HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-12-05, Page 13of end : •. • tided MMrs. roles). g• 'was chool )lflg maw/ King. Ming xrday Marie Engle. ed on ' t7rs. 'S f bhe.• held. aeri_ • with • the as dn- I and patrol , 'r Con- F atro'I:• a �a�Tli?t1 , �s ,tn•��. of the Scout . Vested 1g, vvas. d and 4tiEDNESDAYt • . h,, 1952. fly' N. BENTLEY' • Box 0.8 phone YlbAe1csn. 4-9521 .. HARPER ANON calwitiPANY cba Lerea-Accountants 33 Hamilton . 'Telexibone 3A. 4-7562 JOH E'S FUNERAL HOME •. Modern ;turd '.enient Phoire 7161 Das or Night Serarbig :MI :ai'ths According to 101uStr WiShes Moderate ''bites Estaldislaed 1894 R1 • DU .'4I e IDsf .. or llp%yap mad 8Eledtro Therariist Win hwn -- °IRhone 3DO Xoifice loeated oei.,31Ohn it iVesti rneut . +ta► ` wonttn Dominion, TEE 'A s '1 $.' .4unl l ;: IAI1 "lito iedt �1nrr Eadk,: lime 181181#1.1 .1l 1adk "To I. , ' M 1 11AG .. ' alone, imanow 'MOBILE INSURANCE ►esa a 1Be Bre Inielit 118: 1Q .'$, Goaeridh• 1P' home 989-II'4s 7ngannon • W.ANDREW•. • e1r. end Soiiicitor QUIT O. itierstioi wiery • W;edtaesday .and S. �1' fthernoon' ihone: . 1ce.. i1 e9ide ce "3 c ummerlike weather" and n AP-,� rger t I ' Y .Tittle Of a contenrtious I ! Aldcuis landerdhk nature in 'the 'Township wnsh.ip, result- MacKenzie were.1 � 4:«a _ ,It ed' in a relativelr 'small .atte- : ltuvo-year team6om Ti 1{ dance :at' the . ah'l ieid rnomina- 501 , ►:ea amaze. NA, IL, 'titon • 'meeting on Friday la ,ter..- (Go(GartonI'.inI1a , Len (O ton m • • :a2r•�i F � � Sam ��', ate - ATI all rc►umd .aan nat:', rn was Appointed to 33naurdi ahod1 given. ' to reeve nouncul an Area 7n, 2: . .les P , 'the II vv ate aes nntt• ittiwe (PT Ole IcEeatthat. Selma 81=4 .iin •izte;i pont. t . alt the WaageNamiiLl'GG711nn iiirveettiirlig ilk , x:'. ai tT - 1{1,,, e , til tt} mewthin a H. 1151• {NIA 1 ' ; �} WYffi],1rt�il� • gib aseE one (Of ... ti['' e � 1 J . 1efftwaittOla r s t1 Donald a:tl.ilns were mecem' alb ilfr1 e,' , he schoof htrust ale k e: rn•-' !, OiI wE: , ' gip- :' ithe a son received nominations dor j For Meeite . the 13' the ;bare. slate •tri ttn 11)0= R ':DDfarii the various s To.. 1,; ' for till • tn�v Maly ..ate Pun. (�ualltxmtt, oss .4k inopnitt pigpen* neurine � � , e , were prcpose , .1184M004, and Reeve bena1 maRet}7ie di ,man Iffeward Ib3+ ' 11 it a t . ttt Deputy -dee Torn IE c a 46152.1 .BI -(c r ri,'. '47 1' ffiili t finis were ret;urne dor �I,r' � lid �:� t councillors re- as i Boyd; vin and . IHr w.ar i s ,;, aT ON • Bt ter, 3Etc. wing�wino=;aria itmeIrin�ow, TN. .' ILtreii iO1 WHIT* mina Wednescial• located ''.in attrik• 'Block ''�flitm Wing1har Office 48 'Residence 917 IM�i . L OIL • PRODUCTS Tor ',prompt service, xsrc Afttal4Y TalOmAs, ,-oori"t a t • (GLOM SIPO' 1Vft 1 a icKeize Aeniorial.(It Sierurines • Q =cord - ting to, ,,mc n :wiishes a Vote :our zri•or al ,Chapel a#t aro . ddi ,nal tinge. .)Lone' AIL 1Jjnc'k�now„ DO or'. AM' ' NGH•'..• MEMORIAL SHS 'We 13 e`: a Been Aderrnanial ' Cirifiltsmen Mar '1lthii tty-YS 11 *$, A' 4w : $zzSil}g 'THE 1R Sir 'GRAwrims. anont :h. 10 11 u• Wt'.: 1Ariilies ' idr t IReasonaidke•' •'tClemetei y 11,4tering ';iaiidiitiy d+'.cTor413:001S5lz413:001S5u» �(v1111 ' ll;Yl ' Rawar t••,,��,,1„�� t1l �. }l, Brain wm »f, iRt fie; .lixv,. >nd , :iun iit ° i- „ • ••; ' iEEi 'tom au* #. •'. 1 to :mat. t i) llt±tl: 41r ltig011ad 11°,,•7,i, r off that war ant •• �1 .. i o i9 pJ i) . 1L'$$.• • presant • Tor 113nuitens, .Amaa eamaalimetts fes' thick 11 ton •ci^tti3 t t);; -3doswinti ll r ice r aiS. Wows. ant leant twit , ugsa, �;; ,,aan; nom,:. irnn; R1seriOlc IglyAgenie • "ii : 1193577„ ,=; win tannin :and Bent Clamant. ¢igz+8. - • Mar Illnustibes,: iso. zt • Cfaatirm VannE593023,• „ ':• Sean Cason a'11d''•ILU."t%WCtU.L4aL..,�i 7ayy1U;7 n • iQn .and an Il., ,gain elidason : 'tivy J. Faw': e�1 pilokutorin. ;nt{, ti�'s����y�r,� 1i'JSR•I7m.'1'11 mi maxima. 1 it SPOO , s Thome 356, ViVihrgthaan, (min: .t Id1'l ASI ejitonnetfitt • _(OYIlice (01111',atiiidk `St., ,Dunt 411 the ; 1ain , ' : • i n ivil1?►1V1 . r'P•,ro esgitmal .'.118ye Ifcairiina'tilyn ••i ! r tical $enviees: 'For appointment ' Plea'se W".hone, Winglium I .0 01 *ow,Haw 111*; P ' -'1 is 1%1111; \WINIONTISDA7' Office Htaurs 'apilip'.rarm. tto 91ton pari 'Phone :' Roy IdacWerniie, ipley''':O6-r, ointment. • . MI6►.. B:.. OPT 0 ii1;11 llti. Ir..:1i'i'm.gelrong,, Consulting IhitonietbriSt' • iIihe. ,Square. - (phone .iT dksan X98'11.1) DTyGRi�T;n �' losi icT co -i o 'EicAli:,trt 1r1iiTC. Phone 774 TED . O .TER :egistere✓d 'Master 'Electriden ilif'ECTt1CA1' ' 0 'C1LtOR 'gpc ialiF.ing hi Eledtric Ae Eingl TEicetric and ritcpairs , anti eletttricul Aniiinndes - 1hltix"lli.r 2, 7,tn•lrnow 1 Phone cOi1C t. Dungannon Mr . ' ;ittdkuow "Always le tylr To - penal "(0 til0 (07 Cia.ANGES TN MAU, . IERIVBIYE MEW. tin 8lrn 'Town • eizo rdi1 , II� teen probeitteill the m ravii Woo zihntllitl :the .. aline tto, jmilt• awl i of the new ''m i1 adhassels picaper..'@ - lLa4t :wre k the Alholtnne4ThihnEts `;zt m . intialatee that, the sittedulle ''tw,ee ` 'The addition to the •tanTh'eiall itte><nt xraview 2Y1l Irne' 1,1alAto lith IttTe Til w . amble :1VO:LLlt the teal t area at the' &cut @ff the Off some 5113%, libusaptt gualgair „MT kainitsg attune SZ' *le ale/Fe 631blEe =in dice fiattipe: Maw ate as M- • W fifth • Caagoneume h; nraog Iao YNY'"f!""... Ddi.lxul. 10140a Sedanxit vidherffe to „ mums- ee; ame • {,111:::1 :J,1 a t aMk Jil'; : • traiiiiinilin' tfeGoma. 'idioms ; =tame 03D.3Wiictianx Sol+ra&',11LLIY m evade' IILID MD . tta tti 41 and 5 5yeutir Autts amtt S441,9111114- Pitograms Unica • ofnett. lint ' this szliaimil. 1a1 .044:- .41111/ {1 - 11111 lrattgaannmes gym-'' the remzE• taw ThitionotruBn lassik- Ads l •' �,,� j,(t xAittse aI unglue :ttsonframm ills; i , I$t lbws m • team '11 tftn ai . _ ,a take aallatiiwiit-mat• 'loom - t» Mitt' fur'„year program fin this =lama *EH nuallsie .the Unfins- ttail& Ants Amp off 'fin . vomiter. ihnianttanne. than iit 'lima !litoe m im. 11 ;:, Siniblintils, the . . llattioar diary lid ltd,. a3ilr� is nm* ..ate ttrn Vie' the tore • off 'iinstintuettirThi11LI:: rt .sadienne maw - ass iia• the year Ml '+e., IRn the putt • tibemetl. liturn, adr Ilia_infaualtsma • �`• ht 1 i $i :' , '.IIl i ::a i •s. tfttti mitykkati $1 #2A; irmttiiam , i a Ito perffninatm i .: neasigliatull g lizy the• • aril Bigiantragiuni ; tib ttn••-,' .�] { ian t8io '<�ul� a atmo>i tS : s143± sui, '!1'Cidl, ..a;4 17111".`1110.:f 1)I .. h tftt�9t titi�ae •, ii m;, ' 'I>EL WP.. 'is' wIl1 �1 d covikt mow ur1 .;i •In-thediiLYl'.' Alitti -Atit6191411. igaapae Ba . ,•ia jplii Ekrnni,,its 11:: 1�. the caUlsk Il n1: When. ttti>de, r teW addition. +a;; rii . 'ink: at maw lin zramwatc miaigtt wear afiateaszeilli .Pxoviide sMrece insitihts lilt the *Wink IIIc'''dione..gautt 3 theme were . 8334 li33 wEgepts wok'. nt ttll Ili were gatI.ITtp l']ll:, . ' *tie lid '8a 80 nasme ,he • 1lt ,j.$dtixxe ie ttfh thew e avail and t mew, ' '�EI`st i urn w Withthe a>ri'ive. a'r14r' :in the: im monint• ,` - t1iTwat 11113s 1 'iia i f 01!1 a is • . mff 7a214.(( d�artt>re'' tt ime .t lark. ira`ter , 144"" ccff tray adilfdne 1 )) in the .:z gri n. , wadi tithe ge nn"t'in .tihni : p aiIi .avaire iii %Ben mo IdgE •vtortn-y Audi int 11 .., ,vtxt .ff . �y to _ 4a, - • ¢tt r iia ti>nar adit�itf i�{,rri' mill t obi tivittD 11111,. -tom• X171 .r. ll�l•: Was' the Arent: .etr:..' • µ11..,�,�n�I�r , cid tr€a1f - p �•1 Wp' 4� ' .fit 77:,'33D�,1y2,, i • .trite. , 6d.�.. , and cone lnsww' lL u�.',LL�`•`�`'tJ' .SJ iii 159:11111. ,,1111=•:, (George , 1 i :tl .hEnn,, 'nteej '.c' 1 � ':tth3'..Eevattihig ' '• Mira n nilus6Is fir ,. lisps ll -1 n tVG1trnth `•i ias . rno W t mn - I I I17 g3iLiiEIE t; t :a'na is '. s.ura `ilei ' di) tflhe a liiYaZlwi' ray. • H i m; 1 lY�vi tiinn period � iiil °"”' ftd1, ireec:esh :p ..tom' '. (. i'.If)aar. (Oahnsn . ip• t'iom adf tthi ~vvsn . •o l t� �>�eI" ' i .anter.. 1�m. it ciis�a .'' Wim Ott .tft Ta 'mff ,IInx rg:. *' the : ,11 4,Iigrce i>,ve 95th fier u 43ffSittarines.. .•t 11]1t; ti nnanditlite • in tie l inon . 'This s a L;tuii n. 1 ciaatts2tr. nxn ciaiilkrr°.m' 'I l 1111822E yelettlan. • flour 7a7 =.. Strvl); liTaite.11snot&mSmystentaer a$. WAST WAW:, "e i.` :'; Prelfelt atm iii im• ewe Q23*Enn7 Iowan Ciractle stur iatt iin`tm in.t 4.4111t j : ' - . ttn ttti� WPan�N s a#t ittlie. 1yi yr - :71331.r 411Tearn fratT iltat.44dt . ttihe t , ttiiadh tmic>iiavi�tiJrall�mlds ., �fl n m�ee `t a dill' the i�isrd!n tw:3 is 14.744, . *Et82iietrivra-mtiTaie heT, 1 Tua n 141.011.1Wheg $ (' t '1 Snurine, 'IIt tihnllgy sane E 44 alt t, mn • Preside t, aiijoiil, I un- . . ; gannon;', iV�an-r'F'i s.,Igerson,ILS- wliai, 1 .e1p --v g;' . Etili itai, Phut] :Caesar,, , . 1I., II LIr}ga2n) m tC.. nac, t(u",z71ti13r'iii;; 1Phee, lli: 3i, :2�athu�tri:; flI n 1>ll , 1 !a ay, Vii,. Tl ; .302131W,; Y1lnthn 11�'': !a�diJamian, tft•. ii, CC�'ro i h, 4lTisn Viadir 3n e Vit. , lIa hkn w; \Dqm. ' W i. ins, °.tR: t$, ' . 'ilixuna. . For S,niariiflttion ion Nom. -in- surance, iin-•surance, •call Tour metre& tire& for ;W h a is ails)) 'an agei1!t, nor the secr'.eta1y, 1P'raaik 11f', ' 118annpilen, Bu glen:on, a Y not . Whrgianntri • 1 A1iJ I,11101:• i il/:l_l1 ... ce.:0;.a li a 1 .N --J; I 91,t tfl•�:ili 1 !*1 iso ;•1V d Wira 433111 l 11 Divi 3i i lit00113511141giiS .. TResitiertt 1 tthie , :3X. 1iv; '&Duly, CA. • i dt ip ite iPo t eine . iFiht nt 981-3471 1 • t'~ValkelttOn •. *wines, awe am Ole "SIM *' ',Aidiaceny u , Stater Rita= . Menu Oland sit'" 2. Alia .t,,,,• ,.Bialp save aural Wim. . :' t yaw kitten arwew nmulhatt (imam Aire Itettei aria ••ipatentun its ' ice i1. Our nine Semi ..its • 'I� : lilCevuee t�Au• ' ml r }F1l� ca* 9nati ,,MaG Ito,e zmatir rrir311.,0/16- =Piller)) L r iliu blest t, anll ll ;11 C?,IJL' 7/68 Jpttu4 A Sew Per Sea" Y.'