HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-11-14, Page 7•
WEDNESDAY, NOV, 14th, 19.6g
uc AR
By Bill Smiley
Can anyone tell me • why
women are , so fierce• about mon-
ey. .As Brutus said, I pause
for a reply, No: answer? Well,
then, can. anyone, :tell me why
• women are so absolutely clue-
lue-less.'about perfectly straigl tfor
ward , handling of.• the lovely
"stuff? No answer, I knew there
Wouldn't be.'
For years, I handled the mon-
ey in our -family, and every-
thing ran smoothly A couple
a _
She, spreads everything. out on
the table: pencils, sheets and
sheets of paper, bills, batik'
book, " cheque book, She adds.
everything, up six, times. She sub-
tracts. debts front; .bank balance,
burstss, into tears . and hurls
charges such as "nicotine addict"
and ",alcohoic" at me;
Every time we haYe a finan-
cial crisis — that ' is, about once
a week — it turns out that the
only way we can stay out of
debtor's prison • is. for me to
give up . the weed and the .malt. ;
And every ' time, I have to
point out carefully and patient=
ly that we• • little sinners are the
only .thing . 'that keeps .: this
country from going On the rocks.'
It'' not. the big sinners who
support • the schools and . hospi-
tats and pay for all those new
docks and post offices and mis-
siles : without warheads and in
conclusive elections. Neck, .I
could . keep a mistress or • two,.
gamble heavily,declare a phoney
!bankruptcy — do everything but
of years. aai, yielding to some
mad whims I ' agreed to turn
'over the family finances to the
Old Battleaxe, and since then,.
we have' enduredfiscal chaos.
Thetrouble is, she panics. I
used to solve the problem of
bills . by putting them all in my
hip pocket and letting..:them age
for a while. She gets half a
dozen .bilis and goes' into •a
tizzy, .
* *
any .you
people c4
so many
ack `abed
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commit some, changesernment wouldn't , take a nickel, ; made., Or something.
in taxes. No, it's •tile wee. sin
neer,. with his deck of fags raid' Seek
his '
of beer, 'who pays the Info'
This sinnple ° economic trutb,
however, :rarely • diverts the old; On : extra Session
lady .front'. her: tantrum. She Brute County 'Count ata the
threw • a dandy when -she came November session set up .a ; corn-
home yesterday,. after . spending ;. znittee'to consider holding few
• week away from us.. • sessions a year l'irivbead of three,
• She was sore as blazes at • alt with sittings .probably shortened.
of us when, she;left,. over some Named to the committee were
thing or other,and she wasn't leve ltoy Atkinson, Greenock
home twenty . minutes; the kisses Township. Reeve Alvin . Youaag,',.•
and hugs. ,Were scaioely cnlmin-' Tara, Reeve Donald !U,[cLay, of.
ated, when she ; blew • uP age-: Lindsay Township and • 'Warden.
She had .; left. Me a detailed John MaCK,Pnzie, 'Under afooal.
note. I was '* to • pay 'the : interest Clerk -treasurer ' S: Fors -
on the; mortgage, :. sure to ter and treasurer 'T, B. 'Alton
pay . tae • hydro: bill. and get the wilt alSo take part :in the dad
discount, . put so much. , •from cussion. Fcrmattion of ' the coat.-'
account A into ' account B to mittee resulted from .an inganisy
cover • such and -such, See the :from . county • . eng neer:. ' /Eido3i
bank' about renewing ` our e% yundt, .who . said. ''a • \a es-
wand note on the TV. ',set, 1 e stun of one or two days wolaltd•
sure' ' to : put . the • right change help ;.the . highwaaysdepartment,
in the milk bottles, because the ` i*n tra¢asaeti business ' faster
pdp : licks the Milk off the top and gime: a. More accurate pic-
and the pennies fall int`. �n
;the "tare of est a� needed for the •
leaves, rake the leaves, put out Lhag3ways .program.'
the. 'garbage, pay my . insa ice • Before the session concluded,
premium, see that the kids had the Coag nuittee. 'reported that m-
.. a , bath, and :not' watt' the late sufficient, 'information had 'been
movie_ obtained :to reach a decision
4 *'. * •, .
I was sort' sof busy , .While: she
was away. After all; I..:had to
cook dinner for three each night,
organize a trip to . the City for:
any . Grade 11 kids • ' to • see
Play, canvass . for the , YmCA
drive. and watch the lade zn ov ie.
-without • sonaebOdy hollering at
,T13e: �o come ,to .•bed.
Bei dies.. it . w':as ' my week to
entertain . the Friday .Afternoon
Club, a . peran bu ating . • organ
izatiritafor the tired teachers,
• at whlich' they '1.et Off steam' and'
take. on
I did get the garbage out. At
lei t 1ny • sbn did. He's . •Mill.
?c:a ed :of ..woinen. ire's only fif-
teen.. But • ,I' didn't ..p:ay much:
tterititaza to the . rest of the, in-
st: uetiOns. In fact_, the note con-
taining thea ' Was misplaced.
That is a word I . like. I . didn't
actually :lose it., but ."I couldn't
Find it,
* * *. ..
To cut 'everything Short, and.,
to • put it • so •siinp13' a • child
• could understand it. 1 .collected
:S141.V8 front .my :students. for
tickets , the ,show, . pocked up
cn the YMCA canvass.
razed . acheque on ' either ac-
count 'A or account B for 2' O
to cover tie. cost 'of the tickets;
spent ' 'either .$14 or- S4 mf the
Y money on groceries, bought
8,onit beer for the foray After-
noon Club rut of either my
ticket money or tny canvass Mon-
t ev; , and shade my own donation
1 to the Y out of the milk, money.
You Should have heard a the
'screams. You'd think i d ran off
with a belly -dancer, or Bost
i-ny • job, or failed to use a ole-•
odorant, ,or aooi fitted s4mething
equally heinous, -She was just
about ready to call in the Moun-
I ties. •
Ont of thesedays,' Fyn going
ib . put. My toot down over theme
financial crisis' of ours. and if
it doesn't sink right. ' to the.
Such information Will be sought
frond tither :county clibuncilS..Wig
a reconiaraeridat on to' .be• made
at the January session.' •
• ' Four' 'Seek Wardenship`
The first. woman : e -er to g.con-
;•test the • Bruce County a en-.
h p is said to be one of four
Candidates for the " .l96 :office.
Sive is Mrs. Tessie Greig of. Lions
ilea& Others are Irwin Lrobsing-
•r of Walkerton, • Barvey.•Falnaa-
eer sof Kincardine and . l3obert
1.Craig ' of Wia tDn_ ; • •
Mr.. Palmateer was 'defeated
by Peeve George ..Joy ray of.
L?i,kn ow in 195P. and Ma”: L.
singer lost out tt . Reeve 'Douglas;
iKreitzweiser in 1'981.
Inte,TeSt f ma date
. of depot
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