HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-01-04, Page 4PAGE: PO s� m•wt THE LUCKNQW ,. SENTINEL,, LUCICNOW, ONTARIO CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING .MATES — First Insertion 2c' Per word, minimum charge 50c. Repeat Insertions,` 11/2c per woad, .minimum'40c. Notices, Cards . of Thanks and Coming Events, minimum' 75c. In Memoriams,'' minimum $1.00. 25c ',extra for :replis • to.; The Sentinel;. Billing charge of 1 Oc 'for each bill rendered. �OR.SALE. PIGS FOR SALE' 11 pigs, 10 • weeks old.' Herb,;. Buckton, �R.1 6, . Lucknow; phone26-10., -.Rip- . Rip- :,ley. . FOR SALE . 28 weanling pigs. Walter • Arnold,; 64-r-2, Dungan- non. FOR "SALE'. . General Electric -refrigerator in first class condi-' tion.: Phone 164-4,-' Ripley,.:Mrs: QliverMeCharles R. fi; 3,, Luck' now. • FOfSALE Kiln dried shell corn, Apply to • Lorne Luther,' :phone' 65-r=-14,. Dungannon. SNOW REMOVED FROM drive • ways, s yards,. etc. Phone 286, Jack ,, Fattish or' phone 219-W, 'Jim Lavis. •, REPAIRING the farm : or home water '•system.? Get your galvan ized pipe fittings at, MacDonald's ':General .•Store in Kintail. , ' All sizes in stoick'.'.from` Vii" 'to: 2". Phone 12-r-7, Dungannon. • •BOOKKFTFAER Brownline ; col- umnar books, .cash• books, .. loose leaf ledger sheets in, stock, if we on't : have.. yourrequirements we will order for, you. The Luck. now Sentinel, Lucknow. LOST. will the party who took in • mistake' a pair of • men's gioshes, size- 11,. . please return 'same'' to Evan : Agnew, . phone, 146, Lucknow.`. PLEASE ENCHAN,OE — would the party who in . error took a pair, of lady's' snow. bootssize 7, fat, the .Arena .on Saturday ,please, contact•Mrs. Ralph 'Caine ron,' .67-4 Dungannon, .. so_, the proper` exchange can be made.. • WOULD the party wearing my new black "overshoes, • size 10, lund•1y exchange them for `their: own older tones, size: 9; The size 9 were the only. ones :left at the Wingham 'Hiospital• after visiting tours last Wednesday night. Don Thompson, phone :35, Lucknow. FOUND FOUND=aa: tarpaulin whieh fell off, a truck on Highway 86 about Button's . slaughter house gate wway, was picked up by Alvin Rb `b and . owner can -obtain sanne• : by calling : at the Coop. NEW, • NEW, NEW, felt -tipped marking pencil "Mark -it", only 50c, try' one. "Magic Markers" also 'in .stock' at $1.10 withrefills at 50c each, The :Lucknow:''Sen- tinel, phone 35. ...WOOD: FOR , SALE -good s hard -, omaple .Wood, in truck`. load .lots, also hardwood "slabs, 'softwood ,slabs and sawdust •in any :quant-' ity , truce, MacMillan, .Lucknow. SNOW THROWER SERVICE • Anyone ;'interested' in, snow thrower service for cleaning .roads'.and driveways' should contact ,' Ron Forster. Vacuum `• pumper for :cleaning septic tanks. • '.Tanks made, installed :and clean:: ed. • RON E:'FORSTER,. " Phone ,29, Lucknow • • TENDERS WOOD :WANTED .. • TENDERS : twill be , received .by the' undersigned until .,January 14th,'. 1961 for .Wood for following. schools This 'wood is to be hard, body. , wood; Maple'' and ,Beech, 14 long. and to be delivered to each.: • sc'hool/ •, not. later than. June 30th,1961 S.S. " No., 2, 25' cords; S.S. No::'3, 15 •cords"; S.S. No 4 '25 :cords,. _.S.S, No. 12; '20' Cords' . and : S.S." No . 17,' 10 ;cords.: Lowest or any ~tender: not notes-, • sariil'y • accepted. W. •. A. Stewart, Sec.,, Treas., West ; Wawanosh ' • •Twp : ' School Area Dungannon,, Ontario.- COMING EVENTS BINGO THIS THURSDAY Lucknow Legion, will hold .cash bingo in the Legion Hall on Thursday, January 5th at 8:45 Twelve regular .games, 3 share - the -wealth and a jackpot gamic of. 61, :numbers for . $85.00„ RECEPTION FRIDAY ' r `�` •A reception will . be held the 'Legion • Hall Luckrtow, • this Friday, January 6th, in • honaur- of Mr. and Mrs. Sandy ' Mac:- 1 Donald (Diane„ Compton) of Kintaii.." Carruthers.,. . orchestra... Everyone welcome:... SPECIAL HOCKEY GAME, Belfast Musketeers vs.. CKNX team On, Wednesday, , January l l th in .Lucknow Arena. ' Game time . 8:30 o'clock. Proceeds for Crippled ,,Children Fund. Come: one, Come all! Admission, • adults'' 35•c,, public school' cl ildren 15c.1 HOCKEY. WEDNESDAY Lucknow - Interrrdiat_es___:, will .open the hockey season ing,Luck- `now thi's Wednesday' night,, Jan= uari 4th at 8:30, with 'M•onkton the', visiting team, Plan to. be 'in Adm`for 35Cc attendance. rss ' Sclhool 725c, Children,.15c.,, • ' WOOD .TENDERS WOOD WANTED for S.S. No.. 2,•.:Kinloss 10: cords elm;`''body Wood , 1.6",.15 cords Maple and beach lbodywood• ' 16", to ' be de- livered and Piled on the proper= ty, of :the Kinlaugh SehooI;.•on or. before. June _ 15th;. 1961.Tenders tobe received by the secretary not. later ,than Monday, January 16t'h, 1961. May Boyle, R.R..' 1, Holyrood, Ont., , SecretaryTreasurer''` FOR ' SALE — ,School known as &S. No. 14.on .:12th 'Concession - of West Wawanosh.:: This school; 'has- ,a new roof on . one side and •is situated; on one 'acre ...of 'land With • a good ..drilled ' well° With some repairs it would make`..a good me..Te Tenders will' be :_re- ceived' until .January 14th,. 1961. Apply•to W... A. Stewart, Sec.- NOTICES. - D. THA K• AR .OF .N 5 '...'CARD ' Mr: and Mrs: John MacChar- les ' wish . to thank . all the kind people .that. seri t parcels: 'arid cards, at Christmas • time. They' were:greatly • appreciated:. , I sincerely ' wish . to' thank all who:.rememibered me. with visits, cards, .gifts. hrd' .treats while 1 -have •-been ill.. This . kindness is very' Much '' appreciated. ..1-' Mrs . Mary J. ' Webster. To those. who . sent cards and treats anal; friends ..who called; while I•. was a••patie f•in,•Victor•i P , n: 9/. `Hospital, , • London, and since coming' home,.. I .wish to extend my 'sincere " thanks. , Mrs. Archie Courtney, THANH Y+OU' Brian -;Mowbray wishes to ex press sincere thanks to his Free Press customers_for their Christ- mas ::rernem.brance$'''and ; to :ex- tend best wishes for the New• Year, ' Mr. .Jack l ,BBra e wihes- dy s to: ,.express sincere thanks . to his many friends for all the : kind ness shown hint. at '.the: 'holiday I season. Their . thoughtfulness is deeply" ;a reci ,: pP7 ated:• The people of Kinloss •;Town- ship ,- are :asked to: '•please save their papers •andagazines and Treas. West Wawanosh Town- tie then in ,.bundles for:. the Kin- shipSchool Area Dungannon. • loss Cuib•'Grou No.. 1. Pick-up i ,will be in March.There will be ELECTRIC' HAMMER MILLS, -a 'reminder `' at a later date., oat rollers or household appli ances, , , try, Op -Op` . BUDGET' •' Would the ladies •of the Com, PLAN, low cost: repay easily & munity, who are interested conveniently at your local store, taking th:e' course •'`Focus on you receive .family protection' through C:o-operative Life In surance 'Co"., select a monthly or seasonal repayment • schedule,: Fini hes,'''. sponsored . ' by the L' c now Instit , to , ...notify' u k, .. u y Mrs, T. J.: Salkeld by,* january 7th, 1961.... ,Lucknow District C:o-op;. phone Lucknow: • . ', WATERLOO. "SNOW TH RO" • Ensure against stormbound con- ditions with a dependable,: low cost and practical now removal' unit.' Designed, for all 3;ooint hitch`' Tractors: The ultimate in performance — The minimum in investment, Your distributor WM. Knechtel • and Son Ltd.,; MicrropointY ball , point pen . ire - fills solve that "does it, problem for all . "pens They, fit paper -mate, eversharp,, scripto, watertnan, 'sheaffer, • wearever and 183 'other ` popular makes: Sec for ,yourself, unconditionally guaranteed, 49a at The Lucknow Sentinel,. phone 35, Lucknow, cATTI,g BREEDING • • ASSOCIATION "Wherei :Better Bulbs Are Used" Farther, Owned arid controlled • Service at cost Choice of bull and ' breed` Our Artificial. "breeding, service will help you to' a' more effi- cient livestock operation/ F:or $ervicc or more inforrnatien call: tcIV•EI NESDAY', JAN. 4th, 1981• • •SHEitIFE'S SALE IVF; LAND UNDER AND B.X VIRE of an Execution issued . out of the County Court of the County. of Huron in which Jackroy (Can- ada) Limited is Plaintiff and. Gordon Stewart, carrying on business under the style of Ste. warts; Business Section, isthe Defendant,, and, tome directed against the goods • and. chattels, lands and tenements of the said defendant 1 have seized and. taken in execution and will offer for sale 'by.Public Auction at my office in the Court; :.House, , in the Town. of ' Goder. ich, in the County .of Huron, 'on Monday,. the 9th day of; January, 1961 at. 2:36 in the afternoon, ;ail the. right, title .and interest o f •the said;• defendant in and to All and singular that certain parcel• or tract' or land 'and pre- mises ••situate; lying •& being 'in the•.Township 'of -West Wawanosh in the County ;of, Huron, & being. composed of the 'East half of Lot 23, Concession 2 of the said Township ,of West •Wawanosh , On :the,. premises. is.'said, to, be erected . a frame dwelling . and barn; ' This 'property is owned• .joint- 1and Ethel y by Gordon ;Stewart Stewart,' but gnly: the :interest of Gordon' Stewart . will be: •offer- :ed' .for sale. ' .,� Harry 'L.' Sturdy,' ShCerriffounty ofof :thHurone:. ' . To .my ;friends and neighbours of ' Hackett Town, I ` wish to say thank :you; for the lovely gifts I 'received"' from• the :eonipiu irty at the •social on December: 23rd, which,' . 'was unable to attend... • Cliff Hackett. y' .Mrs.; Gordon. Ritchie wishes' to .sincerely thank - everyone who remembered her with cards, • let- ters, , treats; , flowers = and gifts, and 'also ':to' tlhe ones Who. were so helpful to• her husband while she was ., a patient'' ins. Wingham H,ospitab Thanks also to Doc- tors Corrin .'and.. FinlY a son and the staff of Wirigharn hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Artla C ark and, Eleanor' wish's to sincerely thank all 'those who 'were so',.very kind l'arid :tho ught ful 'in m a ny. •w ays while lather and daufighte were in: hospital Special thanks to° Doctors Corrin and Finlayson & the nursing staff. Clinton,•„Zenith 9-5650 Or' . Collect Kincardine ,4.60 Better Cattle For Better"L i v 1ig'w, ,'MIJ'MI'J•MN.INJ.I.I..MM l,Mr.P�J.I H LRAM' FARMS ABATTOIR HOLYItOOD The home 'of : choice' meats BEEF,,: '• PORK, . LAMB ,in any. quantities Schneider's' Cured Meats° , 'WE ALSO ° DO CUSTOM' • KILLING ' '° and ° hang'. your meat in modern coolers a • long 'as desired':' Pigs* on Ttiesdays.. and cattle every. ;day, .Noappointment necessary, RAYNARD •,ACKERT •;101-r-13;'t.Uckriavtt Pa e. rete , • i in all',' colours:. available at THE LUCKNOW `SENTINEL SERVICES CUSTOI1 BUTCIIIERING Beef, .and pork sold in- any quantity:, Custom .'butchering Governinent .licensed abattoir; Pigs every Tuesday. ` Beef .from Monday :throug:.A 'Thursday, '. BUTTON'S.MEAT. MARKET FILTER ''QUEEN • Sales and Ser- vice, er ,,repairsvice,.to all makes ' of vacuum cleaners Used :cleaners of a11,makes for sale.; Robert .K ,Peck, a na tael eph ne • Hensal . 69'6r-2 CAR :BUYERS Y Before 'you `buy your • new oz late model ' used car see us ;about, our'.Low::Cost, Financing. Service., Available for ;either.' Dealer . or Private Sales, J. A. • McDonagh ;insurance; ,phone 306; Lucknow. AUCTIQN 'SERVICE Allan, Maclntyre • Licensed Auctioneer Lucknow, Phone 28:1 AUTOMOTIVE c(T(Es Mechanical.. and bodyrepairs, • FURNACE OIL, ;ST,OVE l)tl.. glahs, 'steering; and wheel bal- B.EROSENE , GASOLINE' CARD OF TANKS Aligns, and Helen MacDonald •are sincerely appreciative of all the kind,:' acts and thoughtful' i•eiitenbrances while _Angus was hospitalized . Special tihanks, the Legion, the Highway crew and, those wlim helped move to their 'home at= St.. Helens -While Angus was ill,; Mrs. Jack Ross. < of , Kinloss,. wishes 'to sincerely thank•- all those' who reineinbered her and sent her cards while in ' Wing ham..Thanks• al. so• to the : nurses of .the hospital and Dr.. ;Leahy of Teeswater• ATTENDED STATV. FARM' 'MEETING AT BRANTFORD • Reuben:Wilson, .State Farm to-.: cal, agent in Lucknow, attended a meeting at Brantford, Wednes-'' day, one of 106 such gathering held. ' ,simultaneously throughout the 'United 'States and in Canada by his company° . " •Featured;at the;Meeting was a closed-circuit ' -broadcast of a , 'speed by •Adlai ,H'Rost, chair man of . the aboard of directors : of, the State Farm .Insurance Corn parties. R • st. redicted. a row- p u p g ging economy: for the decade and` 'forecast, continued ' growth in both' human :and. automobile po- pulations and a; resulting in- crease in need. for insurance coverages:. '.Included .'the—audience, esti mated .0 over 29,000 Were ag ents, managers. and;: other pers..; ,onnel of the : State Farm Corn``: panes: Production goals for '•1961 and:•' the remainder " of the 60's .. wereoutlined and:: a special con lest' for agents: was announced.' • K: J. ;MacKENZIE::0:0. Optometrist NOWi11VRPE>�: •. IL E VERY, .. �VEDN�DAY�• Office , Hours..10.00 a.m.+ to• 9 j 0 :m. Phone: ` Roy .MacKenzie, ` py Ripley 96=r 24�, for appointment,. PP BELL OPTOMETRIST GODERICH • 1! T. ':Armstrong' • on tin C sul Optometrist t metrist The Square .hon I' JAck (. a so»:. 4-7661) ,.• ante." ° UJndas •ra for rust, i GAS 4,,P. , y : Pre- �. vent on; See ':Or. • or 'call: DAVIDSON'S ' Texaco/ Service No - 8 H''wy Phone tA' 4-7231. Goderich, NU .D ;MONEY?. Money to Loan• on any property, Anywhere: :D Don't Delay a WriteDet Yray: The sec°ret of- our' success -- is Service.” DELRAY INVESTMENTS, 450-A Wilson ' Ave ME. 3-2353., Downsview,' ATTENTION FARMERS DEAD : STOCK REMOVAL We Pay $6:00 for Sink; Down, or': Disabled Farm Animals Depending Ori ' .Codut;io: n' , Szr alley Animals' Re oved Free 'Por .Fast ,Sanitary Removal CAY,L TOM; <FoX Ripley i.5r-20 'Collect y .. 1 WM, A. `BML; Phone' 220UD-w" ' I LuAcknIow TON District Ag enrfor' Cities 'Set vice'` Visit GLEN'S BARBER' 'SHOP Y Glen . Atkinson, proprietor Lucknow, •Ontario. ✓.kr#r•li.ri+ • t DEAD:STOC K Highest Highest Cash' Prices $7.00a ' Paid,; for Sick, Down or Disabled Cows & Horn's '•` also: Dead Cows and. Horses at Cash Value Old 'horses 4c'per'pc:gold ' ,CORD N TAYLOR Phone 44-r-24,: L uckn.ow 2"' ,Lucknow 24.:hour service Li&once No., 15("60 •