HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-11-28, Page 24Thai tummy s i . =mow. ®Imo • CMS.. WIMPYLINGERIE U; sEE11 441: ti pI n } c r, • .. Ms�. _ f ii rayls iinbe.autiful: shades off 11.11m, ai . white; gold;• Other segiess fin f +ear i nylair'a in: cotton Eli. Sips RAI . sligm, trinirnic4, arnel- satinettft. aregw. andi cottrarss, C. Commis atirklinattilinw gtraixs nylar>r with I, trriin . • • 1.' WEDN I)1 .'S ', NOV: no Market Nearest To. Y'ovr Bank' And Post Office Robin. goo l Facey. :gs 79c Assorted Variety: 6 fins 79c 20 oa«i Bergamece. Choice' Y naive Tap. mer. Feature,; , G ongeJucesafe2tj79 Treesweet . Unsweetened.. 48k oz : Save 19c,. rtening%per Safe Ibs. 4 Bakeasy. Four Best Buy. By Far. Bargain, MiientitakarfiarOcriartiONINiklinAinistfroinVinsinisiiiiiiisniosusionatifiive~wliv"v";""1"03"it slated, to ,gtx to the palls: to, vote Orr ' a::money by-law that is be- ing e -i:in ; sularritte ' for •a decision. 'rte gas g .on. expenditure of Awn aacrF 'ar t>Ie-year period, to- ward the cost' of installing arti- ficial r t?i-f ciat1. ice• in the Ripley arena. • ;This no. doubt will hove pri qty on the .,discussion agenDda oir Friday, .and with a vote /in the .offing; could. , create the *- ening' for another ' municipal "contest, • should candidates so • • !,• r . • r; t Altirli—elad wadi Minn. . noininatteano..'. ineettingwroa ii` onr•Erriclieyyafternaois,alit Si :thy ze ni s aiiintiiircetaitibarirtararnt i itiew• . W ::aaaar tr Sass . acclamations would. be. the.. order oe !tix . r Therm vcrere el i c in . ninth Thi a 'fig, 1{ 1 •Hirt in ' T hip •. the rJat S. 'ar. 7 inn' ate" • 'event; 1 h'. • Y �• 4! •r •r •p • • •f • • •r ;r • • • g Ia wee.. everzhiir&F rose tto acr t izev .Y fin t. to, 'chit `ler) vel.- g tiu but we stilt .nom . ars tar. rumor' . naanare : t6ra wa tra nv :making., the imm'estfiner t°' riee!essarsy.f, far- crlingct "ruddsE' a riclNm p to, begin, thus" C".fubr�. l gas • dcxns't'. hesitate to take . a! Few., minutes of yamr' time to:naafi?... or." phone :'owner af" they organization Conimittee rnterabers arta' have: your' writhe aticlea tc the fist' if yout.: are at all:. irate +tstec. in some ,.good, n vi±atingt s intev sgxdtt&- iii the fresh air arta .right' at IYahinre� • N .. l _ veamartsorc 0 see::•. • EIOI FINLA LAYSOff •4 • • 0 ' ire=; • The Huron Township iii% elected. last year, includes: geeire Chester Bmnrerton who_ was on top. in a three-way contest with .rolniz: Marllllurchy aid Alfred Walden; It Lawry, , who hact the edge on Hamilton, McKinnon inn flit- the- deputy's r4fmir and, Conor dinars , , Ru.sseill Stanley, Russel'. Iceedha and .roltt% Ferguson, who "ere the tap., three of sir candidates. AEsisfietdt Tavansitipt: Assumption i that there is not' likelry to{ . ,be •art election Ashfield. 'Last ' yeat. Dot ald E ;• 1V1:'acKerr- iie edged Andrew Ritchie for the reev hig,;` and Tii+rri . Toward 'was elected deputy in a Close runt: with 1Vlarsh:1t: Oihseirt. it 'is the first yeah 'Ashfield has had as ' deputy-reevre siriceL 1944.44., :Councillors were by accLaa:= tion, Gordon Boyd,, who Jack--BradIey-Whetrlre4etirert e °retic because of itt heaatt1 was:. rer,' tt rried:.arrd: two newcarnerr, Gir vin Feed acrd fiovaard Barger col npleted the state. THE. ourw . 'FE ILS ® LOW` PRICES FRFSEE FLORIDA SPE FRUIT 10 for 49c FLORIDA. JUICE,ORANGES 3 • dozen $1 MAKE A (NO B`', . ; FUEURE DIAL PHONE NUMBER 828-3420 gl foctive Nay..Z�t1„`. Dec. .l. We sell For Less P to 1I9, Luck::ow ..... ... en E uraa ' County Cai ndH will. ` petition the provinciat 'goverment t0, establish a ine- ':wat r gbwa ' br o:geen, ' reiat, park • off the ,$ - rich,: •and Amberle ' TA there are .only :72 shop, ging days Until Christ nasi and 'another: reminder is: that there are oraI.y three. attire issues.of The ' Sentinel ib efore' Christi= :for rrnercha mts to: advertise• their gift.. giving wares. THAT eight ' tablet of plagers ' garticipate. in. ,the :,first of a series' "af card parities .at' St. Pets:. Essar; isl' I High score wi ruierss were ".Mrs 'Sohn Adams .. and • Chester. I-fodg with consolation prizes . wing. to Nay_ Ifirvey Mole` and Mrs. .1 Ding: b • ,fohn Andre W, sort of `Mn. and lifis. William Andrew of A"rahdieldr has been. awarded . aE fiat Cuu tg :Scholarsiiirp, . at the Ontario Agrien itUr.•a1 •Coil lege where he is Viking the "degree course.. Iohia is orae of four' silents. receiving . couir- • ty avirards: • TEAT ,we received our Cottage . • 1tak ,bill 'last, week which is up: about • five' times.,:' what the 'ori- ginal Mev , . was when., it, :was . about .Sixteen yea' ago. Lf , The Sentinel subscription; rate ;had inereased according- t ly, subscribers would be .pay- ing spay-iiig $IO.00 a year for ttheir paper,. ' `.11ve Sentinel star' has be•err ''"burning; the . midnight oril'� lately. In addition to, .the financial statement pressure at nomination ' tittle, 'two special ptvblicaticnrs have' beex>•:. issued. By Saturday we, had ' 5,8&I co-. : pies of , a 2O -loge paper for, Bruce County Federation, of Agriculture in: the mails.. Then we "tied into" • a Bell. Tele- phone entover . issue,,- iutl ick •it., ~•tty-•2 parges:•-So; gl eA keep us. posted was 'tci "what's: going on" for we 't lift our- respective roses from the grincdstbiie,. . 'I`Ef'ivr by ,increasing their Free Press deliveries by ' fnve •new suubseriptions ` each, , three local Carrier,' boys won 'a trip: to ,Toronto ort:. Saturday` to see tie 112aple Leafs---N•ew York game. They were Jiro . Button, Tom O'Donnell' and •, Brian gb bray. The boys . went liy., car to. Wingharn, and from. there Taus. F,k'iyroc.d.Newi.. Years: Ago :So2rte olippiizgs ..of lf'alyrooct .Nes. which. appeared in the Kincardine•. Revriew of secienty Years ago •1fin -- will "ring a', bell” •with old timers.: Ai arazr PitzeU ,gave the boys a party •.air.. !i'.IiursrTay rali,tht,. at .tn, i oT rr Hoteb, A` pleasant aRr em gae` mee as:. spenF, by all ' .Wrh.a w�rere•.ti..present, . . A coblncert waswheld •at Halt' ,: road : with the program featuring Total` 'talent: entirely. Mr Peter Corrigan' was . appointed chair - Man and discharged phis'duties with his characteristic goo4:1* 'inor and .genial,,,. manner. He `iso quite an. ,enthusiastic "Patrol' andhe and 'Mr: W. , Vralens have justlately returned: froau dor onto -hitherwthey. had . beget sent as 'delegates by the Patrons, of Iridustry of 'West `Bruce.. programme. consisted of the :fd1 *l wirLS Iustruriental music. `by •iVl.=rss $'kte : Hodgins.: Johne D7ac . Kenzie 'sating three sbrtgs v�nh ch • were well ., receifred: entitled "an uncomfortable. pre-' .dticarnent" was given: • 'by Denzil • Slattern, Maggie: Donovan, Willie Cox;' itifthz, .ifodgins and,,Etta .Thoiripson a' recitation by A. A. vas- 'Kerr; reiaitiantiorL 'bY �• � , eirs; . Mass . Agnes cor,rigan,• song; 'a dialogue ernd: "he" soaiinaaubuist" .. toy AngustitleMc` Kenzie, A.... A.. Kerr, Alex Me,. Kenzie, Mary , Kerr, John " • Ezie and John Purvis• arict` song by Min's .Agn e s Corrigan{ • : . ' ',Dantean IVECKeznzie had ?'e' * turned from yfarnitoba and, was. engaged to teach the Laingside g schgal for. the remainder, of Vie.. ye+ar•, sake's, two entrance .. iVLr : K,, :the. oeded in passing pupils .sttec ;Entrar ce l cam itot tion. • p ZionE•ltll •newvs • :rcY>1arted that 'a barn ,owned by :VIr. :1rtaclntyza, rsie of Sky, was struck k by light" wiring .and burned .to one gr 'There , way over 70' ton of hayt in. the barn.•. below in to, Smi �:.�.�axr. d:iwati+e;� r>f Isttckna�. The inarketsr of Attgu " 1892; Iisted- rvtnh:eat at 155c, 26cr 'nay $S'.,''bpttei IYY.•Y a : IICCY park Vic, kre�ef' ��. •• •