HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-11-14, Page 11waxasDAY, Nov. 7th, .1962 • ROY' N. BENTLEY PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT GODPRICB, 'ONTARIO Box .478. Phone JAcl.son 4-9521 A. M. HARPER AND COMPANY Chartered . Accountants 33 Hamilton. St. 9 .• GODERICH, ONTARIO Telephone JA" 4-7562 JOHNSTO.NE'S FUNERAL HOME Modern and Convenient Phone 76 .Day. or Night 4 A Serving ,All Faiths According to Their Wishes Moderate. Prices Established 18M A R.; DUVAL Sp -C: • . Chiropractor and Electro Therapist Wmghaao, - Phone 300 (Office located in former :CKNX Wilding on the . Main . Street) INSURANCE FIRE, WIND, CASiUALTY AUTOMOBILE AND•. LIFE. 'T'o..Protect .Your Jack,` . Insure With Jack Today. J. A. McDONAGH !hone 366, L,Deknow STATE Imam .MitTGAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Isvrs ite Before *resting '1E11 E WILSON R..*3, doderieh one. $ -ff-8 Dnin ann� L. VI/. ANDREW Bankter and .Solicitor LIISI'OW1 a , ONTARIO IN LIICSNOW Every WDA and .• Saturday Afternoon .. ' Office in : the Joynt Block • Telephone:_ 135 Residence 3i1 -J R. S. HETHERINNT'ONp 90e- , E P- > , add Locknow IN LUCKNOW Inlay and Wednesday. Led Tan Kilpatrick Biloma 'Time Winghann Mire 411 Residesee 57 IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCTS for pr •tn pit service, ={110 quall.ty Preductss, GRANT SHOLM ewe • painglionion ear io- LBei ew Look 'Tb ia®pe>rtar. or The �1 IIIINlINM THE LUCKNOW' SENTINEL, LUC/MOW,, ONTARIO PAGE LLEVEN Dungannon Lady Died Suddenly (DUNGA1. ON NEWS) Mr. aid Mrs. Donald Lattrraner of Kitchener were visitors on Saturday with Mr. Ross Rivett. . Mr. Delmer Maize of Toronto visited. with .his Parents, Mr, & Mrs. Serf: ,rMainze for the wee k Adaace reception vas held on week- A, night at the agricul- tural . hall for rne*tyvweds Mr. & Mrs. 'Raymond Chisholm (nee Patricia. Stoddart). A large crowd attend and `. tanning was en- joyed to • Boyd's orchestra. Mrs. Ritcunard Park read theaddress off . best' wishes !and M. Leonard. •Reed presented the young couple. with a purse of money.. The sudden d th off mils W: • • 'H.. Stafford last Friday caused a • wide -spread ead feeling of ,sorrow Corporation Of The aanorng relatives and friends. Al- � for some a the con- ditionTownship O f .i uron ' dead cameuaaexpectedlly & was found SYI OPS S. () P)g( POSED n her ,house by her siisster, BY -1,. 3p162 Mrs, Dave (Grace) MacDiarmid • about 1 p.,m, and the doctor A By. -law to : authorize the ttthouhoangflnt'9h a .had succuanbed about. bth borrowing of $9,000.60 for e rs previously. • purpose of a gsisting in the 'in - Mrs. in -Mrs. Stafford lived, Malone and stallatnon of• an l'rtificial•ice had been preparing to' go to' To- unit i n The Coarnmunntty Centre ronto the nextday to spent ,the in the Village of Ripley. winter. In so doirng, it is .thought. *The sand sum of $9,000.00 shall the encertio>m was too much as the '•rrrowed on ,thecredit of he • had just returned from C the Municipalityfrom the Royal Wingbam. gospnta1 the wee) be i Bank of :. Caanada and, ,shall pt gore for a coin �te ;rest;. Her repand with ianterestt at . 6% per ,husband, ' W. H. Stafford passed' annum' in three 'equal +ainnr ail nn away !about a • year .and a !half n stallments , of $2,000.00 plus ' in - 28% also . very suddenly. He was Cer ltr : . a prominent educationist and ie • The estimated lifetime' of !the Or as a ,business college pr n rnnstal]atnon is . 20 •year's. copal from . •Wnllowdale.The installment required to! H I LRAM FARMS ABATTOIR. HOLYROOD The home of choice meats, all GOVERNMENT INSPECTED and APPROVED Schneider's Cured Meats WE ALSO DO CUSTOM K] LUIlWG and hang your meat in modern coolers as long as desired.. Pigs on Tuesdays and cattle every day. leo appointment necessary: RAYNARD ACKERT 101-s-13,. Luck ow Wm. Houston Heads ' of the late Js Mrs. Sttafffer-d was the second I be raised .to pay the principal • ' will ,be S3''"(144) an�anuay ll for aMap a Grove 1.•0.1.. ,, kTaan- MacKenzie Memorial Chapel FUNERAL SERVICE Services conducted accord- ing to Foul wishes att . your Home, , your Church, or at out Memorial Chapel at no additional charge: Phone 181, Liicknow, Day or ]]bight !daughter Tilton. V.S. • and her mother was per od hof t yam- Odrtarn• • Maple Grove LO.L. No. 1044 formerly Jessie Straugha. She DA'If at Rnple�r, this 12th. day of November, .1962, • leaves to mourn i+banque�t on Thursday night, No - daughter„ • Mrs. Peter •(Dawn)! 'KARL TIDT, .. I veanberr 8th at Zion Hain : with the election of •:ffjC : Sao fol- lows: ol-to ws: Worshipful Master, Wm.. Houston; Deputy Master, Robert Irwin; Chaplain, Tom Hahn; Re- cording Secretary, Russel Sot; Treasurer, Arthur Helm; Marsh- all; Charles Wilkins; Lecturers, lsMt, Milvert ' Reid; 2nd, Allan Gibson; Committee men, senior, Gordon Saunders; Herb Wilkins„. Harvey Ritchie, Dori ' Gibson, Lorne Rend- Tyler, Karl Swan. Phenstter, Agincourt, .and two I TAKENICE that the alfove brothers,. Waiter, 'Luuck:row,' and , ns a synopsis of a proposed By - George of Gasderich and three ' law Of the Corporation of the sisters,. 1910. Viollet Farris i moll Towns:I -p -'of• •Huron be 'sub - Blyth, . Dave.. (Grace) Mac= omitted to he vote of the Bllect- Diarmid and M. Stuart (Gene- vieve) ''Tuesjey, " Long. Bea Caliifamia_ She will he sadly anis- sed. by all. The'. iinnerial t�1R, ' place on U �""' •"• Monday . aflter 110cm froth goiter VVI NGHAM FOneral Parlors, . Goderkh with ' And Oat tiaerryitecnnt ducintedanagan•an ameg Ctb. mauberserninoo, ntheatToIsleCaHlc, snnppl<yiang from Huroan !College at ors !at the saline time and in the, same. places as e !annual .ellec- tion . for the• Municipal ,Council and. The Deputy Returning Offs- cert ,appointed , !tto' bold the said 1 III election shall take the vete. • . !tare 30th .day of ' No- vel= r,• 1962, at 1:30 o'clock in MEMORIAL SHOP We Have ; Been Memorial Craftsmen for/ Thirty -Seven Yew„ Always Using THE BEST GRANITES Along With Expert 'Designing and Workmanship. Prices Most Reasonable Cemetery Lettering a Specialty R. A SPOTTON Phone 256, . Wn ham, Ouatarie. G. ALAN WI LLIAMS Office on Patrick SL, knit off the ]Blain St. in ' W'INGIIAM Professional Eye .Examination Optical Services Fc, aro], al 1111n1eant Please "Phone no,: Winglnamm. ouripaedratowarwarataupoorodratordps K. J. taKENZIE, OD oikontetbrist.. •. v0� iL� RiiLEY .. EVERY WEDNI DAY Office : o 16,9)(1ir a . to' 9.I Pin; .. :cane. I m ic•1reT7' g8ipll;.: • 96-r-24 for appoint R! 1A/ BELL Si Paull"s AangIlnaan• Church, whin in the Village of 'Rip1ey 'has' refiner; ., been n�®d for ., a appointmentpeniissnoan: front 'the of persons to ata] , ,at: the pd3 : �, ]BpshoP off tine HuronDiocese. ; ling plaices . and at (the final Pallbearers were • Stewart r suannanna g tip ' of votes, • by the Johnston, Allen MacDiarmid, Clerk. ''.ebster ' Anderson, i offthe „er And if ;assent . . '.electors IIDawsona„ Cecil • . ;Blake, Viictor. is ; ;, Trained' tto the sant] proposed :.lack. By -lawn it will be taken into Mas. J!, ;ii NI ,CIlnisho11m von Sun- Consideration by the Council of day Visited- her husband inSt. the said Corporation ht a. tom •:••-t- Joseph's ,Hospital, London 'Be is nng thereof to be 'held after I ,A e doing very iPraii .towards !menet- expiration of one . month from ery and Inas 'all carni off. If pro-the:datte' of the first publicationgrew continues he 'will 'be home.li of this nnaittice Painct,ttbat such first next month. :publ cation :.:.was moat . on the .: and Mrs men Hikes' and II14th y of . November, I °',. 2. two children ' u a;'®e l eight a EARL Tour, Cl rrl .. house in Goderrich:1 . Hines II its a ..:'welter of Mr; and 'Mos..11 Patient: "Have ' you any idea. Fred' echller: II, when the docttor will be leek?" Mrs. • Will Caesar on • Sunday it Maid: "°I doan"t . ]now, suk e ii.,.,' her son Donald who its a went out on art elterpniity are', OPTO IST' . GODERICH F. T. Armstrong Cooitmg' ®pt Squarr ((Pb k®ck on. 1-661) ��INII�rH�rIIIN�MIIIo/ W./oR/A/� recovering frorth an operation ad �UIla°ttaerua o' .mita] - nn London_ Mr Tom Koviiak and on,, '1C'aaann Jr. off 'Detroit were`.:horse for the wee -anal. Canierattu llaatrons !to Mr. and Mrs.." Paull enders= ' (an inion : Atony - Who were morn East ' Sat= ' y> A sired,sfuul Maar . was held aaan esday off 'last week at. the Unit Church' With 'al vasn lot of articleS .innaalnr ' `ring and serriiang„ Over $2 reaaliized.. Pinecret . Manor Nursing Home .b1 nil waw Garlliie is rreeoun ne nd. • for a•olalis. You eat it and :the per- son w)}no has: one. 'will sitar away ffrorrm • you. ASSOCIATED NURSING HOMES of 'Ontario 2 main Supervision of A ; egiste Nurse THE.' WFST WAWANOSH. MUTUAL. FIRE 1NSURAPICE CO.' Head Office, .:Dtlmgahaoa Established 1878 BOARD OF DIRLC'T0RS President, Brown Smyth, Dun- gannon; Vie -Pres., Ifersen Ir- win, r:win, Bellgrave; Directors Pail Caesar,R.. 1, Dungannon; George Feaagan,, Gedericb; Ross Me- Phee, 1L 3,' Auburn; .Donald: P MacKay, R. 1, Ripley;' John F: MacLennan,; B. 3, G derich;; Allam. Maclntyre, R. 5,. Luclnow; W Wiggins, R. 3, , Auburn. For 'information on your hz- surance, call your nearest diree ttor who is also an agent, or the secretary, Frank 7. Thompson,. Dungannon, phone Dungannon Considerate Personal Attention For Orly and Cent Persons. f arelient'. Home -Cooked Mea' Boa 220, . Phone 129E L,TfClCrliOW, ONT . Dead Stock removal Service We: are licensed, to remove youurr ;dead or crippled farm animals' for sa itary disposal: OM hawse 4c per pound GORDON .TAYLOR ) . , .Collect 44-r-24; Luekn.w ,aa 2 Lucknow 24-hour service Licence Nco. - 173C62. c Caviller dolor and Ward. CHARTIMED A CO1 NTANTS Resident, Parthmen, .7 Kennedy, C.A.. Bell Telephone : ugdiinng ONE 633 WA TON LUCSN4W, DI ler CO-OFERAIDE WC. Moue ow '3'1 �rOI,�IIIINgiIII' - TED COLLYER Reestered• Master . >i le icua n IELEcTRICAL CONTitACTOit tl Electric Specializing DrID Efeattingo Electric Wiring and lug arm electrical A 'c • IPito :t -:--t5;,, Loc•) craw FURNACE OIL, STOVE on,;., miniGASOL INiir See or call . wig. A. "`Bt1v' litim1LTOL Phone 220-wLads:croup DiSitrnc'tt Agent for Odes Service K. D. (ORN:(Bu1k)» Your Orders ' P%ed Now, • Amines You Of Delivery At Price -Low Point. To Market Eorlier "NEW LIFE" Anti,Scour Pig Starter Ration Peiletts: start at 2 weeks of age hirer to Hog Grower) will help save and put' your littersaway to market earlier. "New Life Feeds" Are tested • and proem to tie result;!„ Our tine its comanplete. If you 'have feed requirements, our Fleet of Trucksoperate a daily service, Bulk (Minn 3 ton).. orf •hogged to serve your .need. (Sat- urday excepted.) WM.KNECHTEL.a,idSON LTD. Luchnow Rgaanch Phone 78: °"There": A New Life FeedFor Every Need" •o 4