HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-11-28, Page 1E 1.19 89c ;98c t IRT. . T. awn Arnold of ( erw'n„„'..t a�n. Wiro m mechanic ag e: last:. week r .brakes use,,atY ivect. eiaL'ty fid three.. ;:ourse: SoVe • ok a; ?a :or servion• ` b.•ofSer,, irmlar hila L • ha 17e41• Ate -',the Po: - zing, Curling ra: alias ,reams or , sad ' to'. give attention'.'to; i7 `this'.' .► ,vial cpm ainatigh, ,► Tt r� season is in.' ben calorie orartly o et•.' i ntti.ort ;some recentweek, ;uplIe'rS., e c s the feeds tli ks=hfield. Fed cTilture ban- night; an-n'ig t; 'Nest 6iioIi. ,beet: lit; loss tey S PPert ser 27th, Eos" ,ty, ' 1)410°4 td the Ltrrlt- banquet,' fere" p0� year Pini. Etc ice" $.00 Extra Ta U.S.A. LlJC ‹. ow. ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, OV. 28th, 1962. gl Copy 10c '24: ra* Reeve Devoling His Efforts Trying To s� the Bet ;Plant Stated To Close'. At the nomination ation .rneeting uo Ilton,d`ay,, eve George W. ,Toynt.G d f 'e• it u�bliin • t The Beatty u ua. es From ' rrlatl A Ladder ,Factory is' t0° erase' aut.'T �/' its: operations here before the : ! ear • • Course year e & • ial Donald Kirkland of St, 'rho- I .faYni said,. that whether mai% son of 1�I.r,. and Mrs. Gord•- or not he again accepted:, th.e' on Kirkland of Ashfield Town - h ship., . graduated as a ra�diq�logi reeveshi r Wau114 devote ev... � ca. technician at aceremony a:t: 'cry effort to trig to sell the •plant, I Victoria. Hos ital Lo d He. said that„t ' was in .ani:- I «' p , n. on, on , Sa.0 relay. ' Donarl�d was one 'of T9'58;. tlir•a 6h 4iiim, th.aat the sixteen Lc'idon • and area persons! ;plant was purihased by Beatty., receiving diplomas upon ' gradua- . • ffxothers,• 'who maned •their 1'ad- tion from 'the two year"" cowl"e p renovate the MWWilcling ;and install; opened auditorium ''the aur-.• der nal irig apera�tian. ,here af+'ok i The '• cerernany • was .the first i sperrdvng; $6 000 ,900j to rewire and ; formal funct'•ori •ixi the recently •m :n newrnar_.hxrrerg, ; ses' resid;eri:ce .at Victoria. P1 rt-:' Beatty i8rathers changed ',hands :' tending .from. Lacknova were Mr.•1 a year or as ago 'and the ' neva !. andMrs. Gordon'.. .Kirkland, Keri t• company • has since disposed g diplotheir Elgin Memoriat'; Hospital, .a. posi StteeL. Wares. tion he has. had. since September. They • are offerin, the• Luck- --T ;rrcxw' p1a4I't fgr chile? s. as � Artificial IceAvaikible .. the ptesent` . enttt�> pt?rrg is ems- Sdiedu!'j SPECIAL "BELL" ISSUE LISTS BUSINESS PHONES .. 4 Personnel' and Growth Local' Bell: In story of ,13e.11e�ll Tele and picture 'farm, , quer '70 System Is Interesting Historical Record,: .. phone development and p•r0-, .. ' • grecs in this . community is recorded in . this issue, the "eve" of cutover -to dial system. Service. • Many business places have. .co-operated • in making this. is.su.e, possible,. by listing their neW; ; dial number • which. will be•in. effect after 2:00� • a•.m • .Sunday morning.' Keep. this. iss�;e for' chick reference. to the bold' --type number`s and also, we think, kt is of historical. value that merits preservation, Twenty pages . was origin74 any planned for this issue: but when it became neces•-' sary to run - 24 24. pages,.scale,' page .nu tiering had• to be .mprovised .as. You may, note -from. 'pages. ' to 2: ' • hausted 'thy rigid? -:l ecerxuber:.ox. no later than. the .latter- part Of Dem els!}:'.r. :..,foy t calci he •had.., been. negotiating with Albert. 1VLenzies,.. vadevpresrdent. of ..thy' Carr any. far a safe price an •liad' received an attractive: fig- ure:' :/ • Need For .*,,eoungeilatiotir Orr. the =Wet' o ixiith stry,. Reeve Jo.ii~ Said'that.' ' three. • daS •'hefo ;the . liquor vote,...he hadt an. mdiasrt l` that vraS. estedl ur Z O Wr which woul:'d ,eimpla tar' 80 xnen,. but., with- out aecorim atlattc' here ..it. was: trtpluedi l Irny' 'virererirt interested ested: :and if they had too drive . else-' where 'far OLT.041,TooO iaxn Might as well. &kid t lice,: e j ids •a Hold F• irst Ztv:-tal Cation• ' of: artificial, ice i" equip ent • was comp'_ete 'a re- cently, ,and cemakxng:'operations `. :have . f .L1towed,:'So ' that the De= `cember• ' 1st, openimng date will be gh t on schedule. In: .. fact ,the ice •.,icltness is being checked; and, • when. .• this was written: it looked as • if the ice 'wat ,-1d: be. ready fora tyout on . cdne. •day, November ; 2ath: ` • Saturday.. morning December.. Int•, • Pee Wees, Squirts arid Fleas Will hold: their'. first practice 'for periods ' of an: hour each, com- menting at 9-.08 assn:. `' , . The Fleas `. are ,from ages 6 to 8; and 'can register at. the Mux :cipal Office between . now < and' Practice ` SOIUr4 '$at;ircl ay'T pr a ct_ce session,. Ther' is a $2.00 ,entry .fee. • • hie Fleas. were . notlisted in. last 'week'g, .re istrattioi advE: 8&'. as a consequence -only 7 signed • 'twenty-seven . •Soar its,. ages, 8 .to 10, registered' on',Saturday,,'& 24 Pee WeeS, ' ages 18 to I2 and they are not alI. in yet:. ' The registration;. fee helps to. cover accident insurance on. 'each boy • and'. at least. 200 weeks ' of. hockey This amounts' to only IOc a week land' somewhat re i ev'ea . sponsoring organizations of what • collectively aix>aunts to a • c'onsiderable ;sura:: • . Night • telephone . operating in the early days was not always, I zcnsidered a bed of roses, but for Norman Paterson, operator• at the. Lucknow exchange in 1916, these.a;1-night shiftscameclose to'• i;t, "We used to. take a mattress and a spring,. "recaIl11d Mr. Pat - 1 erson,,. "and - place them . ,on a! table., which we wheeled over j to the switchboard to make_ us ' level With it,. and in this way I we could. ,.answer calls ' with a minia-nun-I: of• effort ' We . got a far' amount of 'sleep from mid-; night „until' , aim. when. the '¢ rural lines became • biiyy and then' the witchboard required. constant vigilance:'” 24 -Hour ' Service• In 1911 Et was on ,June 1, 1911, when telephone 'service .,here: waspro- vided 24 hours a day,• but' Com mimics"a.ng ' by, ' telephone, had be coma a pa -.t : of Lucknow''s way .of life snare 1888 . when '.this ccunrriun ty;' Was first caught up. E e'_ i Telephone Company's. rapidly • growing w•eo. •. of tele phone' connections. • ' • That year, 37 miles .of " long 'dsstan e..wire was 'erected' f om f Winghan to . Lucknoiw by, •vay of Kmcard ie., The Wingha;rn. A 3'vance recorded the event an an October 1888 issue when it informed its rftaders that "eon n£etinn, is norw open. with. Luck nc.w acid " T incar.dine to . the • ' • Otte :Phone In. 1888 Shortly . afterwards • ,a tele phone,: ready to Carry, callsto. pc snits. scattered throughout. :On-- to ria . and '' Quebec; was installed' •in.Arttiur 'Con.graum's:drugstore on Campbell' street Until . the. fc.cdowmg year• Mr: Congram's te`ephone; re .rnained'; the only one in the village and the one' vil lagers used: when they anted:. to make a Resi.dentt , of Lueknow • how- ever, were quick to .zealie rte, ' value of ' • the rtelephone • and especially • the ease and' conveib- ience Of .having one • in their own home or M ace of business,• ,.sy the end; of • 1888, a $all- switehboard vvas installed in the (Continued on Page '2). Tractor, Shed Bum Ia 'Farm Fire „, Harry Girvi :• .esca cl serirau,s burns • last Thursday just before . . noon 'pvhen a flash fire broke • out while ' he was putting, •gas in ;his tractor.' • The, Giro; in• . farm is located • .between: Dungannon and Nileion the east aide of •.the 'road. • • Harry.:. was fining • the tractor wwhieh lad not been runningfor a period of t m,e Tlie t fire set his' clothes on , r•e and. he was able to',shed his.co'at ,and gloves in an : instant ' and •by • doing • this probably saved serious: burns: • ..Lucknow Fire Depa hent re- ,sponded • to the 'alarm:. When, ai short • distance .'from.' ''the scene :Of '1/4 t.11 fire,, a gas drum explod-• ed, -giving the appearance of mushrcom type atomic bomb ex= y plosion,,.. ti ding . to one- fare- man.• The :tractor', 'shed, libols ., and w-inte:r .wood an rhe shed ;wet: • a ' complete loss: Fireme ' stood., by.. for. well over Three. hours as a: protective'measure.. dozer levelled, the .piffle of rubb?e..., in an effort to , completely •ex turguish the life. Te CampheUstreet Heart .l Lucknow's dell Telephone Dial System he tt • . l of Lucknow s 'telisphonk) dial ;ry; tem is this new 'buil:di oil Campbell' o C � 11 ate:et. ; ittYrtrng.. earl�� �un.rlay� morning the equipm T installed in. this ,model's: and attractive new buxlding during the past few months, s,. will go into .operation automatically connecting ,telephone' cabs,, ,and bringing tc an end . the era„ of � \ruxulier; pleats p . o eratofrsy x '