HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-11-28, Page 3th, lress, Year 41-14 Park kmow se ore aoar est. tart' CiOk sidewalk Prapahr; Outran; LS, d Inaret; 'had 'ar- • that day, g t. e727 rhatt •aad ictor, • — rn ait the lidozeit Ilatgr e littered 3.ande.rson. o System' s and to year had ofit„ M- ower doe est $4,93 • ill.' his• year, efiCit llaat *li,rtures mstatlatiam Umphonse hazird- heel water sy-• The cat over t.erc rerehme.. Tort • thairrian tioar4,re- r w- g. Preted • $7,74... At- • the aid layred, Qt al after 24 s• reviewed' ere are 1111 enrollment ease since iE he rear , Jan- rcrowdiag, ms, heirg n and '-atinth g far . wisiriOg kt,'• hickey st•D• - temEttirent: 9'19 studesis ming tea' lariEnktram ition belt IIESDAY, NOV- 28th, 1962 THE Luemow mamma, taucxxow, ammo • PAGE Timm "f"441".17144"41 Reeve, Council And School -Trustees Get Acclamation, 7th Term For Reeve Joynt , • (T T..... ^ 1..: — — . . • ' .1411Pr4g)W S nommar4on nteet, . There . were only ten nornin„, 4 ing .on Monday evening . •drew aeons received by. Clerk E. H. . a fair attendance of ratepayers. Agnew for the eight seats to It was an informative meeting, be filled, and either an accla, but one of the quietest cm re- 'zn.ation — or another nomination cord, as not a question. was was apparent aiMonrdesaue.ciasau knight: asked, or a voicein raisederi-1 The acclamation it ticism- . 'members of • Council and the . • three school trustees qualified ., . . . , • . t (I) • Exjt Be he red's: giant: and a. Crack' coal rixt Nara4, The Ent - Grade. a al they: oar- flot la' iliag.>*WI Dad ttii3; 9,. t&ls �i nat.the • the. 4, or, did). tOdt hey • maklgT or ereeliere;• le atAh- the were 2"e of a .former Ir. aa thriVC. I 0,1011!1 , to obeirt, • : it 4 Aylmer Catsup Save 26c, 11 oz. bottles Tomato Soup - '9,- 10 ,.. 4 ..ema, save --, oz.„; Margarine Solo, save 23e, 1• lb. pa 5$i Dog ,Food . ' 9-$1. Dr; Ballard"s Champion, 29c, 15 ciz. is Kleenex Tissues 7-$1 Save 30e, packages 200'5 Toilet Tissue _8-$1. White Swan, white, save 16c, roils Monarch Tea Bisk 43c 2 Save 10c, 37 OZ. packa,ge Allen's Fruit Drinks 29c Assorted„ save 4c, 48 oz. tin • vor Marmalade 47c Shirrifra -"Ggcid Morning”, save 24 oz. jar . : , • . , • . Frozenhit 'Feature • ORAN4E. — juit 5 for $1 Bird's .Eye„ save 184-.6oz.' tins • Special Price , chitina.s' candy, Mixed. nutS, oranges, peanuts, etc. for School, and. Sunday ic!io4 cea*:e0s. 4 s$2.98 with 5- order Features: CREAM STYLE CORN , . 6 for $1 Green. Giant Fancy, save 17c,.15'oz. tina GARDEN VALLEY TOMATOES 5 for .Choice Quality, sive 25c, 28' 'oz. tins SWEETHEART SOAP. . .. • 12 'for $1 lc ,sale '4 bail pack savebars TOMATO SAUCE .. • 10c Hunts, Salie.,25 71/2 oz. tins. MACARONI or srAcina 2 for 37c Catelli's, save 4c, 16 0.4 packages PEANUT BUTYER4 for $1. R &W, Homo., saVe :16e„ 9 oz. timibler JELLY POWDERS . : .. 13. for $1 R. & W., save 17c, paCkagel INSTANT COFFEE _ • $1 R.7& W., save 14e, S WHOLE' CHICKEN •• .12 ve 19c, 3 Ib. 4 oz. -tin 1 CIGARETTES .. . 3 for $1 All popular brands, save 44 pkgs. 20's DEEP BROWNED BEANS: .. 6 for $1 Libby's, save 17c,15oz tins, 7rc 'Off Pli- Pawi,dpa.~44••:dp•ampamitdrawar•••..opowiNrakf"0"*".4~.4.4roo oz- jar Bakery Feature HERM' COOKLES ... 29c Weston, regular 33c, 18 to package Meat Features COTTAGE ROLLS _ 55e Extra Lean Sweet Melded, "CRYOVAC HALVES", pound BEu. srEAKETrEs 49e Polar King, pound Nripoompdp••••••••••••..maweewomamPasirdwovamw.r. Grapefruit 18 for 1. t . • . . • aftek!.,the meeting or on Tuesday_ . . , Reeve Joyrit, the only nom.- Local and..Genera ' •, • . . inee for; this office, was returned • for his 7th term. . ' - i :s 7 ha or i r Te ey Cagarat.ckattaerSts.peHnedIeinilgsnderson', Omar Brooks, Har- sun : The four. 'cocillors M. L. • some 31.ria months in hosPital at vey Webster and Bud Hamilton 'a Wingham and London. were nominated and later sign- ilfes, Ed Than.' returned home ed up. . • . , • . • Sunday ,-from Whigharn 'hospital John" Wraith and Eldon Miller *here she hadbeen a patient were ' also nominated for Coun- faralmost five weeks- ell 131:rtludiPatedr, they would not stand. .. . Mr; and Mrs. Melvin Webster •The three retiring trUstees and Mr. and Mr. Watt Webster . •• •• . - • were tne sole nominels° for the of, Varna, Mrs- Jess Webster School Board, Wm. Schmid, Ro- of Clinton. were Sunda3r visitors bert MacKenzie and james• .11. • . with Mm.: Mary I. Webster. • HeriderSon. • „ . . • Bert Ward returned, flame re- The other members of . the cent:i • after be.zng hospitalized.. Board with . a year to mil. are. Wiraghant for a lengthy. per- Elmer IIinbach; Donald IllaCICin- iod. Bert ihas Shim developed non, 'John Kretitzkwetiser, the .shingleS and may have. t� irorninations 'were received as return to' hospital, • • • Homrarcl McGUire, fOrmerlY of George joFynort..RbyeroerbarBrooks. and W. A. "Bud" HarriiItan. Foe- COuneillors • •• -Wm. A.' . Ha:rndlton • br G. W. joynt and &Mar Bropks." • •"', Omar Brooks by G. W. joynt and W_ • A;.. Haniiitou. . Hartrey Webster •bY . G... W. joynt• and W: A HPTiviTiton. M. ,L. Sanderson .1by G. W. • Joynt and Omar Brooka. • • • John • Wealth, by Harold . cffnie and Cliff Cialwford. • Eldon Miller by Cliff ..CraW- ord and J. VOlsori. For •School Tnistee • gerY.11 int the .91.1l tort- thouse". and he - a'nd Mrs .' Scott reside ewrsomsc it..„....hm3.4 .Eustiyd 4.34, NixortyL itz7v42s for Brooks 'TransW'rt- R. C. AllacKenzie by • Stuart • Robertson and W. L.. Mac-'• Kenzie., • • . • . • ' • James R. Henderson 63;. Stu- art • E. • RObertsan and . Wm. Sproul. ,/ • . Huron Townhip, was a caller in twn' last week_ Howard is now employed in ;the new, Ca.nadran Tire Store' recently opened: .in uerpti , • ' , Mr. and Mrs. A_ G.. Aitchison and. daughter, Joan • artd Judy, have taken up residence in King- ston.. Sgt. Aitchison has been transferred .there permanently from Calgary; • Lrs Walter Scott . returned 11 home last week after two weeks. in • Victoria Hospital, Landon, where she underwent madar sur - Miss Alice ' Brown of Detroit OES visiting with Wk. 'Mary Fin- Iftson .,and Jim Cameron.. Mr. and MrS. Edward -Wlson, °E. Mary Snitof Tecumseh, •im Mich, Mrs. Dan.'Galles of Rip - Tey were recent VIStors t Mr, and 'Mrs John knmerson.• Airs. Lorna Pineo of' VancOu- ver and Mrs Lorna Campbell of WANTED., • Toronto were week -end guests • Alt the home ;of the 'fanner's aunt, Mrs. R. H.: Thompson. Mrs_ Pink, aerz oCke:V players Montreal on et ,busi trip,. and an her return fliht. i Mr'Em and Matdi 'Em• made -a week• -end stop over to . • ° _ • relatives here. She is.: a _ CRUSHED PINEAPPLE 5 for $1. cratigliter of the late Mr. and choice Quality 20 0*. tin, Lees': Mrs.. '1" Barker, who was the RED ;prmp alltmirs 5 ,IF‘ ; former Louise Campbell - of •Liknw • . • . tgoiCe Quality, 15' oz, tin, Aylmer 'm it • t .tors wild% rs Wm_ our 3ushell were 15•41r. •anc1 Mrs- D- A. '. e a bite oo 'PHONE 26 — FREE DELIVERY Mdgets 4 to 16 — Reg. Fee 3. . • Mckalatt, tborothy and of : • Bantams toreS Dtton; Mr. :and Mrs. Ray ...-4ers;. Stevie and JinurbY71 • 12. Reg. Fee 51; .• Bo3rca and- Mrs- Jannes •• .. , • • land Mr& Margaret Mitehell 'ir • , • . • Phone 528-3001 • of Frocterieh; Mrs- John Buh- RELSTE, R AT THE ell arid Mrs.Max Birshell, Kin- '• • . • itvzPqm$4mr40100!•1•4',"‘Ortiit40'Y'5"''5""r'"''''''"'""*°*"'"'''7?-- 4'7*, Al (WV1 Mrs.. Donald Cosh. •• Purple Grove- Mrs' Berl Colwell' ON OR BEFORE • DEC. 8th. Year' Stibscptitan. Reneuird? and Mrs. Derrrri4 Lddty„ • • . ' . ' '' i. ' ' 111°.h"le an"Ma.5rrncilict '''‘'.-fstted Jack Coo.ke D'ieil a - Itink , lough; andr Mr n, d• llifes... Ross] .. ' . • - ' .; • , ' , . ,. , ' '4"7"7".".""7"-'7'9•••-••-!' . • —.1-.7"16•1.' , their faniiii.eS :hi Ltickno.w- arid • . , , • 'Ft'sr4,- 21).'r... . . . ° ' offlicaatioraaapaciociaptiornooaa ' UCKNOW ' (1 I Brussels Iast week. .• . • ,. ' • •11• ,GIFT GIVOIG MADE ' ' Suddenly Tuisday' IL _ _ ' • EAsy . • • i 1 'ith a new or; reneal subscp- . _ . • UNITED' CHURCH a L ton ta 'rhe rltpei,. A ' gr t eard ' Death, came suddenly" ' tbf • 1". wil± • bt.,...'. Mailed for ou. Time ..., • ,Rel.. Ifietratirdi W. Strap%) I to,. tae care of it d_arci • • Jack Cooke on 'Tuesday ev- • • I ' : ' "Wsnris‘lr ''.* . ' i i WriTreri *jriyu : wish: The'. L' tickn7mowt . . ening, at •his liorne in Luck-:, Air• „ DER SepatneE • • now.. • . Jck. had attended a .14;er .• . ' • i'" • jr.' and Mrs: Jim Mac:Mlian 119:00 a.m. S ay Sch001 ! 1 and :boys, Daid, Joseph and gion meeting.: that evening, . 4,,, 4 . • — • 11 1 1 F Salines' . and the'x cousin- Mark 4,rid retur upon ninha g me _ , II 111 :MAI) alni. Mot taltimg '14°rs°43 ' S•;.bie •of St. Catharines were conerx,--ed as he. erttg.red . _ . • • • - • : • . ; Mrs J.,..14.. Mac•Mitlart., ' • . • .wthOut speaking, a . ward' tohits • "Approach To Aderar' wo.k.-nci visitor .wtli• Mr' and, Living room„ and Passed awa.7 --,----„,._-_,_,_.- ..-...---,--.„..-...: 41„,..,,,,,........... -;air•-•.,,,,,-- --- ' • 4.•• " . .. _,.....______________. , „ e. .• ir ey- ..........2 ..., • • . i. • Jack has heetr '.,associat . , •, f '' .!.. tHE- •• ' i .• , . ,jitti.his tather-in-TaW, Chas. • 4 i 1 . . . . , '• I •,!.1 ', / • _.: '.. ! I: Mason iii the operation, of I .. iplitkAN Il' It LucknoiN Chri7stiath% no , : , Central 4Garae. Presbyteilan Ciiitircit I: .,Ik44Cha .°'' Roderrea. it . d 1. i .• 1 , 0 i Reformed . Church:" ;73tIrnoerlo!tin,.'.7111`;4:ult;. , • : . Fe.eittn4etnralhc3.arrnrea;gnernWeednis-xles:. . st-sragiyo ormustat ' i ' t.,. ti46'"ctel# CIn" Fastc't • ,I ', tlIss.c°71Ptete• .• 4s .7. g6 t2'1% 1. get. S... tertstra, .glii... riL13-,, • ' • Wtail.0: .,117r,„ Stiiidla . ehw'tI 'I' ''' 1'11 iti 1--)ttt4'13. 4:,i, within three 'years in this' ' 6 1/4... SERVtCES: , . • It thtrd .qtrticlen de•ath: 1•:116 -1111.-• 114:(1. intag traishIPt TdAnact;thoot. • ' fronCheart seizures. ."•4444.441,-*-•••••••—• 41-•••-•-•-•••••444-410..!••il' F • • ; fa/nil:yr, Sacks fathr and his J'a6k Girlies, both bar- *. Coning: "JESSICA" &tor; Adult Entertainment The Air- rs For Comfort & EnterbsimiHment 1 GODERICH Now — Thur., Fri., Sat., Nov. 29,30, Dec. 1 Jock Mahoney and Simi Jai — In Technicolor The most thrilling of all Tarzan aclyentures • "TARZAN GOES TO INDIA" B(Ion.„ Wed., • pc,. 3, 4, .5 The Title Could Faoil You! SHIRLEY NlatcLINE, AUDREY/ HEPBURN ADMITTANCI vitas Co. Mir 010vat Miriairo Hopkins, Fay Bander & James Garnet Present Lillian HeIhnans celebrated play;about• two - t. .. *omen and a chilcrs malicious lies. • 'The Children's .Hour's 1 • Thiirsday Friday, Satuida3r; December 6, 7, 8 JERRY LEWI, Phyllis Kirk David Wayne tit which three . inirade a WAC dOrraitory. , "The. Sad Sacks' • d•midd..0.40.440.'1.01mi 411, 44". 4r" OS, • ' . • r • ° 0