HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-11-28, Page 15tk sag
LUC OW S NTiL , �! ,. +:. ' OW. ON TARII -
were fitting pinto
ties. • .
Grader Costly . .
The Township'- grader:wa_s a
subject raised by Mr.. Evans &
referred to by extk, .r members'
of Council. fft . has proved a-1
headache and repairs ,have run.:
tor, close- to woo this year.
Councillor Mact ,tyre Tater point-
ed out that repairs were about
$8,1.40, with. the balance repre-
seneting • acres cries. and operat-
perat-in g, casts• While .it is '`rcxnning
better now" everyone seemed in
agreement the machine left
much, •ta be desired„ and Were
"keeping their .;fingers crossed
One comment •wax that • if: " it
couldn't do the 4ummer work,
how wound it'stand. up for, snow
plowing. Anther observation,
was -that you courant expect.
grader,etas do bulldaaing' w rk..
Councillor Elbert Bushelx" no,
mil -fated 'for the reeveship,. said
he did not intend td stand_
He pointed ' out that roam
would. become .increasingry costly.
as: •there is much ••ta ebe d'one:. He
referred los $42,o(i6 of gravel be-
ing on ' the roe& this year ' and
the grid :Concession bridge bit
at . a Cost of .about $"f 2000-.
Rate 'C'oed . Be Done
Covirciallacw Allam .Ma Ixity e
said he .,lead wislied to be• re:
lieved of office anis year;; but in
view'. i f tile Tack of nomineesprincipal woiiId • caerig on. Ire tteuehed or; ens and the A• pal amopunt to
eeve,• CoiciHors.
R€.c.eive Atclamation
and Clifford ,Tolin:ston.
Evan Keith/ by Lloyd Irvin.
and Russell Ritchie.
Gerald •Rthody by Don Don-
aldson, and David; Robb;
• David Moffat 'by Gerald Rho-
dy and Frank Sihumaher.
It wasthe first nomination
meeting for Mr. 'Wal',, who suc-
ceeded .r. •)Jane as clerk ear -
Kiat T'a rrsfrip,. Reeve
In A. Murray and Co llors
}wens„ Allain; M tyre,
gdbert y�"�llia:m
aero and 4aeit Ackert
Vie..' been: return- *to officeby
acclamation., •
An acclamation was also 'given,
Cc al1-•three seat% oit the Kinloss
ojp,-trai. _o u i Area,. Board,:. Or-
ville Mott'Who^ has been ort the
hoard"` since—its `rneeption. was .l.er Lfl the
B for a �vacargear' term Fear.. The hew. clerk
/e nrn" , jocularly remarked that• he had
4114, zvan 'Keith. of Coir,. 2, Knn- •not expected his,duties rriacluded,
Hiss • and Gerald Rho y .of Con 'reading the "spech, fron-. the
L ,•Kjn'1 ss> siVed up to succeed' throne." ,. .
oraser' _.. ' _ : mrd. Lorne This . was 'a letter, from Reeve
P; A. Murray, who/was hospital -
The art resu uf. acclarrnation. ized Wirghaerri Hospital .and
was evident at. Friday night's unable te, he :Ho p resent
a+ti.or meeting J.=
the rto-
Tsgr m:ination.' In his 1etteT • ICrLr. n 1Vlurr-
Tavaxrs%iP? ]f +1ir;, Ovgaredi F'ar.: ray briefly outlined
Qfta+l7. •.Countyfish Na a Cre tGordon Ccuncil• hi�•ht Assured by -
presided flor the his doctor' that 'his illness was.
receiving of •t1i%e ,following rromr nothing serious; Reeve Murray
• ,nitron '. stated he would : a •arn. stain; for'
g fo.
office; He was' elected early. 'ixr
. ...•sruFroy' by • A . 1Sfiac= . the year to, succeed the late
tltgre ate' Wl tin Dual ' Reeve Harold .Percy.—• .
gdbeut,,Bashetii by Alex,Perey '. The chairman, expressed the
and Marley •ill;. sentiments' of the meeting in
wishing Mr. Murray :a" Speedy.
For :Reeve
I ..i.yfire by bell: recovery . •
Gaunt andi Donald ' 1iJai .n. W ire. Ems .said that Kinloss
• luau Keith 057 Leanard 1-- had set a, record this . year . with
Tratel' and Russell wirtiefrifs, : four new• officials.- Changes dttr-
Williaar Swans hyr Parish:4a- a- g the Year 'hie . brought to.
fat .:• .., byre:: office Clerk Gordon C aU,. Tres-,
.to,14rr M ye ' Leo ' sitar. surer `Fraser MaGl innon, Fadi
ane# ' t , : n„ `dig: Superintendent : Allister i ung hes
Sohn Clifford.Thi, - and Grader Operator .®IssE6,.
sttat aril James 1wuan
Hebert -; -p .by 'W r Stan- Mr. Evans and various other
ley. and ` "^ ,," ,{ Geddes;.. • speakers spoke in"coiripiimemt-.
• r as A ' . ary terms of the Ala.,,. ` way.
. ▪ 34t1 Y n hy, Rahn Ackert a the Clerk and, other . officials.
v:•'i3: L ' :u i aJ' +� iy ws. �-� % it ry p 1+ i 1.a
n .ey .. ..v h. . ..',y .. ik .. eL. '.4 ".K .. -.... « K'. ..V .. tL ..K.. •.t.
rig : Boge
at he • off'::
d: cannept
Citi z;vile,:
cessarr b-
of clis n•
tittle fuse
.leers' .
so.that the- .
out by, th
e ration: .
d exhha11
be iv e:t
sone• Ube to.
here a creta
oto '`' fes:
..egvilsrnentti: .
are used t°'
sbar SWiitli-
le the iiia,,.
,11 1n. o-
r+ed' to• cords,
tools ;te
system will:
f;0 ne�tiiC,�
1.4uck low.
and ,Chester
eknow, wlsir
rtli of 'the
r ..: , b1�tller
corakirrabw &ails fOr,Mom ana Daa
for dYnghterandf aw—
fair sons' a
DRI crilis,; tab[e and chair sett ,
R .chair Inc cfarliem
.a .
e Children Of . Huron Twp.
are wort of artificial ic� f _
• • *,YES
1 for Huron n By -Law.' ...,rk
Ripley. -Hexon Legion • endorses the, by-law,
bed dace to drainage;. which . •liad capacity of 220 students, there
prevente d seeding a . • • . • :,. are now 234; and in five. years
• ' They have held back sonde it still may not be big; enough,
$1,000 on the contract price un- Questioned on salaries and the
'tit everything is satisfactorily qualsifications of the staff, Mr.
completed.. Hughes said ` they are, following
The Board is satisfied with the prow racial, 4 -category sralary
electric :heating .which ,for a tensysrten and, that With rare ex -
menthe he . period. to November 1st rept ions- in the Past Inspector re=
amounted to $•5t1 7& -'not quite ports: Have been good • •
$606 a month. 'On . an, average He • saki: the Trustees Connell
Lighting costs' for .the same hopes to be able- to hold the •
period 'were $348.40. salary 'line, bu"t .Mr. 'Hughes said
Staff salaries: for three teach- `,Don't get me wrong,. a..good
•teacheris not dear."
relief a, iii iivtittititmal fare cost5 $L3r3O a'nd •tranSPertation costs James . Pettnppiece, the Taves
are •'IZGO ,'Only three days of ship representative on' the. Wing
should to, over- $4f'vRl%i� , ... �.
sc&•ool' Were missed due. to vatin:.
sinould be dovoGn. net gear Rpm haitin Board, said $900.000 Vatat
• = • wing :was. nova. under" cora
ter .road • co>:ada."tio>zs � • tibxi,al
inn the year with.. a sni Ti said, Ileo 1Wnxrra
Councillor liar li acZr re:.f?el 't xaa if y'' .id. . Fraser Mac- str
. uction. Ise . referred to the
Kixxnein.. deserved :a lot ' of" credit high'costs of equipping ing this
vvaisrter� saocvw' .cexst�s were: >`easori- ��:
for his., work on the. Board and. sahoolr with • •a1i costs. bon*. by;
�b1:e the tit ratemild ,he.;down. .
that cretarry Alrlrstr K.
n year.. .: ghes the •do'rrdnian and. prov►inciaf ' '
Hire Protection bad been., a faithful servant governments.:
...Lorixe-' Lad lie,. • retiring 'trustee,; •T� sportataon coats at Wing-
The fire protection: agreement .was absent. ' • halm 'are $fib 700 Tlhe raise ..is
with Luckirow Was referred eters Li lbert, Hedley" a Board down this year, :because of th gh-
bg' 'both Cqurcci11OT s 1 acZizt re , • .
ixien.ther, said ; the contract price er grax�ts, bat• fine . ,predated
aril .tack. A at Lid low' 'kis for . tTie .school .pias x;784. and vaoul Abe up.: next year:
seta ; ar Jiour tee .and 'AAP.' vRitti furivisFdiv • '$ ,21 Tire: Richard' EIliott,•• n former. '
Ioss offered C'1 : ;for first driveway &as • been: paved . for reeve, felt there should be more
hour 'and •$o0L an eheurptliereafte ., .$1,.489! d'`isct scion at such. Meetings' on
1 cLntigre said other Muni- . emerald kodg;: a nominee, what•. Council was expected. to
cipaLities lime . acre t e;4, ' Lixck-said -they Were r eased with do;. • or not to do and "less •ckear
nc W's nate, he ' .felt •ttlzeg Whoa ' 'operations cm their° line. outside . nieetiings." • Refer-
va�oul;d have t[xr, a1TsO .He later qual •i:ed .to 'Cnrne: zing
plete ring to the grader, : ie felt it was
Coun or Ackert ' said. the Hoard,: after' e- Moffat no, good and •Wouldn't be spend-'
lzgdrant . caste Were figured .12 said he did not Plan to staff` ,nig any more 'money on. it
L.uckziaw's . motesthe• Allister Hughess. recently •ap - • Gordon Wall said the Toamrnship
felt. shouldn't enter~ into thejpnc pointed as road superinterufent, : still owes >4ix.. J: 'R. Lane a' debt,
tare iii assessxn>g: the Costs of'fire 'said he had gone over the. road's Ear 'he had been a big help to
protect iom for ru•"raL '' poses-• with Council There •.are -sortie him, since •taki:ng "office: He ';also
' horn 'Diarraldson `asked a 2*ees bridges . iii; bad . shape / and the than.,ked Clerk E. FF Agnew &
water Depart Tient 'would re-• 'raila ay crossing oh the 4th the Sentinel Ptibl sher'. ;for the,r
. spon~d::t o Kimloss . calls. Thi. as Concession- is: dangerous.. • help; ;
surance was that agteements • :Hig ::School Affairs Others called on were Wal-
were with :uckneW; 'Ripley arta Mr:. ff ghes, the Township re7 lace .Conn . and Campbell Thom:
Teesw ate , and according to lo-
presentative on Luckrfow I?iS- son .•
cation:'. any on of thee ,Fire triet High Sehool *B'oard., said' the , . Ted Burt announced` the 'Fed-,
Departments ,Would 'revant. .AOC
addition, is ,well advanic-' enation banquet date on Norv+een' • :
ett' With: • occupancy hoped . for t ber 271tih, .and the County. annual
• early in 'the year:.iEuilt • for a on Decenmer" 4t=h..
ffalll liffrodernized
Couiitcil<ler` AC -keit . dealt With.
the • Township -:Hall: , rema tilling
vtrict irr(4udedi ,installation of_an_
frail, fiarn.ace , and'lavatory fail,:
I ties: *The hall is now ,trd'er the.
Conti Unity Centres Act; toy guaI--
i'fy for government assistance,
.and Itr. Ackert pointed out. that
the cost Of. the work j excess
1.• of $2:606' ha'd been :dine '[ur'der.
' the'Winter ' Works .program,: so.
that government • •,grant's 0214 a
' donation from. the Women's In:
5UPISRJNE SP `Lf . € j titute had reduced the <est'
to the Towxrship • to.,about $I;M
• Taw'ces re up: because of edu .
.caticut costs,' he said, and, ,con.
`• ciuded by: advocating 'the re:.
with; i rival of the 1 Enross School Fair,
1 if feasible • •
rnamirnee; f=or COUfl L1 . said' h
Evan. ICeith the only;` other
Free Electric*1.
• vi^ould n t stand: Ede was ' al.so.
I nominated for school. trustee' and
• ' r later qualified te, 44cure of two .
vacancies ort the School Board'. •
Evan formerly seared on the IA
▪ Second Concession school' board
and was • secrettr3tLtxeasurer for
1.11x yeah. • •
.24Te w Treasurer
11:' Fraser M nnon; appointed
township treasurer in mid -sum -
trier, retired frorm the "SChOol
Board, to . which. he vias elected
when `it was formed,
The • financial ' picture tacks
bank loans
11/1 eaua l seectlolt• of targeand: small r dawn about •x,491 from aCom-
parable period a year ago. Tia-
- at malt deposit holds' hill Chris. es are coming ' in very Well. and
quite ,a feW tax arrears •are- bew
ng coiiectedl 4
He thanked. Frank Thompson,
zvhwm he succeeded; for his help.
Scheel ' .E;ffaf --'
Orville Elliott of the tiniest .�
Central a[' School Baize; said.: they' •
. NY had
'• { • trouble
,y yam' S y�'htli y ttais :. . y}.�. ym y 'oj�'j/ tOs yam' ,y tz
� ♦ rizevt
IJ•a losome 4L.•�4Ji'G YY �"lL �..i1.G Mil V�1i%%q�i�". �/ys Q���1•VV�/��f+/tV�' •tF/�RF/�fFif��F�"OiI�
m Carpet
Sir: .ate isle' hausehald: ta, ezrjo
s # # iy t t i r prir tirIV ROli e r est r O. .
11 ill
1 t I
to the
. on the -,construction of their
Dial Building is Lucknow•
t laarnd for the addition of modern dial phones
Plione. of 7..:7- Ludrn•nw
to this
t . We were pleased to have had the
1 general contract ,,or t construction
" .
1 of this building
G.e. • White Construction Lit