HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-11-07, Page 12?AM TW4r4VIC :L NOW SEITIPTE4 Wct,40Wp ONTARIO. News,: Shorter ten I> ' tweight quality w - aL Permanently hong-... . elec by unique • heat seal process to, feather- -weight "foam: Basing;: Windt, weather and wr nkleproof: •34 rtc 46:. Neat checks . in !oder'',• or brow $2495 Voir writ' hire the light weight and . extra : With featured. in these laminated. coal,.. Loden,_ brow,.. grey arra goTJ,„ sizes 36 to 46. As fay as CARCOATS,..Lafldnuted Quilted lining„ tough, nylon :cI°ot .. ST 6-95 Tamiinatex toy foam,; Orlon Pile ' linedfor extra warmth W coit and zipper closing at y $16.45 l ' shorter g h s .ate aFia`rer last . assort' ed shades at . sr 3.95 MAT the. Pest, Office stdruffs: into , some unique, situations from timea • time,, Last week isostuiiaFstezr 'Werfrreth•Canzer:�rx rreceivedi ' a: letter„ containing a cheque' made out, t'o him .for a Sentinel subscription. renew- aL Kennett}z endorsed t1 e cheque` and '_turned It aver ta+ thT' office Boa that the renewal w property ' Credited. MAT 'the • ladies cif Nile United CChirct served. Y a . delicious. fowl supper Tact Thursday, ev. ening with a total of 334 tie ,eta being said. • • . • TEAT • Chesley Artificial; Ice Coriimittee. •is makiig a renew- ' ed drive. for: donations: arid fund-raising projects: to raise f.25,000,• The fund? 'now ' stands at • about •$19,g00.f; • :.. . • • NN _. r11NNN' 0 0. sy . . . ,THANK YOUR ...• " 0: • is 0 0 Having ' sold • my General; Insu once Business. is IP to Kr Frank' . Ti hompson of Dungannon, . 1 •' •0 waist to•sin Y:ran� all ce>reiy.my policy holders • at so for past fa iotrs.. si 4 esp continuance .of your patron- `' Tf' also b eaFc a is is 'age y'...:• I' atilt sure w! a for nL . successor who *;: continue to serve your well ' i'. si ' Sincerer,; - : r' sw DURNIN PHILLIPS, Ma!�ais�si+r�!a�r _ ., . -_ .. �aeoees�es�re+rseasaesiF . s •r• �r By The.Sentone... .WED•lVESDA V `? , i962, � th THAT Donna Greer, daughter • Of Miry and Mrs;• Clarence Greer; • • had a'party on Thursday for some young,' friends on the oc." ,. ca ;'ori of her 7,th birthday. TIAT • Mrs. ` Bert Alton oi' Ash field, president. of the West 'Section of Huron Presbyterial. •of the united Church Women, was the guest. speaker • at the fall tlankoffering meeting :at Auburn.' She was introduced. by 'Mrs.. John ptirnin. • THAT Wayne Todd's chantipxon 4- calf oiub entry -at -the .. Walkerton Christmias Fair, Weighed ` 9.30 pounds and . brought' 50e • a , pouxic 'shy auc tion :THAT there was an tmusually large :volume. of stock sold at the.. weeklyIucknow C"arnrnu- pity Sale last Wednesday„ and it was into the evening ,before the sale rings were. cleared!.: THAT with 'municipal nicipal norn n+a✓ tions just "around the corner"' 'the .pressure is' on The lest. : tinelOffice printing ' depart- anent., epart-•melt , to have financial; state- • Lucknow Fruit Market NEAREST TO YOUR BANK .st POST OFFICE 'Ontario No. 1 Potutoes . • 99c While They Last, One Bag Per Customer. 50 fl Bag,. Ice Cream Sule,. ½-gallons 89c Silverwood's. DeLuze. ' Save 10c Per Pkg' Highland Pride Coffee,• Ib. :Our Exclusive -Top Seller. Bargain 65c Soper Soup :Sate ° tins 99c Campbells Tomato: 10 oz. Save 35c. • • Soda Cracker Sale. pkgs.'2. 62.69c: tie's gaited or'..Plain-16- ALSO la n-16 ALSO: -WE HAVE; ONTARIO No. 1 POTATOES' IN • 75 ib.- BAGS AT A VERY LOW, 'LOW PRICE. BUY NOW!' :Values .Effective We Sell For Less November 5;' 9, 10.' Phone ,°119,. ' Lucknow GAGEMENTS 1Vfr and Mrs Gordon: Srriyth,. R. 2... Auburn, Wish to, an-. Ments printed to, : meet •..the noun'cce • the. engagements of their deadline. The Serivtinel coverage daughter, Elizabeth Ann, eta Mr. of 's>Vews may stiffer. a bit as Stanley Walla/iv Fenner,: son of result,, far. we haven't .the tune to' "dig > for news.!' Any - one laving—a• news ittm; news. "tip,"' .would be most :Mrs, Isobel .Fenner of; : Oshawa,. and the late rtes Fenner,. h. marriage to- take place on . Sat- urday, ` November . 24th, at Dun - helpful: if they would bring gannou 'United iChu ch.. it in or . Tet us know- the .de - THAT the:deer season` 'opened i:: in duce an Moi y 'and rims all week. When ti -ax was writ- ten' on Tuesday ;morning we Mr. ' and Mies Bryan•Steekaroa of` Lucknow ak'e pressure in an, ;nouncirig: theengagement . of their daughters Carafe : Li da, .ta : Mr: Benoit G. Gallantof the. Clinton:,. :ori of Mr.Sr .hadret seen the ` e'vidence or Mrs_ Benoit Gallai t of Sayaber,: Quebec. Wedding to be announc ed: at. a. Iater date_ XT. and Mrs.; 'John . Gibson ' Riaerhtirst, ' �S'ask:, an riou c,,e the i • the United ,:Church, ;River hurst, :::Saskatchewan. • THAT. maybe you don't need the • reminder' :— :but Christmas• is less . than seven weeks away. In fact •• .there are :only forty shopping_ days remaining.h THAT T}. ter'�of •Mr, and Mrs C-. ,Wagner, entertained Borne of her friends on Saturday ' on. the. occasion of her 8th birthday.. BIRTHS MacLFNTNAN.' In Kincardine Hospital on Friday, October I9, I962,. to Mr. and ilirs: ?J1don heard of anyone.' bringing one MacLennan, RR. 3, Lucknow, a i.rn`•— Fa.ut„ �as we•',often, remark,, son, Shaun .Leslie. The Sen3tinel seems at timesMcD�ONALD' : At Alexandra • to he "the last' .to . learn of. , :Hospital, Goderich,' on October. some t.hingss ; Since . then • we 26th, 1962,. to Mr. and Mrs. l lex- Macre' Surd' of at 'least three,engagement of their daughter, ander . McDonald,. iKintail a son, 1ftMary `Helen. °•Laverna,.• to Ray George Compton. • mond' Mr, and 1V[rs: Harvey Houston, . General Hospital, • on .'Monday,. TH T a: goodly number. of. far- mers 'inL the area have report- ' ed cattle missing . during' the . sun' ner= .months, Many of them are still at Iarge and,. it is felt„ that the 'present stab ling period will e:naible:' cattle- men :,ta Obtain an accurate• count an their' herds The par- ty ar-ty: , who ' brought this, to our attention feis. •that any stray cattle which are discovered when- stabled could be• effec- tively • Iisted in -The Seating.. " THAT Rea J. A. M laak parish Priest „at •Ltickn:ow and St. Augustine st Tiered the frac-` ture of. `a srriall bane in his. arias ill a motor accident on Thursday rsday evening._ Rev..Mal-, ak''s car' went. out of control just • north: '.ter, Grrenhi1I Ce - J. rnetery and went into the left hand ditch. striking ; a big mnai steer being bagged by focal IHu g h !Houso '.: son of HA.' ; ,T.TQN ! - - ixi • W ngh.am hunters. . g n' , pale• tree: head.. on. Rev. Malak • was ' -enroute to Lucknow to conduct a service, . which 'was cancelled... He was taken..' to 'gingham hospital' for • treat- ment and was discharged, on Saturday, but was ' unable to. , conduct . Sunday Mass. THAT The Sentinel -recetntiy ; had a request front Miss Kay Gib'= bons of • Landon . and formerly of Wingham,. for a certain . is- sue of the paper containing :"Sugar and Spice;" Miss Gib- bons hasn'ther sight,. and had heard an excerpt frons, this column read over "The Opera:.' Line." She missed some of it and wanted, . the article. Mt.Ss Gibbons did a Creditable • job of typing the letter... •,in ex- pressing her 'thanks in •advance:. 'fdr the article, she added "ev eryone tries to be so• help- ful to. us." Miss Gibbons thought the article would be • appropriate for "a reading"' at their rn'eetings, ,' T olgroo'd,. Ontario, .• The inar� November 5th, to Mt: and Mrs. riage will take place on. Friday, Lorne Hamilton Lucknow, a sori,• November 23rd; 1962 at 4 o'clock Michael . Lorne, : a. • .brother .for .•.•... Jost; In Time For ' Pre Christmas Painting SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER ON BIue .:Diamond" faints now permanently in stock Quality ECONOMT Paints TO beautifulpastel ready mixed decorator col ours in, Semigloss and •Rubberized as Well as ` white. Also white, is --- flat gloss Indercoat• and sealer, which can all 113e.,tinted to many more .beauti' fur shades ' with STYLIST TINTING COLOURS SPECIAL - During NOtemb0.. Rbgalec $2.25 Quart Ite$ular $7.25 Galion $L95 Quart •� � . � � $x.95 gallon Available at • • • FINLAY DECORATORS.. Phone 21$,. Lucicnow Ontario e I/