Mr. Bill Buckton returnecj ` to
Toronto, University on , Tuesday.
after spending .the Christmas va-
nation at the home of his par
ents, Mr... and Mrs. Herb, Buck-
Others:` home for, the .holiday
included:. 'Sandy ' MacKenzie.of
Western' University,, Miss. Helen
Campbell of Kitchener. and •Miss
Betty Hamilton of Niagara Fail's.
Mr, and Mrs. Allan.,. ,Graham
and family enjoyed`' New Year's
dinners with Mrs. Brock Mac-
Kenzie and family of 'Teeswater
on Sunday and with Mrs Jas:
Barton of Drayton on Monday:.
:Mr, and Mrs. Ira' Dickie and
boys . visited Saturday with. Mr;,
:and Mrs: John Dickie of. Hope
Mr,,,arid Mrs Fraser' MacKirr-.
non were "guests ,Saturday at the .
McLagan-Berienati: wedding'
London, , ' •• '.,
Mrs. William J., irwirI Is' re-
covering after being a patient' -in
Vir:tcria HnSpital, Lohdon:.'
denby ,ot. -Port : Elgit .
Christmas visitors with Edna
and, May Boyle were Rev, Ben
son Cox, 'Mrs. William Cox, Mr:
and Mrs, Jack Scott, Bill and:
Bob, Con. 4, Mr. and Mrs. Chris
Shelton, .Hanover,
. The Annual School meeting:
was ,held' on 'Wdenesday ',after-
noon. Mr. Roy SChneller was ap='
pointed trustee for • a . 3 -year
term, Mr. Donald McFarlan re
tired after. a 'lengthy, term on the
schoolboard, •
Mr. and Mrs., Weir Eckenswi1-
ler entertained at a family din-
ner at their- Home.
• Mr. and Mrs..Roy . Graham
held 'a dinner for °the, raham
families on, Sunday. • •
:.The seventh meeting .of . the
4-11 Homemaking:- Club. Was held
on Tuesday at the home: of Sand-
Sand•ra . Percy. with six :members' re.
pealing the pledge.: Roll call
Why I' ,chose the colour' of 'any
dress. The• next meeting* will be
held at, • the home of • June Ack-
ert on January. 2nd. They, learn
ed 'how to cover a belt, and each
,girl made a sample :for 'her'. boo-
The girls.. modelled their ,dresses.;'
A' delicious lunch was • served &
Diane Hewitt 'thanked the hos:
Mr: and Mrs. Gerald ".Rhody,
and family visited with his par
ents, Mr.,' and .'Mrs. William
Rhody : at Elmwood.
Congratulations to Mrarid.
Mrs. Herman : Fisher (nee Aisla
Bushell) of :Benmilller. on :the •ar-
rival of .'a baby daughter:
Master Allan Sperling .of Wal;
kerton spent .:Saturday With, his
grandparents, :Mr. • and Mrs. Geo
Mr:. and' Mrs.' �G_ erald Rhody
and.:'family' sient an evening
with .Mr. 'and "Mrs..'Morley Bush-
ell` and': family. ,-
NancY Fisher and Mary Anne.
McEwan spent. their 'Christmas:
holidayswith`' their ;grandmother,
Mrs ,John Bushell..Allan'. Fisher
spent"; the. week- with the .' Me-
EwanBoY W, s at. Westford,
Miss . Margaret "Schneller:.who`
has beenholidaying' , at her
home here.' returned to '. Belle-
vi>llewhere she will • resurne • her
studies 'at the'?Ontario School for
the •deaf...
Dttring, the month of ' Janua ;
the Anglican •service, will.:be;�held
at .1• 'o'clock:m-
Mr. and • Mrs
Chris . Stark,:
Frank. and Mary; • Jane spent
Christmas' with relativesr
at. Sar-
Mr and Mrs. Lyman Sutton,
Gary;' .Jean: and John . spent
Christmas with Mr and ..Mrs. ` Ce-
cil Sutton an `�
d Robbie, .COn.
and Mrs
at a
on New Years.
'• Misses; E "
dna:: and; May . :Boyle of Kingarf
Lyman Sutton
,. dinner
WEDNDAY, JAN, 4th, 1961
in a hump
may lookstrange, but itserves a prac-
ttical;purpose. On. the desert, the camel
Must, go without food and water for
• long periods of^time But he is able to'
store nourishment in his: hump' sufficient
to tide hims&f over the lean days that'
might•lie ahead.."
,There .ai'e'apt to be Iean•;daysfor every-
one Lite insurance can help tide your:
over many of these for �it,ptovfdes cash:
e°ne . A un Life
at times ot� eat st d.
Br. , ee �
1nsurance program; 'for .example, can
Safeguard Our widows inde ender ce•
S yb,. � P n � .
Four°• children's education, our home
Y .. y.
ad. your retirement ears. let me "tell'
y• y
11.1L-2, Lucknow
'hone , W ngbam 717-w-4.
Toronto, ' Messrs . Sltaanley Sitier
and: son': of : Lansing, Mich.,. Miss
Patricia Thompson of Lucknow,
Miss: Aileen •.Hodgins,;:`' Messrs
r d'_.:.:
.La ry Stanley and:. Donald . Ge
des of KinlossAMrs. 'Ogle; Russell
spent New Years with.Mrs. Wm.•
Cox Rev . and: . .
, Benson Cox. .
'Mr. and Mrs. 'bon Bushell ;en-
t d at a family, dinner On
Mrs. Gertrude Walsh . and
,Scott entertained ' at 'a' `, family
:dinner. on,: New Years '.day. ' T h
y hose.
present . were 'Mrs.' 'John 'Scat,
Mr.�--Merton.=Scott, Mr...and Mr -s.
William: Scott.. and•, Russell .all' of
lilIelfort, Sack;; ' •Mr. and Mrs.'
Carson; 'Laughren,; Grant -and
.Grace of Listowel," Mr: and Mrs.
'Clifford Scott, Allan:` and •_ Bill. ' of
Stratford, Mr. and Mrs.' • Mi ler
.Hartwick and Wayne of Kinar-
dine, Miss -Ruby Tirnpson of
Carlsruhe, Mr. Henry. Scott, Rip=
Mrs..Marretta Hodgins of Lon= .
don spent Christmas .. with•
and Mrs:: Glen, Hodgins.
' •''Miss Sharon Stanley visited in•
Toronto over the holiday .• .
Mr. :and - Mrs, EzraStanley
spent. New' 'Years '' with .Mr;"and
Mrs Ray Stanley, Kinloss
Mrs..J.W. ofw ll C spe nt New. ".
_ a
Years ;with Mr, and 1Gtxs n.:
M'cCosh'. at Purple Grove.
Mr. and Mrs. George Halden-
by; '
allenby;' •Mr. and,. Mrs.:Harold'` Iral
denby and • family spent.. New
Years with Mr. and Mrs. Clare "''•'
. S•parling: and family'. at, Walker. •
Misses Ruth, Carolyn, ,Janet,
ley, Mr. and -Mrs.- Frank Currie;, Barbara. and Mary Forster' of
Brenda ..:and Darlene, Con., 10, •,rtipley� spent .a .day, with their'
Huron, HoYida ,grandmother;:' Mrs.,, J. W Col
Y nisi ors wi th ,Mr: and' :well
Mrs. Ezra. Stanley were Miss ;Misses'. Edna and.' Ma .SOY.1e
"Beverley. Stanley, Messrs. Doug- visited,. On Thursday with Mr, &
•las Stanley and Dan'Totlefson of Mrs, 'Clare ,Sparling..
5avIiIer,Mcin.t�sh & Wart
13e11` Telephone Building/ ' F
L, KCN;NEI YB d ' B, A:, C`, A --.Resider t+ 1Vianat;er
Telephones: Business 633; :Residence,
hr+j�►ryiv �► rN '. h i'brr ',