HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1961-01-04, Page 2•�M
"TheSepoy Town" , :On the Huron -Bruce" Boundary . :
Authorized as 'second class mail; Post Office ' Department, Ottawa
Established '1473' --Published Each Wednesday Afternoon,
'Member .of the C.W.N-A. and the 0.W.N.A.
'' Subscription. Rate, $3.00 a 'Year, in 'advance — to. the V.$4.5,-, $4.00
°L.,.Campbell, Thompson• and Donald C Thompson: Publishers
«EDI+TESDAY, JAN. 4th 1961.
The ,New 'Year brings ,in its wake, a -
series of ' inaugural meetings by. ' which
• council and school boards 'officially. assume
.the duties of their office.
For' some it will be a new experience.
For others, the continuance ',of municipall',
service. Election- to office ,in this district •
this year took; ::various forms spirited
balloting, acclamations which indicated
satisfaction 'and. .a, secondnomination which.
pointed t �indifference.
Fortun'ate is 'the municipality
municipality „ that has
citizens willing and qualified to devote
their tune 'and. ability to, municipal ,and
• school administration. It may at, times seem
a thankless . job, for ,we are prone to criti-
cize rather than ;to applaud;., :generally
speaking, however, the 'public recognizes a .•:
job•` well . done, but too often this yecogni
tion is left until `the -time when public ser-
vants decide. they have- ';'.had enough."
Nomination time affords the time &
place for Abe bouquets or the "brickbats"
in the 'form of constructive criticism. if it is
deemed merited.
Too' "often' the attendance at a no/ri
*nation meeting is determined , by whether
'or not there may ,be, ,"fireworks."" Thisiys
not right. Every ratepayer should be vital-
ly interested in the affairs' of .'the.. munici-
pality and this 'interest evidenced' by. at-
at such meetings:
If ;you think your :elected officials are
doing a good jObi tell them soIf. you
don't, tell them •so also, :but . not by a be
hind -the -back attack. No'one ..is 'infallible
So' far as Lucknow is concerned', : this
village exPerienc,eda, progressive program
of. municipal 'improvements during the past,
year, with ' no hardship to the ' taxpayer.:
Predictions are ,that this '•progressiveiess
will continue within financial reason. May
we all as citizens ,adopt;: with pride- in our
hometown this spirit . of 'the _ "foreward
A newspaPeris.-the mirrorof the com-
munity it serves.. It reflects.. the good and,;
attimes,- the bad In short, it can. only,
report the news, it cannot create news.
Because this is true, some of the same
names and a' ear : repeatedly in its
PP , P Y
columns. They appear because 'these are
the people who are the ones, who' lead and
aT theworkers in the many ,organizations
in the community,, Often they Are active
in various organizations.
g ons.'
'Many refuse to run for'Public office;
even a larger. group • refuses to accept 'comm-
, mttee"'a.: oln e -
r pp ntm nts or� positions of leader-
• :
;ship: in the.several organizations that make
up .life in every community; an, d 'many :
more decline to even ';participate' in the
activities of .these groups that Make news.
These are the . people who are. missing
from a. newspaper's.i' news columns •week
after week..That : isn't -the choice the news-
paper editor Made, .ho'wever. If : it were .,
possible an, ' editor would like to have
everyoame in the paper frequently.
Until new 'names: and faces take part in
the many. , facets; of 'community life -''that
make news, they vi* l`' be, conspicuous only
by their absence. 'A newspaper. has—no -
choice .-:" it. can ; only report the news,: it
cannot create : it.
4. 4th, 1961.;.
The •regular monthly meeting
of Branch S09Canadian,egio.n,
was held Tuesdaysceml er 27
. ,with .,the •,President 1-iarold 'Rit
. :1,11 Tri the Chair, G., urge Newt
Ist KINLOSS SCOUT "Gs, . , • bold `was . admitted • as, a ' ;n -
' 'the': inernh6r and rnie L viris;••of
E. e.. the
• ,Eight ..new bays joined . '' . ; ..
• Cub •Pack before Christmas to , •Wing'hun Branch,. 'ti$. a guest.:
," You" es. were,
�; briny the present membership. to.l •. Many thank; _ou riot -
16: The},,inc tided ,Donald, .Elliot., ,,.received from , recipients: • of
: Pat Passmore, Kenneth Eadie, r•(hri'tras ,parcels, „ •
M �, g deal,pf alis
and.John A,el,,ert fEbm.Hol rood,'..: ,There was.. a i�e�ri.s
Ernest Hod'bins '.from Kinloss, 'cussion about the •d4trnage drone
Arthr ' Breckles•from Kin., Tough; to the Legion Hall du•ing Teen
Doug Wall from, Westford and Town activities andi liarold Rrt
...Da—id ,'MacKinnon from the 4th chre offered to convict the Lion's M.
• Coneession.• 'Most' of these'.boys '.'Club with a v'ievv toy having -
are no , y
v read to , be in�Tested" more. supc#ivisan at the dun-
with their .. caps and : • necker- cep
• chiefs,.. " • ' .: . ,, ; ' • Prices for hall rentF, v c e also
• •
These new' Tenderpads• repre discussed and are to be're.viseci
' .. the last of • the boys in • the by` the new executive .committee •
area whose parents attended the and'..a list of rates tt`ill be post-
organizational meeting 'last 'Oct- ;ed Tri •both wing$ and in the k ,t-
ober;' We'•.can now. welcome in chen:
- any boy ,Who wishes' to • join and I'rr mediate Past ; President,
v4110 ,'his .reached, hiss • 8th birth -',Garnet ''Henderson burned ,, pie
'' day, but , is' not; over 101/2.. ' Boys' . mortgage note •; : and • ,express
�'oldertlian this ed
:should:..wait •un,-. f' great .satisfaction tilt ''this. debt
�`_ _
til they are eleven so they, caro -had" been cleared .so cuickly -and.
T o-d-rectl' into the Scout',Troop: t.hoped the Members could • eon_
Any", boy from the Second ,Con ''tinue to work 'hard- iven—it_...:.ther._
t6 Kingarf, or 'from Langside• .84'.'- Legi.pn is not in ' dela.. •' ' '
Westford to Purple Grove,/ %,ho i ' After:: a short ,reces,,. Clarence
wants to. get an on the fun and ' Greer took -the chair nv the elec-.•
training,of ,the. Curb Pack, should ould , tion 'of `officers.
This seems..an .opportune. time to. pay -
well -deserved tribute . to`: the faithful .and:
:efficient " service . performed by the ,rural
correspondents who regularly report the
weeks happenings in their area.; •
Many ,of our correspondents have. served:
this. newspaper loyally and ' diligently over
a period -of .,:years. More recentlywe: shave
been fortunate; `to add .'.other enthusiastic
workers: to this list.
Correspondents render valuable. . valuable. :ser-.
vice'` to their respective communities, both
.by publicizing the activities of local: organi
za,tions and recording, community progress.
Theirtask. is not ''cif easy': one, for the.
gathering of news. almost invariably: calls
for; considerable 'telephoning and. interview
.ing Yet . thecountry correspondent is the.
backbone of many weekly newspapers, for
many sons and . daughters . of, the surround-
ing district, now living far afield; recognize
this when they say, as they 'so frequently
dos, The • weekly/newspaper' is just like a
letter from home.
Too, we wish, to recognize the service
of. press. secretaries for the various organi-
zations in the community,. whose co-opera-
tion in. submitting: reports ., promptly the'
week '•they • occurr,'. is appreciated nd
:a en-
ables us to carry these .'reports `.regularly
And ' so, we wish• to express our . heart-
felt thanks to': these outside' nernbers" , of
our. staff and assure them ,that we sincerely
appreciate their efforts' to make this, news-
a ' .an interesting and
P Per' ng 'visitor
in . each of `close to •2,000 'homes' which it.
naw' •enters.:.
The ,general run- of ' television prog-
rams .available to ;most viewers in this'dis-
trict • isn't ,getting: a very high rating , accord-
ing- to unsolicited comments. , One hockey
'enthusiast predicts better attendance at .tne
ames . this ifthe a , • ,.
g ,•.. year . TV fare. remains as
it ..is
set: in touch with the Cubroaster, A draw, for a bushit of ;wax* ed .
Lloyd. Ackert at, Holyrood. •• ,tui nips; ' •.donated by Alvin Ha,,
The Scout Troop for boys :11" rnilton was won -by Gorge New-
and ,up will be formed early in, -bold; . with the 'proceds .,being.
February ,but we will', have big added, to the Poppy riincl,
:news. about that , next." week:: • Harold Ritchie has completed
The disastrous '.Hodgins house the'term 'oif. office the late
fire :at Kinloss . Christmas day, 'William. •MacDonald- andwas
destroyed the recently donated° 'given' a very heart vote of;
cub , uniforms of Walter and/Er thanks for his work.
nest. Theses,, boys • are feeling EarrI'-Cranston Prsident `.
prettyblue about .it, but me ewe are " The'' election° of • offiers lesu ,t-
still' `'h aping we: can •' find some ed as ,-.follows; Presient,' Earl
• caps, sweaters, etc. in Lucknow Cranston, 5 members toniinated,
or . Kincardine. 2 -ran for. 'office; PastPresiden't,
Look for this column: each Harold. Ritchie;;, 1st' .'ice . Pres.;
week m The Sentinel for all the Joe .King, 4 nominatd, : '3 ' ran;
latest • happenings' with the. Cubs 2nd. Vice Pres.; Ted Cllyer, ;(re_
and Scouts in Kinloss. i`eleeted), 5 nominate,; .4 .ran;
1Treasurer H. .ID. " Th 'son b ,
acclamation;' Secret,.
Alex Purves,, 'by, :acclamation;
Executive Committee ' Garnet
Henderson Ale, : Pures; Jack
Hussey,: Ken 'Cameror(8 mem'-'
Poinsettias .formed. the 'setting�ii
in' ,Ashfield Presbyterian' Churo1
for' the vw•eddirig; on - December
24th, of Diane. Jane : Comp ton's
and. Alexander. Neil Macdonald:
The bride is .the granddaughter
NEWLYWEDS TO of • illusion was; held by a wreath:
of orange' blossoms and she car
+R E S D E HERE,- ried a white Bible crested , with
tawny gold rose ;and. white: pom,.
MacINTl'RE :— NEEDHAM mums:
A pre -Christmas • wedding•• of : •
much local -interest crest vitas � solem- • .;
, • .. . , Miss Helen Needham of � Kit-
n2�ed, on Saturda December chener was. maul of honour and
Saturday,, Miss "Sheila . Anderson, of Owen"
ed .the `church the congregation
sang . "Praise My, Soul." , `Miss
June ` Hatt Of Toronto was solo-
ist and ' sang' ."The 'Wedding.
Hymn". 7
Mr. Donald �faclnt'. re of r ryk-
now was groornsi�nan for .his bro-
ther and ' the Ushers - were Mr.
'of Mrs) GeorgefKitson, and the i.
groom is .the 'soon of Mr.: anal''
Mrs ..William Macdonald,. all ' of. '.
Rev. Neil J. MeCornbie per -'r
Overheard at `:the izivention,
"I know • my husbai. would
never. rung after,anoth- woman.
He's: :too fine -too' .cCent-too.
formed 'the cererrionY. Mrs: •Dun -1. • Wedding vows ,wei recently;
can. Simpson, presided at' the ',exchanged .",in .,Dun,gann United
,organ and the. Soloist'John Cfi trch by Elsie Kathie Smyth.
sang "The Lord's: and Robert Lorne ,Eon with
Prayer," and':. "Because:'':, i -Rev:". T. Richards offic ing::Thf
The bride, given. in. marriage bride els' the daughter 1V1r: and
by her uncle, Mr: Charles Kitson; Mrs.G y ,
of St. Thomas,: chose a floor . burn, and'the . gloom the soil
length gown of ; White.' net and ' of Mr..and' .Mrs. Hary . Alton.,
lace over:: satin, with .. a : fitted ` R.R. "2, Auburn.
bodice. A 'pearl tiara• held her ; The, bride wore a<' f'r-1 �nti.h•
elbow.' -length veil Of 'tulle 2l lu-' gown of ' irnported rich` lace
sion • and .she', carried, a'. White over net.attd taffeta -:1 bisque
itsor2 codon Sm th I .. 2 . ALC,
Bible. crested . with red" roses, bodice :was •styfed`withly 'paint'
Mrs.. Colin Hove es, -ho was her ''sleeves and a sabrina.eci1 rhe.:
aster,. m�tro ,
• n . of honour, wore . A coronet of. seed oils held
floor -length gown 'of pink''net• 'her' fingertip `veil of le' Wu-,
er•blue satin and - sr
• , .. Miss• �ah2r on and she carried bouci tic t ,
leY R;apeer; the bridesrriaid, wore of • American Beauty z�s.
a floor. -:length "dress, of blue ny ..Miss Betty Smyth, icknow,;
lon. Their, headdresses .),Vere of was maid sof°,honor "fcher
, ' y carried' white ter and `groomsman w ; cry ild
net.; .and file
24th,when _ -. • - _ . � i < ; pom, .:�:-iurns, � ' e, .• Alon Lucknow `bro r
t bl oC the
Nancy Agnes ,Need;,, .., - tephen Elliott, , .of Lansin groom, Eleanor i .ist(ir cif
huff, became the bride f All
:�. Sound, was , ,bridesmaid-. They Dan• ..,Roue: • of � v ev=; rrrarket and �, ,A, tor, ,
r2 e o ?� ive..:, Mr•: Jirn tedh of at.chrgan..,'brother�2n-lave_ of •the the -grown,.
l.. •:_. tion.
bride .. re similarly go,,wned in gold „,. � Riplec . .. p axed 'the €.
the e groom t= as the,best man and. For tr2 t 1
.1s p au de so>e, with. round neck- , A viceddin dinner...,... �_• . ravelling, in t .L .
and 1V Clarke b . fllo., ed at x,.
..• MacIntyre, The
, daughter of Mr: Mrs: are the . i,,.
• i line, three-quarter sleeves and , Bervre United Church. 1Tn ushers were Duncan , Simp- States, -the bride • wo: rr• n)w'
. Needham,. R.A. 4;. • Kincardine & i ,. • ,.. , son :and ;
bow headdresses . of the same brides mother. received` •.n Robert. D, A, .' green dress, with red U..ac lt.
• the • groo±n is .the son•, of the' parte :.. ... : ._..• d � f .. . . ..
F material; with matching shoes& putpre lace G- , ,r , Tuci ennan, ,in his, l lt, piped' the aceessoi ies and. -re . t4+ter is
g.. p p dress v, �4h ma:eking 'grey
,.. CtlU �e ti,
IVir. and Mrs. Archie ; lVlacIrityre, . White , .� p from the church The_ , t. :fl;.
white gloves They d a sor 84 h Thetrcoat Th ouple wr l
€oriiiea- y � of..Con, �; Kinloss;.
: Candelabra, ferns and 'baskets rrie cis cce. les, v�,h1te corsage. she re- e c
(; ... teption vtias".hel at
I. Cade bouquets o,f • deep -toned .was -assisted 'by the grooms s s d, Dunlop tew R.11..2,
2 � �.'•.:a accrsAt,ries and. �c•hice
e�f: costume � :''Vtirilii�am � H`ushell'" er•wi' and
bronze• rnums, : � ;. "ter,- Miss �ia.r�� �iarb Po'? ••a'. �edd�ig ' f•rip 'to New
Inty to Who '" ,
of deep ' brorite and ,vyhite rnu,tns;
domed M2Ilarto United Cht2i�ch �� Iiolida " ' visitors
" col sheath with Y
• ,. - 'dress ork ,the ride.- ,chose , b
Connie Farrell of • �incar`din'e. ct'ose -a '•11lue wool dress with •." a' plaid
for e • thre , .
the e o eloc`k ceremon
perforxried by Iiev. J: C. Dutton. ti Ra`V, G lders f.
. iacdo ld 11 d t o
wasmat lin. a red hat an
.flower 1 ,H '' d
corsa�e. i . and Mrs. rc'lt
teras designed as the other. a.t-. •- °'
#ertdants but .'featured,• •*a white The \ reC'S travelcin r
Given in marriage by 'her. faL� coytu�ze
they the .bride was lovely , in a organ
�a cunirYler-bun'd.. and bo{ 'tvas a raid woof tire,;; • .three=
floor 1'e gtiv go ri ofwhitep u Her gold headband had Inuitsquarter f '" k '
brown •aecessxr•ies.
% r..an:d Mrs.: tiia:r:•Tn ,.
. rc have
r- n w pea' . ,
on •either • side and she a .. ' `
de sole,, with three-quarter
sleeves and feature • i ee a iiasket ,of dee bro �e rr urriw
. ,etre@ . p n a
lace 'on the bodice and: appliqued
rrrotifs on the front panel ,, s .,. , . p of the
sltir't. Her sholtider-1etigth' veil
and fern.
Mrs, Jatk Myers • Of. Sarnia was
organist and as The bride enters•`
ur qac 'et .an goid &
taken upµ }residence in ,uc'knoz+ ; :
. trs. • 1v� ctrityre ' r" r at
e df
Gr4atf,�rd ' T •ached:" College
na tv,r: re id in e Kintail.
• In 'renewing •her Sentinel' sub-
tcri "tion '. ,�Ir
p s. •AiidreW .Allan'
of Spruce* GrOve; .Alberta,' �.sends
Vest wishes •to'f fiends in the old
hr int com ,, h .
rrrctnrt� 4"cri a,,t.e1�v..ha,p
py and prosperous New. Y. '
'..IVIr; and. Mrs.. Ardi1T
andntMgrs. ,Walter 4f`or •1ttUlie,
Antta and Carolyn lr;ric3'
MPs. J. W. Calwcll 'n;.irtig''
Mr.' and Mrs, : Don{'�:r. and
'Mary. of P`url�e Gro f r J�ifr%
p v
Moore anti. George B"'"'rit;,
•, , ;; . • g and MIs, Cori t ,rfw�.
'•01A.1.20 and :'I3etty