HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-11-28, Page 9• • irittageiSDAY, NOV I Mk 190. • frI• ope woad be able. sge the tide of telephone rise and •frin with the daily life • of the eqinunnl• ' canin.g reaches a *ak. gnid-Taa as the businers of the daY:, gatiler4 • 1r11tbe kind /hell 'the nuiPber oof rises. again tbwards the =dale 4, the afternoon-, ."WW busitteal= piCks : as:P:),Lriv-i ,and, the himSewife renaembe7=-.a.LiCYL- len tr 4.4Yryme before. 5411)*T. tme- • • sitlejai actjvitieS are nana* a ,..17angedi.n••early .41 .5D ) -.HAP tams 415101gnin tween, sen i3d,eit delca, s.tSe wears en, tewer aszarnia14, wacisow. anfigappli 4c-P1,t; are .7nade; artiE ',rung little toe esseithea 4.1-e' =tog tile of the eon= tnusualf-rusnez telephbne trafftr: can her*.taell' ix" senre. of- reazons • calm, elections, storms, sport events. Some trathe rushes -.can •be ticinated and vre4iared lizr JF44)itAliiay weekeTicl•,5 •nivib as Lb p.tir Bay , PT1 • tanstnas and New "Y-Pnr sew= Tirlisra_srs bring 3teq173.-- loca:1 and ling distance rtFatfic • '14-rviT4gile'c-Atliel:a317•tili14.1”:141:•733 474: .arv9Fiimusi'"'D sy 'efficjil.itOY* T.NV AIT 433:473/ t '454P101 lirr. T. A. .31122rimy Lhas &tem * ljatiard ir71;r44/34= Jar aAPeeiti .TgeowttY., ! 1 "The 3•Zdtatalle ,1132- tbe gOdie Satfj- ; elY 7104 tere 444. =j:171g 1st= eznitEtking•drer tttkin 'i.•71triet. WasLwliba Ste •a4Vidie- eDtiWow.* 1%ifIril'- ,,ty• :Alan Mins, (tzlipr EKT413340, Announci !Int t alit! :a,12a) ; Vard ,a:11 414 - Rev. 1511,4PTI,4iprikP ,fl)a. lArntic i! ti* 31iitY 413ii AlSD thnw a Sliika. Mealli34,7 tibe ,411+114. 11;*riT14'• .4t31. ta'F)2)• ramie' ill 3e akvil 1brii* 4111111: was- aciii0ted.' ffrt/ini 14 , •• aw I YLAND irt)ys lbw I sit oe.-- .0311=13. &WM 1113it. • 3 fine *mai= aff 401137 age - manna ,Appnireforq Mt. Water Tiket-s Bf stazu de ;use tfisa .zesametEcor mia„ 321:85-1JflNie- =lik sone talpirsat aria at Dianelft,' 71-"r412,11717f- Catham. -xtr 133;ii Aaker - Ms. T7iV Itheedistlet • and ito3ss M2riFlay . 11:Er-! • !-4:1140- • 1 1Nlisi I • ' MIghl Winfp, mita da3ss *nd Item. sadetriata off Tags "LAY AWAY" lifims. side tell aleamer Bki 1. 41t:'1,4 h*rri • . • I " • -233:93Wb TEigin m;1311*(4 'later 'mass cmailbair Mr, MET- efficised tihe rrilwffirT.,.• Miss Ibiginiao '. 5711716V VPit,t Slir":14V */131 201.; 'A ilif, 311.414.,11: ia43,,,, NfiregaPitt Trj Plitt= IgaZiae tiffea 4332Eatiteer Z%:. 5.41: Tiny -Ail'irit411Frr. ' • ' • :1193ennet.;,,.h-:,tillti, stliFolt+ Ireprtli. ThwITirtil :Vitae SEEE#854i.. 1 VIatt:MS m44 32kISS.' Skiiili Maxi 1t1Ther=MSS . andi .. /nevi c.,,,,,, s, • .3fir. .atixit Mts.- Senzge .! and J)Dnalii 765/AnIg' X= andi 31.1355, icdixes:', lifliss. leen lfficMaszan timid !tinily Apexit WiailinesiW Mt Mite- :33..nas ItIdTaldina" . ,$ $;allik.e.144,, ,iiihmer of htaie 2,,,,..z.,.....,..... 1:1,44;ifrtrE, - .....-. :Ef. mix, am* Btkbw =axe . itliviltiE 'M Jrtfr ,..lif *caTortanpflat. ilas*, IsetmelFAearg.;,"1,0,1 .N.3,-. r • utiesPEntia al ' e 4:031#11:10ES tntm,;i:4;•Ittlt-: aff dim :rol 7211w.: amo, 6:- gtbss...1alen ..13itaikiiitnifesi, MiatFer ffmr ,9911Frifyi att ViValllienttnil • . alto. plinner valetts mdtttifrii'V'krrir Atglizanagteln*Sin.iin al.WITIL: . milli .11e • • ; inn Ithistnes,... • THE MOWER isitieliftdie roast isidatinicassie min& aoiriegzaiescallspiastnirtisonfartmettrins: MgaiptssiiiielarfikanAtheirikaes .aretailtiviti*Lisiolnisialeatom. .11111ainivaitaldseribiipaime,UIno, Resta • aiiiiiendilipiSatggsanintheimitorlifelazialiyi*41.1111 ; IliSiene151121TMIlifeStertiEliEfleit3.2101i1PEOtethEln afiligilitalidilinie$011101eletaleStgalaitrittiteSeSePifilni Kinahan 11111. ILIMM13110119. Mime 15Ving13am 17117-w-4 1.111 AVM CIYMPAWY Mr CANADA ,r—.R.zt. WFr5Ealaidal Th1rittly xebs. arumbas &Eby, e)21.41:::40i0G:i ait WOE' AI& 176.‘447*FreY7e Milare-; lint';=; laattrairell Ine327...Efiteat17; letr 1U'7at tY1.1 .11," at Eall±.. rmw•Maiti TIRvPrtt V411;1:1/33IIs4m !ii4g4 53, Mils. Mani !innw.. T4,0,1=4700,, , Rams,QIr jlivolandu 2*;31631e '11413-134tc4m..14.641,,11,18‘' nir 14MEI.*:-14Ett1342d11?4tl'522b26 1)e -11 r.tuu .4 a— Atha, airtm ken-ntaimip tee ((103 /Mimi; EP= f iixIi11 pitt lari.j2cce onenny off *dun. tnTn 1m) can atam;Zbitl 4•-•12:1m3s5,:. 1 MESE.fl1ihILi140: . GI; ; SieralEp... Wait, *Ed .354u. el..minnimti • nt',00.6 Miss• t4nnifoed.1Richivy,•;1#thEE coml. .3*Ceptitan ffor *Er. anitii PiUotzt t -6;'e laBatalitt--4 Elvsrmed BEM& X1CO217647=c141:07., 10571a131,Tr;,11" Sikaii34 Gat • •ESteihalligE. .44414i:1*. • . •1 ttttLIZOZISS. .fftiejl* rttg.)040111:r.;i mz:4401,3xc-,-, t`A In* SICU!‘ , She, if JrixiWES. %sal& kettadient . • AnSs.. • Men .41kilkeltt;'• • • - ..• )akedff myritPT:FT•Ny; .'37ffir, • 49341, SE11:6 ' "X" VW* fialEen:; trig*Igla M±1314 il.ft4,13-: cz;h6stiozerl ccef...„Wainit §Epent 'lEfleopigfH tupit nEekdi Ohie Mina!=ealirl..:. co, v.::: WlFl j ,nit IV* • et .i ii uui21/1' adifitSSEC;: BEtflattligt, statfty..ifitalne s4t.ialitim 74st:64 **imp iygaiziaAir6opoto;.FRingy.,.mr*,14ett-i*zoia:•.iifi 4,4:41po • . Ettdigar 13* EiRon Mb*. • troi, . e Ec L. 4; t'PP1?41m3f4, *at. Ball*M111 31103 1, zMett*wU1i'Engdktartei±045,;; 31133f!, daljart T41141-,4‘! ekt2; AilfraEff l;SS #1411:11V aaftil;: the Azthda,...-te3vissrdri • ,.,Er.. &edits,. ItiZbss.. Cropp',T=. ataillaries$;livit.trzei • - • JE.fal2oW4m. . • m*ribe* 4-nese:di. Mtnxin ainti., 1315745Ff ItEelerit .44414nad*fp: • • • 33.11M*,,,,,,i0"," • Iote-- • • .,:e";r,,,-A":"' • .Tagprin exic fitop,titd 1rAzi;ow lf3., hm&y4:thr •this crew cif &aril* teiepliont met fadromptItted aiikn* tlittame '141e - Phone irne 33etween this tonymmitty and Wm,,,,hatri' • 4,0.*,tit • , in..0e *mg diktaszt tiflarfte v4klbs gikel,4326.jit 1%41g sus* .103 !Citm71,33411 51.„ wilEett tgatttizam NAtzFil,Vhdt4trs rmiw -1100*•' !tea tit mitt alksrea *ri, vwxritir:. zone aesiftxtlis %amle tnnonizing tth ournmenerromxf dire *tante Lk 11»- andl tiii#Entas • 3