HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-11-28, Page 20PAM =TERN >'wgaaNrrard-veee...-Y.�asn'�Ymayaw".._"ss^'^axc'rlm;�z_..ttm'me.m..'vxmm+.¢uum^--IT:•tx.S•-a-._nx*km.'�e xrurOW .811;.$11N4LxOW* ONTARIO Parents, Fri.ends. ow . Interest In • In.r os TownthipScout'n• Tie .second annual 'meeting of 55 parents, friends. ; and leaders the lst Kinloss Boy Scout G'rroup present, Guest • speaker was Tom. was bald an the xo yro.d Scout Russel, Assistant District Com - ?last ' uessday . evening with rnisianer • for Saugee. District. 11OMUNATION.NE.ETING A Meeting Of The Municipal Electors Of The Towns Huron ' th Count* of BrUce shall .take place in the, Township Hall, Ripley, on FRIDAY; NOVEMBER 30th, 1962 At The flour Of One O'clock In The Afternoon. Foridates ' ,for the office of the nomination of Candi 1 REEVE, DEPUTY REEVE and COUNCILLORS In The -Said Township of Huron For The Year 1963 'Three 'Candidates • for the "Ripley -Huron" School Area Board, and Three, Candidates for the I'llnron-West" School Area Board . (For two -yen 'terms The. Retiring Mernbers Are EirriAle for Re -Election) When If ; More Than the Required Number of' 'Can- didates . For Respective ' Offices Are Nominated ominated.' THE . ELEON BY BALLOT Will Be : Held In The Several Polling Places Hereinafter Mentioned. onlay, Deretuber 1Othj1962 Commeucnzg at 9 o'clock in the forenoon and :. closing at 3 o clock in' the afternoon < . LIST OF . POLLING PLACEES... Subdivision No. 1 - Reids 'Corners Community Hall, Subdivision No. 2 *Prange Hall, Bethel, Lot 3f►, Concession 8 Subdivision No. 3' - School wool HowSS. , ' No.'3' ' Subdivision. No. 4 : ' Township . Hall, Riplei . Subsdivision No. ' 5 -= Herbert Clayton's. House, Con- bion.' Dated At Ripley/This "6th Day Of November, 1962. EARL : TOUT, Cleric. 4. e r / t 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 0 t / / / / 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4 • I I 1 4. 0 i 4. / • 4. t NOMINA1ION M Mice . ,Is Hereby, . Given, ' To The Municipal ..Electo Of TownsLip And Ratepayers m . Union School ' Section 8 . in the Towiaship ' of West Wawanosh,, 11, in the • Township of Colborne, and 4 in. , the Township • of Huron, that the nomination -of Fit : and. 'Propex . Persons to serve as Reeve, Deputy ' Reeve, Three !Coors and Two Trustees for 'Township' School Area No 1 and Three Trustees for- Township School Area No. 2, for ' the Township , of Ashfield, for . , the year 1963, wilt rake: place at. the TOWNSHIP HALL, : on FRIDAY,. NOVEMBER 30th, 1962 At .One O'clock In. The Afternoon, For One Hour, At Which Time And :Place All Electors OE Said Towan ship ' Are : Hereby Notified To Attend, And That Should 'A Poll Be Required .Pe ling Will Open On Monday, December 1Otb, 1962 From 9 a.m..; to 5 p.m. . at the various Polling ab- divisions Ratepayers In, The' Above Mentioned Union School Sections Are Eligible To Stand For Trustee And An e Entitled To 'Vote' On Trustees Sob nivisiotss D.R.O. Fon t(. exk No. 1, Dung. ttTion ......13en Mole ,,_ yN W... N-..,..All;an Petrie No 2, S.S. No. Will ra n 'Clare ,...- Jahn, ' Curran o 3 .,,,O e_BaU."' ?liaman elm, ... .- Al Ir w n No. 4, Fora Albert ,-...Melvin Dickson �.�Viarbcxrn 'Adams NO. 5, Kingsbridge .. M1 chae1 O Ne> -3* ...:. Eugene rrayne No. 6, Parrish Hume ..Wi]ism Parrish . Gordon Barger No. 7, Laurier ...............Frank Hamilton ..... Henry littacitenzie DONALD M. SIMPSON, Returning r 4. t) R F t 4. e 4. 4. 4. a t 4. 0 4. f 4. 4. 4. ,. r 4. 4 t r? 4. t 4. 4. d 4. r a 4. a 4. x Judging. !Ten itite ; ' ?" gi- ven and Ale Andience revonse them 15 a vea4deal, -111111114-1 Pam for Scouting in Kinloss Tow*�p, Chat Orvillean Ole El -1 Hatt reviewed the paSt year's highlights. He mentioned ane a - quisiti'on ' Of the Suit Hall,. the new: floor in the hall, the vari- ous 'banquets and work bees, the shooting ' . match and rooster rearing competition, .the conn- smnxrlity picnic., the bras: strip ,ia Eastern Ontario, arid the rald. time ,fi=ddlers jamboree.. . The. • minutes of last : years ne'eting was read by Mrs, 4 Percy, 1st vice-president of the Holyrood Institut