HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-11-14, Page 6SAGE PIX
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Mr. 'and Mrs...Donald McCosh'
spent *the week -end in: Toronto
with..Miss . Mary Anne .,M Cosh:
and • attended the. Royal, Winter
raiz ae' Ste:' Folies.
and..Mrs: Burton Collins,
:John, Sandra and. Margie, were
:Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Glen Young.
Mrs: Ralph:1E11, Mrs. Don Mc
:Cosh, Mrs:Burton . Collins, Mrs.
Geo Emerson •;& Miss Margaret
Roberttson attended a shpwer' for
'Miss Linda Robertson at the
heime :,of Miss Eileen : Collins on.'
Wednesday evening. Also friends
attended a tea . on Saturday .for
Miss ',Linda Robertson ' at . the
.:;•hoine • of. Mrs. Kenneth. ,Robert:
son ,
Mr: .• and . tMrs. ''Gordon _Viae,
- Donald and Mary Heletn. spent
Friday ' evening with Mr. ` , and
Mrs.. `Morley Bushell'. '•
The ;Grove was represented at
the reception in Ripley an • Fri-
day evening. for , Mr.' and • MTs.
Robert . Tout, the former :.Nancy
McLean: •
Mrs. • Stewart Needham was
hostess to the Purple • Grove 'In=
stitute'` on Wednesday tafternoon.•
• Mrs.: George Harkness presided'
while Mrs. Morford Mackay was
secretary. Mrs. Walter Forster
had the topic. • Mrs: Harkness re-
ported on Bruce County Rally
and Mrs. Frank Dore on the new
Auxiliary ,to the Brute Lea Harv-
en, .Mrs. Don McCosh- on our
tree . logs . where ,each person
keeps interesting events.... yrs.
. Russell Needham was convener.
Mr.and Mrs: Ron Timer' ,arid
Karen of London spent the
week -end with Mrs Herb Far-
Mr. Dick McCosh ' spent the
Week -end at this home: .
Mr. and •Mrs. • Alvin.. Trovvse
sPent Sunday with Mr Y and
Mrs. Victor •Gvvley.
Mr. Norval Stanley, Mrs: Het:
en 'Swann and Mr. Milton Stan-
ley visited„ Miss Margaret Ro'
bertson and Mr. Donald Robert-
Mr:. Lorne. Culbert • and Mrs.
Jack Farrell ate. patients in Kin-
cardine hospital arid Miss Mar''
garet Robertson in Victoria hos-
aspitai, London for x,rays,
United Church- Women met .at
LLV1 rs. ;Ste;wartt .Needha its on Tues
day evening,
Mrs. • Frank, Dare and Mts.
'William White spent Wednesday
with .Mrs. Lawrence Fry. ° '
Mr.. and• "Mrs: .Gordon ..Mac-
Donald and, Mary Helen • were
Sunday guests of ..Mr. and Mrs:
Lloyd. McClure,Paisley.
Jolie, Sandia and Margie Col-
lins • spent. Friday evening, with
Mr. .and rNIrs. Andrew: Patterson.
Brownie: News
Tawny O*1, took' charge :, of the
Opening :games and Fairy Ring'
at the. Novernber° 7th, meeting of.
the`, • 1st' • Lucknow Pack: Janet.
Thompson was Toadstool. Fairy.
Fairy Gold was followed by
Inspection on eight points of
The work session oir the mee'
ing :took' the form of ,a • revue
of some 'parts of rthe, Golden Bar
Test.: The ,Brownies held' tickets
to F1'agtown, Knotville, Table
Mountain and Tieville At each
stop ontheir imaginary •train,.
the station, .masters (Brown Owl,
Tawny Owl and Packie) put
them " to work to earn their
train fare to another station,
In order• to get, back home, `they
had to walk thetrack for 15 ft.,
' In. Pow -wow, there was .some..
discussion ` of a good, .turn the
pack could do ' for Christmas,.
and ,those who wish to Flant.
bulbs were reminded, to bring
pots and'earth to the next meet'
• Those whohave not al-
ready done• so are to 'bring notes:
fromfMothers, for keeping their
bedroorns , tidy. The ;Pack 'stood'
and ` gave . Packie the Grand
Howlas an official 'welcome.
The ' meeting closed with, the
Squeeze and „Chimes, and •dis
trussed ;from a. circle, singing
"Goodnight." .
The 2nd Pack Brownies open-
ed ' their •Tuesday. 'meeting by
singing the Brownie Smile Sting:
while in 'a circle.. `The different
sixes then acted ,out various nur-
sery rhymes, "
Patsy Marriott. , was'. Toadstool
Fairy,. and prepared for Fairy
Ring; snspeation wasmade for
• a complete neat `uniform. • The
girls ' were reminded : to. wear
brown socks' is possible. Fairy
`Gold •was. collected :by the sixers:
The : Tweenies , were assigned to,
the six groups which they will
enter after enrolment.
A new singing game "Soldier's
Joy" was practised. •
The Enrolment . ceremony w s
rehearsed and invitations . made:
for '. themothers, to •attten3• •'the
meeting next week.
•• Bulb diaries': were Made and
tithe Golden Hand Brownies . made
booklets in which they record-.
ed two verses' . of he' Queen.
A sample packa of 'Brownie
Christmas cards Was displayed
in Pow. -Wow. Orders were taken.
Everyone ` sang two verses of .
The Queen' and th'• Brownies
were dismissed ' with a Good
Night :Song.
iticknOW W.•
Lucknow Women's Institute
held :their regular • meetipg on
Friday,, November 9th with 32.
'members: present. Mrs. J. L.
McMillan presided. Plans . were
made to attend the Area: Con-
vention in Ohesley on December
11 0. Inati•tute will cater to Bell
Telephone banquet on Novem-
ber 29th. Achievement Day on
December 6th at . 'Walkerton;
Summary Day, December lst at
Kincardine, Mrs. G. Whitby re-
ported on the rally held M
Head. Mrs. 'Otto Gateman, was
guest' speaker &• Dr: Alex Seat -
row showed films on . Bruce
County: The Whitechurch, ladies
.put on . the program in the after-
noon, The 1963 rally is to be held
in Kincardine. The roll call •—
Name a national food, of • another
country. t
Program theme was Agricul-
ture and -Canadian Industry.
Mrs. F. Miller, convener, read a
WEDNESDAY, NOV. 14th, 1962
poem., "Country's .Faith,,, Motto,
Industry .keeps the body healthy,
the mind clear,, the ,heart whole,
the purse , was read
Mrs; .O, Brooks:ull. Mrs, ivra J5y.
Webster played an autoharp solo
accompanied by Mrs. a, Cum;
ming. Remernbrance poem . by
Edgar Guest were read by Mrs.
V. Hunter. Mrs. Miller conduct
ed/a flower contest, Lunch. was
served by hostesses, Mrs, M, •
ler, ' Mrs.. Hunter, Mrs. Sa'.kcld,
Mrs; E, Barkwell;
BARR — at. Scarborough Gen-
eral hospital; . on ' Monday, Qcto
bei ` 22nd to Mr. 'and Mrs, Rus-
sell Barr, Scarborough, a, son,
Darrell • -.James:
RUTTER—At Wingham• General
Hospital, on Monday, November
5th, 196.2, to " Mr, and Mrs. Wes. •
ley Rutter, R.R. ' 5,: Lucknow, a
looming •
In the heart of downtown
:.Toronto foe i ng Allan: Gardens.
Close to.,:finest shopping and;
• entertainment centers, .major:
hospitals and subway.
Beautfulay appointed rooms
and.stntes.. • Dining :Room.
Television. Children FREE.
Moderatafy.: $ 6.50 Single
Priced. from ,.Occupancy.
$ 8.50 Double'
;. Frederick .Funnell, -Gen. Mgr.'
306 iarvis $t.
Telephone: :368,482?
The people of. Ontario can make , a $600,000,000 present to themselves in one year by
reducing their" spending on imported goods by $100 per, person. This. action on the part of
every person in the province would help create 60,000 new jobs. .
We are the world's
greatest importers of To accomplish this, the consumer must
manufactured goods. Contrast our yearly become"label conscious"; it is the sum of
all our day-to-day total with that of other.countries: • purchases which can add
Whenever,the consumer reaches' out for Y_
l ancone spend $35 per capita.:
upto the success or failure of our economy.
The British spend $75
imported product, he or she should ask,/
West Germans spend $60.... , "Is there a'fanadian equivalent?"
Canadians' spend $235 per person per For inmost cases there is a Canadian
year on manufactured goods. ` • • product that is as good or better. The more
mrione we s . rid on thin g s
If these expenditures in Ontario on imported . , Y Pe 8 we make, the
geeds could be reduced by $100, we would ` ' more prosperous the 'people of Ontario
still be amongst ,the world's greatest inn
•will.. bet • • � • •
porters. If that $100 were.diverted to Cana
diangoodswewouldadd$600,000,000to our
economy and help create' 60,000 nevi jobs! TRADE CRUSADE
The symbot of progress and
opportuni.tyforthe people
sad lndustrles of Ontario. . `