HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-11-28, Page 19• "
voioNVOWIti NOW-. X*, m42
The; opera;tiam af• the 'Cross- arawever. yartt
ir„witchirm syst= 4eiv, of the thinkthg anct in”-
; LaelirtaSgr* =VCffi ta4„ep-, zt,...et1'...4,-gy:4-4.g is. Performed, by
=raw might
LL4. Irt. the, te1epbcgte.
141: t11.. awdttiliag tza:.11- these thil.g-s are dorifs-
at 4 ra..t.r0i14
The crossbar' control equiPH.
meat, witiett sets up, the it-4ITriing
Paths. Perfoitima oPeration
the exchange gitiriirmr, tor that
the contra tower AiVattieher
a rp.iTroad yard.
network performs telesshohe
fundlorm clirm:Tar to .hose per-
faine6 .1114- 'the In.42%F" of trucks
R-rTrf sVaitPhe5 in a rail Yard--
Wheiri:a rated ' CESPatCher
re•Cei.Ve0S. an, order' tao move a
tra'n frf4.121. One kliCation ter arla-
Tests Dial Connect, loft TenninaLs tber; rhiPek7 iialatcbtaite
s ••••
•-•f-4t..t " 1. 4...1,4.
-0 •••
.ss $.• go
I, B
t v "
-CrosOrai" aWitarxhTg °41rti1nrTerft; an. Cif the TatesE tere•-•
Otirre, deixerczganents is tieing reS4iecE; . 44- new'. cEfar
E'Cin use,. .diar system goes into *operatic= hr;
tereuditiltm diafii:Fattaiz tests. terininal that ,ronrrevil* criax ag,-;
gamins 01; •14147f1J4rirre" tntra,% -
1 "
c.catroi mapwhich. show,g
various routes throlign. ,the
yard: Whith en -TT nae,. rj
which, hf the tr4eIrsa wifrl'es
Are Tau*
wri45s. out a route throw:0
the idle tricks and; switn:hec and
then tri-roY4 the Lever votrioh
use the switches to . aperast
Then. gives a great. light to
.t1TF, •Inecanative enter
rn. a iT'war,. the erossha.7
control. equipment in a ,telephone
Central. cTffiee checl tat deter -,-
mine VIP- terminal. to ;yid:rich the
telepInme is ecEnnerted,
an iL athilbetwaet 'the
terminrirc afth eapaidg and t all-
ied: telephones. arr,cE c.lasei the
switches to, set u the path.
Main line railroad tracks be-
tween: eities en -Tr ;he lamed to,
telepl-r•orri= trunks betYVIles:
P116171- 0.Mc'eq, amt. filorr-rx.rterw
Wien. (fi:REtatehetrs cirekr
far a train to, go
ta, mu:Ether, rhe throvis
to put the train on th& proper
main 1inP- traeir and notifies the
dispatcher. at the ather PITA So
tfrat tJiilatter ram set up • a
clear .route ,cgstinattOrr
through his loraE switrching het;
vgirlE °
ernsFtiar' ; earctroi,
eq.4.41partatt switcheS eg:11
i441,1GE hUrt
Tests Dial Tone
.0 b
e'er Test. ,ten... thelljimilkaillt.--
. et orree or -,z.,0 • ..t. 1"- ' liztriait
• ' : rEi I Tr*r" Vir" •C;RTTetff SO, that tYre
NI' .."..k., .5.,..,,, canto:HU equipment in 'that office
t 'A"
,1,..,:,., .V.' % (...arr s4,..turt the circuits to eoni4
,.c.,..\.. -•,,
n,t‘. ete
N \kv,s.•
ottenes She
Avert Sennce
• ..:.•Sk;•
Many.anal tests and checks, must he made before ir&•
t'rFrate &al - •r. merit is ready. to swing into operation,
Northern ataxic TecFuikiare Phil Skinner.Iistens
ana a ringing mer.filf- to ensure'dial trine, ringing tone and
husY 'skim& are 'ready for Surtdaies ex:Ltd-Fa to. dial -
Pdv.rer. th• :operate .Laieknoves
telephone sista= will,
. si..4:0*E lag hanks oat large; stur., I
• age hafteries located in the newi
. 'The batter -if* . are .neges5aryl,
because the new diet estilagnent I
- oLieraba§-qii thieOEt :urrestrt,:
stead. Of Om tthE-: .conarc&miatiTY"+'
suPPL4ed alftfiPmaitinvr ennrent Th
generators. _auttimatidagay operatei
at. the. level; required •td,regi
M.rs. • Xotirt Cal:Well Spent a
few days with and
bonatd. MoCash.' ' " •
Fii;Frey unite church Vibram
fvFacE sttccesSfilr tem •rli'a borAar-
cur Saturday. • •
Mr: and Mrs. Victor Gawley
atta.macT‘y.v.iiifect ffirr... and Mrs.
Fred. Crag ie and Sharon
Sanda and Margie, Ala%
•and litra.•• Stewart WisrrreT. bactiri.„.
bang*. Qf Waterloo
.were' nday guesis of .Mr.. arid
Mrs_ .Gonciar 'Patterson.
Eifr: Pn4:E Dortarl; VriacKay,,'
Mts., en-
joyed a .few Itray,s inTrattOtii &
attantect tsFri." 3:twat Winter Fair..
Mrs: DiviMkE Isc..crishk' *as a,
Sup:fay: guest of NKr, •;.nd
lanreS Bre . •
31fr.: and Mrs ItorrIliorer
Trey, Cathy,. Viefici Erni
v,xei4e. Sunifair'guests Of Xr,i. auct
NrEp-si.tae .• • - :
Mrs. Gordon Patter --
kin,. Mrs. McCogFT and Mrs..
Waiter Farster ,spst Monday in
Larne Culbert is home
from HCISPitaL
•". Mrs.: Frank bore,. Nancy, Ron-
nie R.fl4: Dianne were Sunday
guesti' Of M. and:Mrs.. Rex • Ste-
wart and Mr,• and .Mts.. Claude '
pi:ire. • ,
, Robertson visited
Mr-, Murray Campbell and, Mrs -
Victoria smith..
Mrs. Gordcm. Patteracere enter--'
tahsed girl friends on Saturday
irt honour of ffifiss Donna Os
borne,. bricre4a-be..• ,
Unit aairt Unit 2, of Bervie •
'crtecE Chureinc Wamen. met incite
Church Basen!ent cin Wednesday- •
evasin. , , • .
• Mr.,' and Mrs.. Fred GiIchrist4---- •
an Mrs_ LlOycl McClure' & • • •
Lawrence were Sunday guests of
M1r. and 'Mrs_ Gordon. ,ilaC13'ort,-.
akr..• • • • • - • .
• the Walkerton. Branch of difte
Dominion Stores: is. being cflosecL.
• Tri, earrunercialy supipriech Liqwer at .1411..- Frew: excharr6
WIdUX t off 'fiFre": arterhatini'ty.e The treph.eaue equIp
rrt.Fraweysenageiates' am:direet current; the .c.hatige.FieFroa-
. Evir Wanerattn: arkech txL these hanis QE storage hat -1
:-ETaeerator.s, operate at the cortecE sEreea to.) hir441!
atd ah N recgtireo* LeseI Kere, Robert ,
Nirrtherm Catnrauty- makes. a. hydrometer test
the amount of power than.' the!
tratteries;.beiniff used'
at any. Min:dent to: apiarate the'
'sYstertr- ;
the .power- rust the;
generators is obtained .ffronn a
cornmercial, SCtit.erAany break!
ii thatsupply' wmikE'mean that
waiikt be :ma& ,oper--
• •
. ate TO overconma.. swini-
' of an interrton. service
umg (airs On Test Beard
aza 1-*rige .eiroug14. tcp operate;
the exchange. far eight IsourS,
svithour being replsirri.7hed.
When the harrstal• ,pawer • suti-
Lari.$ restored,..the ecia1gerr-
, ,q:aturz. go back into action• aid!
• alitoinaticallY st;eg, upt1ipi.i gut-
. out••to •recharge the storage
batteries. spittle tad,. batteries
'save been brought back .to
• mai: the . generators teturn
tornatiaally • to their regular
operating just fast enougft
; keett the. batterith at. the:
proper chartre. •
etrandisqn, Bea TelreLitione entral office rnarn
test haat& ta -17,"4011:Tkireht-qs-reactY.---to-411anc.
• ,,ettirOX tit; Luckno* earfy Snday 'ntornurg; test
°4;tv't use& annstatttl); etir cheek operatink efficiency,
--pittemt after dialsystem.
. .1
Custom Buicherikg
Fircinciays; Eingx, Tr2.40 401 ,
Cutting:and Wrapping, 2e Pomni . .
}EXCEPT .4A I 9' DAY ;
• We Do Cniiiig-arniT-Smaking ...litnef,,POrk-anciLarnit-
Sord wriorer: Riff Quarterr
And 'ElfINVer Prices --- C.II Riprey 1.00,
, . • .
• Hosisma,,, '
Dianne Dore had het."name,. ••
drawn by Salvage Shoe CoM1
pany SO wAs crowited Dai V ' MT
gee' Queeq art 0 oli . ; -TV ioTrr-
per Econ 'ruest*... • , • . Low. atureezt Tatms
ils5 :vary Anne ''/Ecosh is in' up) ,rip Five Tears. Ttr, r'ar•
Taranto •Gereral: ji.aspiti.L re-;
et ii
Mr antt Sfrs. Vali= linnteI. • . A OT HAVENS
iving teatrneP
cetnt rile 11;. ;
•-allTd".74S-7-7-tche'' faildt..al- elfTraiM-37-66"11fr-t:facr&tIta-62-66-61".*"*".**Iind- '''''."1111' S.afgirl.,t;tRNEReabsrjrd.;r7PP,a15tflnAixd'77'c:SEltekitVltcIE-•
ley , train' Walkerton Presbryteri-
arr Churtir anricW:•
me cornec
your or
An ct when the time
•Craf.S,, ma.kalure yaw ..
get, am efficient hard
. ekEg Essa Gil
FilrliaCk the fiirnace
that slays younger 0.
rock lonfier-li