HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-11-28, Page 4PAGE FOUR, • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LTJCKNOW. ONTAXIQ WEID NES13AY, NOV. 28th, N • tttnni‘t.s,,,, CL.ASS1F1ED ADVERTISING RATES First Insertion 2c COMING EVENTS I Per word,*minimum charge 50c. Repeat Insertions, Wic Per - word, minimum 50c. Notices, Cards of Thanks and Coming .Events, minimum 75c. In Memonams, Minimum $1.00. 25c extra for replies to The Sentinel. Billing charge of 10c ,.for each bill rendered. . CASH BINGO. Cash Bingo 'will .be held in the Lucknow Legion Hall on Thursday, November. 20 at 0;45 p.m. 12 regniar games for '$10. • FOR SALE . F R.SALE . . 3 -share-the-wealth, 659 Special '•game must „gc; FOR SALE — 135 Red x Sussex FOR SALE Nash Aluminum - • piglets. Arnold Alton, phone windows and doors: Let us esti- Dungamion. ' ' .mate the cost of aluminum wm- dows and doors for your home, no -obligation, Terms can be ar,- ranged with no payment Until next summer,. Oliver • Glenn, phone 310, Lucknow, collect. . • „ • ' • FOR SALE — 50 C.R. pullets, 51/2 months old. Mrs. •, AUanitchie, .R.Th 3,, Luclmow, phone 69-r-9, Dungannon. , FOR SALE — one Holstein heifer about 400 pounds. Con- tact Wayne Redmond, RR. 2, Auburn. BAZAAR and • BAKE SiOiV. 4 A. bazaar and bake sale • will' be held , On SSILIrday, 1)CLifilber- 14 at ..2z30 :P411,, 14 ' the .former• market Store,: • under auspices of the Lady Foresters. • •• • • - . . . • • ST ' ANDREWS BALL. CoMe one, Come alt. to. St. FOR SALE -- We have just It's an November 30th in the traded •in some two unit' vac- Leg* Hall. uum pumps in excellent condi- There'll .be a Scottish program tion We also have a CTC port- of singin' and dancin' • • • . . • • • • . FOR •SALE — 300 Red Sussex pullets and 100 Horie.mers lets, ready .to lay. Frank Alton,' R.R. 7, -Lueknow;--phone 67-r-15. • FOR SALE — registered York hog, 21/2. Years. Murray 'Wilson, • R.R. .2, Auburn, phone 79-r-15, Dungannon, ,evenings.' • SKATES SIIAltPENED ' Skate Sharpening Service, , prompt service on Our new ma- _ chine. Lorne Reid Shoe Repair, Lucknow. • • ., , .......__—. , ,.. • FOR SALE ,--.. purebred York- -: • shire boars; nearing serviceable . io age; also younger Yorkshire boars and . Lacombe . boars of - - weaning age, au from RA.P. ( A tin Ilartin Rit. 6 .•• , 4• et • , • • I • r InteknOW, :phone Ripley. 11709. , GIFT • GIVING MADE EASY— with, a new or renewal subscrip- tion to The Sentinel. A gift card , will he mailed for you. Time 110W to take care of it, card Sent when you wish. The Lucknow able milker nearly . new,: Con.- And Carrather s Orchestra .to set tact Ken Martin, Surge Sales & • your feet a. Pinanorin% • • Service,"•.Kincardine, phone 366j A lunch counter serve milkers at Crest Hardware in And a draw will be made with Lucknow. • a quilt as the ,prize, Sponsomd by Kairshea Replacement parts ,for Surge I sandwich and pies 1,01WNOR004 SUrrES Trade NOWT Good variety in stock at the Mildmay Furniture Show- rooms Show cushion from your old suite to Schuett's saleSman. for trade-in evaluation. Also CEDAR CHESTS, new9N,and ALS - ed PlANOS, Harding: CARPETS. Pay 10% Pima.' Select Irina 4 FLOORS OF FURNITURE etc. Free Delivery,' Godfrey Sclintett. Mildmay„ •' „ . • FOR RENT —' two stores on Main ,St, Lucknow, suitable for any small business- Apply Mrs HelenWraolght, Stauffer Street, Lucknow. • SERVICES SPARE RIBS, KRAUT Spare Ribs and Sauerkraut every Wednesday, Friday , and I Saturday nights; Hot Dogs, Steak every Monday, Tuesday and on a 'Bun, Corn Beef on. Rye Thursday nights at the Com- mercial Hotel, Formosa. ' fin ProAv:17eUntAll-aaln141:21113nNmeeGting az SOIL &. CROP IMPROVEMENT Bruce County Soil and Crop Crop convention, Formosa Com- munity Center, December 6, 1962. li , BAZAAR AND BAKE*. SALE liackett's ' United plural ur.c.W. win hold a Bazaar and Bake Sale in the Legion Hall, ILucknow on Saturday, Decern- ' her8th from 230 to 5:00 p in. 1 . I . .SP,.09T PARTY • Corporation Of 0 LOST , . aSgron.AtoYEthDe f—arm a• obf°41itilla 11 Township *Of . Huron D SYNOPSIS. OF PROPOSED R.R. 2, Lucknow, a cow. ( BY-LAW 3082may have same 'by proving A By-law • to authorize the ership and -paying expend li borrowing of $9,000.00 for the •• F011ation • of an ' artificial ' ice 700 pounds, about two or linnitthein vtihueag..Ce 9.7 Riunipiteyy. Centre Riit,sobbw, whereabouts contact purpose a assisting in- the in:. .1-#::s. ---ago.RAez3",neyfutooiTineek' .nkiiistoe:e7r, The said sum of 89,000.00 shallRobb,.6549. Dungannon, be borrowed on the credit 1,the Municipality. from .the Royal . " . ' •Bank of Canada and .shall be SAVE "TIME AND EXPEll repaid with interest at 6% per Have buyers "coming to annum in three equal annual in- Use Sentinel .'"Want Ada?, stallments of $2,000.00 plus in- terest- • • , • There will be a 'Shoot Party etTniDniq..-EN'aR .'s4x1.!s -7- owt • •• Lu!n cknow ein street, contains in St- Peters Parish Hall in • ts e ANYONE NEEDING A SEPTIC Luciana/xi on Wiednesday, Decent- •, • vacant after December 1st.. oil TANK .CLEANED — We have • heated, Art Gilmore, Phone modern •-equipment, reasonable 61-13, .biingannon. , . 3 l rates. Call R. E., Forster,.. Maha- • • -FOR sAtat,- Hard limh! and Well,tile, • phone' • wood, -$5:00' -Cord. -Donald 116.c-!InOW,,', , • : ILE; •Iatekriow, phonel. • • .; : • • 07-r4.2 .Dungannon. • AUlt0h40171VE facturer . of cement septic tanks FOR SALE — 5 -piece kitchen ,I Mechanical and body repairs, chrome set; small Quaker oil Wheel alignment • and • balance, stove,• hot water 'tank insulated, Window replacement, Radiator complete with thermostat. Mrs.! repairs. Protect against rust with, John A. 'MacRae, R. 3, Lucknow, Undaspray. . phone Ripley 164-r-14. , • DAVIDSON'SITexaco Service No. 8 Hwy. Phone IA 4-7231 rzoderichOntario , An needing fence posts for ' , sprung delivery, • dehverY, requested 4BEST PRICES in tractor tires. plane their order Jgttl, A 1 Fresh cemera ll in stock at a MacRae, R- 3, phone times, good dis" cmmts on. large RI.P*Y I orders.Formosa No 1 hardwood CORN FOR SALE Kilndried slabs in truckload lots. Bruce! and cob corn from the Ridge- MacMillan, Lucknow. . VERN n truckload Jim 5-ton00 phone 210, Bervie, sales and Service • BOB PECK, VarnaOnario, FOR SALE—Walnut dining roOrn ' Phone Hensall 696-r-2 1, , tI 'table and buffet, lamp tables,I _ etc, 22 sheep and rain; cedar ° VAUUM' CLEANERS • rails, Wilfred (Pete) Farrish,1 ' Sales and Service phone ,.65-t-15, Dimgaprion. , Repairs and bap for all models _ _ _ of vacuum cleaners and polishers. CHRISTMAS SPECIALs Sew- , Reconditioned machines ' of.all lug Machines — Smitty's iU makes , for sale. Hanover offering FREE BONUS I BOB PECK, Varna, Ontario, GIFT New Sewing Machine ca.- I Phone HenSall 696-r-2 • •binet with every Sewing Machine purchased.- Large selection CIISTOM • BUTCHERING Arrow, Singer, 'White Machines. Beef and , pork sold in any Very low prices SIKITTIE'S I quantity. Custombutchering in ,Shopping Centre, Alannver. I Government licensed abattoir, • Pigs every 'Tuesday. Beef from RUST CRi‘FT • . Monda,y through Thursday BUTTON% MEAT MARKET. For Christmas Cards shop at • FINLAV DECORATORS IN L117CKNOW •• also Christmas SpeciaIs • AT SAVINGS OF 25c ON EVEItT DOLLAR Many lovely gifts still available. ' Christraas wrapping paper, tags, seals, ribbons and ,bowt- SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED SePtie tank's, cess poois, etc., pumped and cleaned with mod- ern equipment All work guar- anteed. Louis Blake,, It. 2 Bras.: sels., phone 442-w-6. O Al7CTION,SALE Allan. Machtyte Licensed Auctioneer borrow • Phone 2094_0 1 bert5th • at 800 p.m., under aus- pices of the Anglican W.A.Lunch' and prizes- Everyone as welcome • • The estimated lifetime 'of the I . APPLICATIC* 0 installation is 20 years. ,_ _ A 'The,mstallment -required to be APPLICATIONS for, tW raised to pay the principal will tion of turnkey at the be $3,000.00 annually for a per- County' jail will be recei , iod of three years to Thursday, December 6t DATED at Ripley, Ontario, Applicants please' stat 'this IZ'th day of November, 1962.. education and previous ( EARL TOUT, clerk:ment TAKE NOTICE that the above Starting salary' $2 900 • ... - • , .. . , islawa soYfnciithPsise c°6fr.itrapr*iti9nrior: By-ithnuAlliiPPLY to T. IL Alton, Township of Huron to be sub- County of Bruce; PA 1 initted to the vote of the Elect- Walkerton, . OntariO., , ors• at the same time •and in the same place,s the annual elec- tion shall take the vote. • sincere thanks to au my And that the 30th day of No- ''''' .66rand, appointed -0Dtivieti:dutytoRhetourit:ithnge 041110- 1 . I would . like itic:1 o,exiol and,..ii neighbours lion foe. the Municipal Council and Who rer ivember, 1962, at 1:30 o'clock in the afternoon' at the Council l Chambers in the Township Hall la. the Village ' of Riley ' has', ed me with treats,. ca. visits while I was a • pa Victoria Hospital, Lond been fixed for the \appcantimn; tO ,everyone. who has Iv of oat to atter kt at the poll any Way sin4e I hPve ling "places and at the final' home . .. ,........ ,„' surriming) up of :. votes by , the 1 ' ' . ''''''' Dorl5 • Cly Aetridk.• if' assent.'of - the electors' 4 for .avrill:sieitar lovely card ..is. obtained to the Said proposed and V-rilii7-viTirre- I- was il3y-law, it.will be taken into! Doctors COrrin. and Mc cros.ideration by the Council of i their kindness. The • said Corporation at a meet -1 sincerely„ Mrs ' Wm. mg thereof to be held after . the fl • exp ration of one Month from.l . 1 Wish to think those the date of the first publicatioa".rnembe.red me with. 4,ttp of this notice , and that such first cards while in,lospital OpUblication Was. made on” the hada and London.; Spec "14th, day of Novernber; 1p62. i, to Greta Rice Helen 3 • '• EARL, TouT clerk Q a.adt to 13r. Corrin, I ,. WANTED WANTED __......,. of . 'hockey i equipment Contact Torn •Prit- chard,, phone 276W, Lucknow., Wilea..NITED • --L. live poultry; alSo new and used, duck and goose feithers, Best 'prices at your door. Phone - or write A Brown, 181 Kincardine • ' : . • , WANTED : — Capable, reliable girl for general housework an family of five. All conveniences„' live in,', .5 -day week. Box lee,' Goderich. : . •_ " ' .. NOTICE • . • . ., ,. ... " Notice.. POT Lima SUPPER The . regular meeting of the Ladies Auxiliark to , the Legion will 4be held as a P Ludt Supper in the Legion Hail at 7::•00 1/.4a- on TueSday, December 1.4th. NOM itaation and election of I officers. Christmas gift .etoichanti.. • . ' • „Considerate For Peuions. Excellent ' Hex inetreSi MtH1Ot Nursing Home ., . Member' ..,• ASSOCIATE!, NURSING HOMES •• of Ontario , 20fouir.' supervision of A Registered 14tursfe Persona Attention Elderly and ConVabtsoent " 4 . 00ifie-Caoked, Meals poi ' . ?wit* Ina • LIzirmout., ONT. • , sualmemossemiumiumismiiii p. r I a a :Member of the Grey -Bruce • al Rial Estate 'Board. , it a , - ... • : Ask One Of Our. Agents • ; Hriartte;„_°17VLAsitstingairaA.,14*MtnirluFer.! •Or t.:- aa "We Sell Rural Ontario" • . . • • , iso 'ACRE !!ARM near Whitechnrch, storey 7 • room' housef• large hank ..61. a: barn, ' approxinnatelv '85 a la acres productive '• slightly 12 r&Lmag workable land, hal- Om • once in mixed hard arid ,14 seftwood' bush with con - a. value in salleahle timber Price has just been a reduced to $8,54A 'for quick is No, 62-t.t. in • . , Harvey ikkincy _Rand Tleverley son with' say-thanl those Who reinembered various ways while hi pita! sanc—eThreturiii Bert Nizard, wisIties his thanks to Doctors McKim„ staff of. Wings eraf Hospital and to kkindly_remembered- in hospital - • :EllwoOd and V;Tilur wish to serely anen,ghbo rs and, friend reception' held. ,in ,,the and also to those wiN shower, Many That* .• • . ••••• ' Mrt. Duncan A.°. Ma family wish to extei thanks to their many k and 'relatiVes who, thoUghth.il in ;nattily eitvl .their bereavement anks to the rairnisten charge. Of, funeral se those -;,v sent novo and helped in varion 04 I We wish to exp. cere. thanks to thitise 'So 'kind :to ouir Dad many. illnesses: for and. treats; 'to our f neighboans for their of 'kindness and woo vathy 47fOr Special thanks. are Dr. 'Tindall Miss• Bell and her XV at KinHcardirat Genet to those who sent Col to those who sent these who awbted harries.. We also cit thanks to Rev.. Dottia e and Rev. Z. C. his funspiring memt ,A.rchie and Bob Ci the beautiful hvmn ELDON and '.I1M a ▪ HUNDREDS •\lif Farro.`,.1 a Homo: and Business oroper- .ur atil, ties. iet. id, 50c for mammoth ..1 las 96 -page. Picture Catalogue. le al • • _ ilr. WI. EVERETT PENNINGTON. a ' .• : Phone 392-6064 TiesWater • . IN II ' a or Phone Hanover rap_ : a a re ▪ • *MIL S. sera= Ai to. .• : Ili .'lLiaalteit ... .611 ii al `..._ * , : immi*nummaisistwouliaril JI • • I • • • • 1.111111=11111111.;00